Tuesday, January 16, 2018

 Real anti-aging methods….Today's post:  Tuesday, 1-16-2018

1.  The basic actions to protect your health and stay healthy are essential and many slow aging directly.

2.  Eating no heart attack starters and harmful ingredients AND eating an abundance of organic vegetables including those high in folate and multiple carotenoids and the cruciferous vegetables and only health OK sources of protein and fats and oils HAS been tested to slow and even partly reverse aging!

Dr Terry Wahls’ Wahls Protocol is a bit too high in vegetables to be doable for most people.  That said, the people who get help and follow it entirely, not only slow aging, after several weeks they begin to visibly “youthen” and look years younger!

She and several others have gotten near complete reversal of MS by eating this way. 

Dr David Perlmutter has found treatments to add to this that even come close to turning off Parkinson’s disease.

In the UK, research found that people who ate 6 or more servings of real vegetables (NOT French fries) and one or more servings of whole fresh fruit a day aged more slowly and got far less strokes and heart attacks and were far less likely to die from ANY cause.

Since then, research has found that people who exercise regularly and who eat 3 or more servings of real vegetables and one or more servings of whole fresh fruit get as much protection as those who eat six servings.  That’s quite important because 3 or more servings of vegetables is so much more doable than six!

3.  Several years ago Stanford did a study of the men who initially were regular runners for exercise and compared them to matched people at Stanford who did not exercise.  Note that both groups were well paid and had safe to perform jobs and access to good medical care and interesting and worthwhile work to do.  AND, in these seemingly advantaged and matched groups, the regular exercisers simply aged less by a huge amount.  They had fewer strokes and heart attacks and remained mobile and mentally competent and alive as long as decades more than the non-exercisers!

Separate research since then even found that measures of blood lipids indicating heart risks IMPROVED over time in the exercisers where they got worse in those who did not exercise!

4.  Exercise and eating right and having a good social life and dealing well with stress also have been shown to make your telomeres get longer where the reverse makes them shorter.  When your cells have long telomeres, they make accurate copies and there is little or no aging.  When your telomeres get too short, they make bad copies which is what causes aging.

And, there is some evidence that also taking the herb astragalus causes your body to make your telomeres longer.  Since astragalus also boosts your immune system, as does vitamin D3, taking it during cold and flu season is extra beneficial.

5.  Strength training has been shown to change the genes in your muscles to youthful ones or to maintain them that way.

Between 65 and 85 years old there is enough general aging to make this restorative effect happen less.  In people who don’t exercise with even walking or do strength training, this effect causes such people to become frail and often to need to go to assisted living.

Doing the other things here AND strength training makes that far less likely or to happen 20 or 30 years later than it otherwise would.

6.  Now there is something new you can add.  Somehow a doctor in Iowa found that ursolic acid which is in apple peels and most spices, helped to prevent this down-regulation from happening.  Other researchers have found that ursolic acid tends to have an anabolic effect in younger people as well!

That means that taking Ursolic acid gets you an anabolic effect that helps you build muscles or keep them from declining. Nature’s Way Holy Basil has some and if you take four a day it’s close to an effective dose.

There has been a stronger Ursolic acid supplement.  Oddly they are apparently discontinuing it from lack of sales.

Given the huge number of aging baby boomers who would like Ursolic acid’s effect, this seems extremely odd to me.  So I’m going to contact a man who can sell it to see if he can replace the supplement that will soon be discontinued.

7.  Next week’s post will be on other ways to slow aging since there are a few I’ve left out of this post!  

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