Thursday, March 30, 2017

Stop fat gain and problems at menopause.....

Today's post:  Thursday, 3-30-2017

*A bit over two weeks ago on 3-14, Medical News Today published an analysis showing that using even the horse urine derived estrogen replacement at the beginning of menopause when it is often most uncomfortable with hot flashes and the like and a woman’s body often takes the biggest hit on weaker bones, a boost in heart disease risk, lower libido, and fat gain WAS effective when it was in use.

Not only that, using it for this short period, did NOT boost the risk of cancers and heart disease that studies found long term use tended to do.

He then concluded that women have lacked this protection from these problems since the long term studies were publicized 15 years ago with ZERO benefit for doing so.

*I not only agree with him, the reality of what women can do is about TEN times that good!

Some time ago some studies found that the long term problems of estrogen replacement were largely caused or made worse by a big boost in high chronic inflammation.

(This is also true of birth control pills.)

Both the estrogen replacement using that compound and early menopause itself tend to increase chronic inflammation by quite a bit.

But since we now know how to create a large drop in chronic inflammation, even a very large drop in it in many cases, by doing so, women in early menopause and women on estrogen replacement can turn off these problems and risks!

*There are also ways to cut heart disease risk, cancer risk, osteoporosis risk, and prevent fat loss.

If those are added too, both the problems of early menopause and the problems caused by estrogen replacement are much reduced if not eliminated!

*Sadly, if it has been tested, the results are not known.  But there is also reason to believe that if bioidentical estrogen is used instead of the horse urine drug, that too will tend to prevent these problems.  Because some sources of bioidentical estrogen might not be full strength or have other problems some Gynecologists recommend the more regulated estrogen patches that they prescribe to their patients.

My strong belief is that when the estrogen patches and bioidentical estrogen from other sources that tests as potent and contaminant free are tested, they will be more effective and have far fewer side effects than the horse urine estrogen replacement.

*But the conclusion is that adding these known to work methods to even the use of the horse urine estrogen replacement in the early stages of menopause or when menopause is problematic will work extremely well to stop those problems.

Using bioidentical estrogen may also work better.

Last but far from least, using ALL these other methods and ZERO estrogen replacement will solve many of these problems of menopause entirely.

*The basics of how to reduce chronic inflammation and why to do so, are extremely well covered in the book Anticancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber which has sold well since it was first published and is still available on Amazon.

Thanks to the work of Dr William Davis and Dr David Perlmutter we also know that stopping ALL consumption of hybrid wheat and sharply reducing other grains or eliminating them not only helps lower inflammation but causes a big drop in heart disease risk.

Adding ginger and boswellia supplements and DHA and fish based omega 3 and eating wild caught fish high in omega 3 as well lowers inflammation yet another notch and boosts the protection from heart disease.

Eliminating all soft drinks, fructose sweeteners including high fructose corn syrup AND all artificial sweeteners drops inflammation, heart disease risk, and fat gain yet another notch.

Lastly, completely eliminating MSG and its cousins in the foods that have MSG (& which quite often contain hybrid, refined, wheat) drops inflammation another notch.  This also tends to prevent fat gain or help reverse it.

*As many of you know, we have also posted on what to eat instead a few weeks ago.  Organic vegetables and fruit are one of the most potent preventers of heart attacks and strokes and cancers known!

And in our Tuesday posts when we finish the current series on preventing Alzheimer’s disease, we will do a new most on preventing osteoporosis with some new information.

Osteoporosis is nearly 100 % preventable with what we now know to use! (and NOT use!)  

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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

New leverage to prevent Alzheimer's disease.....

Today's post:  Tuesday, 3-28-2017

1.  Why not start with cutting the risk in half!?

You can cut the risk of getting cancer or dying of it fully in HALF by reducing your exposure to tobacco products and its smoke to zero.

So, all my posts on preventing cancer or a specific kind like breast cancer or prostate cancer start with that.

Many doctors know this now.

