Thursday, March 29, 2018

Dieting makes you fat but fatloss is possible anyway….Today’s Post….Thursday, 3-29-2018

A Medical News Today research summary said yesterday that:

Repeated attempts to lose fat where you eat less and then eat as you did before, the harmful but common way of "dieting," actually causes fat gain!

Eating real food every day but NOT sugary foods or soft drinks tends to prevent fat gain as people get older.

Regular exercise helps keep fat off, particularly for women.

Interestingly, in this study, men who smoked gained more fat!

Men who were highly educated tended to gain less fat.

Not being in a good relationship and/or having the skills and resources to do so and being unhappy in your relationship tends to cause fat gain.

This study did not teach the best foods for keeping off excess fat nor did it teach the best exercises to do so. 

Instead it looked at what moderately informed or uninformed people did.

“The secret to avoiding weight gain: Don't diet

A new study flies in the face of popular opinion. The authors conclude that dieting is, in fact, a risk factor for putting on excess weight.”

As our regular readers know, eating the most organic and naturally raised real foods and some ongoing occasional stricter eating and doing the right exercises – all of which you keep doing -- CAN help you lose fat you keep off.

The other part is avoiding harmful foods and drinks as close to 100% of the time as you can.

Eating out less -- Only eating the most OK foods on the menu – And almost always avoiding fast food is an important way to do that.

Today, there was article about research showing yet another reason for this:

Eating at fast food places and eating out at all boosts phthalate intake...

Dining out associated with increased exposure to harmful chemicals
New study finds burgers and other foods consumed at restaurants, fast food outlets or cafeterias, associated with higher levels of phthalates
Date: March 29, 2018
Source:  George Washington University
Dining out more at restaurants, cafeterias and fast-food outlets may boost total levels of potentially health-harming chemicals called phthalates in the body, according to a study out today.

"Dining out more at restaurants, cafeterias and fast-food outlets may boost total levels of potentially health-harming chemicals called phthalates in the body, according to a study out today. Phthalates, a group of chemicals used in food packaging and processing materials, are known to disrupt hormones in humans and are linked to a long list of health problems.

People who reported consuming more restaurant, fast food and cafeteria meals had phthalate levels that were nearly 35 percent higher than people who reported eating food mostly purchased at the grocery store, according to the study.

The association between phthalate exposure and dining out was significant for all age groups but the magnitude of association was highest for teenagers;

Adolescents who were high consumers of fast food and other food purchased outside the home had 55 percent higher levels of phthalates compared to those who only consumed food at home;

Certain foods, and especially cheeseburgers and other sandwiches, were associated with increased levels of phthalates -- but only if they were purchased at a fast-food outlet, restaurant or cafeteria."

Add to this that fast food places and many restaurants serve a lot of refined grain foods that contain the most harmful form of gluten and are very high glycemic and this turns out to be even more important.

NOT eating refined grain foods that contain the most harmful form of gluten at all is in an important way to lose fat and keep it off!

Add to that that fast food places put MSG in almost everything and serve the fattening soft drinks and diet soft drinks and so do many restaurants!

So NOT eating at fast food places and being very disciplined at regular restaurants that you go to less often DOES help fat loss although “dieting” does not! 

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Prevent and stop hearing loss….Today's post:  Tuesday, 3-27-2018

Most of us are exposed quite regularly to noise and music and conversation that is quite loud.

Over time or even quite quickly in some cases, this can result in hearing loss which can become permanent.

This can cause all kinds of problems if it happens to you.

It can cause problems at work by reducing your ability to network in noisy locations or hear accurately on the phone.

It can cause problems socially when you miss out on conversations from people just a couple of seats from you.

Worse, it can cause trouble in your relationships when you miss or miss-hear things said to you even when you are paying attention.

When it gets bad, it can even cause depression and even physical nerve degeneration in your brain and contribute to Alzheimer’s disease progression or even help cause it!

Most people commute to work now.  And, even inside your car, the level of noise you are subjected to each work day can be higher than you may realize.

You may be one of the many people now who talk on your phone or listen to music with an ear bud in your ear canal.  Turning it up to hear over the racket around you can itself damage your hearing.

About 6 months ago I wrote an email about the very large number of effective things you can do to prevent this kind of hearing damage and even reverse it often.  The husband of a very nice older woman I know was becoming hard to live with due to worsening hearing loss.

So I wrote that post for her and for people in her situation.

Today, as he often does, Dr Al Sears re-sent his email he’d sent before that the US Military found two things in particular that they have used to protect the hearing of their people exposed to gunshots and explosions and other loud noises.

Because his email was my original inspiration for my post 6 months ago and is quite well done, I start today’s post with its main points:

“Al Sears, MD                                                March 27, 2018
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

"The U.S. military is worried about the hearing loss of its soldiers…
Every day during basic training, our men and women in uniform fire hundreds of rounds of ammunition per minute. The noise from their M-16 assault rifles is deafening.

