Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Prevent breast cancer 3 ways….Today's post:  Tuesday, 1-30-2018

Tuesday last week and the Tuesday before, our posts were on ways to slow aging.  And, virtually all of them help prevent breast cancer.

But just in the last day or two, two new studies highlight proof that some things work really well.

1.  And, I always like to start any cancer prevention article with how to cut your chance of getting cancer at all and of dying of cancer in half.

After all, if you don’t want something and you can take an ax to it up front, why not be sure to do that!

You not only prevent half of breast cancers and dying of one in half, this technique prevents them ALL!

I’ve seen the evidence and it’s very clear.  If you smoke and stop or use other tobacco products and stop those and stop any nicotine use and completely avoid second hand smoke, your chances of getting ANY cancer fall in half!

Why that is so is known; but the key to stopping this is more important. 

We know how to do that now. 

The two keys are to remove the psychological addiction to nicotine and reduce the physical discomfort enough to make that easier to do.

If you read Alan Carr’s book, Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking, available in paperback today on Amazon for less than $10 and study it over the next few days and then just do it, you can simply escape nicotine.

It’s a get out of jail card for real!  People who do this are free. They have no cravings or desire to go back.

That’s not hype.  It’s what the people who do it report!

There are two ways to slash the physical discomfort of nicotine withdrawal to slightly bothersome and easy to ignore or simply outwait.

That’s where the next two breast cancer prevention studies come in!

If you take the actions they show to work, nicotine withdrawal becomes much easier!

2.  One study reported in yesterday’s Medical News Today found that omega 3 oils from fish or seafood or algae were EIGHT times more effective at preventing or stopping breast cancer than the omega 3 ALA from plants.

(That’s true in part because your body only converts part of what you ingest to a usable form. 

And, it’s most true because the oils like canola often used for this have enough omega 6 oils and processing chemicals to reverse the effect!)

You can eat wild caught Alaskan salmon or small fish like herring or sardines or small mackerel that are also wild caught from one to three times a week to get lots of omega 3 oils.

And, you can take the most effective omega 3, DHA, as a daily supplement and take a balanced omega 3 supplement from purified fish oil each day also.

(Note that this is safer and likely is more protective than taking blood thinning drugs; but doing it makes taking even one dose of a blood thinning drug unsafe.)

You can also follow a low inflammation lifestyle to prevent things like eating hybrid wheat from having the reverse effect.

(See my post, How to eat a low inflammation diet…. Tuesday, 12-19-2017 for more details.)

Getting this kind of effective omega 3 and doing the things that avoid undoing the good it does, not only prevent breast and other cancers, they prevent almost everything you would likely want to avoid.

Notably, they make you less irritable and feel better enough that they reverse any effects of that kind from nicotine withdrawal too.

3.  The other study reported yesterday on Medical News Today said that women who had excessive body fat were much more likely to get breast cancer.

AND, that this was even true of women who have a normal weight or BMI as measured by the scale because by being sedentary they had more internal fat and less muscle and lighter, weaker bones.

Surprisingly, you can begin to reverse that with as little as four 7 minute walks a week or going two times to the gym a week and just do one set of heavy leg presses or deadlifts.

Another study reported on Medical News Today found that people doing these things literally replaced fat INSIDE their bones with strong, and heavier and calorie burning bones.

And, the same was true of leg muscle and lower back and buttocks muscles.

Without even eating less, the women who do these things have enough less fat internally, they get protection from breast cancer!!

They also prevent or reduce osteoporosis.

AND, such exercise cuts the intensity of nicotine withdrawal by about 75% for those stopping tobacco & nicotine use.

There ARE another dozen things you can do that prevent all cancers including preventing breast cancer too. 

But just doing these three things has been shown to be very effective in stopping breast cancer.  

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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Ursolic acid and testosterone and strength training for fat loss….
                                                            Today's post:  Thursday, 1-25-2018

Tuesday, 1-16-2018 we posted on taking ursolic acid plus strength training as a way to prevent frailty and muscle wasting after age 65 to 85. (Note this does NOT require taking anabolic steroids.)

This post and the one on Tuesday, 1-23-2018 & the comment I added to it describe ways to slow or even partially reverse aging to enable you to have up to decades more life worth living.

Almost all of those methods also help you lose fat and keep off fat you lose!

Initially, it looked like taking ursolic acid was also a way that men over 45 & women past early menopause could strength train well enough to keep and gain enough healthy bones and muscles to enable you to eat more and still lose fat AND keep it off even better by being less hungry.

Since then my research found that it may be that ursolic acid appears with other factors that are aromatase inhibitors to prevent testosterone from converting to DHT and those that prevent testosterone from conversion to Estradiol -- both of which increase the net or free testosterone that IS a natural anabolic steroid.

The herb Holy Basil was tested by Doctor Al Sears to reduce estrogens from aging and ingesting pseudoestrogens like BPA with a net gain of free testosterone. He found research showing this and was able to get this effect for his patients!

Holy Basil also has ursolic acid.  But these other factors that prevent the increase in things that reduce free testosterone that go up with age otherwise and these effects may be the effective anabolic factors.

*Note that exercising your larger muscles in your legs and buttocks and lower back and the larger muscles in your upper back and chest with heavy weights tends to increase testosterone release.

So does eating enough high quality protein with whey being most effective.  So does taking zinc and fenugreek and Tongkat Ali and enough vitamin D3.

Taking creatine helps you to lift more weight and recover in a way that builds muscle also.

For men, taking DHEA and tribulus seems less effective than once thought for boosting energy and testosterone.

Women have less testosterone than men and after early menopause even less; but surprisingly, for women, taking  DHEA and tribulus has been reported to be effective for boosting energy and testosterone.

*Growth hormone release, separate from testosterone, also prevents frailty and keeps you strong and competent. 

Doing the heavier strength training with enough weight for you that you have to pause to catch your breath at the end of the set releases growth hormone. 

