Friday, January 12, 2018

Eating styles that help Fatloss….Today's post:  Friday, 1-12-2018

Some eating styles support fatloss best and a custom version of them that works for you is best of all.

Tuesday this week I posted on how to slash your risk of a heart attack in just two to four weeks.

The same eating styles work for that also!

The US News & World Report just posted on best diets.  But the eating styles here work better than those they have as winners if done the way we suggest here.

1.  First we cover the Primal diet by posting most of a Medical News Today article [with my comments in these brackets.]

This includes the good point that too little meat can cause deficiencies and too few vegetables with the meat can also cause deficiencies. So this article and my comments have information that covers Paleo style eating.

(After that we cover the related best form of the Mediterranean diet.)

All you need to know about the Primal diet
A look at the primal diet, a way of eating that copies how people ate thousands of years ago. Included is detail on the benefits and what the science says.

All you need to know about the Primal diet   Fri 5 January 2018 By Jenna Fletcher           

Weight loss and a growing desire to be healthful lead people to explore different dietary choices. The Primal diet is a lifestyle based on eating the foods that primitive humans would have eaten.
It stresses that people eat raw, minimally processed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, certain oils, and dairy products.

Cooked meats are allowed, but all other foods should be as close to natural as possible. Milk, for example, should be consumed in its raw, unpasteurized state.

Fast facts about the Primal diet:
The principle is that eating zero processed foods will reduce the amount of sugar a person consumes.
The diet excludes farmed foods, such as grains and more modern processed foods.
The Primal diet is a relatively new diet and not thoroughly researched yet.

What is the thinking behind it?
Grains, such as wheat and corn, were introduced in later agricultural development.
Since early humans did not have direct access to these foods, the Primal diet rejects their consumption.
Processed foods, such as hot dogs, baked goods, and others, should also be avoided, as these food types did not exist at this time.
According to his book Primal Blueprint, Mark Sisson developed the plan following years of being a competitive athlete.

He was looking for a way to keep healthy and in shape once he was no longer able to commit to long hours training in the gym.
The conclusion he eventually reached is that modern humans consume too many processed foods and not enough raw foods. Sugar has been shown to have drastic long- and short-term consequences when consumed in large amounts.

Instead, the focus of the Primal diet is on raw vegetables and fruits, as well as fats and proteins from meats and dairy. Sisson believes that these foods provide all the nutrients a person needs to live a healthy life and is much closer to how early humans would have survived.

What can people on the Primal diet eat?
There are a variety of foods allowed on the Primal diet. Some of the recommended foods include:

seeds  [Sunflower & Sesame]
nuts  [Some people are allergic to tree nuts; some people react to lectins which cashews have the most; but for everyone else raw nuts are a superfood!]
any fruit  [Only organic are Primal or safe to eat EVERY day!  Low glycemic fruit like berries and cherries & kiwifruit are best for you & work best for fat loss]
any variety of vegetable  [Nonstarchy ones -- he lists starchy ones separately.  Only organic are Primal or safe to eat EVERY day!]
honey and real maple syrup [Only unprocessed honey is Primal.]
meats [Only those fed only their natural foods such as grass and no grains are Primal.]
raw dairy products, such as milk [If you don't want to risk raw milk or cannot get it, only Organic Valley Organic, Grass Fed NONhomogenized, whole milk or organic goat milk is close to Primal.]
fish   [Only wild caught fish are Primal.  Farmed fish are definitely NOT Primal or safe to eat for that matter.]
starchy vegetables  [Yams, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, squash]
wild rice and quinoa [Rice is not Primal; is high glycemic; and most has harmful levels of arsenic for an everyday food.]

Any food consumed should be of the best possible quality -- this means organic and fresh. Any food that can be safely consumed raw should be eaten raw to get the maximum nutritional value from the food.  [For greens and cruciferous vegetables and starchy vegetables, and particularly for tomatoes, you get more bioavailable nutrition if you also eat them steamed and reduced in size.