Check this out:

You can ALSO cut the risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease or dying of it fully in HALF by reducing your exposure to tobacco products and its smoke to zero.

Also quite true!  But even many doctors do NOT yet know this!

The statistics are quite simple:  Two thirds of smokers will develop Alzheimer’s.  And one third of nonsmokers will.

The goal is reducing it to zero of course.  But you get great leverage by using this to begin by cutting the risk in half.

AND, it’s no longer a problem to do this!  There are two little known resources that are extremely effective and two more are coming soon.

(We’ll get back to that shortly!)

Here are the reasons for this: 

Smoking is one of the several things that destroy or severely reduce the circulation in your capillaries that serve your brain cells.  That prevents them from getting fuel and oxygen and then prevents your blood from removing the normal waste from your brain cells and the resulting harm including the tau and beta amyloid.

One of the things just publicized recently that makes this process so much worse is that tobacco products touching your mucous membranes such as chewing tobacco or snuff and tobacco smoke in your lungs is that tobacco massively increases your exposure to cadmium and arsenic.  Exposure to each of those causes direct harm to your nerves and brain cells. 

It’s no longer a problem to quit smoking and using other forms of tobacco

There are two little known resources that are extremely effective and two more are coming soon.

Suppose you could simply stop smoking and never have any cravings for nicotine or smoking again?  That would be the great escape for many!

*There is now a proven way to do that!

By itself, it’s so effective that it works six to eight times better than most stop smoking programs!

The reason it isn’t 100% effective is that people don’t use it right away because they fear they won’t be able to withstand the nicotine withdrawal and have had more trouble with it than most – OR they use tobacco in some form when they are under severe stress and need something to relieve it and have nothing else to use. 

Many people who have returned to smoking after quitting before felt driven to it by the severity of the nicotine withdrawal or when they next get under severe stress.

If people knew they could stop both of those entirely, they’d use the first resource right away and never smoke or use tobacco or nicotine again!!

*The second new resource by itself has a method that uses no drugs but is more effective than morphine in relieving pain and discomfort by actual test!

Compared to a severe concussion or a badly broken leg, even BAD nicotine withdrawal is easy to overcome with this!

The second new resource by itself has something that DOES make you feel better AND more able to remove the causes of severe stress.  Incredibly, it works BETTER the greater the stress you are dealing with.

Even better, each of these new resources is available on Amazon.  In fact, for under $30 for both together you can have them delivered to you in just a few days!

Here they are:

*Alan Carr was a heavy smoker until he realized that the craving for nicotine was the belief that nicotine caused the cravings when believing it did MORE than just returning a person to normal when they began to have withdrawal symptoms did the job instead!

And, that means that not using nicotine in the first place started you out at normal and left you there.  And, best of all tobacco and smoking were totally unneeded to be normal.

Then he stopped smoking cold and no longer had ANY cravings to continue. Not that day or ever again!

That’s why I like to call his method,  “ The Great Escape!”

“Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking” by Allen Carr is available in paperback for $9.99 on today.

*Jane McGonigal is a game designer who was in a car accident that gave her a severe and severely painful concussion.

People that happens to have committed suicide.  She considered it; but remembered that the pain was temporary as bad as it was -- AND she remembered a game technique that has been tested to work better than morphine to relieve such pain and then used it!

(The technique simply disconnects you from about half the pain and gives you some distance mentally from the rest.  She used it and the physical pain was the same until more healing happened but with this relief she could turn on at will, she no longer suffered from the pain!)

Then she realized similar techniques could empower people to overcome almost any other challenges and she could use them to become not just better and recovered but, Super Better.

The book tested to work well in a six week program where people learned each of her techniques.  They were less depressed and less anxious.  More than that some of them made dramatic positive changes in their lives!

I found her method in my copy of her book that came on March 1 that DOES make you feel better AND more able to remove the causes of severe stress.  Incredibly, it works BETTER the greater the stress you are dealing with.

I can say it does work like having lightning bolts to use on this problem!

I’ve done many successful things with energy and without burning out or feeling overwhelmed since I began to use this method.

