Tuesday, February 20, 2018

More ways and reasons to stop migraines….Today's post:  Tuesday, 2-20-2018

A Medscape email I got last Friday, 2-16-2018 reported a study showing that people who get migraines are more likely to get several dangerous or quality of life harming heart conditions.

Simply put, people who get migraines are more likely to get heart attacks, strokes, and conditions that lead to heart failure.

The study said that people who have migraines are proven to be more at risk to get MI, VTE, and atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter 

(MI is a heart attack; VTE is dangerous blood clots that start in veins; and atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter can cause strokes and heart failure and quality of life issues from feeling out of breath to dizziness to weakness.)

This means that things that turn off or prevent migraines very likely also can prevent or stop those conditions!

It may also mean that things that prevent or turn down the risk of stroke, MI, VTE, and atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter may prevent or stop migraines!

Because there are many ways that work to prevent migraines, many of which also help prevent heart attacks and strokes, AND because the drugs too often used from OTC pain relievers to beta blockers and more are so horribly harmful, we did a three part series on effective ways to prevent migraines about nine months ago.

Stop migraines without drugs and why.....Tuesday, 5-23-2017

Stop migraines without drugs and why.....Tuesday, 5-30-2017
(This was part two.)

Stop migraines without drugs and why.....Tuesday, 6-6-2017
(This was part three.)

Many of the methods listed can be done within a few weeks.  And, when you do one or two that remove the causes of your migraines, they stop. 

Sometimes your migraines become far less frequent and become much milder; but that’s a BIG improvement.  And if you do the other things you’ve not yet begun, you can get rid of those too!

Four I’ll list from that series that can work really fast are:

1.  If you have migraines, it’s very likely you are deficient in magnesium, maybe severely deficient.

If you drink any soft drinks, regular or diet, or consume other things with high fructose corn syrup or eat any hybrid wheat, your body uses what magnesium it has to process excess carbs and sugars.

And, since you may not eat greens or organ meats or tree nuts or take magnesium supplements, you may become severely deficient in magnesium.  In fact, this is quite common, unfortunately.

If this is causing your migraines and you quickly upgrade what you eat and drink to organic and naturally raised real foods and drinks instead and begin to take magnesium, you may become migraine free in just a few weeks.

2.  If you have migraines, it’s also quite likely you are deficient in the B Complex vitamins  

And, since you may not eat greens or organ meats or tree nuts or take a good set of B vitamin supplements, you may also be severely deficient in the important B Complex vitamins.  In fact, this is quite common, unfortunately.

In the same way, if you begin to eat organic greens and organ meats and take a balanced B Complex vitamin such as Solgar’s Stress Formula B Complex with C and Whole Foods niacin or No Flush using inositol hexaniacinate, and a chewable 1,000 mcg B12, and folic acid, if lack of these was causing your migraines, they will stop!

3.  MSG causes migraines and is deliberately hidden in dozens of foods because it helps make junk foods and even real foods more addictive.  (Yes, that helps make MSG fattening too!)

If you stop eating any condiments or spice blends that list “spices” or even “natural spices” and eat no foods from a fast food eatery, you will stop getting migraines from this source!

Eating or taking ginger; eating curried foods that have turmeric or taking curcumin from turmeric; take at least 10,000 iu of vitamin D3 plus a vitamin K2 supplement, does the exact opposite of MSG and can slash migraine pain or stop it entirely.

4.  Some migraines are caused by a pinched or squeezed nerve in your neck.  Competent treatment by a chiropractor stops this AND the migraines it causes.

So if your migraines are horrible, or the first 3 methods don’t stop them, seeing a chiropractor may simply turn them off.

You can also turn off or dramatically slash your risk of heart attacks in just a few weeks.

This recent post and the comment I added contain methods that do this and that quickly.

Fast Heart Protection without drugs….Tuesday, 1-9-2018

If you have migraines, this new research suggests you might want to add these things that you aren’t already doing from the lists above.  
If you have migraines, you are more likely to have a stroke:

The recent study found you are more likely to get:

VTE, dangerous blood clots that start in veins; and atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter all often cause strokes.

So if you have migraines, doing the things that slash your risk of stroke is worth doing!

The most effective way known to prevent BOTH ischemic or blood clot caused, strokes AND to also prevent hemorrhagic, or bleeding, strokes at the same time is to eat one or more pieces of organic fresh fruit each day.  (Organic blueberries and blackberries test as doing this best; but even eating a banana will help!)

This provides natural vitamin C and the complementary micronutrients that make your blood vessels both stronger AND more flexible.

Taking fruit extract supplements also works.  Taking even one will help.  I take bilberry and elderberry extract, grape seed extract, and cherry extract besides my daily fruit serving.

Atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter can cause strokes, heart failure, and quality of life issues.

Binge drinking or even special event extra drinking of alcoholic drinks can cause them or turn them on.  So can getting a big dose of MSG in holiday foods you normally don’t eat.

MSG causes BOTH these nasty things AND migraines.  Avoid any intake of MSG if you can possibly do so!

And, sticking to light moderation and drinking good quality red wine and very seldom more or anything else or not drinking alcohol are also things you might do well to consider if you get migraines!  

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elle fait état de 1,5 milliard de vidéos vues.

6:58 PM  
Blogger David said...

Good news if true!

7:59 AM  
Blogger David said...

Last Tuesday night I ate out at an event I attended with my wife. I followed the eating style I always do eating a paleo style meal with one glass of red wine before dinner.

I had an order of bacon; and I had grilled skinless chicken breast slices and sliced boiled egg and bacon bits and avocado slices on lots of mixed greens.

The next day, yesteday, I briefly had the small area of a flashing cross-hatch pattern a the center of my vision. This made it a bit hard to read and write emails.

(Once when I had this more often and ate less well, I went to the opthamologist to check if this was a detaching retina. I was relieved to find out that issue was completely OK.

What I had, he told me, was a "visual only migraine", an "optical migrinae."

I think this means the restaurant food had MSG in the spices for the bacon or bacon bits or the grilled skinless chicken breast slices.

Since then, I ate the foods without MSG that I normally eat; and after that short bout of the optical migraine it went away.

The good news is that what I normally eat that has no MSG doesn't cause this and makes it go away if other foods give it to me. The bad news is that getting bacon in restaurants and eating at that restaurant are things I should almost always avoid!

8:50 AM  

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