Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Prevent breast cancer 3 ways….Today's post:  Tuesday, 1-30-2018

Tuesday last week and the Tuesday before, our posts were on ways to slow aging.  And, virtually all of them help prevent breast cancer.

But just in the last day or two, two new studies highlight proof that some things work really well.

1.  And, I always like to start any cancer prevention article with how to cut your chance of getting cancer at all and of dying of cancer in half.

After all, if you don’t want something and you can take an ax to it up front, why not be sure to do that!

You not only prevent half of breast cancers and dying of one in half, this technique prevents them ALL!

I’ve seen the evidence and it’s very clear.  If you smoke and stop or use other tobacco products and stop those and stop any nicotine use and completely avoid second hand smoke, your chances of getting ANY cancer fall in half!

Why that is so is known; but the key to stopping this is more important. 

We know how to do that now. 

The two keys are to remove the psychological addiction to nicotine and reduce the physical discomfort enough to make that easier to do.

If you read Alan Carr’s book, Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking, available in paperback today on Amazon for less than $10 and study it over the next few days and then just do it, you can simply escape nicotine.

It’s a get out of jail card for real!  People who do this are free. They have no cravings or desire to go back.

That’s not hype.  It’s what the people who do it report!

There are two ways to slash the physical discomfort of nicotine withdrawal to slightly bothersome and easy to ignore or simply outwait.

That’s where the next two breast cancer prevention studies come in!

If you take the actions they show to work, nicotine withdrawal becomes much easier!

2.  One study reported in yesterday’s Medical News Today found that omega 3 oils from fish or seafood or algae were EIGHT times more effective at preventing or stopping breast cancer than the omega 3 ALA from plants.

(That’s true in part because your body only converts part of what you ingest to a usable form. 

And, it’s most true because the oils like canola often used for this have enough omega 6 oils and processing chemicals to reverse the effect!)

You can eat wild caught Alaskan salmon or small fish like herring or sardines or small mackerel that are also wild caught from one to three times a week to get lots of omega 3 oils.

And, you can take the most effective omega 3, DHA, as a daily supplement and take a balanced omega 3 supplement from purified fish oil each day also.

(Note that this is safer and likely is more protective than taking blood thinning drugs; but doing it makes taking even one dose of a blood thinning drug unsafe.)

You can also follow a low inflammation lifestyle to prevent things like eating hybrid wheat from having the reverse effect.

(See my post, How to eat a low inflammation diet…. Tuesday, 12-19-2017 for more details.)

Getting this kind of effective omega 3 and doing the things that avoid undoing the good it does, not only prevent breast and other cancers, they prevent almost everything you would likely want to avoid.

Notably, they make you less irritable and feel better enough that they reverse any effects of that kind from nicotine withdrawal too.

3.  The other study reported yesterday on Medical News Today said that women who had excessive body fat were much more likely to get breast cancer.

AND, that this was even true of women who have a normal weight or BMI as measured by the scale because by being sedentary they had more internal fat and less muscle and lighter, weaker bones.

Surprisingly, you can begin to reverse that with as little as four 7 minute walks a week or going two times to the gym a week and just do one set of heavy leg presses or deadlifts.

Another study reported on Medical News Today found that people doing these things literally replaced fat INSIDE their bones with strong, and heavier and calorie burning bones.

And, the same was true of leg muscle and lower back and buttocks muscles.

Without even eating less, the women who do these things have enough less fat internally, they get protection from breast cancer!!

They also prevent or reduce osteoporosis.

AND, such exercise cuts the intensity of nicotine withdrawal by about 75% for those stopping tobacco & nicotine use.

There ARE another dozen things you can do that prevent all cancers including preventing breast cancer too. 

But just doing these three things has been shown to be very effective in stopping breast cancer.  

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