More than half of all U.S. soldiers experience moderate to severe damage to their ears by the time they leave the service.

In fact, hearing loss is the No. 1 disability our soldiers face.

So researchers at the Marine Corps Base at Camp Pendleton recruited 1,000 marines going through rifle training. All were given a standard hearing test.

Then researchers gave 566 marines a powerful amino acid three times a day for a month. The other marines took a placebo.

A second hearing test after the study’s conclusion found that 70% of the soldiers who took the amino acid had dramatically less hearing loss.1

The powerful secret weapon the soldiers were given was an amino acid called N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC).  The researchers found that NAC protected the tiny ear hairs in the soldiers’ ears. They had less damage and also less ringing in their ears.

NAC is so effective our military now uses it to protect soldiers from blast noise, gunfire and explosions.2

You may not be subjected to the same level of noise these marines faced during their rifle training.
But every day you are bombarded with ear-splitting sounds from our modern world. Things like roaring traffic, screeching trains, leaf blowers, lawn mowers and high-speed blenders.  Our ears weren’t designed to deal with these loud noises day in and day out. And it takes a toll on the delicate inner workings of your ears.

You see, your inner ear contains over 15,000 tiny hair cells. They turn sound waves into electrical signals that go to your brain. That’s how you hear. But loud noises damage these sensitive cells.

By middle-age you can be left with serious hearing loss. It interferes with enjoying your favorite TV show or having a conversation with your loved ones. You can have chronic whistling, hissing or ringing in your ears.

Most doctors will tell you there’s nothing you can do except get some high-powered hearing aids.

But supplementing with NAC not only prevents hearing loss…
It helps reverse it.

In a recent study, Yale researchers found that NAC boosts your production of a powerful antioxidant called glutathione. And that helps repair the inner ear damage done by loud noises.3

NAC is available as a supplement in most health food stores. 
I recommend taking 250 mg per day. 

But if you know you’re going to a loud concert or sporting event, take 1,200 mg 12 hours before. 

If the noise is a surprise, take 1,200 mg as soon as possible afterward. Then take 900 mg to 1,200 mg three times a day, with meals, for the next 14 days."

"NAC is just one nutrient that protects your hearing. I use many others with my patients here at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. 

Here are three that can help protect your ears and even reverse hearing loss.

1. Luteolin. Luteolin is a powerful antioxidant and one of the few that can cross the blood-brain barrier. It protects the nerve cells in your ears from oxidative damage. It’s also a natural anti-inflammatory that can repair free radical damage that harms the hair cells in your ears.
The best way to get luteolin is through your diet. Aim to get at least one serving at each meal. Here are my top picks for foods and herbs rich in luteolin:"

[Of Dr Sears picks I think well of these:

[Dried herbs are easier to use AND much more concentrated sources:

Dried oregano [as a spice}
Parsley [as dried parsley spice]
Basil [as a dried spice]
Sage [as a dried spice]

Broccoli [Use as florets raw or diced and lightly steamed with exra virgin olive oil -- raw broccoli will give you some but gives you very strong cancer protection.  The lightly steamed with extra virgin olive oil makes the luteolin and other carotenoids in broccoli more bioavailable!]

[Avocado is superb for this as it has luteolin and other carotenoids and the health OK monosaturated fat to make them bioavailable!)

"You can also supplement. For sharper hearing I recommend taking 25 mg per day."

[Dr David Perlmutter and Dr Dale Bredesen recommend 500 mg of NAC from once to three times a day.  I take it twice a day.  Jarrow makes a 500 mg capsule of NAC that I take.]

"2. Niacin. Your inner ear, like your brain, has no energy reserves. It depends on oxygen and glucose from the blood supply. When blood flow slows, your inner ear is starved of energy.
Niacin or vitamin B3 is a natural circulation booster. It energizes healthy cells of all kinds. 

It also fights inflammation and improves hearing in people with sudden hearing loss. And it’s been shown to reduce ringing in the ears."

You can boost your niacin levels with food. The best sources are grass-fed beef and organ meats, pastured eggs, chicken and turkey, and wild-caught salmon and tuna. Good vegetarian sources include... beets, leafy greens, nuts... and beans."

You can also supplement. I recommend starting at a small dose of 250 mg per day because too much niacin can lead to “flushing.” Increase the amount gradually every month until you get up to 750 mg or 1,000 mg. You can also split your dose into twice a day to help reduce the flush.

[I take 100 mg a day of niacinamide in Solgar's B Complex with C Stress formula.  This form is less of a circulation promoter but it does some and causes no flush.  I also take Whole Foods 300 mg niacin tablets twice a day with food.  

And I take two "No Flush" niacin as inositol hexaniacinate 300 mg twice a day that I also get at Whole Foods. This compound contains about 250 mg of niacin a capsule that releases this niacin as your body digests it with zero flush!  

So between the three sources I get 1200 mg of niacin with almost no flush or only rarely so.]

