Friday, June 29, 2018

Health protection while fasting....Today's post:  Friday, 6-29-2018

If fasting is a day when you eat no food or take in about 500 calories or less, for fatloss
or from lack of access to food or for religious observance for some religions, people do it on purpose or in emergencies.

It can be harmful if certain electrolytes become too high or too low.

And, if done for extended periods it can be harmful due to your body becoming depleted in key nutrients.

Only bother at all with fasting for fatloss if you have already been doing the basics for a long time or at least have recently upgraded to them the rest of the time and will continue with them.

A. The overall strategy:

Take or consume vitamins and electrolyte minerals and bone building compounds and some health OK fats and maybe fiber.    Take some fruit concentrate supplements.

B.  If fasting, include broth from steaming a mix of organic cruciferous and high carotene vegetables.  These contain many vitamins and minerals and hundreds of essential micronutrients.

If eating low cal, include organic cruciferous and nonstarchy vegetables, some health OK fats or oils and health OK protein.

C. For extended fasting or extended very low calorie eating, take a good multivitamin plus minerals each day.  Take one or more chewable lozenges a day of vitamin methyl B12.

For very low calorie eating, a whole boiled egg some days and a small piece of cooked liver some days and a quarter avocado some days in addition to the vitamin and mineral supplement can add a LOT of nutrition. Each of these 3 foods is almost a multivitamin by itself.  It’s also desirable to take a fruit extract or two each day.  Bilberry extract and cranberry extract are available and desirable for anyone but are close to essential for people doing this

D.  Many extended fasting plans include bone broth that and add some sea salt and ghee or add Kerrygold butter which has salt. 

It’s also important for bone health and heart health and electrolytes to take 600 to 800 mg a day of magnesium.  Besides being an essential electrolyte, magnesium is essential for your heart and bones.

This kind of bone broth provides sodium and phosphorus. 

You can also take a potassium supplement. That’s important to do if fasting.  Even two 99 mg doses a day is better than none!

The supplements proline and trimethyl glycine and hyaluronic acid with collagen also are good to take as they provide bone building blocks. (NOW, Source Naturals, & Drs Best sell those.) 

Taking the vitamins above plus 1,000 mg added vitamin C and the fruit extract supplements also help with bone health.

E.  Continuing effective strength training with lower weights can help maintain your muscle and bone and other lean tissue.

This post was inspired by the Medical News Today article a week ago:

What to know about the 500-calorie diet
A person on a 500-calorie diet eats only about a quarter of the recommended daily intake. This may be beneficial for some people, but also comes with many risks. In this article, we look at research on the 500-calorie diet, explain what people need to consider before trying the diet, and provide alternative diets.
-----Original Message-----
From: Medical News Today
To: iehealth
Sent: Fri, Jun 22, 2018 10:09 am
Subject: MNT daily newsletter - June 22, 2018

They make other points but include the ones I list here.

For social events, it’s simplest to do fasting and social events on different days.

For some people it’s not possible to mix them.  The other people feel threatened or try to keep you from fasting or both. Plan around this if you can at all so they happen on different days.

For people who are already OK with you being health oriented and who are at least somewhat health oriented too, it can be possible.

For people in good health who follow good health practices now, many of the other points they bring up simply do not happen.  

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Coffee proven GOOD for your heart!...Today's post:  Tuesday, 6-26-2018

It seems that an intake of 3 or 4 cups a day of coffee was tested to help the mitochondria in heart tissue stay healthy and even facilitate repairs when the heart muscle is damaged.

This is for drinks of coffee spaced throughout the day--  NOT for four at once or 12 or more cups a day or for 4 cups plus a stimulant too.  Those things tend to do the reverse or cause heart rhythm problems.

Also, drip brewed coffee is fine; but percolated and some other methods boost LDL cholesterol over time.

Then too some people prone to anxiety or high blood pressure can have problems with that much coffee.

But otherwise, most of the people who drink no coffee at all to protect their heart are simply proven wrong by this study.

How four cups of coffee might protect the heart

Caffeine is known to protect against heart disease and stroke. A new study finds the mechanism that underpins this protection, and mitochondria are key.

In earlier experiments, the authors of the new study found that caffeine levels equivalent to around four cups of coffee improved the function of endothelial cells, which line the inside of blood vessels.
They also revealed that the benefits that caffeine imparted seemed to involve mitochondria. These, as everyone is well aware, are commonly referred to as the powerhouses of the cell — a description so well known it has achieved meme status.
Mitochondria won their title because, within their membranes, adenosine triphosphate — which is the energy currency of life — is produced.”
Last week’s post analyzed the possible effect of coffee as producing cancer and found it overstated and easily overcome if it exists at all:

 “Drinking coffee

In March, a California judge ruled that Starbucks and other coffee businesses must include cancer warnings on their products.

Despite this frightening announcement, there’s extensive scientific research on coffee which suggests that, if anything, regularly drinking the brew is linked with a reduced cancer risk as well as a range of other health benefits, such as protecting against diabetes and boosting heart health.

That said, doctors recommend limiting your caffeine intake to 400 milligrams per day, or about 3 to 4 standard cups of drip coffee.”

This is weak and confusing coverage in my opinion.  This is what this is about:

Coffee and instant coffee that you drink is made from roasted coffee beans that are then ground and hot water used to extract the active ingredients and flavor.

When foods with any carbohydrate are roasted with high heat it causes the release of acrylamide which has been found to cause cancer in higher doses.

This means that roasted coffee beans do have some acrylamide in them.

Is this likely to cause people who drink coffee or instant coffee to get cancer?

I agree with their apparent view that the answer is probably not.