I still run short on time to do everything and not everything that I try works.  But I feel so much better and do so many things more than before that I’m both more effective and more optimistic.

I can say with certainty that most smokers will no longer need the illusion of relief from severe stress when they can turn to this method instead!!

*Our course to quit smoking without fat gain that begins with these two books will be out soon.

Our method cuts the chances of resuming smoking or tobacco use or nicotine in half several more times AND ensures quitting leaves you without fat gain AND helps you speed your recovery from the health damage of the smoking you were doing to cut your risk of cancers and heart disease and mental decline to near zero.

This will be part 1 of a series because I’m out of time today and these other ways to prevent or reverse mental decline will need to wait to next week and likely the week after that!:

*Keep or restore the cells that make up your brain and the power centers of these cells

*Keep or restore the myelin that protects the connecting cells covering the nerves in your brain and its interconnecting and connecting cells and your other nerves as well.  In addition to these other methods to restore nerves, there is a proven way not yet well known to stop many of the things that destroy myelin; AND there is way that very recent research suggests to shut down most of the other things that destroy myelin.  By adding those to these other strategies we now can fight ALS and MS and Parkinson’s disease.  The MS effects are close to a cure while their use in ALS and Parkinson’s disease look likely to at least be slow and even partly reverse them.

*Clean the brain and eliminate the buildup of the tangles that cause Alzheimer’s.

*Increase the circulation into and out of your brain and inside it.  


Thursday, March 23, 2017

More good news on fast muscle gain and fatloss.....

Today's post:  Thursday, 3-23-2017

Last week we posted on the ability of using a vibration platform to build muscle faster, recover faster between workouts AND force enough of a boost to metabolism to be a significant new way to lose fat and prevent regaining it.

Last week we said that:

I saw information long ago that a version of this was effective.

But at that time I did NOT learn that it caused almost all your muscle fibers to go into use firing up over 97% of them when you exercised on it or that it had the benefits it does when combined with strength training or stretching.    

That’s as high -- or higher -- than the progressive strength training or slow rep strength training gets to on the last toughest reps and which causes muscle growth.

Lastly, by being consistently that high without needing the anabolic steroid or willpower needed in those methods, I strongly suspect it ALSO causes new muscle fibers to be added.

In addition to that, it has some OTHER very valuable benefits.

*It prevents AND speeds healing of injuries!  Both high intensity cardio and effective strength training are hard or impossible to do if you are injured.  [You can make faster progress with no or shorter forced breaks for injuries!]

*Even if it does not also double the number of muscle cells too, it clearly DOES add to faster adding of muscle and bone AND speeds metabolism for a proven boost to fat loss!

1.  It can restore balance capacity to a more youthful state.  (This is one of the effects that suggests the vibrations do your brain cells more good than harm which makes it not only safe but beneficial to use.)

2.  It can be used as a stress relief device.

3.  It DOES look likely to help heal partially fractured bones! 

[For athletes or exercisers or soldiers in basic training or new training who get injured by ramping up their exercises too fast this can be a huge asset.  For example, it looks likely to help with knee and foot and Achilles tendon injuries.]

4.  AND, it can improve range of motion and ability to stretch.

AND may also help overcome the wired-in round shoulders some people get as they get older.

5.  It CAN create faster muscle building.  And you can target which muscles by what exercises you do while on it.

6.  It may boost your feeling of energy AND exercise you without making you feel drained.

7.  Lastly, using it DOES seem to boost fat loss that stays off!

It looks most likely to work when combined with strength training exercises or with stretches done while on it!

The 12 % boost to metabolism reported for combining it with strength training is enough to be a very potent help to boost your fat loss and prevent gaining it back!

*Shortly after I posted that I got more information from Bulletproof:

“How Is The Bulletproof Vibe Different From a Normal Workout?

*Conventional workouts with weights and machines only stimulate about half of your fibers. Yet when you stand on the plate, the Vibe’s 30 vibrations per second engage a full 95% of your muscle tissue -- including both your ‘slow-twitch’ and ‘fast-twitch’ fibers.’ That means your muscles can literally get the equivalent of a full day’s worth of movement in just a matter of minutes.