3. Magnesium. This mineral boosts blood flow to the tiny vessels in the auditory canal. 

And it supports the health of inner ear hair cells. In one study, 320 Army recruits were exposed to high decibel gunfire during their two weeks of basic training. Those taking magnesium had 50% less hearing damage than a placebo group.4

Sadly, over 70% of people are deficient in magnesium.5 

Leafy greens like kale, spinach, and Swiss chard are good food sources. So are quinoa, lentils, almonds, sesame seeds and cacao.

I recommend getting between 600 mg and 1,000 mg a day as a supplement. 

Avoid magnesium oxide or glutamate. The glycine, citrate, malate, and chloride forms are better choices. Take it with vitamin B6 to increase the amount of magnesium accumulating in your cells."

[I take 4 capsules a day of Solaray 200 mg chelated magnesium.   And eat I a tablespoon of slivered almonds and some cooked lentils first thing each morning for good for you fats and desirable fiber and some protein.]

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD, CNS”

My post 6 months ago was inspired by this Dr Sears email.

But it adds more ways to boost circulation and grow new nerves and replace damaged ones.

It has a special hearing aid that may help also though I’m not sure how available it is yet.

Check out that post for more information if you want:

“Ways to REVERSE hearing loss!…Today's post:  Wednesday, 9-13-2017

See about two thirds of the way through that file at for September, 2017.

*Most people are not aware of it.  But some cases of hearing loss can be fixed –totally reversed! 

Usually when reversal is not achievable, considerable improvement and better health
  -- IS achievable.

Plus if there is at least some hearing or better hearing after taking these steps, there is a new way to get back normal hearing even in loud locations with a new high tech hearing aid!....”

After this introduction that post has some of the same information and several other methods also!  

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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Fatloss for women Part three….Today’s Post….Thursday, 3-22-2018

Two weeks ago I posted on ways to prevent or reverse harmful conditions that cause women to suffer or become mobility restricted or die can be used as a gateway to losing fat or keeping it off.

This is true for women who do the things that work. And doing the things that make fatloss happen and stay off make that much more doable.

It works the other way too:

The different actions that women can upgrade to and sustain to prevent these conditions also help lose fat and keep it off.

And, if women make and sustain these upgrades for fat loss, they also escape these nasty diseases and discomforts!

Fat loss is sometimes a symptom of harmful beliefs women have. It certainly has been for years!

But fatloss can also be a way to empower women and protect them from the horrible traditional harms women have been attacked with recently.

Year round it’s still the case that most people working to lose fat are women.  Just like men, women want to look good and aspire to look like women who are healthy and can have babies.  Even if they want to remain childless, the healthiest younger women do look like that.

Given the amount of work it can take to make that happen, you may want to do it anyway. 

But you also may just want to do enough of it to be mobile and healthy.  To do that you may need to work hard at first if you have a lot to lose; but you can stop and maintain sooner and with less effort.  (The trap to avoid is to go back to the foods and drinks that are harmful and stop exercising.  But if you keep eating and drinking real foods from organic and unpolluted sources, you can, if you like, eat more and eat more foods with carbs. You may be a bit less lean; but you will be able to eat without thinking about it all the time.)

The unfortunate news is that women have acted on false beliefs that cause more health problems and fat gain instead.

We posted this last time:

1.  If a woman tries to lose fat when she is actually not and tries to lose what she does have in harmful ways to look like women who are actually on the verge of being so skinny they are frail, that can harm her health and always hammers her self esteem.

Far too many women and even younger girls have been doing this and still are.  For the benefit of all women, stop that from happening to you! And support women who are no longer doing that.

That has three cures:

*Find things you already LIKE about yourself. 

*Be so warm and worth knowing people forgive you for not being perfect. 

*And refuse to lose fat in any way that harms your health or leaves out upgrading to a lifestyle with real food from safe sources and doing regular effective exercises that fit you.

Making and sustaining those upgrades improves and protects your health! 

By contrast, just eating less and gaining everything back by going back to eating more over and over harms your health!

2.  Women are at substantial extra risk for breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease and migraine headaches and osteoporosis and depression when they eat junk food or take many medicines that are actually harmful and ineffective for these things.

3.  If they take the actions to prevent those in several ways that work that are based in eating well and exercising well before menopause or as soon as possible when they first begin it, they can prevent all this and avoid hot flashes and other problems.

Two weeks ago we posted this:

These two posts have the strategies that show what things work and how to upgrade to them:

Fast Heart Protection without drugs....Tuesday, 1-9-2018

This post and the two comments I added that contain many things that do this AND they improve blood flow to the brain as well as the heart and tend to prevent Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.

How to eat a low inflammation diet….Today's post:  Tuesday, 12-19-2017 

When women make the upgrades to a low inflammation eating style before menopause or very early when it first begins, they also tend to prevent both the discomforts like hot flashes and mental fog and even much of the fat gain.

This is also very protective against the Alzheimer's that begins to attack many women after menopause.