Eating these heated vegetables with nuts or avocado slices or avocado mash adds to this and is Primal.  Extra virgin olive oil is close to Primal; has this effect; and has several other key health benefits.  However, it is best served unheated or very lightly so to make it as close to Primal as possible & as health giving as possible.]

Foods to avoid

People following the Primal diet should not eat any food that was unavailable to early humans.
In general, avoid any foods that do not come directly from a naturally growing plant or animal.

Foods that a person following the Primal diet should avoid, include:

sugars [High fructose corn syrup does NOT qualify; fruit juice concentrate is NOT Primal nor safe to eat if you want to stay healthy; artificial sweeteners are NOT Primal]

peanuts [These contain a cancer causing mold toxin, aflatoxin; many people have life threatening allergies to them; and peanuts are excessively high in omega 6 oil.]

processed oils, such as vegetable oil [All highly processed grain oils, including canola, are excessively high in omega 6, processing chemicals, and hydrogenated oils from the heating they undergo.  They are FAR from Primal!]

alcohol [Red wine is not Primal but IS health beneficial in light moderation.]

soy [Most soy available to Americans is flat out harmful to eat as it is highly processed and GMO.  Non GMO fermented soy such as miso and natto in moderation are not quite Primal but are safe for those not allergic to soy to eat in light moderation.]

any grain [Wild rice and quinoa are closer to seeds than grains. Many of the benefits of both the Primal & the Paleo diet stem from never allowing hybrid wheat in any form.]

processed foods, such as cookies or crackers [These all are NOT Primal and DO contain hybrid wheat and a very large list of harmful ingredients.  They are well engineered to taste good but should be totally avoided for those who want good health and to be free of excess fat.]

Is it healthful?
The Primal diet may be a healthier alternative to diets rich in processed foods and lacking in fresh fruits and vegetables. The foods allowed on the Primal diet can offer a variety of nutrients that the body needs as long as the person properly balances their food intake.

However, if a person focuses more on eating meats and eats few vegetables, they may miss out on several essential nutrients, especially fiber. [This is where some Paleo style eaters who eat too few vegetables sometimes wind up!]

Conversely, eating more vegetables and fruits without meats may lead to other nutritional deficits.  [This is where vegans often develop nutritional deficiencies.  But those who wish to avoid Primal meats and fish -- and dairy -- and eggs from pasture fed chickens -- CAN take several supplements from methyl B12 to zinc & copper to omega 3 from algae to other B vitamins to vitamin K2.]

[The article in MNT then suggests running your Primal diet plans or eating by "a knowledgeable doctor or dietitian." 

In practice this is currently likely to be harmful advice because most doctors and the majority of dieticians still think that hybrid wheat and artificial sweeteners are safe and health supporting to eat. 

They also think that foods like nuts and avocados and fats in naturally fed meat are harmful and that grain oils are good for you.  Each of these used to be taught as true.

And, unfortunately, not only are they false; but these people have degrees suggesting they are knowledgeable from courses that taught these now disproven beliefs.]

[The article then goes on to say that a Primal or Paleo diet can cause iodine depletion.  Dr Terry Wahls who purposely assembled a primal eating style that does contain every vitamin & mineral humans are known to need includes seafood to solve this problem. 

On a related note, Whole Foods sells a kelp supplement capsule standardized to include 400 mcg of iodine which can also be used to prevent this.]

“Ultimately, how healthy the Primal diet is, depends on how well a person follows the recommendations and interprets them.”  That is quite true!

2.  The Mediterranean Diet with no grain or pasta is a variation of the Primal diet or even Paleo with wild caught fish and seafood from unpolluted water and/or lean poultry & goat meat from naturally fed poultry and goats.

Its additions in the best form of the Mediterranean Diet add to the health giving and protective effects you can get.  So it belongs here.

In addition, its emphasis on greens and onions and garlic and raw nuts and avocados – and olives and cold pressed extra virgin olive both adds much to its protective qualities AND has been shown to help people losing fat or keeping it off to do so while eating more and being LESS hungry and far more likely to keep off any fat lost!