Plus, unlike a normal workout that raises your stress hormone (cortisol) levels for up to 20 hours, making it harder to recover or burn fat… Studies show vibration training can actually decrease your cortisol by as much as 27%.

Not only that, at the same time it can give your good hormones a boost: One study showed up to 460% more growth hormone from just 10 sessions on a vibration platform.

[This = more muscle built with less draining workouts that you recover from faster!]

*Why Does The Bulletproof Vibe Make You Feel Energized?

Besides building muscle and bone strength, one of the biggest benefits of moving around is helping your lymph system circulate. You have three times more lymph fluid in your body than blood, and its job is to clean out dead cells and waste (think of it as your body’s janitor).

The difference is, your lymph system doesn’t have a heart to keep it flowing – so to make it circulate, you need to shake things up. It’s one major reason why long periods of sitting make you weak…

And it’s also why taking a long walk, jogging on a treadmill or jumping up and down on a trampoline can leave you feeling refreshed as your lymph system drains and rids your body of stored-up toxins.

The good news is, if you don’t have time for a daily walk or trip to the gym, you can shortcut kicking your lymph system into gear in just a few minutes.

*Can The Bulletproof Vibe Help You Lose Weight?

Consider this: In one study, people using a vibration plate burned nearly twice as much fat as a group using typical workouts. And they kept most of that weight off over the next year. Probably because the vibration plate group had an impressive 12% increase in resting metabolic rate (how many calories you burn when you’re not moving) in just 3 months.

Other studies show that vibration training is uniquely effective at reducing cellulite (as a former 300-pound guy, I can tell you that’s not just useful for women). How much cellulite? In another recent study, using a vibration plate trimmed cellulite by over 25% in 6 months.”

[Note that this also suggests a drop of excess fat overall of 25% in 6 months.

At my current weight of 168 and 20% fat, I have 33.6 pounds of fat and am 7 pounds over my goal weight.  If I lose 25% of that in 6 months by adding the use of the vibration platform, I’d lose 8.4 pounds to 159.6  and have 25.2 pounds of fat and a new 15.8 % body fat percentage.

That’s enough to make me look a good bit less fat in just 6 months.

Not only that but adding 5 pounds of muscle from the greater effectiveness of strength training with the vibration platform and faster recovery and losing 5 pounds of fat I keep off from that and the metabolism boost of using the vibration platform keeping it off I’d weigh about 160 pounds and have about 15 pounds of fat, a 9.4% body fat percentage.]

*If I try the Bulletproof Vibe and get less results than that, there is a competing vibration platform that may work; and their comparable version to the Bulletproof Vibe costs about $1,000 instead of the $1500 cost of the Vibe.

Based on the study they sent me, this “HyperVibe” platform might work better because it uses 10 G per vibration hit instead of the .3 G vibration of the Bulletproof Vibe.

On the other hand the study they sent me said that more vibrations per second worked better and their “HyperVibe” platform hits 22 per second while the Bulletproof Vibe uses 30.

I hope eventually to try both platforms.

Because the “HyperVibe” platform adds a bit of walking motion to each of their harder bumps instead of just up and down, that platform may do the best job of improving balance and preventing falls.
And, it’s possible that for some injuries, the bigger bumps of the “HyperVibe” platform might work better to speed their healing.

I did get confirmation that like the Bulletproof Vibe, the “HyperVibe” platform is quiet enough to use in an apartment building. 

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Prevent strokes and heart attacks 3 ways.....

Today's post:  Tuesday, 3-21-2017

We’ve posted on a number of ways to do this that work.

This post was sparked by a recent email from HSI that I got detailing the very big risks of something even some educated but very busy people don’t do now.

I feel very fortunate to have found a way to do this effectively in as little as two or three minutes a day.

But this email showing that failure to do this is so very harmful that it sparked this post.