So does pushing your limits a bit on vigorous cardio enough to have to rest or slow down to catch your breath. 

Ursolic acid itself may work. Some evidence says it does. 

But the natural spices that contain it plus the exercises we know slow aging may increase their anti-aging effects with these factors – AND they each prevent frailty!

AND, they also allow people over 45 to add or keep bone and muscle for their fat loss effects.  

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Real anti-aging methods Part 2….Today's post:  Tuesday, 1-23-2018

1.  Last Tuesday, 1-16-2018, we posted on proven ways to slow and even partially reverse aging by doing a very good job of eating right and only eating that way; getting regular exercise – both strength training and short amounts of relatively vigorous cardio; and we posted on keeping your telomeres long which in some ways directly stops aging.

2.  The first set of things work in part because they do keep your telomeres long and even seem to repair short telomeres and make them long again!

Also having a good social life and dealing well with stress has been shown to make your telomeres get longer where the reverse makes them shorter. 

When your cells have long telomeres, they make accurate copies and there is little or no aging.  When your telomeres get too short, they make bad copies, which is what causes aging.

We also listed a supplement that helps your telomeres stay long, astrgalus; and those that cause glutathione release such as NAC and alpha lipoic acid may also prevent your telomeres from getting shorter by protecting your telomeres from oxidation during exercise and stress.

2.  We then posted on taking ursolic acid plus strength training as a way to prevent frailty and muscle wasting after age 65 to 85. (Note this does NOT require taking anabolic steroids.)

Since then my research found that it may be that ursolic acid appears with other factors that are aromatase inhibitors to prevent testosterone from converting to DHT and those that prevent testosterone from conversion to Estradiol -- both of which increase the net or free testosterone that IS a natural anabolic steroid.

The herb Holy Basil was tested by Doctor Al Sears to reduce estrogens from aging and ingesting pseudoestrogens like BPA with a net gain of free testosterone. He found research showing this and was able to get this effect for his patients!

Holy Basil also has ursolic acid.  But these other factors that prevent the increase in things that reduce free testosterone that go up with age otherwise and these effects may be the effective anabolic factors.

*Note that exercising your larger muscles in your legs and buttocks and lower back and the larger muscles in your upper back and chest with heavy weights tends to increase testosterone release.

So does eating enough high quality protein with whey being most effective.  So does taking zinc and fenugreek and Tongkat Ali and enough vitamin D3.

Taking creatine helps you to lift more weight and recover in a way that builds muscle also.

*Growth hormone release, separate from testosterone, also prevents frailty and keeps you strong and competent. 

Doing the heavier strength training with enough weight for you that you have to pause to catch your breath at the end of the set releases growth hormone. 

So does pushing your limits a bit on vigorous cardio enough to have to rest or slow down to catch your breath. 

Ursolic acid itself may work. Some evidence says it does. 

But the natural spices that contain it plus the exercises we know slow aging may increase their anti-aging effects with these factors – AND they each prevent frailty!

3.  These exercises plus NOT eating hybrid wheat or high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners or drinking any soft drinks PLUS taking DHA and the herb Bacopa also release BDNF that repairs and grows new brain cells and nerves.  So they help you stay mentally competent instead of having your brain shrink and stop working.

4.  Lastly, besides your telomeres being long, if the mitochondria that generate the energy for ALL your cells, and do the most for your heart and brain that have the most of them, stay numerous and healthy, you have the mental energy to do things and the physical energy to do them and do them at a normal speed.

Exercising and all these ways to prevent disease and stay healthy tend to keep your mitochondria healthy.

Taking the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 that your body makes while you are younger helps to maintain the health of your mitochondria.

Exercise with enough protein and rest tends to keep your mitochondria healthy.

Knowing to NOT ever take statins or beta blockers that harm mitochondria and using more effective and safer methods instead helps keep your mitochondria healthy by protecting your mitochondria from these substances shown to harm them.

Taking the new supplement PQQ may help grow new mitochondria.  But its most important value may be that it does triage for your mitochondria that have been harmed.

PQQ has been tested to restore lightly damaged mitochondria to health.  But of more importance, it induces aptosis on severely damaged or senescent mitochondria and helps your body remove the debris.  This makes the remaining mitochondria healthier and more effective.

The supplement quercetin is not known to grow new mitochondria but some reports show that it too induces aptosis on severely damaged or senescent mitochondria and helps your body remove the debris.  This makes the remaining mitochondria healthier and more effective.


Using these methods slows aging and even reverses it after it has begun to some extent.

AND, these methods ensure that you don’t just live longer in a walker or nursing home, you stay energetic and healthy and mobile and able to live a life worth living for decades longer!  

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Monday, January 22, 2018

My Monthly Fatloss Report January 2018.....

Today's post:  Monday, 1-22-2018

A.  Here's the key news:

1.  Fat Loss Report, measured on Saturday, 1-20-2018

Gained 2.8 pounds from 164.3 last month to 167.1.

(Gained 0.2 pounds from 169.9 four months ago.)

My chest measured 38 and a quarter, a gain of a quarter inch.  This is three fourths of an inch bigger than 7 months ago when I was 37 & a half inches.

My waist was little changed measuring about 41 and a half inches to about 41 and a half.

My hips measured about 37 and a half.   That’s still half an inch more than 37 not long ago.

My too high heart rate and diastolic blood pressure I developed after Thanksgiving is back and still happening.  I think I know why and how to fix it; but I’m checking with my doctor this Weds to see if she has more information or ideas to try.

Cutting my wine consumption is not enough nor is the technique I wrote about last month, the Valsalva procedure

The main driver of the 3 pound weight loss was the very bad cold I had the week before I measured on Saturday 12-16.  I ate much the same except for the less wine intake.  But the main driver was burning that many calories coughing and blowing my nose!

I’ve had this happen before in prior years when I’ve had the flu or a bad cold and I’ve always gained that weight back.