But what they don’t say is why.

And, they don’t say how to dramatically reduce the risk which is most important.

Here’s what they left out:

Most of the acrylamide people consume comes from toasted NOT organic refined grain hybrid wheat.  If you know to NEVER eat that food  and why and almost never do, you’ll escape enough acrylamide to make the small amount in roasted coffee beans far less dangerous.

The many kinds of antioxidants and cancer preventing substances in coffee beans are so many and so effective, the actual data tend to show coffee drinkers are healthier and less likely to have cancer than people who don’t.

Then too it’s extra important to get organic coffee and instant coffee.  The coffee made from heavily sprayed coffee beans may cause cancer from the herbicides and pesticides; and this risk is in my opinion about 100 times greater than the risk from the tiny bit of acrylamide.

So, consider drinking only organic coffee and instant coffee to prevent cancer if you want coffee that does not cause cancer.

Last but far from least, completely avoid tobacco, its smoke, and nicotine and eat a very low inflammation lifestyle and take supplements that support low inflammation -- and those such as olive leaf extract that tend to prevent cancer.  

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Experts guide to low carb for fatloss....Today's post:  Thursday, 6-21-2018

Most people talk of diets to lose fat.  They refer to eating less until you weigh less and then thinking you can resume eating more and still weigh less.

Not only do people who do this keep their fat, they add to it if they do this.  Worse, they get even fatter a recent study found if they do it over and over again!

So such diets not only don’t work, they fatten you.

But permanent fatloss without excess hunger IS possible if you consistently do the things that cause it.

In our last series of posts we included doing the basics that produce permanent fat loss.

The summary of that is to:

Boost your ability to overcome challenges and achieve goals and discover your strongest reasons to want fatloss. Act to cause fatloss in ways that are rewarding or make you feel empowered.

Stop eating and drinking the most fattening and things and those most harmful to your health. 

Eat organic vegetables and fruit and health OK protein foods and fats and oils and spices. And, drink chilled water and tea and coffee.

Drink some red wine in light moderation before dinner. Drink other alcoholic drinks very infrequently or not at all.

Do the exercises each week that effectively add to or keep healthy bone and muscle AND also do some of those that time efficiently keep you fit and tend to burn fat also.

Solve problems specific to you that block fatloss.

Those can include too little exercise and slow recovery from exercise and too much sitting.

They also can include bacteria in your gut that promote fatloss.

Last week we posted on two ways to overcome those two specific blocks to fat loss.

This week’s post is about ways to do ongoing periodic cutbacks in calories and carbs that do remove fat that stays off because you find a version that keeps fat off you that you can keep doing.

People who eat a higher than average amount of health OK protein foods and other health OK foods --
-- AND eat fewer calories or carbs only part of the time lose as much fat as people who eat less every day. 

But because this is sustainable, studies show the fat tends to stay off. 

People who eat less every day and then resume eating more and don’t follow these basics get fatter instead!

Ben Pakulski is an expert in adding muscle and keeping excess body fat low.

Adding muscle to do so is my preference; and as I’ve been posting, I believe using the whole body vibration platform, the ”vibe”, from Bullet Proof besides my current strength training will do so besides burning more calories each week.

Earlier this week, Ben sent an email with his take on using low carb eating and periodic cutbacks to lose fat and stay lean.

I’ve decided to make some changes in what I eat several days a week and do two days a month of intermittent fasting to add to my use of the Vibe to see if I can get better results faster and can keep the fat off that I use.

Here’s is what Ben had to say:

“Here are your 6 tips to maximize fat burning at rest or while you sleep:

1) Do Not Eat carbs with every meal. 

Even if you’re really lean, eating carbs constantly will ensure your body is really good at using sugars and less effective at using fat at rest. 

Being metabolically flexible will allow your body to use body sources for fuel and ketones are an amazing energy source. 

2) Consume most of your carbs around your workout. 
There is no essential carb, and to be honest if you never ate one again you would be great and flourish. The problem is that it’s hard to avoid all forms of sugar in our society. 

[Whey and unhomogenized whole milk from grass fed cows provide protein and other growth factors to help your exercises build muscle and bone and keep them from becoming less.  But they do have some carbs as lactose.  That has been shown NOT to boost blood sugar by itself; and consuming this carb after effective exercise allows your muscles to use the protein to build and repair and not need to use the protein to replace the energy they used.]

3)"Train Low" 
Train on low carb, or even fasted. 
You will feel amazing once you get used to it and it will massively improve your ability to use fat for fuel. 

[Then after you exercise take in the protein and carbs to rebuild and repair.]

4) Your fat sources matter. 
People get lost in the numbers of macros. 
This is a huge mistake. 
Fats absolutely have different functions and impacts on the body.

[DHA and eating wild caught fish high in omega 3 oil;  and avocados and extra virgin olive oil for monosaturated fat and their micronutrients; and butter, cheese, and ghee from cows fed only grass all have different benefits.  Grain oils with excessive omega 6 and bioconcentrated herbicides and pesticides; and hydrogenated oils are harmful enough to never eat at all if you can manage it. So, Ben is totally correct about this one!]

Don’t obsess over macros if you’re not obsessing over source. 

5) Consider Fasting. 
I know this goes against most muscle building advice, but the reality is that you won’t lose muscle unless fasting is prolonged. 
Try one day per week until noon and see how you feel. 

Here’s a tip: If you feel like crap, you NEED IT MOST. 

6) Use MCT oil 
MCT is incredible for mental and physical energy. 

I don’t train without it. 

The type of MCT oil does matter. For brain benefits you want C8 MCT. 
Which is not a brand, but an isolated portion of the MCT. 
Most MCT is C10 or C12. 
You want it to be organic and sourced from Coconuts.”