1.  Remove plaque from your teeth almost 100% daily to prevent strokes and heart attacks!

Here’s what that is, what great risk and harm it causes people who fail to do it.

And, here’s a superfast and easy way to do it on the weekday mornings you are rushed, that just tested to be effective in me just a few weeks ago.

*Plaque is a biofilm that the bacteria in your mouth coat your teeth with when you eat.  If you remove it every day, you escape the harm that NOT doing this causes.

But most people don’t yet know how extremely dangerous allowing it to build up actually is. 

They don’t know how to remove it effectively. 

AND, they don’t know an effective way to remove it so fast, they can do it even on the most rushed days so they get it removed EVERY day. 

*We’ve long known that allowing plaque to build up just below the gum line allows it to prevent your gums from staying healthy, getting enough circulation, AND shrinking them and removing their attachment to your teeth.

THAT causes horrible bad breath and teeth that fall out or have to be pulled.  And, the fixes for that either ruin your appearance with missing teeth or cost you a LOT of money for false teeth or dental implants.

This condition has been named, periodontal disease.   

*The even worse news that new research has found that was in the HSI email is that this plaque buildup gets these dangerous bacteria in large quantities into your blood stream.

This has already been found to make heart attacks more likely with even moderate periodontal disease increasing the risk and severe periodontal disease increasing it a lot!

The HSI email quoted a study reported in the British medical journal Lancet that had even worse news.  John’s Hopkins research came to similar conclusions.

Periodontal disease increases your risk of ischemic stroke considerably more than it boosts the risk of heart attacks!

It seems that even mild periodontal disease where your gums bleed just a bit after brushing or when you see the dentist doubles your risk of stroke.

And, severe periodontal disease dramatically increases your stroke risk AND may help cause rheumatoid arthritis, some cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease too!

Perhaps the most important finding was that the level of periodontal disease controlled the harm done.  This didn’t just happen to people over 80! 

The researchers found that young adults with some or severe periodontal disease had the same high risks as older people with them.

I once met a younger middle aged woman who was very, very nice and had been a dynamic athlete who survived a stroke.   To see her need a walker and be able to understand clearly what you said to her & even know a response but be unable to say it was heart breaking.

Oh my!  You don’t want that to happen to you!

*The MUCH better news is that there’s a superfast fix for this that works very well.

I was brushing and flossing as well as I could and my once each 6 months checkups at the dentist, that are no charge in our dental insurance plan, found no periodontal disease. 

But the plaque buildup was still high enough, they had to work at prying it loose each time.

Then the dental hygienist said that a Sonic Care toothbrush with its gentle but superfast vibrations removed plaque better than flossing and that I could use it on days I didn’t have time to floss also.

So besides using the Sonic Care toothbrush AND flossing AND brushing well on Saturday and Sunday, I tried using the Sonic Care toothbrush in just two minutes and brushing as well as I could in one or two minutes.

The combination averaged just 3 minutes a day.

So, at my last checkup, I was curious how well that superfast program had removed my plaque buildup.


The dental hygienist was actually impressed because my superfast but every day program using the Sonic Care toothbrush had removed three or four TIMES the plaque I’d been able to remove with the flossing I’d had time to do!

So, this very doable daily fix, has given me almost 100% protection from this stroke risk from periodontal disease!

2.  Did you know there is an almost easier way to cut your overall risk of strokes in HALF on top of that?

Adding just one piece of organic fruit each day to what you eat a study in the UK found does just that!

Even better, doing this cut the risk of BOTH kinds of strokes by doing this ONE easy thing.

Like preventing plaque buildup, eating a piece of organic fruit at least once a day, cuts your risk of ischemic strokes that the plaque buildup can cause.

AND, it cuts your risk of hemorrhagic or bleeding strokes about twice as much too just by eating a piece of organic fruit at least once a day!

Many kinds of fruit taste good and most people like at least some kinds! 

And, many kinds of organic fruit such as blueberries and strawberries have so many OTHER health benefits, they are listed as “Superfoods.”