I’d hoped that this time if three things out of my control didn’t run over me, I might gain less of it back. (I beat two of those and the third one looks likely not to happen; but the expected fat regain did.)

2.  My chest and hips were still bigger and more muscular than they were six months ago even though I’ve not been able to focus on this as well as I was.

I may not yet be eating quite enough protein each week.  But although I am still getting stronger and added to the pushups I can do, my intense concentration on my muscular effort was a bit less due to stress than it was six months before.  

Also, I'm at the point I need to get a heavier dumbbell and add a session once week at a gym with access to more weight for much heavier leg presses and deadlifts and other barbell exercises.

Part of my strength training exercises are still improving though some are dropping off a bit.

My waist was about the same more or less – way too big! 

But my better strength training did keep most of my gains to my chest measure AND my hip measurement.

Since I also got stronger and my muscles look bigger and my wife says they are harder, it’s clear my new strength training technique is adding muscle!

Mike Matthews says that it’s typical to add 5 pounds of fat when you eat enough protein & carbs and strength train well enough to add 5 pounds of muscle.

(Just one example:  Not long ago I was pleased if I could do 40 to 44 pushups the one day a week I test that each week each Monday.  

Monday, last week I did 93 pushups total up from my previous record of 91 before I got sick!)

The extra effort to exert extra strong tension in the muscles doing the work on the last few repetitions is still a bit less this last month due to stress and needing a heavier weight.  But I have kept doing it on each set.  (I’ve added some extra at the end of each set.  Now as I regain what I was doing during the set too, I think I’ll again add muscle.)

And, by doing so and keeping up my protein intake I’ll keep the muscle I gain or most of it.

I’ve discontinued the 20 mg of Synephrine completely because it did not change my results that much and it DID cause a high rate a couple of times.  [134 instead of 67 to 74 is a bit more than I’m comfortable with!  Heat and stress was a part of that; but since I discontinued it, the stress and heat were there; but my heart rate was normal.

Now the high heart rate has come back. So for me the Synephrine was possibly a bad idea – or taking it while extra stressed was.]

I did seem to gain muscle without gaining fat when I was taking the Synephrine.

So, for a younger person with far less stress and stress driven slightly high blood pressure might be OK with it.

The bioflavonoid supplement with 100 mg of rutin, I’ve discontinued when I ran out since it seemed not to add any extra effect to the parsley and oregano dried spices I have also been taking.

3.  My food intake recently has been quite consistent and my overall results of about the same with a bit of up and down reflects this.  

I set a new record for my short daily exercise walk/run combo recently before my bad cold.  Last week I did three of my four walks without the faster timed effect due to my high heart rate. The one time I did the fast walk for time it was just 5 seconds off my record time.

4. My stress level, already high, was high the last few weeks for several reasons.  

*For me, as for many people, having enough money for at least a minimum OK lifestyle with zero chances of severe money problems reduces stress. 

*For me, even more than other people who also have it but at a lower level, having an ally who is unusually supportive and of some help sharply lowers my stress level.

 Last month I beat my two biggest challenges that were stressing me so much. I got some support and some reduction in how much money I need each month. And, the methods I was learning began to work.  This time if three things out of my control don’t run over me, I may finally be less hammered by this.

If that turns out to be the case, my efforts to add muscle and lose fat may well go up in the next few months!

5.  I'm currently making an extra effort to overcome this recent stress. Emulating the Seal way of using my training and keeping on no matter what IS helping.  

The new nose breathing I posted on Tuesday, 10-5-2017 also DOES seem to be helping.  It DOES help to avoid the brain freeze I tended to get when I mouth breathed when under high stress.

6.  I believe my continued persistence and continuing to both follow up on successful efforts and finding new and promising things to check on AND doing so, 
WILL enable me to lose my excess fat remaining and keep it off.

7.  I’m continuing to find new ways to boost my metabolism and add bone and muscle that I’m beginning to use.

As my new strength training method helps me get stronger; I get better at it; and I can get to the heavier weights to use it on, it DOES begin to look like I’ll add enough muscle that by eating about the same and continuing to get better at the lower carb effort, I’ll finally get back to weighing 161 pounds with far less fat than I have had.


 I’ll achieve the financial leverage I need.

I’ll get the active allies I need.

 AND I’ll begin to use all of the metabolism boosters I’ve found to add to the ones I’ve been using.

(That includes adding a weekly workout at a gym with heavy barbells and adding these new techniques and trying the BulletProof Vibe.

I HAVE added a special set of exercises once a week that I'm already doing standing in the space the BulletProof Vibe allows.  That way, I'll be ready to go when I get one to try!

The last bit of good news this month is that I’m still getting stronger in the two key exercises in this special set of exercises.)     

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Protect yourself from the effects of fat gain….Today's post:  Thursday, 1-18-2018

Some eating styles support fatloss best and a custom version of them that works for you is best of all.

Tuesday last week, 1-9-2018, I posted on how to slash your risk of a heart attack in just two to four weeks.

The same eating styles work for that also!

Last Friday, 1-12-2018, I posted on the several somewhat similar eating styles that support fatloss & keeping off excess fat or fat you lost.  You can use that information to adapt recipes or choose foods to make an initial custom version for yourself and then upgrade it.

You can gradually make it work better for fatloss.  You can gradually make it faster and easier and more routine to fix many parts of it. You can gradually find foods you can include that you enjoy eating.

And, you can start immediately to make it protect your health better and give you fatloss faster by simply no longer eating or drinking heart attack starters or fatteners.

There are now two major sources for how harmful it is for your health to eat in ways that add pounds of fat to you.

1.  Super Size Me was a 2004 American documentary film directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmmaker.

He successfully got considerably fatter.  His heart risk indicators got a lot worse.  He lost much if not most of his energy and feeling of taking new initiatives. 

And, his bedroom activities got way less and not anywhere near as enjoyable which was an effect he had not expected.