In practice C8 MCT is a brand today.  Bullet Proof’s Brain Octane supplies the MCT 8 Ben recommends.

They also say why Ben is correct that this is the MCT oil that will help fat loss:

"Caprylic Acid (C8): ~6% of coconut oil. C8 has potent anti-microbial properties (way more potent than lauric acid) to help you maintain a healthy gut, and it is the fastest to metabolize in the brain. (This is Brain Octane Oil.)Apr 7, 2015"

"What Is MCT Oil Really? MCT Oils vs. Coconut Oil Explained "

It seems that Lauric acid is processed like other saturated fats in the liver and C8 is burned more directly by your nerves and muscles so it tends to use more calories and not be used for fat deposits.

Overdoing coconut oil as I have been for the lauric acid may no longer be needed now that I'm taking monolaurin again which has more antiviral effects.  And if C8 also has more antiviral effect, I'll be even better off using Brain Octane for that reason too.

Lauric acid does not have the fatloss effects the C8 in Brain Octane does AND it may be partly the cause of my boost in LDL cholesterol

It may be that going back to using coconut oil only as needed and once each week on Saturday and once Sunday will lower my LDL and help me lose 5 pounds.

It may be that using Brain Octane again for my daily chilled coffee with whole milk instead of coconut oil will not keep me from the 6 pound weight loss I'm likely to get by stopping that much coconut oil intake.

It may be that eating Braunschweiger or more Dubliner Cheese instead of grass fed yogurt for protein and using apple cider vinegar instead of yogurt to mix with powdered Parmesan Cheese may cut carbs enough to help.

And, two Mondays a month, I can skip kiwi fruit at breakfast and have no carbs from just after I have my whey and whole milk to that same time on Tuesday.  And, I can fast from my Monday breakfast and until dinner time.

If I find this sustainable and it causes fat loss and weight loss the first month I do it that I then increase the following month instead of gaining it back by repeating this and adding the VIBE that may put me on the way to losing my excess belly fat! 

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

True guidelines for common beliefs part three....Today's post:  Tuesday, 6-19-2018

There are many beliefs about many things that influence health.

Some things that are commonly thought to be harmful are not or there is a way to do them or eat them safely.

Many things thought to be safe or even beneficial are actually harmful and even deadly.

So that the final post in this series has all of these, here are the ones that I posted on last Weds, 6-6-2018.  They are worth reading if you haven’t yet seen them and acting on if you read them without using them yet.

If you have, Part two finishes the section on egg yolks, saturated fat, and harmful and beneficial fats. It then continues after that.

Part three, today’s post

This story appeared online:

11 ‘bad habits’ that are actually healthy, according to science 

Some of their coverage I thought well of and some I didn’t.  I also noticed they left out some of the more important topics.

This is my list some of which includes things they included and my comments on those from their list.

(I thought they did well on some and much less well on others.)

A.  As you may have seen, the makers of MSG have funded a disinformation campaign on Facebook that has at least a dozen people saying that the furor over MSG is based on iffy or incorrect information.

The actual research on MSG finds it is so harmful it should be illegal to add to foods –
 or at the very least illegal to put MSG in foods without informing the person eating or buying it that it’s there and abundant research shows it’s quite harmful and fattening!

My complete post on this was on Tuesday, 5-29, last week, with far more detail.

B.  They didn’t include smoking.

Roughly half the people who smoke believe smoking is harmless.  No need to inform them since they believe their lives are so messed up and out of their control they might as well smoke. So whether it’s harmful or not they really don’t care.

The other half though believes that the only significant risk of smoking is from lung cancer and most smokers escape it.

While it is true that even in heavy smokers only about a fourth get lung cancer, the other part of that saying “the only significant risk is” is SO false if there was an alarm for false statements your computer or smart phone would be vibrating so hard you’d have trouble reading this!

Two thirds of smokers get Alzheimer’s disease.  We know why. It’s no accident.

Even second hand smoke triggers heart attacks, sometimes fatal ones, in people who would otherwise not have had them for years.

Tobacco itself is radioactive; so using tobacco products or breathing its smoke sends cancer causing radioactivity to go everywhere in your body.  So it’s no surprise that half of all cancers and half of all cancer deaths are from tobacco use, smoking, or second hand smoke.

Nicotine itself is harmful to your heart and tends to cause cancer.  And vaping systems expose your lungs to other harmful compounds to we now know.

Also, most people who smoke use lighters instead of matches.  This makes the smoke much more effective at causing lung cancer and other cancers because of the short lived hydrocarbons in the hotter smoke.

So, if you smoke or use tobacco another way or are exposed to second hand smoke or vape, using a way to stop nicotine addiction completely without a substitute and staying away from second hand smoke as close to 100% of the time is the safest way to deal with it.

C.  They didn’t include soft drinks or diet soft drinks.

*Gradually over the past 70 years we have gone from no one knows what soft drinks are to most young people drink soft drinks at least a few times a week to a few times a day.

Since they see other people their age do the same and they get to see the ads for soft drinks that make them seem fun every time they go to the movies, they believe soft drinks are fun, harmless, and normal.

This is another so false the alarm would blow up your computer or smart phone deal.

Something like 30 different kinds of research shows that drinking ANY soft drinks is about as harmful as smoking heavily.  Doing so causes osteoporosis, fatty liver, and helps cause cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Drinking soft drinks is also a near perfect fattener!  Drinking one or several does nothing to turn down hunger but DOES deliver calories in a way that tends to cause those calories to become fat.  Worse the blood sugar surge causes you to become hungry for sugary foods when the rebound effect hits later.