Many of these upgrades are easy to do!  The ones that are harder you can begin at an easy level at first. 

Pick one or two you can do for sure and start doing them.

Why not start?  People who do get better at it and often do very well.

We’ll add more things next week and maybe the week after!

Here are last week’s additions:

Almost every one of the several things listed above that cause women to suffer or lose mobility can largely be prevented or turned off.  AND those efforts are compatible with the health giving ways to lose fat.

So if you want to stop one of these nasty conditions or not get it, taking the actions to do so can be an effective gateway to fat loss!

*Besides what we covered above, women tend to have more migraines.  The good news is that they can often be prevented or turned off.

See More ways and reasons to stop migraines….Tuesday, 2-20-2018

These actions can often simply stop your migraines!  For some they will reduce the number well over 50% and make those that remain mild enough to not derail your day.

The majority of these actions that you’ll want to keep doing to stay free of migraines, also help you lose fat and keep it off!

*Another worry women have is to prevent breast cancer.  There are things that prevent all cancers starting with one that cuts the risk in half!  Then there are things that prevent the kind of invasive and metastatic cancers that can kill you or cause you pain or dysfunction.  Doing those actions defangs breast cancer as a threat far more than is reported yet in the media.  Note that many of these actions are already in this post in the post on How to eat a low inflammation diet….listed above.

See Prevent breast cancer 3 ways….Tuesday, 1-30-2018

This is the most recent post listed in this file of posts from January, 2018.

Next week we’ll add how to stop depression and osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s  disease without drugs.    

*In part because women in this culture have been conditioned to be less proactive and do less regular exercise, particularly strength training, they are more likely than men to be depressed.  (Those things women tend not to do cause depression both physically and emotionally.)

The changes at early menopause for women who don’t know how to prevent them or reduce them cause also depression both physically and emotionally.

For women, who in most cultures who are often more social than men, excess fat or a challenging menopause or lack of a good social network can cause isolation and loneliness.

This tends to cause depression.

And, much worse the drugs still given as anti-depressants are not very effective.  They tend to be addictive.  And they recently have been found to contribute to osteoporosis.  They boost serotonin in the blood where it causes problems and do not boost it in the brain which is helpful.
Knowing to never take ONE dose of these actually helps prevent depression.

Vitamin D3 and thinking warm thoughts about people you care about and good social interactions boost serotonin in the brain which IS effective in helping stop depression.

Following the anti-inflammation lifestyle from our first post in this series and getting regular exercise releases BDNF which has proven to reduce depression physically!

Stopping the harmful foods and drinks to live the low inflammation lifestyle as a permanent lifestyle upgrade has also been shown in several studies now to reduce depression!

Using the fast and effective ways to prevent heart disease can be a HUGE help in preventing depression because statin drugs reduce your cellular energy and tend to prevent the release of the BDNF that DOES protect against depression.

Statins also cause migraines and insomnia both of which make depression more likely or worsen it!

Worse, failing to use the effective nondrug ways in our first post to prevent heart disease and strokes can cause doctors to prescribe beta blockers.

All the harmful things statins do beta blockers do even worse. Beta blockers directly cause depression which is often severe that will not lift unless the beta blocker are stopped.

The really horrid thing is that beta blockers can be addictive enough to be harder to stop taking than heroin or cocaine.

Even worse, to avoid suddenly having extremely high rebound blood pressure, you have to step down your dose gradually for safety reasons.

If you want to stop being depressed or stop becoming far more depressed, it is important to know  to never take even one dose of beta blockers!

*In our post on Tuesday this week, 3-30-2018, on how and why to stop slumping, we dealt with osteoporosis because in women who are past menopause one cause that it is important to reverse is osteoporosis.

“In women, it….slumping…may mean she is getting dangerous osteoporosis which will hasten her death and disability.  If so, she would be much happier and healthier if she did the things that stop that and tend to reverse it.  She would live longer and stay mobile longer and be in less pain

I’ve posted on what those things are.  Such things as stopping ALL soft drinks, particularly colas and doing leg exercises with relatively heavy weight that she builds up to and many other things work to do this.  Taking boron and magnesium and vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 also help.”

Soft drinks both regular and diet, particularly colas, and the high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweetener used tend to cause bone loss.  Even the carbonation to make the fizz is acidic and demineralizes your bones!

Soft drinks both regular and diet are very effective fatteners so stopping them totally is very effective in causing fat loss and keeping it off!

But these drinks are even more effective at causing osteoporosis! They even help deplete magnesium which your body needs to make new bone and replace bone regularly.

The inexpensive supplement boron helps your body build bones that are unusually hard to break and still stay flexible.  It even has strong anticancer effects!

Doing the reverse of soft drinks and adding magnesium by taking 200 to 800 mg a day of magnesium and eating nuts if not allergic and greens high in it helps your body to make new bone and replace bone regularly.

Oddly, eating a healthful diet and possibly taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement gives you all the calcium you need for bone building and repair.  Taking more calcium in supplement form is not needed for this and some studies even suggest it’s harmful!