2.  Now Stanford University has released a study that caused people to gain about 6 pounds of fat by simply feeding them an extra 1,000 calories a day.

They used multiple kinds of measurements including genetic effects and changes in gut bacteria.

They….”found that the entire body undergoes microbial, molecular and genetic changes for the worse when people pack on the pounds. When weight is lost, the systems return largely to their original state.

Even just a modest weight gain of about six pounds, researchers found, alters the body’s basic biology -- potentially boosting the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Bacterial populations morph. Inflammation patterns shift. The cardiac system undergoes genetic changes.

“Your body is responding to a very stressful event,” said lead researcher Michael Snyder, a professor of genetics at Stanford. The study was published in Wednesday’s issue of the journal Cell Systems.”  [Apparently the publication date was yesterday, Weds, 1-17-2018.]

These two sources show that if you gain fat weight by eating and drinking too much and of the wrong things, you put your health at risk in many ways similar to those of smoking.

To protect yourself, do the things that reduce heart health risk.  Do the things that slash the risk of type 2 diabetes.  Do the things that reverse high chronic and excessive inflammation.

There are two kinds of good news here:

1.  The foods such as those we covered last Friday that support fat loss and those to stop eating or drinking to cause fat loss and keeping it off ALSO provide these protections. 

2.  And, the food changes to reduce heart risk and that of type 2 diabetes and high chronic inflammation also are those that help you lose fat without excess hunger and help you keep it off because they are sustainable and effective.

Adding effective and progressive strength training at least once or twice a week and adding short sessions of vigorous cardio 3 or more days a week including some short, brisk walks can add to your protection and also make it easier to lose fat and keep it off.

Knowing to NOT take statin drugs or beta blockers which harm your ability to use exercise to do this and increase diabetes and make it more deadly, is also important.  The good news is that these actions are far more protective than even the unearned reputation of these drugs.

And, the protections these targeted health upgrades provide can be very fast as we posted on last week.

And, for each of these kinds of protections, there are several supplements that can add a good deal to your protection.

In our post last Tuesday, 1-9, on fast reductions of heart attack risk and in the comment we added we list several of these effective supplements.

In our post “How to eat a low inflammation diet” on Tuesday, 12-19-2017, we also list several spices & supplements that are proven to help lower inflammation.  

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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

 Real anti-aging methods….Today's post:  Tuesday, 1-16-2018

1.  The basic actions to protect your health and stay healthy are essential and many slow aging directly.

2.  Eating no heart attack starters and harmful ingredients AND eating an abundance of organic vegetables including those high in folate and multiple carotenoids and the cruciferous vegetables and only health OK sources of protein and fats and oils HAS been tested to slow and even partly reverse aging!

Dr Terry Wahls’ Wahls Protocol is a bit too high in vegetables to be doable for most people.  That said, the people who get help and follow it entirely, not only slow aging, after several weeks they begin to visibly “youthen” and look years younger!

She and several others have gotten near complete reversal of MS by eating this way. 

Dr David Perlmutter has found treatments to add to this that even come close to turning off Parkinson’s disease.

In the UK, research found that people who ate 6 or more servings of real vegetables (NOT French fries) and one or more servings of whole fresh fruit a day aged more slowly and got far less strokes and heart attacks and were far less likely to die from ANY cause.

Since then, research has found that people who exercise regularly and who eat 3 or more servings of real vegetables and one or more servings of whole fresh fruit get as much protection as those who eat six servings.  That’s quite important because 3 or more servings of vegetables is so much more doable than six!

3.  Several years ago Stanford did a study of the men who initially were regular runners for exercise and compared them to matched people at Stanford who did not exercise.  Note that both groups were well paid and had safe to perform jobs and access to good medical care and interesting and worthwhile work to do.  AND, in these seemingly advantaged and matched groups, the regular exercisers simply aged less by a huge amount.  They had fewer strokes and heart attacks and remained mobile and mentally competent and alive as long as decades more than the non-exercisers!

Separate research since then even found that measures of blood lipids indicating heart risks IMPROVED over time in the exercisers where they got worse in those who did not exercise!

4.  Exercise and eating right and having a good social life and dealing well with stress also have been shown to make your telomeres get longer where the reverse makes them shorter.  When your cells have long telomeres, they make accurate copies and there is little or no aging.  When your telomeres get too short, they make bad copies which is what causes aging.

And, there is some evidence that also taking the herb astragalus causes your body to make your telomeres longer.  Since astragalus also boosts your immune system, as does vitamin D3, taking it during cold and flu season is extra beneficial.

5.  Strength training has been shown to change the genes in your muscles to youthful ones or to maintain them that way.

Between 65 and 85 years old there is enough general aging to make this restorative effect happen less.  In people who don’t exercise with even walking or do strength training, this effect causes such people to become frail and often to need to go to assisted living.

Doing the other things here AND strength training makes that far less likely or to happen 20 or 30 years later than it otherwise would.

6.  Now there is something new you can add.  Somehow a doctor in Iowa found that ursolic acid which is in apple peels and most spices, helped to prevent this down-regulation from happening.  Other researchers have found that ursolic acid tends to have an anabolic effect in younger people as well!

That means that taking Ursolic acid gets you an anabolic effect that helps you build muscles or keep them from declining. Nature’s Way Holy Basil has some and if you take four a day it’s close to an effective dose.

There has been a stronger Ursolic acid supplement.  Oddly they are apparently discontinuing it from lack of sales.

Given the huge number of aging baby boomers who would like Ursolic acid’s effect, this seems extremely odd to me.  So I’m going to contact a man who can sell it to see if he can replace the supplement that will soon be discontinued.

7.  Next week’s post will be on other ways to slow aging since there are a few I’ve left out of this post!  

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Friday, January 12, 2018

Eating styles that help Fatloss….Today's post:  Friday, 1-12-2018

Some eating styles support fatloss best and a custom version of them that works for you is best of all.