Drinking soft drinks seems safer than smoking. The reality is that it may be worse for you!  And THAT’s not yet well known.

**Millions of people drink diet soft drinks and some nurses and diabetes educators with out of date training-- believe that they get to drink soft drinks because that doesn’t fatten them.

In fact, because they believe this, they often drink more than people who drink regular soft drinks.

Is this belief true?

Nope. Diet soft drinks and the artificial sweeteners used in them fatten quite a bit MORE than regular soft drinks! 

Worse, the artificial sweeteners themselves cause some cancers and other health problems as much as or more than as regular soft drinks using free fructose high fructose corn syrup.

[To me an article on false beliefs having to do with health that leaves out MSG; tobacco, smoking, and nicotine; and leaves out soft drinks and diet soft drinks is like an article about cars with nothing in it about engines or safety.]

D.  Many people still believe that eating, 
fats and oils and saturated fat, and egg yolks are bad for you.

Many nutritionists and diabetes educators with outdated educations still believe these things.

The article does rather better on these topics! 

The article says this about eating eggs:

“Eggs – an animal product high in cholesterol, fat, protein, and several key vitamins and minerals – have been vilified for years. But as it turns out, eggs are actually pretty healthy. And ordering just the whites, a practice that low-fat food advocates say is a way to shave off calories, fat, and cholesterol, is completely unnecessary.

Whole eggs are high in a handful of key vitamins and minerals that you can’t get from many foods like vitamin B12 and phosphorus. They’re also rich in muscle-fueling protein and satiating fat, which makes them filling and unlikely to be overeaten.

Plus, the cholesterol eggs contain does not appear to lead to high cholesterol levels in healthy people. Just as eating fat does not translate into being fat, recent
research has shown that eating cholesterol doesn’t necessarily translate into having high cholesterol.“

Not bad!  Certainly closer to accurate than the old advice was.  Egg yolks DO have many nutrients you need and in highly bioavailable forms.  Ovo or lacto ovo vegetarians do not need to take the long list of supplements that vegans do to stay healthy. Eating a few eggs a week can solve that problem.

However, eggs can be from chickens fed pesticide and herbicide sprayed grains.  This makes such eggs have some pro-inflammatory omega 6 oil and a surprising amount of concentrated pesticides and herbicides.

So eating those kinds of eggs is still something that should be limited.

The much better news is that eating eggs from chickens that really are fed on pastures they walk around on from insects and earthworms and some organic additions are now available.  Whole Foods now stocks those.

You can eat at least a whole egg a day including the yolk from such chickens.

There are still some possible upgrades.  But this kind of eggs ALSO has more of the nutrition you eat the eggs to get!

This was the end of the Part One post.

Egg yolks from hens truly fed their natural diet on unpolluted pastures they walk around on are both safe and beneficial to eat.

When added to a diet with abundant organic vegetables and fruit, they tend to support very good health.

Also, to the extent eating them boosts cholesterol, the choline in the egg yolks raises the beneficial HDL cholesterol which has heart and brain boosting effects.

Such egg yolks also contain l-carnitine; and both choline and l-carnitine have nerve and mitochondria boosting effects.

Some research has found that a bacteria that causes calcium deposits in your blood vessels TMAO blooms when you eat a lot of choline and l-carnitine.

This suggests that eating egg yolks or taking choline or l-carnitine as supplements might boost this bacteria and cause this effect.

The much better news is that many of the most heart protective things you can do produce the reverse effect so well that it looks totally safe to ignore it!

a) Take probiotics and eat organic yogurt with live cultures and no sweeteners and sauerkraut made with organic cabbage.  To some extent this leaves less room for the TMAO producing bacteria.
b) Do things that put calcium into your bones without overdoing it and remove calcium from your blood vessels.

Take at least 400 mg a day of magnesium.  Don’t consume too much real sugar and consume no free fructose from juices or juice concentrates and never consume it from high fructose corn syrup with all that excess fructose also free fructose.  (If you get enough magnesium you tend to add enough calcium to bones for strength but not too much.  But since most younger people eat too little magnesium and don’t take it as supplements and the free fructose and excess sugar they do consume deplete magnesium, they often have weak bones that uptake too little calcium leaving it to harden their blood vessels.)

Take at least 10,000 iu of vitamin D3 and take vitamin K2.  Enough magnesium and K2 cause the calcium you eat to make strong bones AND actively remove it from your blood vessels!  Also do NOT, repeat NOT take statins.  They harm your mitochondria and deplete vitamin K2 and also cause calcium to be added to your arteries by actual test because of this. NOT taking artificial sweeteners or drinking diet soft drinks prevents calcium from leaving your bones and weight bearing exercise and strength training add calcium to your bones.(This set of actions directly stops TMAO from doing the reverse.)

c) TMAO is also thought to cause excess clotting.

So, do things that keep your blood vessels healthy and flexible and prevent blood from clotting too easily.

Eating organic fruit and fruit extracts and organic vegetables does the reverse plus it helps keep your blood vessels strong and healthy.

This is known to prevent both kinds of strokes and heart attacks.

Lard and butter and whole milk from cows fed only grass or organic greens on unpolluted grass are actually beneficial to eat in moderation for much the same reasons as egg yolks.

The same is true of organic coconut oil.

So it’s a myth that these things are harmful that most people don’t yet know and many nutritionists trained before the research was done showing this don’t yet know that saturated fat from egg yolks, dairy products, and meat is NOT harmful if it’s from animals that are fed right.

These things are true however:

*Those same foods from chickens and cattle fed grain that has been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides ARE harmful from the excessive pro-inflammatory omega 6 oils in the grain and the bioconcentrated herbicides and pesticides in the fat.