What IS important is to take 5,000 to 10,000 iu of vitamin D3 a day and always take it with vitamin K2.

This is in the information on protecting your heart because this combination, particularly the K2 prevents your body adding calcium to your blood vessels.

K2 sends the calcium in your blood to building and repairing your BONES instead!

Bones are very similar to muscles.  Exercising them with relatively heavy weights on a regular basis causes them to stay strong or get stronger.

Nearly 50 years ago slow reps with heavy and gradually increasing weight was shown to begin to reverse early osteoporosis in women!
Women who want to avoid osteoporosis certainly should consider doing this in addition to stopping things that cause it and taking things that reverse it!

Even going to the gym to do this once or twice a week is effective! 

Possibly for evolutionary reasons, if you cannot to get to a gym, even taking a 7 minute walk four days a week is almost as effective.

For a woman who has osteoporosis already it may make sense to take the supplements and stop the soft drinks for a few weeks before beginning the strength training.

Then, using only weights that are easy to lift for a few weeks after that may also be wise.

What about the drugs for osteoporosis?

Most unfortunately the ones currently in use are so ineffective and harmful here again it’s important to know to not take even one dose!

They seemed good at first because they did make bones a bit heavier and denser.  But they are actually harmful to your bones and prevent the things that do work from working!

Worse, they have truly horrid side effects and they make breaking your bones much more likely!

They stop your bones from adding healthy new bone in favor of making your bones turn into a hard but brittle concrete in a way that prevents healthy bone growth.

These drugs are prescribed in the hopes of preventing the devastation caused by broken legs or hips.  Their actual track record is that they make severe such bone breakage MORE likely.

They can disfigure your face by destroying your jaw bone or bones.  And they cause such severe heartburn they have induced suicide and fatal esophageal cancer.

Should you take them for a short time to jump start healing? 

Since they cause suffering and delay the things that do work if you do this, does that sound good to you?

The data show that starting the things that do work as soon as you can is MUCH more effective. 

And you get skip the horrible heartburn and dollar cost too!

Best of all, the things that do work that you continue as sustainable lifestyle upgrades you keep doing, all help with fat loss and keeping it off!

*Alzheimer’s disease afflicts mostly women.  And the actions that prevent or help reverse it in its earlier stages all help cause or maintain fat loss.

There is now book on the research that found what actions to take, why they work, and that when done they did work 90% of the time.

In fact, there was some evidence that they work 100% of the time in people who keep doing them!

Because many of these lifestyle upgrades are the same ones that cause and help maintain fatloss, women doing this are most likely to be protected!

Several years ago it was thought that diet drinks and artificial sweeteners were effective and safe. 

We now know the reverse is true and they can cause toxic mental decline. 

Similarly, back then spicy foods often had lots of MSG. Unfortunately many still do.  MSG is toxic to the brain and it's not easy to avoid.  It’s a direct cause of MSG and MS and contributes to causing Parkinson’s disease.

Most people, at 70% of all cases, who get Alzheimer's are women not men.

I once thought that exposure to cleaning solutions and less exercise compared to men caused that.  And, in some cases they may.

But the big, most likely, cause is the extremely high inflammation that happens to women in perimenopause, the initial transition to complete menopause.

As Dr Bredesen found, that level of inflammation is a direct cause. 

And, many of the protections disappear that younger women have been able to get away such as bad food and drink choices!

For more on Dr Bredesen’s book which I think well of see:

Alzheimers IS reversed by protocols…. Wednesday, 12-27-2017 

To repeat:

Dr Bredesen’s research found what actions to take to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s disease , why they work, and that when done they did work 90% of the time.

In fact, there was some evidence that they work 100% of the time in people who keep doing them!

Because many of these lifestyle upgrades are the same ones that cause and help maintain fatloss, women doing this are most likely to be protected!


If there are any of these nasty to horrible conditions you want to avoid or turn down or off,
doing the things as an ongoing lifestyle upgrade that cause fatloss that you keep off makes adding the other  things work far better and much easier to keep doing!       

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Why fix slumping and how….Today's post:  Tuesday, 3-20-2018

In our today’s paper the Dear Abby column had a letter from a man who was bothered by his wife’s slumping posture.

He said it was getting worse and looked so bad it bothered him.

When he tried to ask her to fix it, she felt picked on pressured which made it worse.

Her reply was that it is extremely hard to improve and he should stop bugging her about it.

That’s bad advice both ways!

1.  In women, it may mean she is getting dangerous osteoporosis which will hasten her death and disability.  If so, she would be much happier and healthier if she did the things that stop that and tend to reverse it.  She would live longer and stay mobile longer and be in less pain

I’ve posted on what those things are.  Such things as stopping ALL soft drinks, particularly colas and doing leg exercises with relatively heavy weight that she builds up to and many other things work to do this.  Taking boron and magnesium and vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 also help.

