Labels: Four keys to permanent fat loss, Four proven ways to keep off fat you lost without escessive hunger, Keep off fat AND hunger
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Keep off fat AND hunger….Today's
post: Thursday, 2-15-2018
You can keep off fat best if you eat a variety of foods you
like or at least are used to eating AND you avoid getting excessively hungry.
Note: All these
methods work best or work at all if you no longer eat or drink excess sugar or
high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners or any hybrid wheat or much
of any grain.
This includes foods and drinks and “food-like substances”
made of these things.
Since these things cause rebound and excessive hunger,
eliminating them is half the battle.
But you can do much more after that:
1. Resistant starch
and health OK oils can keep you from getting too hungry and are proven to help
people keep off the fat they have lost if you eat them in moderation and in
controlled amounts.
Got an email recently suggesting plantain sliced into discs
and sautéed lightly in extra virgin olive oil as an effective way to do this.
The resistant starch in the plantain and the health OK oil
in the extra virgin olive oil is likely to be one effective way to do this.
They both turn off hunger quite well!
Adding some garlic or onions to the plantain slices or
organic spices you like can make this an enjoyable addition.
Resistant starch, just like the fiber in green and nonstarchy
vegetables, is filling and very low glycemic.
Resistant starch and the fiber in nonstarchy vegetables and
health OK fats and oils help you enjoy your food and feel full enough to be
less hungry.
Resistant starch also feeds the kinds of bacteria that tend
to prevent you from gaining back fat you have lost.
Bananas, yams, sweet potatoes, and beans and lentils also do
this because they are high in resistant starch.
I like peeled and shredded boiled or steamed yams with a bit
of Kerrygold butter and cinnamon.
Lentils may have too many lectins for some people. But cooked, they have resistant starch and
abundant nutrition and are very low glycemic. I eat just a little every day.
Lightly sautéed organic potato slices or diced small
potatoes that are then chilled overnight are high in resistant starch and far
lower glycemic than they would be if not chilled overnight.
2. Raw tree nuts you
aren’t allergic to and avocados have health benefits so great people who eat
them regularly get a positive boost to their health as great as if they quit
And, if they avoid the things that fatten listed above,
people who eat these foods get to eat more calories and be less fat! This is a proven effect by actual tests!
(Cashew nuts are one exception for most people as they are
quite high in lectins.)
These foods are very filling and are ZERO glycemic or very
nearly so. They taste good enough and
are filling enough one way they do this is to make it MUCH easier to do without
the harmful and fattening foods and ingredient listed first.
But that more calories result even suggests that people who
eat raw tree nuts they aren’t allergic to and who eat avocados, are able to
burn more calories too!
3. A high or high
moderate intake of health OK protein foods also helps you to be less hungry.
Doing so supports building or keeping bone and muscle that
burn calories for you.
(Adding effective strength training of your larger muscles
as well sharply increases this effect because you also burn enough more
calories you can eat more without adding fat!)
Health OK protein foods take longer to digest and release
energy slowly and help you feel full.
Then, when you do get hungry it’s moderate.
AND, one study found that getting enough protein helps
people on lower calorie intakes from being less active or triggering the famine
response. The same study found that
lower calorie intakes of the same amount but low in protein slashed the energy people
had and made them much hungrier.
4. Studies also have
found that limiting carbs or calories or both one or two days a week but not
every day helps people lose fat as well as doing it every day. But doing it enables you to keep the fat off
when those who did it every day did not!
One reason for this is that it makes it so much more doable
to keep doing than cutting back all the time.
This makes it a permanent lifestyle upgrade.
(Cutting calories and stopping simply causes the fat to
return and wastes your efforts. The upgrade to cutting back one or two days a
week as a permanent change is MUCH more effective!)
Doing these things
every week, you CAN keep off fat you lose without hunger!
You can keep from
being excessively hungry and yet keep off the fat you lost too!
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