*The foods high in monosaturated oils are so heart protective, although it is true that animal based saturated fat from naturally fed cattle and chickens is safe and beneficial, the reason to limit your intake is make room for lots of these foods.

Raw, shelled, tree nuts for those not allergic, organic avocados, and organic extra virgin olive oil are in this list of foods. 

(Peanuts have too much omega oils and tend to contain cancer causing aflatoxin and are often not grown organically.

Cashews have too many lectins so some people have an allergic reaction to them; and the rest of us should eat them very seldom.)

Last but far from least, taking olive leaf extract adds to this heart protective effect.

*The nerve and brain beneficial and anti-inflammatory omega 3 oils from wild caught fish and seafood is so valuable and health producing, you should also limit fats from land animals to make room for them. 

(Or you can take supplements of purified omega 3 and DHA in addition to eating wild caught small fish and salmon that are high in omega 3 oils but not mercury.)

In addition to the nerve and brain beneficial and anti-inflammatory omega effects of omega 3 oils from wild caught fish and seafood, eating and taking DHA boosts HDL cholesterol and lowers inflammation and triglycerides so it is enormously heart protective and protective of blood circulation to your brain.

*Next in the article, they say this:

“Breakfast is not mandatory, despite what you may have heard.

Although it was once believed that skipping the first meal of the day leads to weight gain, several recent studies have found the opposite – that fasting, or occasionally skipping meals, may actually help some people lose weight.

These eating plans are known as intermittent fasting, and one of the most popular involves abstaining from food for 16 hours and eating for eight. That leads most people to shift their eating window back a few hours from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m., essentially foregoing breakfast.

Large studies have found intermittent fasting to be just as reliable for weight loss as traditional diets. A few studies in animals suggest it could have other benefits, such as reducing the risk for certain cancers and even prolonging life– but those studies need to be repeated in humans.”

This does work for some people.

Bullet Proof teaches to consume coffee and ghee and their blend of lighter and better tasting MCT oils that boost ketones you and your brain can use for energy instead of glucose for breakfast and then eat health ok protein foods and health ok fats and oils and organic and nonstarchy vegetables later in the day.

I tried it and could do it. But it was not effective for fat loss for me and I prefer to eat breakfast.

But the point is accurate.  It does work for some people.

Because breakfast is often the meal you can fix and eat at home and have the most control over and having your hunger turned down or off can protect you from eating sugary treats with refined grain hybrid wheat in many workplaces, I think most people will do better at fat loss by eating a breakfast high in health OK proteins and fats and oils and nutrition.

Most people I think do better at fat loss by always eating breakfast.  But some people have done well without it this other way.

*Next, in their article they discuss coffee:

“Drinking coffee

In March, a California judge ruled that Starbucks and other coffee businesses must include cancer warnings on their products.

Despite this frightening announcement, there’s extensive scientific research on coffee which suggests that, if anything, regularly drinking the brew is linked with a reduced cancer risk as well as a range of other health benefits, such as protecting against diabetes and boosting heart health.

That said, doctors recommend limiting your caffeine intake to 400 milligrams per day, or about 3 to 4 standard cups of drip coffee.”

This is weak and confusing coverage in my opinion.  This is what this is about:

Coffee and instant coffee that you drink is made from roasted coffee beans that are then ground and hot water used to extract the active ingredients and flavor.

When foods with any carbohydrate are roasted with high heat it causes the release of acrylamide which has been found to cause cancer in higher doses.

This means that roasted coffee beans do have some acrylamide in them.

Is this likely to cause people who drink coffee or instant coffee to get cancer?

I agree with their apparent view that the answer is probably not.

But what they don’t say is why.

And, they don’t say how to dramatically reduce the risk which is most important.

Here’s what they left out:

Most of the acrylamide people consume comes from toasted NOT organic refined grain hybrid wheat.  If you know to NEVER eat that food  and why and almost never do, you’ll escape enough acrylamide to make the small amount in roasted coffee beans far less dangerous.

The many kinds of antioxidants and cancer preventing substances in coffee beans are so many and so effective, the actual data tend to show coffee drinkers are healthier and less likely to have cancer than people who don’t.

Then too it’s extra important to get organic coffee and instant coffee.  The coffee made from heavily sprayed coffee beans may cause cancer from the herbicides and pesticides; and this risk is in my opinion about 100 times greater than the risk from the tiny bit of acrylamide.

So, consider drinking only organic coffee and instant coffee to prevent cancer if you want coffee that does not cause cancer.

Last but far from least, completely avoid tobacco, its smoke, and nicotine and eat a very low inflammation lifestyle and take supplements that support low inflammation -- and those such as olive leaf extract that tend to prevent cancer.

THAT will prevent cancer in people who drink organic coffee and instant coffee despite the small amount of acrylamide in the roasted coffee beans!

This was the end of part two, last week’s post

Part 3 continues next:

The article has this next:

Using social media

Frequent social media use and screen time have been portrayed as universally bad for our health.

But a lot of research on this phenomenon has been characterized by poorly done studies and bad science. The vast majority of evidence suggests that our smartphones are not uniformly harmful, and in some cases, they may be a force for good.

Last year, in a study published in the journal Psychological Science that examined the effect of screen-time on a sample of more than 120,000 British adolescents, researchers found that social media use wasn’t harmful for the vast majority of teens. In fact, it was sometimes helpful for things like feeling more connected and getting emotional support from peers.

“Overall, the evidence indicated that moderate use of digital technology is not intrinsically harmful and may be advantageous in a connected world,” the researchers wrote in the paper.”