Oddly, the drugs doctors are told to use are neither effective or safe to take.  So knowing NOT to take them or waste money on them is important.

In both men and women if you slump over often to read things on your lap or a table in front of you as a young person you tend not to think of it becoming frozen in place.

But surprisingly soon your back bones and cartilage grow to fit that posture and then fight you when you try to stand straight.  Worse, as you get older than 40 this gets impossible to fight and stand straight without some kind of extra help.

For hundreds of years people who read a lot have gotten this.  One of the older Civil War generals had it. They called him “old shell back.”

As years go by this worsens to such an extent your heart and lungs have less room; but it’s even harder to fight.

There is an operation to fix this.  But a substantial percentage of the people who get it die of heart attacks many before they leave the hospital.

So the advice columnist was wrong that it’s OK to leave alone! That really isn’t so!

2.  But his wife was correct.  It does seem impossible to not do once this afflicts you.  If you spend 60% of your attention all your waking hours you can slump less.  But if you forget and just go about your life at any time during your day, the slump automatically returns.

The much better news is that this is no longer true!

For less than $90 you can get an easy to use trainer to help you stop slumping.

This was on Facebook today:

“This device can dramatically improve your posture!

Get yours here -

It zaps you when you begin to slump.  Yes this clearly is hard to deal with at first.  But if you simply straighten up as much as you can each time you get zapped and keep wearing it, you gradually begin to sit and stand as straight as you can by habit.

This trains you to do by habit what you cannot do by yourself!

Since this is problem I have, I’m also working to afford the more expensive fixes I’ve posted about to unfreeze your back’s stuck on slump appearance and posture. 

But until I try those and find they do work, I’ve decided not to post on them yet or again.

But I’ve found two things I can do for free that help keep it from getting worse as fast:

Each morning while I make my coffee and the water for it is heating, I spend about 20 seconds holding my head back as far as I can while also holding my shoulders as far back and squeezed together as I can.  It’s only once a day and fast to do and linked to the coffee I always make.

Once a week on Sunday when I have a bit of extra time, my last part of my Sunday morning exercises I do a longer and more advanced version.  I stand as straight as I can and rotate my arms so my thumbs are forward and lift my chest as high as I can and hold my chin back and my shoulders back and stand as tall as I can for about one minute.

These two exercises do NOT improve the frozen spine problem as far as I know.  But I do think they keep it from getting worse until I can try the more expensive fixes.  

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Monday, March 19, 2018

My Monthly Fatloss Report March 2018.....

Today's post:  Monday, 3-19-2018

A.  Here's the key news:

1.  Fat Loss Report, measured on Saturday, 3-17-2018

Gained exactly one pound to 166.4 from 165.4 last month

It was still a loss of 0.7 pounds from 167.1 the month before.

My chest measured 38 to 38 & a quarter, about the same.  This is half an inch bigger or more than several months ago when I was 37 & a half inches.
(This shows I’ve kept the muscle gains I think.  I’ve also regained my form for my strength exercises that exercises them more.  So that may improve soon.)

My waist measurement remained about the same at 41 and a three quarter inches to about 42 and a three quarter inches.  (These are the normally slightly tight and the totally relaxed measures.)

My hips measured about 37 and a half.   That’s still half an inch more than 37 not long ago. (This also shows I’ve kept the muscle gains I think.)

My too high heart rate and diastolic blood pressure I developed after Thanksgiving is ALMOST gone.  My readings are back to the good side of what was normal for me!

My heart rate and mean blood pressure have dropped as I stopped taking green tea extract and Guarana extract and extra coffee on arriving at work.  I also cut my wine intake in half – 3 days a week instead of 6. 

(Excessive and repeated stress and a handful of binge drinking episodes when I was younger and taking the synephrine and the other stimulants on top of that are the likely causes.  Both these things have now been in place a month longer than last time.)

It looks as if cutting my wine intake days by over half and continuing the milk thistle and other liver healing supplements may have fixed having my heart beat irregularly and dropped my angiotensin back to normal according to an article I read today in the Resparate email!

I also may have become magnesium deficient from taking a diuretic and the Zantac acid reducer.  So, I’ve begun using a topical magnesium supplement besides the 800 mg of magnesium I take.  I now use it once or twice a week instead of three or four times. 

When I saw the doctor and got an EKG and then an Echocardiogram, they found I had something called atrial flutter and occasionally AV block and slightly thickened and stretched -- and now also slightly leaky heart valves.

The doctors want to put me on the dangerous and harmful drug blood thinners.  Mercifully, I know better because that guarantees I’ll get worse over time and die younger and become unable to exercise decently.

*Since I wrote that last month I saw the cardiologist.  When I told her that some days my blood pressure and heart rate suggested periods when my heart beat normally, she said if a new 14 day high tech, easy to use monitor called the Zio by iRhythm Technologies verified that this would mean that she would not then urge the dangerous blood thinning drugs on me. 