Tuesday this week I posted on how to slash your risk of a heart attack in just two to four weeks.

The same eating styles work for that also!

The US News & World Report just posted on best diets.  But the eating styles here work better than those they have as winners if done the way we suggest here.

1.  First we cover the Primal diet by posting most of a Medical News Today article [with my comments in these brackets.]

This includes the good point that too little meat can cause deficiencies and too few vegetables with the meat can also cause deficiencies. So this article and my comments have information that covers Paleo style eating.

(After that we cover the related best form of the Mediterranean diet.)


All you need to know about the Primal diet
A look at the primal diet, a way of eating that copies how people ate thousands of years ago. Included is detail on the benefits and what the science says.

All you need to know about the Primal diet   Fri 5 January 2018 By Jenna Fletcher           

Weight loss and a growing desire to be healthful lead people to explore different dietary choices. The Primal diet is a lifestyle based on eating the foods that primitive humans would have eaten.
It stresses that people eat raw, minimally processed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, certain oils, and dairy products.

Cooked meats are allowed, but all other foods should be as close to natural as possible. Milk, for example, should be consumed in its raw, unpasteurized state.

Fast facts about the Primal diet:
The principle is that eating zero processed foods will reduce the amount of sugar a person consumes.
The diet excludes farmed foods, such as grains and more modern processed foods.
The Primal diet is a relatively new diet and not thoroughly researched yet.

What is the thinking behind it?
Grains, such as wheat and corn, were introduced in later agricultural development.
Since early humans did not have direct access to these foods, the Primal diet rejects their consumption.
Processed foods, such as hot dogs, baked goods, and others, should also be avoided, as these food types did not exist at this time.
According to his book Primal Blueprint, Mark Sisson developed the plan following years of being a competitive athlete.

He was looking for a way to keep healthy and in shape once he was no longer able to commit to long hours training in the gym.
The conclusion he eventually reached is that modern humans consume too many processed foods and not enough raw foods. Sugar has been shown to have drastic long- and short-term consequences when consumed in large amounts.

Instead, the focus of the Primal diet is on raw vegetables and fruits, as well as fats and proteins from meats and dairy. Sisson believes that these foods provide all the nutrients a person needs to live a healthy life and is much closer to how early humans would have survived.

What can people on the Primal diet eat?
There are a variety of foods allowed on the Primal diet. Some of the recommended foods include:

seeds  [Sunflower & Sesame]
nuts  [Some people are allergic to tree nuts; some people react to lectins which cashews have the most; but for everyone else raw nuts are a superfood!]
any fruit  [Only organic are Primal or safe to eat EVERY day!  Low glycemic fruit like berries and cherries & kiwifruit are best for you & work best for fat loss]
any variety of vegetable  [Nonstarchy ones -- he lists starchy ones separately.  Only organic are Primal or safe to eat EVERY day!]
honey and real maple syrup [Only unprocessed honey is Primal.]
meats [Only those fed only their natural foods such as grass and no grains are Primal.]
raw dairy products, such as milk [If you don't want to risk raw milk or cannot get it, only Organic Valley Organic, Grass Fed NONhomogenized, whole milk or organic goat milk is close to Primal.]
fish   [Only wild caught fish are Primal.  Farmed fish are definitely NOT Primal or safe to eat for that matter.]
starchy vegetables  [Yams, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, squash]
wild rice and quinoa [Rice is not Primal; is high glycemic; and most has harmful levels of arsenic for an everyday food.]

Any food consumed should be of the best possible quality -- this means organic and fresh. Any food that can be safely consumed raw should be eaten raw to get the maximum nutritional value from the food.  [For greens and cruciferous vegetables and starchy vegetables, and particularly for tomatoes, you get more bioavailable nutrition if you also eat them steamed and reduced in size.

Eating these heated vegetables with nuts or avocado slices or avocado mash adds to this and is Primal.  Extra virgin olive oil is close to Primal; has this effect; and has several other key health benefits.  However, it is best served unheated or very lightly so to make it as close to Primal as possible & as health giving as possible.]

Foods to avoid

People following the Primal diet should not eat any food that was unavailable to early humans.
In general, avoid any foods that do not come directly from a naturally growing plant or animal.

Foods that a person following the Primal diet should avoid, include:

sugars [High fructose corn syrup does NOT qualify; fruit juice concentrate is NOT Primal nor safe to eat if you want to stay healthy; artificial sweeteners are NOT Primal]

peanuts [These contain a cancer causing mold toxin, aflatoxin; many people have life threatening allergies to them; and peanuts are excessively high in omega 6 oil.]

processed oils, such as vegetable oil [All highly processed grain oils, including canola, are excessively high in omega 6, processing chemicals, and hydrogenated oils from the heating they undergo.  They are FAR from Primal!]

alcohol [Red wine is not Primal but IS health beneficial in light moderation.]

soy [Most soy available to Americans is flat out harmful to eat as it is highly processed and GMO.  Non GMO fermented soy such as miso and natto in moderation are not quite Primal but are safe for those not allergic to soy to eat in light moderation.]

any grain [Wild rice and quinoa are closer to seeds than grains. Many of the benefits of both the Primal & the Paleo diet stem from never allowing hybrid wheat in any form.]

processed foods, such as cookies or crackers [These all are NOT Primal and DO contain hybrid wheat and a very large list of harmful ingredients.  They are well engineered to taste good but should be totally avoided for those who want good health and to be free of excess fat.]

Is it healthful?
The Primal diet may be a healthier alternative to diets rich in processed foods and lacking in fresh fruits and vegetables. The foods allowed on the Primal diet can offer a variety of nutrients that the body needs as long as the person properly balances their food intake.

However, if a person focuses more on eating meats and eats few vegetables, they may miss out on several essential nutrients, especially fiber. [This is where some Paleo style eaters who eat too few vegetables sometimes wind up!]