People who take time on social media to try to feel better or do so using time they need to do important things for themselves or their work and who spend over an hour a day doing so, would be better off spending that time or some of it speaking to real people in person or on the phone or working in some cases.

For such people doing things that stop or turn down depression and increasing the time they take productive action can help.

People who use their phones for social media and messages when they could be conversing with the people they are actually with often is a problem and can cause alienation.

It is an important social skill now to know when to put your phone away and converse with your friends and family you are physically with.

However, if you do have your real life in order and are not depressed, you can use social media to socialize and make new friends and learn to overcome challenges by playing some video games.

And, of course NOT using your phone in ways that take your attention too much and your vision at all while driving can be life saving.

But that said, the overall picture is simple.  There are good ways and bad ways to use social media and video games and smart phones. 

If your life is in order and you use these things well and appropriately, they are NOT a problem.

If you need to make your life better and you spend a big chunk of your life running away from that and doing nothing about it – or you alienate people you are physically with or die in a traffic accident by using social media at really bad times, such use of social media can be a serious problem.

Lastly, reading is a more active and much faster way to learn some things and a more relaxing and quiet way to relax.  It is a good idea to spend some time reading with no social media to take advantage of these things.

Next they say this:

“Grabbing an energy drink

I’m used to the shaming look I get from my peers when I crack open a can of sugar-free Red Bull. The questions – and judgment – never end. “That stuff’ll kill you,” someone said to me the other day, shaking his head. “So many chemicals!” was what I heard last week.

Truth be told, Red Bull (at least the sugar-free kind) isn’t all that terrible for you. Besides having only 10 calories and no sugar, it has only 80 milligrams of caffeine, about a third of the amount in a tall Starbucks drip coffee. As far as its other ingredients – namely B vitamins and taurine – go, scientific studies have found both to be safe.”

This is basically an infomercial for Red Bull and the info in it is as fake as a $3 bill.

Too much caffeine ranges from a bit jangly to harmful to your heart depending on the amount.

It’s easier and safer to use coffee or tea to get enough to keep you boosted without overdoing it.

B vitamins and the amino acid taurine are not only safe, they are beneficial BUT other studies show that taurine combined with excessive caffeine that many energy drink users get can cause MORE harm to your heart than the caffeine alone.

And, ALL the ingredients in energy drinks they share in common with soft drinks ARE harmful and are best never consumed at all.

So the author may like Red Bull.  But some use is likely undesirable. And heavy use is harmful and has been dangerous enough to send people to the ER.

So the truth is energy drinks are best avoided.  And those with high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners should never be bought or drunk!

Next the article has this:

“Drinking one or two glasses of wine

Too much of anything is bad for you, and alcohol is no exception.

But a fair amount of research is beginning to suggest that people who drink moderately – roughly 1 to 2 glasses of wine or beer a day – may enjoy some health benefits, such as a reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline.

A study published last year in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that people who drank regularly were significantly more likely than people who didn’t drink at all to reach age 85 without displaying signs of cognitive decline. A large review of 74 other studies on the subject also concluded that moderate drinkers had a lower risk of cognitive decline than those who abstained completely.’

This one is a bit better.

But it also leaves out some key new research.

1. With one exception, drinking alcoholic drinks does tend to cause cancer because the formaldehyde your liver converts alcohol to does so.

The exception is drinking red wine in light moderation because the phytonutrients in the red wine from the grape concentrate counteract the effect of the formaldehyde.

If you follow a low inflammation cancer preventing lifestyle having a single scotch or dark beer or white wine here and there is safe most likely.

But this new research suggests that regular use of more than that plus a drink or two of a good quality red wine with dinner is likely to be harmful.

2.  Also note that drinking more than that can and has cause deadly and life ruining side effects from accidents and car accidents.

So the sense of the article is accurate – moderate use IS OK - but the details of the new research shows that this is more limited than they report in this article.

 (I grew up in a culture that endorsed heavy social drinking and was OK with some binge drinking.  I did that when I was younger.  But I’d be healthier and less fat now if I’d known to drink less than half as much as I did!)

They then end with these:

“Foregoing a long workout

You don’t always need to commit to sweating for hours at the gym to stay in shape.

Studies suggest that compact, high-voltage workouts like the 7-minute workout may be more beneficial for building muscle and protecting the heart than some other forms of exercise. These types of workouts are known as high intensity interval training, or HIIT.

“High-intensity interval training can provide similar or greater benefits in less time than traditional longer, moderate-intensity workouts,” Chris Jordan, an exercise physiologist who created the Johnson & Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout, said.”

This is true for cardio done in short bursts with rests or easier sections in between the bursts.  Even a few 7 minute or slightly shorter and faster paced sessions of cardio or abdominal work or walks each week can make a big difference. 

Meanwhile long slow cardio for hours is more of a hobby than a beneficial exercise.  It has the same value or harm as a lot of social media use.  For some people with poor social skills or who are taking time they need to make their life work, it can be harmful.

And, other recent research shows that high intensity long cardio without breaks sometimes causes artery and heart damage and even triggers heart attacks.

(You can do longer runs and the like. But they are much safer and you get fit faster if you do them in a variable cardio style that allows your heart rest when it needs it or to make sure it gets a bit of relative rest.)

Short sessions of interval and variable cardio with higher intensity but the breaks that let your heart rest and built up to gradually ARE a more time efficient way to be fit AND are much safer.

This is becoming more widely known and is one of their better sections.

They don’t cover strength training.  But one set of effective strength training per major body part done as little as two nonconsecutive days a week can give you 80 or 90% of the health value and strength as doing multiple sets.