3.  There is a third way to reduce your stroke risk that is also about twice that effective in preventing heart attacks!

A UK study found that eating 6 or more servings of an organic vegetable other than potatoes each day cut the risk of death by all causes AND slashed the risk of all heart attacks and also cut the risk of strokes about half as much as fruit.

The even better news is that another study found that eating THREE or more servings of an organic vegetable other than potatoes each day AND doing an effective exercise program most days of every week had much the same effect!

This is great news because eating 3 servings of organic vegetables is more doable and manageable in the kitchen than eating 6 to 10!

And, it’s also great news because doing an effective exercise program most days of every week has a very long list of OTHER health benefits!


Incredibly, you can cut your risk of heart attacks and strokes even more with many other methods that you can use also.

But just doing the first two has tested to be so effective, if you’d prefer not to get strokes, do these first two alone and you can worry a LOT less!  

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Monday, March 20, 2017

My Monthly Fatloss Report.....

Today's post:  Monday, 3-20-2017

A.  Here's the key news:

Fat Loss Report, measured on Saturday, 3-18-2017

Gained 3.9 pounds from 164.4 last month to 168.3.

Gained half inch on chest to 37 & a half.

Gained half inch on waist to 41.

Gained quarter inch on hips to 37 & a half.

1.  Since last month I gained almost another 5 pounds.

All of my measures went up with my hips a bit less.  Some of the gain on my chest may have been from muscle gain.

But it’s clear I gained belly fat and likely most of the almost 5 pound gain was fat only.

Some of this may be a continued rebound effect from being sick AND fasting early in the year.. 

Some of this was from stress quite clearly. 

But most of it was from a change in my food intake.  Twice before I added a food with high calories almost every day.  THOSE times I promptly gained six pounds.

This time I added about a half tablespoon to tablespoon of coconut oil to a drink twice a day.

Coconut oil only added 5 pounds.  But since I saw the reading Saturday, I no longer do this!

Paradoxically, that may be good news twice! 

*Based on my experience last time with the other two things, by stopping the way too high intake of coconut oil almost completely, I expect to lose that 5 pounds by next time.

*I was consuming at least half that much coconut oil during my fasts and my recovery right after them.  That might mean that consuming a bit less during my fasts and none just after them, I might have netted out a fat loss instead of gaining it all back.

2.  I was able to lose weight and lose inches not once but twice with a 5 day fast.  But both times the weight and inches came back when I began my normal eating again.

In my case, I now know there were FOUR likely reasons for this:

*Allowing myself too much coconut oil during the fasts and right after them!


*Lack of muscle mass

*A few too little calories burned per week from my current set of exercises.

*Stress.  I have that triple because without having a reliable increased income, I owe more money than is wise and don’t yet have a way to turn off that threat.  Second, I have some help but not yet enough to relieve this stress.  Third, my body tends to over-react to threat and not recover after it’s been stopped. (This over-reaction does get better when I have enough money to relieve the financial threat.  It does get better when I have help.  So the first step is to do the first two things.  Once I have those, there are some ways now that I can use to turn off this third problem for future temporary stress.)

Long ago I found a study on Medical News Today that found that stress tends to lock down fat and resist its removal.  Fasting may remove the lock but only if the stress is gone.  This may mean in my case that when I fast, it removes less fat.

I just found out that stress ALSO tends to add as much as 11 pounds a year by reducing the calories you burn if you are always under stress.
Stress directly reduces the calories y 213ou burn even if you avoid comfort foods!!

Somehow I saw this from a study written up by Women's Health initially:

" research sheds some light on how exactly anxiety may lead to weight gain: Women burn fewer calories in the 24 hours following stressful events, according to a new study from the journal Biological Psychiatry.  

For the study, researchers from Ohio State University interviewed 58 healthy women about the stressors they'd experienced in the previous 24 hours, then served them a high-fat meal that included eggs, turkey sausage, biscuits, and gravy (the meal came to 930 calories and 60 grams of fat). 