She still suggested a daily aspirin which I declined.  She did enter “informed refusal” on my records.   

Given the readings suggesting the problems may be gone the last 7 days in a row, if the monitor verifies those as happening the rest of my days over the 14 days -- that will please me and reassure her!

I get the device installed this afternoon. So my next month’s report will have the results.

Then too, I already take several  supplements that do that job better and more safely in combination than the drugs can do.  This is so much the case that taking even one dose of the drug blood thinners could cause me to bleed to death internally.

Given that I am reducing or stopping several causes and do have the excess clotting protection, it would be desirable to stop the atrial flutter and heal the valves too; but I do not need to be in a crashing rush to do so.

To the extent these problems result from injuries or injury to my endothelium in the blood vessels new research has found that the vitamin D3 and K2 I take will heal that over time.

The topical magnesium sometimes also does this.

(These plus the milk thistle I take and the wine cut back may have done the job by restoring my liver’s proper processing of angiotensin which is now low normal instead of too high apparently!)

If the device shows that I still need more healing, I can always go to these I listed last month:

…. platelet rich plasma might well heal my valves and heart rhythm controls entirely when I can afford to add that.

Then, if I still need to fix the valves or they get worse, Stanford Medical School and their attached hospital now can fix them using material from my heart and resulting in better pumping than what the standard procedure has been.  And, best of all, it works so well, there is zero need to take drug blood thinners after the procedure.

It’s also encouraging that my heart is able to power me to new records for pushups while this is going on!  To me this shows the things I’ve done to strengthen it have worked.

(Not long ago I was pleased if I could do 40 to 44 pushups the one day a week I test that each week each Monday.  

Monday this week – earlier today --I did 130 pushups total -- up from my previous record of 125!  Today was 102 without stopping which ties my record and 28 more after a pause up from 23 before!

2. I’ve long ago discontinued the 20 mg of Synephrine completely because it did not change my results that much and it did cause an elevated heart rate and may have caused the atrial flutter and valve damage.

(Combined with the tea and coffee and green tea extracts I was using, the higher pressure in my heart apparently stretched it enough to make the match wrong for electrical impulses for heart rate. 

Now I’ve stopped those as well as the Synephrine, and lowered my diastolic BP this stretching may have gone down.  My cardiologist said that is unlikely enough a story on it would make the NY Times.  That I doubt very much!  But the reduction of the stretching may well show up!)

So, for me the Synephrine definitely a bad idea – or taking it while extra stressed was. 

I did seem to gain muscle without gaining fat when I was taking the Synephrine.

So, for a younger person with far less stress and stress driven slightly high blood pressure, they might be OK with it.

However, given the damage it is known to cause and apparently did cause in me, I no longer think Synephrine safe enough for even younger people to use and that other methods should be used instead.

The bioflavonoid supplement with 100 mg of rutin, I’ve discontinued when I ran out since it seemed not to add any extra effect to the parsley and oregano dried spices I have also been taking.

The apigenin in these herbs and their other phytonutrients do help you recover from exercise and build bone and muscle and heal your gut.  So I have continued those.

3.  My food intake recently has been quite consistent and my overall results of about the same with a bit of up and down reflects this.  

I set a new record for my short daily exercise walk/run combo recently

4. My stress level, already high, was high the last few weeks for several reasons.  

*For me, as for many people, having enough money for at least a minimum OK lifestyle with zero chances of severe money problems reduces stress. 

This has gotten slightly but significantly better lately. So it is less stressful too.

*For me, even more than other people who also have it but at a lower level, having an ally who is unusually supportive and of some help sharply lowers my stress level.

 This part is going well as one ally has become more supportive recently and one good ally who I’d lost touch with is back and supportive.

*Worry about my recent heart rhythm and valve problems has caused me some increase in stress.

5.  I'm currently making an extra effort to overcome this recent stress. Emulating the Seal way of using my training and keeping on no matter what IS helping.  

The new nose breathing I posted on Tuesday, 10-5-2017 also DOES seem to be helping.  It DOES help to avoid the brain freeze I tended to get when I mouth breathed when under high stress.

6.  I believe my continued persistence and continuing to both follow up on successful efforts and finding new and promising things to check on AND doing so, 
WILL enable me to lose my excess fat remaining and keep it off.

7.  I’m continuing to find new ways to boost my metabolism and add bone and muscle that I’m beginning to use.

As my new strength training method helps me get stronger; I get better at it; and I can get to the heavier weights to use it on, it DOES begin to look like I’ll add enough muscle that by eating about the same and continuing to get better at the lower carb effort, I’ll finally get back to weighing 161 pounds with far less fat than I have had.


 I’ll achieve the financial leverage I need.

I’ll get the active allies I need.

 AND I’ll begin to use all of the metabolism boosters I’ve found to add to the ones I’ve been using.

(That includes adding a weekly workout at a gym with heavy barbells and adding these new techniques and trying the BulletProof Vibe.