This form of the Mediterranean Diet also includes a super-protective ingredient that may drive much of its extra protection AND that ingredient is also available as a supplement.

Here’s my post on that:

Mediterranean diet health protective discovery….Tuesday, 6-27-2017

The Mediterranean diet has been in the medical and consumer news quite often.  That’s because it has strong heart protective effects.  Many of the foods that make it up taste good. It even seems to work BETTER with a glass of red wine at dinner.

One of the more newsworthy stories was when a study of the heart protective effects found the Mediterranean diet was so heart protective that the study was stopped half way through!

The researchers did this for two reasons.  They wanted to get the good news published.  And they wanted to allow the control group that did NOT eat the Mediterranean diet or get its protection to do so!

The upgraded Mediterranean diet is protective for several reasons.  So doing them all is extremely protective!

*Before we report on a discovery that can about DOUBLE the protection you get from the Mediterranean diet and is a stealth ingredient that powers much of its protective power of every version of it, here are the many ways the Mediterranean diet is protective.

1.  In the book, Anticancer, the author makes very clear how harmful it is to get an overdose of omega 6 oil:  from grains; and from oils made from grains; and animal fats from animals overdosed with grains when that is NOT their proper diet AND all of the above at once!

This way of eating is so proinflammatory and filled with herbicides and pesticides it causes cancers or makes them more fast growing & deadly.  That was his main point and still is since his book is still for sale on Amazon.

But other studies have shown for sure, this ALSO causes Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease perhaps even MORE effectively.

By contrast the upgraded Mediterranean diet eliminates ALL that.  The olive oil used has so much less omega 6 since it is mostly the omega 9 monosaturated fat that is neutral.  And, the wild caught fish and seafood from unpolluted waters have the anti-inflammatory omega 3 oils—including the most heart and brain beneficial one, DHA.

For those not allergic to them, raw almonds and walnuts and pecans and avocados have a similar low omega 6 profile and are in the Mediterranean diet.  AND, they are an even more effective way of getting vitamins and minerals for health than the very best vitamin pills.  They have hundreds of complementary and health boosting versions instead of just the best known one.

2.  The abundant organic greens and herbs and starchy vegetables and garlic and onions are EACH cancer preventive.  Eating many kinds during an average week is MASSIVELY cancer preventive.  Eating them with cooked pasta or tomato sauce AND extra virgin olive oil or nuts MULTIPLIES that effect by making the several kinds of carotenes more bioavailable.
Other research has found that eating vegetables of this kind in that large an amount every week is, by itself, THE most effective way ever found to prevent heart attacks and deaths from them!

3.  Eating one or more servings each day of an organic, whole serving of fruit, is by itself, the most effective way to prevent strokes and deaths from them every found.  Even better, it prevents BOTH ischemic or obstructive strokes AND hemorrhagic or bleeding in the brain stokes.

4.  A version of the Mediterranean diet that eliminates grain too works even better!

The original version used the original wheat before hybrid wheat and herbicides and pesticides were used.  And the pasta this original and unpolluted wheat was pressed into was a minority of the Mediterranean diet and this form was low glycemic too. 

But you can get more of the more protective effects of vegetables and beans and nuts if you eat no grains.  AND, you avoid the risk of getting hybrid wheat grown with herbicides and pesticides.

Then too, rice was originally not polluted with arsenic.  So that too could be a minority of the Mediterranean diet.  Now, almost all rice has too much arsenic to be safe to eat.  And, it always was the most fattening part of the Mediterranean diet.  So a version that has no rice or has it very rarely -- produces better health effects.

Separate studies show that cheeses made from cows fed ONLY their natural diet are safe to eat.  So using that kind of cheese for flavor also works in the Mediterranean diet.

Every bit of this report on the health protective aspects of the upgraded Mediterranean diet is impressive.

Here’s the news I just found out in the last few days:

There is another set of ingredients in the Mediterranean diet that may produce as much as HALF its astounding health benefits.

Even more impressively, increasing the amount you get can enable you do DOUBLE the protective effects of the Mediterranean diet!