Afterward, researchers tested the women's metabolic responses -- how quickly they burned calories and fat -- for the next seven hours.

Although all of the women simply rested after eating, those who struggled with stressors the previous day expended significantly less metabolic energy than those who reported no stress; on average, they burned 104 fewer calories. 

At this rate, they could gain 11 extra pounds per year without changing any other diet and exercise habits.

Why? In addition to slower post-meal energy expenditure, women who reported more stressors also experienced lower fat oxidation and higher insulin production. The less fat your body oxidizes, the more fat you store and the higher your risk is for obesity; high insulin levels also enhance fat storage."

This suggests that, in my case, fasting may remove fat but will do so only if I turn down my stress levels.  And, it may do so better than now once I can add a way to turn off temporary stress faster once it’s gone.

*Lack of muscle mass.  When I was doing heavy weight lifting with barbells once a week at the gym AND running a total of 7 fast miles in four parts, I weighed 161 pounds – 3.4 pounds LESS than now; and my waist was about 5 inches smaller.

Once I get back to a gym with the heavy barbells even once a week I will have enough calories burned by regaining at least some of the muscle I had then that I believe I’ll regain less of any weight and fat I remove when fasting.

*It’s likely that adding that hour a week of heavy strength training will increase my calories burned by 400 calories a week.  By training hard during that hour my body may burn as much as another 200 calories a week to power the recovery of my muscles from the work.

*Very promising new information!  There’s a new way to increase the gains from strength training AND boost recovery AND by getting both the gains can be faster too.  This DOES tend to remove fat because people using it have their metabolism go up 12%!

It gets better!  I can build muscle as well or better in the early stages AT HOME as I can by going to the gym by using this device. 

AND when I can go to the gym once a week 3 or 4 weeks a month, also using this device means I can make as much progress as a younger man who goes two or three times a week and has longer workouts!

(The information on this device was in part in my post last Thursday, 3-16 and even better news will be in my post on Thursday, 3-23!)


For now, focusing on adding the income and the team of people to help create it will be my focus because it will reduce my excess stress and enable me to resume working out in the gym.

AND, that may happen sooner and the fasting and adding muscle may well work better by using this new device!!

So, these reports will be focused on a summary of that and my work to add muscle until it looks likely that fasting will remove fat for me that stays off afterwards.  

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Build more muscle and burn more calories.....

Today's post:  Thursday, 3-16-2017

We included information in last Thursday’s post on boosting metabolism and which kinds of exercise are known to do this best and help most with fat loss.

That research found out WHY this is so.

The exercises they found did this by saving and increasing the output of the mitochondria in your muscles.

This slowed or prevented aging or even reversed it slightly.  And, with more burning of energy by the mitochondria, your metabolism goes up or stays high.

Strength training done with progressively heavier weights to the point that a larger percentage of you muscle fibers are used on your last rep or two, causes repairs that increase the amount of muscle in each cell of muscle that you use in each exercise where you do this.

*A few years ago Medical News Today had a story about an anabolic steroid that had a second effect.  In addition to making it easier to do strength training to get this kind of muscle increase and recover from it faster, THIS one also DOUBLED the number of muscle cells by causing their nuclei to divide and make more muscle cells.

AND, when people stopped taking it, they KEPT the increased muscle cells!

Anabolic steroids often have heart harmful effects and reduce your body’s natural testosterone and other anabolic steroids while you take them and some for awhile after you stop taking them.

Worse, anabolic steroids are fiendishly addictive.  For some people they are even more so than cocaine or heroin.

I made a serious mistake and forgot to save the article and I’ve not been able to find it since.

But I did think at the time that if a careful job was done with extra safeguards and support and people strength trained using this steroid long enough to get the extra muscle cells and then continued strength training but stopped the steroids, it would cause a permanent increase in metabolism.

THAT would make gaining excess fat harder and losing excess fat and keeping it off easier!

*A very bright and knowledgeable bodybuilder, Ben Pakulski, from Toronto has created an exercise method that apparently has been tested to do what this steroid does!