I HAVE added a special set of exercises once a week that I'm already doing standing in the space the BulletProof Vibe allows.  That way, I'll be ready to go when I get one to try!

The last bit of good news this month is that I’m still getting stronger in the two key exercises in this special set of exercises.

The other two pieces of good news is that besides the metabolism boost and removing excess lymph and fluid to cause some loss in weight and inches and increasing muscle mass --
combining platelet rich plasma treatment with using the Vibe may heal my left foot and even my heart valves perhaps.

Since last month I found that both plasma and platelets boost clotting.  So when I try that, I should likely boost the things I do to keep that to a desirable level!)           

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Friday, March 16, 2018

Fatloss for women Part two….Today’s Post….Thursday, 3-15-2018

Last week I posted on Fatloss for women on the International Women’s Day.

Fat loss is sometimes a symptom of harmful beliefs women have. It certainly has been for years!

But fatloss can also be a way to empower women and protect them from the horrible traditional harms women have been attacked with recently.

Year round it’s still the case that most people working to lose fat are women.  Just like men, women want to look good and aspire to look like women who are healthy and can have babies.  Even if they want to remain childless, the healthiest younger women do look like that.

Given the amount of work it can take to make that happen, you may want to do it anyway. 

But you also may just want to do enough of it to be mobile and healthy.  To do that you may need to work hard at first if you have a lot to lose; but you can stop and maintain sooner and with less effort.  (The trap to avoid is to go back to the foods and drinks that are harmful and stop exercising.  But if you keep eating and drinking real foods from organic and unpolluted sources, you can, if you like, eat more and eat more foods with carbs. You may be a bit less lean; but you will be able to eat without thinking about it all the time.)

The unfortunate news is that women have acted on false beliefs that cause more health problems and fat gain instead.

We posted this last time:

1.  If a woman tries to lose fat when she is actually not and tries to lose what she does have in harmful ways to look like women who are actually on the verge of being so skinny they are frail, that can harm her health and always hammers her self esteem.

Far too many women and even younger girls have been doing this and still are.  For the benefit of all women, stop that from happening to you! And support women who are no longer doing that.

That has three cures:

*Find things you already LIKE about yourself. 

*Be so warm and worth knowing people forgive you for not being perfect. 

*And refuse to lose fat in any way that harms your health or leaves out upgrading to a lifestyle with real food from safe sources and doing regular effective exercises that fit you.

Making and sustaining those upgrades improves and protects your health! 

By contrast, just eating less and gaining everything back by going back to eating more over and over harms your health!

2.  Women are at substantial extra risk for breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease and migraine headaches and osteoporosis and depression when they eat junk food or take many medicines that are actually harmful and ineffective for these things.

3.  If they take the actions to prevent those in several ways that work that are based in eating well and exercising well before menopause or as soon as possible when they first begin it, they can prevent all this and avoid hot flashes and other problems.

Last time we posted this:

These two posts have the strategies that show what things work and how to upgrade to them:

Fast Heart Protection without drugs....Tuesday, 1-9-2018

This post and the two comments I added that contain many things that do this AND they improve blood flow to the brain as well as the heart and tend to prevent Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.

How to eat a low inflammation diet….Today's post:  Tuesday, 12-19-2017 

When women make the upgrades to a low inflammation eating style before menopause or very early when it first begins, they also tend to prevent both the discomforts like hot flashes and mental fog and even much of the fat gain.

This is also very protective against the Alzheimer's that begins to attack many women after menopause.

Many of these upgrades are easy to do!  The ones that are harder you can begin at an easy level at first. 

Pick one or two you can do for sure and start doing them.

Why not start?  People who do get better at it and often do very well.

We’ll add more things next week and maybe the week after!

Here are this week’s additions:

Almost every one of the several things listed above that cause women to suffer or lose mobility can largely be prevented or turned off.  AND those efforts are compatible with the health giving ways to lose fat.

So if you want to stop one of these nasty conditions or not get it, taking the actions to do so can be an effective gateway to fat loss!

Besides what we covered above, women tend to have more migraines.  The good news is that they can often be prevented or turned off.

See More ways and reasons to stop migraines….Tuesday, 2-20-2018

These actions can often simply stop your migraines!  For some they will reduce the number well over 50% and make those that remain mild enough to not derail your day.

The majority of these actions that you’ll want to keep doing to stay free of migraines, also help you lose fat and keep it off!

Another worry women have is to prevent breast cancer.  There are things that prevent all cancers starting with one that cuts the risk in half!  Then there are things that prevent the kind of invasive and metastatic cancers that can kill you or cause you pain or dysfunction.  Doing those actions  defangs breast cancer as a threat far more than is reported yet in the media.  Note that many of these actions are already in this post in the post on How to eat a low inflammation diet….listed above.

See Prevent breast cancer 3 ways….Tuesday, 1-30-2018

This is the most recent post listed in this file of posts from January, 2018.

Next week we’ll add how to stop depression and osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s  disease without drugs.      

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