Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Fake and fixable mental decline causing ruin….Today's post:  Tuesday, 12-12-2017 

Treating suspected cases of Alzheimer's with today's drugs is like turning on the sprinklers in a skyscraper when you see a bit of smoke and using kerosene in the sprinklers.

You're more likely to burn down the building than stop any fires!

Worse than that, you may miss that rats are eating the insulation off the wires in some rooms because you didn't bother to look for the causes of the smoke first!

You can fix that!

And, this UNDERSTATES the problem and how it’s causing avoidable ruin.

When someone seems to lose key memories or loses short term memories or feels mentally fuzzy and confused, if they are told they have Alzheimer’s and it’s progressive and fatal, it causes people to give up and wait to die.

When someone seems to lose key memories or loses short term memories or feels mentally fuzzy and confused, if they are diagnosed by people not well versed in the ways things that can mimic Alzheimer’s that are fixable, it causes problems with insurance coverage and driving privileges and often causes unemployment.

Worse, often the wife or husband or son or daughter who was gainfully employed stops working or begins working part time to be a caregiver.

Worst of all, they are then given drugs that often harm their mental abilities, have unpleasant side effects, are expensive, double or triple their chances of dying within 10 or 20 years and do NOT improve real cases of Alzheimer’s disease.

The MUCH better news is that there is good and growing evidence this is avoidable for many reasons!  There ARE now also ways that have been found to reverse mental decline that actually IS Alzheimer’s disease.

The full set of what we know and should be doing with that knowledge is quite large and complex.

BUT, it is critical to the survival of the economy of the United States and the quality of life of almost all its older citizens to start using it all aggressively!

1.  First, here are a few things we can do and YOU can do to protect yourself!

2.  Next we’ll cover a new and proven way to reverse real Alzheimer’s in its early stages.  We’ll add some ways to make that protocol far more effective.

1.  Here are a few things we can do and YOU can do to protect yourself!
*Do you smoke or allow yourself to be exposed to significant second hand smoke or use tobacco in other ways?

If you stop this at once and get virtually no exposure to tobacco exposure or exposure to its smoke, did you know that you cut your risk IN HALF of Alzheimer’s and other kinds of mental decline?  

The cadmium exposure alone does much of this research found.  The sharp decrease in blood circulation does the rest.

*Do you eat no foods high in vitamin B12 or take drugs that deplete it? 

If you don’t stop some of these drugs and/or take extra vitamin B12 in the natural methyl form as chewable lozenges that allow you to absorb it directly into the blood vessels in your mouth and throat, you’ll get many kinds of mental decline that are quite similar to Alzheimer’s disease. AND you’ll have enough problems with dizzy spells to impair you.

This problem is NOT Alzheimer’s. It IS reversible!  But if you are diagnosed as having Alzheimer’s and given a drug, your life will be ruined just the same. 

Oddly a large percentage of doctors do not yet know to do this.  So this is a large risk so far!

Vegan vegetarians if they do eat lots of organic vegetables and fruit each day and no hybrid wheat can be quite to extremely healthy otherwise.  But if at some point, they fail to supplement in this way with methyl B12 at least when they get older and deplete their bodies of B12 they can have this happen to them.

The proton pump inhibitor drugs not only reduce stomach acid enough to cause B12 depletion, we now know that they harm the insides of your blood vessels and your kidneys enough to cause enough vascular damage to cut blood flow into and out of your brain cells.

The substitute drug Zantac is not thought to do this vascular damage; but it does cause B12 deficiency without supplementation of this kind.

Metformin, at least at moderate doses, is a relatively safe and effective drug for high blood sugar problems.  And so far, it’s the only one that is both.  BUT it too depletes B12. So if you take it, to avoid mental problems from B12 depletion you might well want to supplement with lozenges of methyl B12.

These lozenges are inexpensive and I think the best way to use them is in the 1,000 mcg strength.

*There is also a large list of drugs with anti-cholinergic effects.  Taking these drugs often causes Alzheimer’s like effects.  With some of these drugs and with some people, if too many of these are taken for too long a time, they actually test as CAUSING Alzheimer’s disease.

Either NOT taking these drugs at all by solving the problem without drugs in some cases or taking the smallest dose for the shortest possible time can prevent this.

*Switching to a healthful eating style and completely stopping soft drinks and fast foods and packaged foods and hybrid wheat AND learning how to completely avoid MSG can also cut your risk of mental decline AND Alzheimer’s disease at least in half!

There are also ways to take some supplements that have the reverse effect such as curcumin and DHA to boost that effect.

2.   There IS a new and proven way to reverse real Alzheimer’s in its early stages!

There is a book on this method now!  Its author has found a way to help reverse Alzheimer’s disease.

It seems one of the genes that tends to cause Alzheimer’s evolved to allow people to survive famines and periods with no food.  In those conditions it helped people live longer.  But to avoid Alzheimer’s you must do intermittent fasting or eat right AND a lower carb version of that and do everything else right.

Here’s that book & some of my comments:

The End of Alzheimer's: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline
by Dale Bredesen, MD of UCLA

Hardcover – August 22, 2017


1.  His protocol does not include turning off many of the causes of Alzheimer's & mental decline though I suspect it does include some.

2.  It does not apparently include many things that grow new brain cells or jump start partially restored networks and may not include things that clear tau & beta amyloid.

3.  But the apo e gene that causes it in double doses apparently makes fasting & ketogenic eating work better and easier to do!

Best of all, his methods are becoming well known! Maria Shriver has covered his work!

Last note for this post:  If you do the other things listed here and which keep you in good health otherwise with his book, you do NOT need to work with a doctor to use his methods.

Just follow the principles and do the things needed!

In fact, by adding things like B12 and avoiding tobacco smoke and regular exercise, you can get better results!

The easiest and  cheapest way to clear beta amyloid besides taking turmeric and curcumin is to take beta sitosterol and stigmasterol.  This inexpensive supplement called “Cholesterol Balance” by Natrol because it also lowers LDL cholesterol has been shown to restore the sense of smell in people where beta amyloid plaques have turned off the olfactory nerves.  AND I found out research scientists have known for a few years that taking these clears beta amyloid from your brain as well!

We haven’t touched the other things that we now know clear tau and beta amyloid or grow nerves around the damaged areas and grow new nerves and brain cells and more.

But when you do all the things here and add the more doable of those, mental decline and all its horrible problems is mostly preventable now!  

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Blogger David said...

Weds, 12-20-2017:
Yesterday a study was headlined that they tested and Alzheimer's cannot be prevented or even slowed down much. This is NOT correct and harmful to have people believe because it IS preventable and often reversible. Oddly, they got several things right. They found that the current drugs should not be used since they did have costs and side effects and were NOT effective. Simple minded mind games were not effective. Combining several beneficial actions did have some effect particularly if these actions included exercise. Their overall conclusion however, is much like seeing a few parts of an elephant accurately; but then concluding elephants don't exist because you have never seen one. If people believing their headline wasn't so harmful and mistaken, this would almost be funny.

3:12 PM  

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