Conversely, eating more vegetables and fruits without meats may lead to other nutritional deficits.  [This is where vegans often develop nutritional deficiencies.  But those who wish to avoid Primal meats and fish -- and dairy -- and eggs from pasture fed chickens -- CAN take several supplements from methyl B12 to zinc & copper to omega 3 from algae to other B vitamins to vitamin K2.]

[The article in MNT then suggests running your Primal diet plans or eating by "a knowledgeable doctor or dietitian." 

In practice this is currently likely to be harmful advice because most doctors and the majority of dieticians still think that hybrid wheat and artificial sweeteners are safe and health supporting to eat. 

They also think that foods like nuts and avocados and fats in naturally fed meat are harmful and that grain oils are good for you.  Each of these used to be taught as true.

And, unfortunately, not only are they false; but these people have degrees suggesting they are knowledgeable from courses that taught these now disproven beliefs.]

[The article then goes on to say that a Primal or Paleo diet can cause iodine depletion.  Dr Terry Wahls who purposely assembled a primal eating style that does contain every vitamin & mineral humans are known to need includes seafood to solve this problem. 

On a related note, Whole Foods sells a kelp supplement capsule standardized to include 400 mcg of iodine which can also be used to prevent this.]

“Ultimately, how healthy the Primal diet is, depends on how well a person follows the recommendations and interprets them.”  That is quite true!

2.  The Mediterranean Diet with no grain or pasta is a variation of the Primal diet or even Paleo with wild caught fish and seafood from unpolluted water and/or lean poultry & goat meat from naturally fed poultry and goats.

Its additions in the best form of the Mediterranean Diet add to the health giving and protective effects you can get.  So it belongs here.

In addition, its emphasis on greens and onions and garlic and raw nuts and avocados – and olives and cold pressed extra virgin olive both adds much to its protective qualities AND has been shown to help people losing fat or keeping it off to do so while eating more and being LESS hungry and far more likely to keep off any fat lost!

This form of the Mediterranean Diet also includes a super-protective ingredient that may drive much of its extra protection AND that ingredient is also available as a supplement.

Here’s my post on that:

Mediterranean diet health protective discovery….Tuesday, 6-27-2017

The Mediterranean diet has been in the medical and consumer news quite often.  That’s because it has strong heart protective effects.  Many of the foods that make it up taste good. It even seems to work BETTER with a glass of red wine at dinner.

One of the more newsworthy stories was when a study of the heart protective effects found the Mediterranean diet was so heart protective that the study was stopped half way through!

The researchers did this for two reasons.  They wanted to get the good news published.  And they wanted to allow the control group that did NOT eat the Mediterranean diet or get its protection to do so!

The upgraded Mediterranean diet is protective for several reasons.  So doing them all is extremely protective!

*Before we report on a discovery that can about DOUBLE the protection you get from the Mediterranean diet and is a stealth ingredient that powers much of its protective power of every version of it, here are the many ways the Mediterranean diet is protective.

1.  In the book, Anticancer, the author makes very clear how harmful it is to get an overdose of omega 6 oil:  from grains; and from oils made from grains; and animal fats from animals overdosed with grains when that is NOT their proper diet AND all of the above at once!

This way of eating is so proinflammatory and filled with herbicides and pesticides it causes cancers or makes them more fast growing & deadly.  That was his main point and still is since his book is still for sale on Amazon.

But other studies have shown for sure, this ALSO causes Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease perhaps even MORE effectively.

By contrast the upgraded Mediterranean diet eliminates ALL that.  The olive oil used has so much less omega 6 since it is mostly the omega 9 monosaturated fat that is neutral.  And, the wild caught fish and seafood from unpolluted waters have the anti-inflammatory omega 3 oils—including the most heart and brain beneficial one, DHA.

For those not allergic to them, raw almonds and walnuts and pecans and avocados have a similar low omega 6 profile and are in the Mediterranean diet.  AND, they are an even more effective way of getting vitamins and minerals for health than the very best vitamin pills.  They have hundreds of complementary and health boosting versions instead of just the best known one.

2.  The abundant organic greens and herbs and starchy vegetables and garlic and onions are EACH cancer preventive.  Eating many kinds during an average week is MASSIVELY cancer preventive.  Eating them with cooked pasta or tomato sauce AND extra virgin olive oil or nuts MULTIPLIES that effect by making the several kinds of carotenes more bioavailable.
Other research has found that eating vegetables of this kind in that large an amount every week is, by itself, THE most effective way ever found to prevent heart attacks and deaths from them!

3.  Eating one or more servings each day of an organic, whole serving of fruit, is by itself, the most effective way to prevent strokes and deaths from them every found.  Even better, it prevents BOTH ischemic or obstructive strokes AND hemorrhagic or bleeding in the brain stokes.

4.  A version of the Mediterranean diet that eliminates grain too works even better!

The original version used the original wheat before hybrid wheat and herbicides and pesticides were used.  And the pasta this original and unpolluted wheat was pressed into was a minority of the Mediterranean diet and this form was low glycemic too. 

But you can get more of the more protective effects of vegetables and beans and nuts if you eat no grains.  AND, you avoid the risk of getting hybrid wheat grown with herbicides and pesticides.

Then too, rice was originally not polluted with arsenic.  So that too could be a minority of the Mediterranean diet.  Now, almost all rice has too much arsenic to be safe to eat.  And, it always was the most fattening part of the Mediterranean diet.  So a version that has no rice or has it very rarely -- produces better health effects.

Separate studies show that cheeses made from cows fed ONLY their natural diet are safe to eat.  So using that kind of cheese for flavor also works in the Mediterranean diet.

Every bit of this report on the health protective aspects of the upgraded Mediterranean diet is impressive.

Here’s the news I just found out in the last few days:

There is another set of ingredients in the Mediterranean diet that may produce as much as HALF its astounding health benefits.

Even more impressively, increasing the amount you get can enable you do DOUBLE the protective effects of the Mediterranean diet!