The phytochemicals in extra virgin olive oil are astoundingly health protective.

They prevent EVERYTHING you need to protect your heart. Recent research found they make your HDL prevent oxidation and remove excess cholesterol from your blood vessels; they prevent clotting as ginger & curcumin also do even when you do less exercise than is best.  (This enables you to get MORE protection from heart attacks and ischemic strokes with zero need for the dangerous drugs for that.) They prevent your arteries from becoming stiff or plugged up too.

They are ALSO antiviral and antibacterial and even antifungal.  This effect is so strong it can kill the bacteria that cause food poisoning or drug resistant infections and works on BOTH gram negative and gram positive bacteria.

So, this has two implications and ways you can increase the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet:

First, the version of the upgraded Mediterranean diet that is most protective tends to use ONLY extra virgin olive oil.

Second, you can take two or four 250 mg capsules of standardized Olive Leaf Extract by Nature’s Way and just about DOUBLE the effective health benefits of eating the upgraded version of the Mediterranean diet!

(I was taking two a day for its antiviral effects to protect me from Flu and colds and viral pneumonia and West Nile and Yellow fever viruses!

Now I know how incredibly heart protective it is I’ll make sure to keep taking it.

AND, research found that taking 4 a day, 1,000 mg a day of the olive leaf extract produced reduced high blood pressure by 11 over 4! 

I’ll check with my daily readings to sure.  But that likely means I can stop taking the ace inhibitor I take each day now in a 5 mg dose that does less than that.  Since the ace inhibitor may have some harmful effects, I’ll be very please if that works!

Here are some sources with part of this information and the other health protective effects:

"Animal studies demonstrate that olive leaf extracts lead to significant drops in elevated blood pressure. 

Remarkably, these effects are evident when supplementation occurs either before or after the animals develop hypertension. This means that the extracts have the ability to both prevent and treat high blood pressure.

The drop in blood pressure is accompanied by reduced pressure in the heart’s left ventricle. This results in improved blood flow to the heart’s own coronary blood vessels. 

Additional human studies demonstrate the ability of olive leaf extracts to significantly reduce blood pressure measurements.

One particularly fascinating study was conducted among identical twins with borderline hypertension (blood pressure in the range of 120-139 mmHg over 80-89 mmHg). Studies of identical twins virtually eliminate genetic variations which may impact study results. After 8 weeks, placebo recipients showed no change in blood pressure from baseline, but patients supplemented with 1,000 mg/day of olive leaf extract dropped their pressures by a mean of 11 mmHg systolic and 4 mmHg diastolic. The supplemented patients experienced significant reductions in LDL cholesterol.

A human study measured olive leaf extract against captopril, one of the conventional drugs used for treating hypertension.11 In this study, patients with stage-1 hypertension (140-159 mmHg over 90-99 mmHg) took either 500 mg of olive leaf extract twice daily, or 12.5 mg of captopril twice daily, which was increased as needed to 25 mg twice daily. After 8 weeks of treatment, both groups experienced a drop in mean blood pressure from baseline (11.5 and 13.7 mmHg systolic; 4.8 and 6.4 mmHg diastolic, respectively), with no significant difference between the two groups. In other words, the olive leaf extract performed as well as the prescription drug."

Catopril is an ACE inhibitor.  THAT may mean I can take a bit more of olive leaf extract and STOP my ramipril!

Oleuropein in the oil in olive oil and olive leaf extract ALSO has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties!!

Oleuropein in Olive and its Pharmacological Effects - NCBI - NIH

Simply put this stuff is the POWER behind many if not most of the protective benefits of the Mediterranean diet!

It boosts NO in keeping your blood vessels healthy and reduces atherosclerosis AND lowers LDL and prevents clots (ischemia.)

Not only that, because its antibacterial effects are effective on both gram negative AND gram positive bacteria AND it smashes their cell walls, this may make it an essential addition to fighting any drug resistant bacteria AND this may mean it can help knock out biofilms with that cell wall effect!  

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