Given that it adds muscle that well, his claims that his method removes fat without reducing calories may well be true.  Best of all there is NO steroid used to do the job.
Clearly, given that this works and is valuable, he charges to learn and be coached in using his method.

And, it does have one potential drawback, for each exercise or muscle group you exercise, it adds an extra four minutes.

So doing 8 exercises in 32 minutes would take an extra 32 minutes or 64 minutes to do if you use his method.

*THIS potential third way to do this may be the biggest news of all!

It looks like there is a way to do the same thing in 15 to 30 seconds per exercise that works as well or better! 

(The 32 minute workout would still be only 34 to 36 minutes. 

Or only doing the exercise with this device, you might be able to do a 4 minute workout!)

Unlike the anabolic steroid and Ben’s method, it has not yet been tested and verified to work in a systematic test.

And, like the anabolic steroid there might be a health problem with it.

But, it’s exciting because it DOES look likely to work AND to be safe to use.

I saw information long ago that a version of this was effective.

But at that time I did NOT learn that it caused almost all your muscle fibers to go into use firing up over 97% of them when you exercised on it or that it had the benefits it does when combined with strength training or stretching.    

That’s as high -- or higher -- than the progressive strength training or slow rep strength training gets to on the last toughest reps and which causes muscle growth.

Lastly, by being consistently that high without needing the anabolic steroid or willpower needed in those methods, I strongly suspect it ALSO causes new muscle fibers to be added.

In addition to that, it has some OTHER very valuable benefits.

*It prevents AND speeds healing of injuries!  Both high intensity cardio and effective strength training are hard or impossible to do if you are injured. 

*Even if it does not also double the number of muscle cells too, it clearly DOES add to faster adding of muscle and bone AND speeds metabolism for a proven boost to fat loss!

1.  It can restore balance capacity to a more youthful state.  (This is one of the effects that suggests the vibrations do your brain cells more good than harm which makes it not only safe but beneficial to use.)

2.  It can be used as a stress relief device.

3.  It DOES look likely to help heal partially fractured bones! 

[For athletes or exercisers who get injured by ramping up their exercises too fast this can be a huge asset.  For example, it looks likely to help with knee and foot and Achilles tendon injuries.]

4.  AND, it can improve range of motion and ability to stretch.

AND may also help overcome the wired-in round shoulders some people get as they get older.

5.  It CAN create faster muscle building.  And you can target which ones by what exercises you do while on it.

6.  It may boost your feeling of energy AND exercise you without making you feel drained.

7.  Lastly, using it DOES seem to boost fat loss that stays off!

It looks most likely to work when combined with strength training exercises or with stretches done while on it!

**Here’s the link to the video where Dave Asprey, the founder & CEO of Bulletproof actually does some of these things while standing on the Bulletproof Vibe whole body vibration platform.

“Whole Body Vibration (WBV) therapy is used in universities, professional sports teams, and medical facilities around the United States.

Bulletproof Vibe is the latest in WBV therapy. WBV was invented by Russian cosmonauts in 1960s and has been seen to:

Detoxify and strengthen the immune system (pumps the lymph system thoroughly)
Help regain muscle strength and bone density
Reduce recovery time
Stimulate healthier brain function”

Some people also claim vibration therapy can help:

increase bone density
increase muscle mass
improve circulation
reduce joint pain
reduce back pain
alleviate stress
boost metabolism
prevent or reduce muscle soreness
improve body composition (that means less fat and more muscle!)
And, improve posture 

*At two feet by two feet and just a few inches tall and designed to vibrate quietly, it can be used in many homes and offices.

They charge about $1500 for it.  Some gyms and rehab facilities may have more expensive ones.

But it looks up to one or two person use and small enough and quiet enough to be a practical method to use.

Based on its intended use and watching the video, it looks to have a low enough intensity of each vibration to avoid the injuries that can occur with very high intensity versions.


Using one well looks likely to help slow aging or reverse its effects in some ways AND boost your metabolism enough to be a very potent help to boost your metabolism and fat loss!

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