So it’s far better to do this much at a minimum every week than a lot more but have to stop periodically.

“Eating gluten

If you’ve ever snacked on a slice of gooey pizza or bitten into a chewy bagel, you have gluten to thank: the substance gives dough its elastic texture. Gluten is not a junk ingredient, and unless you have a rare condition called celiac disease, it isn’t unhealthy.”

This is what Arnold Schwarzenegger called “wrong advices” So much so it smacks of industry sponsored disinformation.

Hybrid wheat was created in part to make heavier more elastic gluten that could make bread in large industrial amounts and withstand a lot of machine mixing.

Unfortunately it IS severely harmful to most people and even more harmful for some.

 The lighter gluten in the original grains that today’s wheat came from was and is far less harmful.

This beginning statement also dodges the fact that the refined grain hybrid wheat in such foods is higher glycemic than sugar or even high fructose corn syrup; has excessive and pro-inflammatory omega 6 oils and was grown with heavy pesticide and herbicide use.

So making this food sound enjoyable to eat and saying it’s safe is itself false disinformation that a wheat growing conglomerate large company would pay to have written.

Some people have suggested that celiac disease could be on the rise, but a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found data that strongly refutes that idea. As for all those people who say they don’t have celiac but are just “sensitive” to gluten, a small 2013 study out of Monash University suggested that may not be true, either, as participants’ digestive reactions appeared to have nothing to do with their intake of the substance.

The other reasons to avoid high gluten hybrid wheat 100 % of the time are still true if this is accurate.  And some other studies suggest that gluten does have some slow health effects for those not allergic etc. 

To be fair, for foods like faro made of the earlier wheat that have some gluten and barley that does, some people can safely have those in moderation.

However, for over 95% of the foods with wheat in today’s stores made of refined grain hybrid wheat it’s simply false and misleading disinformation.

“Instead, the bloating and discomfort that many people experience when they eat gluten – and the sudden disappearance of those symptoms after slashing the ingredient – may have more to do with eliminating unhealthy processed and pre-made foods, many of which also happen to contain gluten.”

The gluten in refined grain hybrid wheat does cause these effects in many people. 

But the “unhealthy processed and pre-made foods” that contain this wheat also often contain MSG, high fructose corn syrup, high omega 6 oils, hydrogenated oils, excessive salt, and harmful chemicals and food colorings.  Those other things ARE best avoided totally!

BUT note that if you never eat the hybrid wheat that is in these foods, that automatically means you will avoid these foods and their other horrid ingredients too!

Also note that most “gluten free” bread and other cake or bread or cookie like products contain refined grain rice that’s high in arsenic and/or many of these other ingredients that are best never eaten.

Making such foods from scratch at home using only health OK ingredients is doable.  But the simpler fix is to eat organic vegetables and fruit and treats made from those instead.

They cover this next:

“Taking a nap

Nappers aren’t necessarily lazy – and some studies suggest the habit could actually be linked to significant health benefits, especially if you’re sleep-deprived.

For a small study published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity in which researchers compared the effects of a 30 minute nap against the effects of 10 hours of sleep in people who’d been intentionally deprived of sleep, they found that both respites appeared to help return key immunity biomarkers (which had plunged after not sleeping) to their normal levels.

Also, according to Harvard sleep researcher Robert Stickgold, naps may even help some people solve problems when their energy and focus would otherwise have waned.”

Follow the methods to ensure you get restful sleep including always getting up at the same time.

If you can get to bed in time to get enough sleep too, you may need no naps.

If you are under 35 you may need less naps and time asleep.

But if you can take a mid-day nap on days when you get less than 7 hours sleep it can make you feel better and be more productive.  And, it will make it safer for you to drive!

This is one of their better sections.

We’ll wrap up this piece with two more things they did not include in this article.          

E.  “Over the counter pain killers and inflammation reducers are safe to take.  They work and are harmless.”

Most Americans believe this and the huge sales of these products reflect that.

Is it true that over the counter pain killers and inflammation reducers are safe to take?.

NO it’s NOT! 

Surprisingly even doctors and medical researchers do not know this yet.

Doctors still prescribe NSAID OTC drugs to people with osteoarthritis.

And I posted on research that concluded that because excess inflammation tended to cause Alzheimer’s taking NSAID OTC drugs might help avoid it.

NSAID drugs don’t turn down chronic inflammation well at all when people are following a high inflammation lifestyle – worse they tend to harm your joints with long term use.

Switching to a low inflammation lifestyle reduces pain and inflammation in people with osteoarthritis better than NSAIDs.  Since doing this removes a cause of osteoarthritis and taking boswellia helps rebuild joints as well low inflammation lifestyle and taking boswellia IS effective and safe.

Taking NSAIDs is not effective at all compared to thisl

Worse, taking NSAIDs is harmful and best avoided totally.

Both Medscape and Medical News Today had recent research showing this in detail this week.

I found this quote in Medscape’s article:

"When prescription dispensing records for current NSAID use were linked to the healthcare database, approximately 67.5% of the total effect of osteoarthritis on cardiovascular disease risk was related to NSAID use.

Specifically, the risk for congestive heart failure increased by 44.8% with NSAID use, the risk for ischemic heart disease increased by 94.5%, and the risk for stroke increased by 93.3%."

Are such over the counter or prescription NSAID drugs safe to take.  NO!

This is just the most recent study showing this.

I included it because of the high risk this research shows.

For me, I’d rather turn DOWN my risk of heart failure, heart attack, and strokes!

(Aspirin and acetaminophen aren’t safe to take either in the amounts most people take particularly.)

F. “Taking vitamin D more than iu a day is not safe and taking vitamin D doesn’t have much more health value than placebo.”