The phytochemicals in extra virgin olive oil are astoundingly health protective.

They prevent EVERYTHING you need to protect your heart. Recent research found they make your HDL prevent oxidation and remove excess cholesterol from your blood vessels; they prevent clotting as ginger & curcumin also do even when you do less exercise than is best.  (This enables you to get MORE protection from heart attacks and ischemic strokes with zero need for the dangerous drugs for that.) They prevent your arteries from becoming stiff or plugged up too.

They are ALSO antiviral and antibacterial and even antifungal.  This effect is so strong it can kill the bacteria that cause food poisoning or drug resistant infections and works on BOTH gram negative and gram positive bacteria.

So, this has two implications and ways you can increase the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet:

First, the version of the upgraded Mediterranean diet that is most protective tends to use ONLY extra virgin olive oil.

Second, you can take two or four 250 mg capsules of standardized Olive Leaf Extract by Nature’s Way and just about DOUBLE the effective health benefits of eating the upgraded version of the Mediterranean diet!

(I was taking two a day for its antiviral effects to protect me from Flu and colds and viral pneumonia and West Nile and Yellow fever viruses!

Now I know how incredibly heart protective it is I’ll make sure to keep taking it.

AND, research found that taking 4 a day, 1,000 mg a day of the olive leaf extract produced reduced high blood pressure by 11 over 4! 

I’ll check with my daily readings to sure.  But that likely means I can stop taking the ace inhibitor I take each day now in a 5 mg dose that does less than that.  Since the ace inhibitor may have some harmful effects, I’ll be very please if that works!

Here are some sources with part of this information and the other health protective effects:


"Animal studies demonstrate that olive leaf extracts lead to significant drops in elevated blood pressure. 

Remarkably, these effects are evident when supplementation occurs either before or after the animals develop hypertension. This means that the extracts have the ability to both prevent and treat high blood pressure.

The drop in blood pressure is accompanied by reduced pressure in the heart’s left ventricle. This results in improved blood flow to the heart’s own coronary blood vessels. 

Additional human studies demonstrate the ability of olive leaf extracts to significantly reduce blood pressure measurements.

One particularly fascinating study was conducted among identical twins with borderline hypertension (blood pressure in the range of 120-139 mmHg over 80-89 mmHg). Studies of identical twins virtually eliminate genetic variations which may impact study results. After 8 weeks, placebo recipients showed no change in blood pressure from baseline, but patients supplemented with 1,000 mg/day of olive leaf extract dropped their pressures by a mean of 11 mmHg systolic and 4 mmHg diastolic. The supplemented patients experienced significant reductions in LDL cholesterol.

A human study measured olive leaf extract against captopril, one of the conventional drugs used for treating hypertension.11 In this study, patients with stage-1 hypertension (140-159 mmHg over 90-99 mmHg) took either 500 mg of olive leaf extract twice daily, or 12.5 mg of captopril twice daily, which was increased as needed to 25 mg twice daily. After 8 weeks of treatment, both groups experienced a drop in mean blood pressure from baseline (11.5 and 13.7 mmHg systolic; 4.8 and 6.4 mmHg diastolic, respectively), with no significant difference between the two groups. In other words, the olive leaf extract performed as well as the prescription drug."

Catopril is an ACE inhibitor.  THAT may mean I can take a bit more of olive leaf extract and STOP my ramipril!

Oleuropein in the oil in olive oil and olive leaf extract ALSO has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties!!

Oleuropein in Olive and its Pharmacological Effects - NCBI - NIH


Simply put this stuff is the POWER behind many if not most of the protective benefits of the Mediterranean diet!

It boosts NO in keeping your blood vessels healthy and reduces atherosclerosis AND lowers LDL and prevents clots (ischemia.)

Not only that, because its antibacterial effects are effective on both gram negative AND gram positive bacteria AND it smashes their cell walls, this may make it an essential addition to fighting any drug resistant bacteria AND this may mean it can help knock out biofilms with that cell wall effect!  

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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Fast Heart Protection without drugs….Today's post:  Tuesday, 1-9-2018

I’ve posted on this before such as this one about how using a SonicCare fast vibration toothbrush and good dental care can cut your heart attack risk in half. 

And when you can do it right away and have relatively healthy gums to start with it can protect you that much while you systematically do the things that are fast but take a few weeks to get in place completely.

Heart Protection Breakthrough….Tuesday, 11-7-2017 

Much of the information in that post is here.  This post just puts it in a different order.  And, this post focuses more on doing the things that begin to be effective right away.

If you want to get significant heart attack protection within a week or two and superb protection within a month or two these several actions have been tested to deliver this. 

Each one of them is effective.  If you start with one or two and quickly add the rest as soon as you can, that will do the job you want done!

1.  I’d heard that garlic was heart protective and tended to increase your HDL.  Since preparing food with garlic cloves is messy and time consuming and gives you bad breath, I began taking the 300 mg deodorized garlic capsules from Kyolic two a day each morning.  But I wasn’t sure this was as effective as the minced, raw garlic in foods was. 

Then a significant test of these was in a Medical News Today release.  That study found that taking 1200 mg a day of the mg deodorized garlic capsules from Kyolic reduced the buildup of soft new plaque in the arteries of the people tested.  AND of potentially even greater importance, it showed effectiveness at preventing the existing plaque from breaking soft pieces away causing a heart attack.

In plain language what this study found is that within two or three weeks people who did this were stopping much of their future risk of a heart attack AND slashing their risk significantly within that two or three weeks too!

So, I immediately tried it since I had the supplement on hand.  Besides the two 300 mg capsules each morning, I took one at lunch time and one at dinner.

About five weeks afterwards, I had a chance to do a lipid panel to see if any results showed up on it.

WOW!  My HDL only went up a point or two.  But my LDL went down 20 points!  And it was low to begin with.  My triglycerides even went down by 50 % from very low to extremely low.