Is this accurate?

Let’s put it this way.  If you believe it and act on it you may get breast cancer you could have avoided.

You may heal from injuries more slowly including heart damage than those who take enough vitamin D3.

You may die of the flu or pneumonia you might have survived by taking enough vitamin D3.

Here’s the story.  Synthetic vitamin D2 in low doses can prevent rickets but is safest if you take little more than that.

But natural D3 people get in amounts up to 20,000 iu a day with no trouble from sun exposure.

And, taking 5,000 iu to 10,000 iu a day of D3 or more is extremely protective in many ways.

(It’s important to know to take vitamin K2 also.)

Just one recent example is from Medical News Today this week:

“"We found that participants with blood levels of 25(OH)D that were above 60 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) had one-fifth the risk of breast cancer compared to those with less than 20 ng/ml."

Cedric F. Garland”

Other research shows this is true of prostate cancer too.

So, is it true that taking a lot of vitamin D3 has no useful health effects?

It’s dramatically and totally false.            

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Monday, June 18, 2018

My Monthly Fatloss Report June 2018....Today's post:  Monday, 6-18-2018

A.  Here's the key news:

1.  Fat Loss Report, measured on Saturday, 6-16-2018

Gained 3.1 to 168.6 pounds to 165.5 from last month.  That was up from 163.3 in April.

The 2.2 pound gain last time was a return to normal from an extra session of intense variable cardio that caused a loss the month before.

I know what caused me to gain 3.1 more pounds since last month; and it was likely fat gain this time which I’ll discuss below.

My chest measured 38 & three quarters to 39 inches, about the same as last month.  This is about two inches bigger than several months ago when I was 37 & a half inches.

(That two inches is very likely is from muscle growth from my progress in pushups in the style that uses my pectoral muscles better than standard pushups.)

(Jack LaLanne once did pushups for half an hour on TV just to show he could do so.  He was fond of doing this kind of fitness stunt for publicity and the thrill of beating the challenge.  When I read about this I thought it was a bit excessive. 

Much to my surprise I’m beginning to think I could do this too.  I won’t because I don’t want to overdo AND I only have two minutes in that part of my exercise set on Mondays.  But 214 as 205 plus 9 might be doable!)

This morning, I did 170 and 45 more after a brief rest for a total of 215!

True, the last few on each part were just barely.  Now I need to get to the gym for more weight to get more muscle growth.  Meanwhile I’ll work towards 206 + 9 pushups.

My waist measurement went up three quarter inches since last month. I want it to be 34 instead of a bit over 42! This looks like fat gain this time.

My hips measured about 38 and one quarters.   So I’ve kept the muscle I gained and this time added some fat.

When I get able to do barbell strength training with a good bit heavier weights and add more muscle to the rest of me, this may finally begin to reduce my waist.

2.  My food intake besides my consistent pattern, last month, I went out to eat more than I had been and I used more coconut oil in my coffee – once a day instead of twice a week.

3.  But of even more importance to make time for these dinner events and because of some hot days, I skipped my Tues evening strength training a few times and did a shorter version of my Saturday morning strength training.

I also did fewer 7 minute walks due to smoggy days and more things to do at work since last month.

Then in addition to that, I tweaked a hamstring and had to baby it and go slow enough on the 7 minute walks I did take to burn fewer calories.

The better news is that my hamstring has now recovered;  and this morning I was able to do a normal fast walk/slow run combo for time which burns more calories.

Then I had to change my at my desk exercise bike seat in a way that has subtracted about 300 calories a week since last time.  The warmer afternoon temperatures also have been a factor on my riding it less.

4. As my new strength training method helps me get stronger; I get better at it; AND when I can get to the heavier weights to use it on, it DOES begin to look like I’ll add enough muscle that by eating about the same and continuing to get better at the lower carb effort, I’ll finally get back to weighing 161 pounds with far less fat than I have had.

5.  I ordered the BulletProof VIBE Whole Body Vibration Plate today!

I HAVE added a special set of exercises once a week that I'm already doing standing in the space the BulletProof Vibe allows.  That way, I'll be ready to go when I get one to try!

That will be soon; because I just ordered one today!

The last bit of good news this month is that I’m still getting stronger in the two key exercises in this special set of exercises.

Besides the metabolism boost and removing excess lymph and fluid to cause some loss in weight and inches and increasing muscle mass --
combining platelet rich plasma treatment with using the Vibe may heal my left foot and even my heart valves perhaps.

Recently I found that both plasma and platelets boost clotting.  So when I try that, I should likely boost the things I do to keep that to a desirable level!)    

I.  Using the Bullet Proof Vibe the way I plan will likely help me lose fat and gain muscle. 

The one to try is on its way!

Using the Vibe as I plan to do, I expect will help me add 5 or 6 pounds of muscle and lose 1o to 12 pounds of fat.  My weight will only drop to about 160 to 161 pounds which is my goal weight.  But if the vibe has these effects and also removes locked-in lymph from my belly and my internal or visceral fat I may lose from two to seven inches on my waist measurement.  Now in inches, I’m about 39 chest, 42 waist, and 37 & a half hips.

This may finally get me the 4o inch chest and 34 or 36 inch waist and the 38 and muscular hip readings I’ve wanted.

It may take more time to get to a gym two or three times a month; but in a week or two it looks likely I’ll be able to try the VIBE.

My reading about its effects that I’ve posted on recently will increase my calories burned; add muscle; and speed my recovery between sessions.

I’ll try it with some extra energy and see if I do get those results.

If I do I’ll post that feedback here.

And, I’ll cover any workarounds I have to do to use it well.

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