Since one of the best if not the best measures of heart attack risk is HDL divided by triglycerides  where you want a high reading and the average American is at one third with someone at risk at one tenth, my ratio went from  a bit below 3 to almost 5.

In five weeks I literally had 68% better heart protection by actual measurement. 

Some of that has reduced some since as my body has acclimated to it. 

But my protection is still excellent and taking the four capsules a day showed a very fast protective effect!

Do you want or need more fast protection than that?  That’s just the first of five!

2.  Stop ingesting heart attack starters and add the strongest antidotes at the SAME time!

This gets spectacular results you can also see on a lipid panel within three or four weeks!

Specifically, stop ALL the most harmful food & drink ingredients that boost triglycerides and excessive inflammation AND begin to take the supplements and eat the foods that slash excessive inflammation.

This boosts your HDL and lowers your triglycerides and inflammation.  AND by actual test it’s very effective and FAST.

You can even start with just two things:

Stop eating ANY hybrid wheat at all totally and completely.  And take 500 mg a day of DHA, the most effective and brain positive omega 3 oil type.

Dr William Davis and Dr Al Sears both had patients that could never boost their HDL much report jumps of 20 and 30 and even 50 points.  And this was in a week or two!

Others have had triglyceride drops from over 300 to less than 100.

Doing that double has turned an HDL divided by triglyceride ratio from well below one to over two!  That shows a hugely heart protective effect. 

You can also do more to get the best reduction in inflammation. But these actions also lower high or very high chronic inflammation to close to the desirable level.

Note that hybrid wheat is an ingredient in packaged foods and fast food and packaged snacks and desserts.  To eat absolutely none of it, you have to not eat all those foods that it’s in.

That removes or slashes your intake of all these other heart attack starters!:  high fructose corn syrup; harmful high omega 6 oils like soy and corn and canola; GMO food ingredients; hydrogenated oils; and MSG.

If you also stop all other sources of these ingredients and artificial sweetners, you can triple the effect from this point! 

NOTE that this eliminates all soft drinks which also helps you be far less fat and far less likely to get osteoporosis or Alzheimer’s disease!

3.  Hard, calcified arteries are a very effective predictor of future heart attacks and strokes.

Did you know you can cut that as a risk by 53% in just 3 weeks or so?

You can!  What if you added that to the first two things?

What if you did all three within 3 weeks?

You can begin to go from the verge of a heart attack to a 5% risk in that time!

And we have two more things yet to add!

Dr Weston Price was able to study over 20 ethnic groups who still ate their traditional diets and each one was a bit different depending on what foods were available in their location.  But none of them ate hybrid wheat or sugar AND he found they all had a source for what he called “the intrinsic factor” and were very healthy compared to Europeans and Americans!

This intrinsic factor insured they all had sound and strong bones and teeth.  (He was a research dentist so that got his attention!) It also seemed to eliminate any heart disease or strokes.

We now know his intrinsic factor was vitamin K2.  It acts much like a good intersection manager policeman sending your body’s calcium to your body’s bones and REMOVES calcium from your blood vessels!

Recently I saw a study that people who began supplementing with vitamin K2 were tested and found to have 53% less calcium in their arteries within 3 weeks.

(Vitamin K2 is in the bones and fat of naturally fed animals who eat no poisons or grain.  And, it’s in the bacteria that forms Natto from NonGMO soy.)

  You can take Jarrow MK7 K2 supplements and Carlson K2 and eat cheese such as Killaree cheddar from grass fed cows or bone broth from naturally fed animals or take Jarrow Nattokinase for that source of vitamin K2.

As you know, I’ve long posted that statin drugs are ineffective compared to these other protocols and harm your mitochondria including those in your heart and the rest of you and are best never taken even once.

Even so I saw some research that baffled me at the time.  A statin was paired with a second drug to lower LDL cholesterol and heart attacks went UP.  Not only that the amount of calcium deposits in the arteries went up also.  Recently I found out why.  Statins ALSO deplete vitamin K2!

So, if you want this protection from K2, stop or never start statin drugs of any kind.

Any one of the things here gives you far more heart attack protection than statins give even the people with the heredity that responds to them.

(Note that if you stop all soft drinks and take magnesium & boron & vitamin K2 and do walking or leg strength training it’s also very preventive and even sometimes curative for osteoporosis.)

4.  Slashing high chronic inflammation is the fourth one.

Note that the second step here gives you a flying head start on this. Stopping hybrid wheat and all the nasty ingredients it appears with and taking DHA really is effective

Taking other supplements and eating foods that lower inflammation and protect your heart also works.

Taking the second step and putting the other ways to cut inflammation in place almost doubles your heart protection!

Curcumin and ginger not only lower inflammation, they lower triglycerides and cut LDL cholesterol.

And, the organic vegetables and whole fruit that you eat instead in a low inflammation lifestyle BY ITSELF doubles your heart attack and stroke protection from everything else.

(See our recent post:  How to eat a low inflammation diet…. Tuesday, 12-19-2017.)

5.  Eliminating exposure to nicotine, tobacco, and tobacco smoke also cuts heart attacks.

These things TRIGGER heart attacks! 

When several communities made community wide efforts to stop all second hand smoke, the number of heart attacks the local emergency rooms saw, immediately fell by more than half.

If you can eliminate your exposure to second hand smoke or quit within a week, you can also cut your risk of a heart attack by up to double within 3 weeks.

(As some of you know, I’m working on a way to add to the work of Alan Carr to make a 90% + effective stop smoking system.  But just buying and immediately studying all of his book removes nicotine addiction for most of the people who study it with some extra effort.)

And within 24 hours of quitting your heart attack risk begins to fall!  And adding these other four things can remove almost all the rest!


There are several other ways to cut your heart attack risk that you can add to these!  Some of those like the right exercises and niacin and sterols can cut your risk in half again!

But if you put these five things into place in the next four weeks, you can go from horribly at risk to almost certainly safe in that time.   

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