Friday, February 02, 2018

Look better and feel better while you lose fat too….Today's post:  Friday, 2-2-2018 

People who are working to lose fat have several challenges -- and often they want to look better by losing fat.

Just found out that something used when fasting to help keep essential electrolytes while doing so and make it more doable ALSO does several other very valuable things too:

It helps remove cellulite in women losing enough fat to do that part of the job.

It reduces wrinkling and helps prevent or cure baggy skin in those who lose a significant amount of fat.

It increases your ability to use walking or strength training to build bones that are strong and burn calories!  (This also helps prevent or reverse osteoarthritis.)

Part of the way it does this is by containing a lot of vitamin K2 that sends your blood calcium to build bones and removes it from your blood vessel walls!

And, it helps prevent or heal minor injuries, strains, tendon problems, and osteoarthritis!

*The email I got with this information called it a “magic elixir.”

It’s bone broth from grass fed cows!

When you get beef bones from 100% grass fed cattle from an online source that is reliable or from Whole Foods and bake it first to break down the bone and marrow and then simmer it slowly for about an hour in water, the resulting broth is very high in all the things your body needs to do ALL this.

1.  On days you fast, having beef broth with just enough Kerrygold grass fed Irish butter to add that flavor and with any added flavors or spices you like, it’s actually nice to do.

It’s warm and soothing and helps you with any hunger.  In fact, the saying hunger is the best sauce, is why when drinking it when not hungry can be unpleasant; but drinking or spooning it when it’s warm and you ARE hungry ranges from doable to actually tasting good!

You can also make it much better for you and safer to do the fast and -- even taste better -- by steaming some chopped broccoli and carrots and onions and chard -- and then adding that liquid after filtering those out, to the broth for the last five minutes of simmering.

2.  When you are not fasting, you can also use this rich broth to make savory stews with:

Diced slow cooker cooked grass fed beef and onions and just enough broth to cover them.

(Adding chili powder and no sugar tomato sauce or pasta sauce with no MSG or “spices” listed on the label and extra virgin olive oil and cayenne pepper to your taste with just enough bone broth to cover them also works.)

Or, diced slow cooker cooked grass fed lamb and curry spice and turmeric and black pepper and just enough broth to cover them makes a decent lamb curry stew!

1.  If you want to look better as an important reason to lose fat and keep it off AND if you want to not look worse, bone broth can really help.

I found out that the main cure for cellulite is to add muscle and remove fat enough to get to youthful but not too low bodyfat from Mike Matthews.  His article on the subject has very convincing pictures to show this is so! 

So do the strength training for your legs and buttocks and chest and lower and upper back to get rid of cellulite and lose enough fat also to do that.  (Doing strength training for the parts of you that are flabby or show cellulite beyond that can help if you add them to this but won’t work at all without doing it.)

If you are older you may need a bit more to restore the collagen in your skin to finish the job of removing cellulite.

The wonderful news is that eating this kind of bone broth on fasting days or in stews the rest of the time four times a week or more has done this!

2.  If winding up with baggy skin is something you would rather not have or have far less by losing quite a bit of fat, the strength training to add muscle to replace the fat helps. 

AND, eating this kind of bone broth on fasting days or in stews the rest of the time four times a week or more has avoided this problem or made it much less if done after you already have baggy skin.

3.  Doing this also sharply increases your ability to use walking or strength training to build bones that are strong and burn calories!  (This also helps prevent or reverse osteoarthritis.)

The broth from bones and bone marrow contains all the most useful amino acids and collagen that your body needs to do this. Proline and glycine in their most bioavailable form do this. Bone broth has lots of them!

The broth from bones and bone marrow also contains glucosamine and chondroitin in their most natural and bioavailable form AND lots of the bioavailable magnesium that is essential to bone building at that most people in the United States are deficient in.

(Taking vitamin K2, particularly in the MK7 form also enhances this effect by sending calcium in your blood to bone building and removing it from your blood vessels! 

Weston Price found that bone broth contains a lot of bioavailable K2 and this “intrinsic factor” was one of the most important causes of the good health and strong bones and good teeth in the many different groups he studied.  He was a research Dentist; so the extremely good teeth these peoples had got his attention! )

4.  If you have joint pain that keeps you from many kinds of exercises or even much walking, the reduction in the calories burned and the other effects of no exercise can keep you from losing fat or from keeping off fat you’ve lost.

This is on top of feeling lousy and in pain at times!

The OTC drugs most people now take for this kind of pain have dangerous side effects if you take them at all often.  Many people with this problem take enough of one or more of these every day to cause serious other problems from liver failure to heart attacks to sudden internal bleeding that can be fatal.

But people who eat and live a low inflammation lifestyle that we posted last on how to do on Tuesday, 12-19-2017, often avoid this or have so much less of it they can still exercise enough for losing fat and keeping it off.

But what if some of the pain is from losing the collagen pads that normally allow your joints to move smoothly?

Eating bone broth on fasting days or in stews the rest of the time four times a week or more has been shown to help your body simply rebuild your collagen pads!

5.   You can also have muscle pulls and tendon strains keep you from continuing to do the effective exercises.

Would you like to have fewer of them—or none?  Would you like the ones you get to be relatively minor?  Would you like to be able to recover so fast you need little or even no downtime to recover from them?

We’ve posted on the finding that taking at least 10,000 iu a day of vitamin D3 with enough K2 has been shown to do each of these things.

Eating bone broth on fasting days or in stews the rest of the time four times a week or more has been shown to do each of these things ALSO!

That means that doing both is extremely effective!!

6.  The bonus effects on your health are extraordinarily numerous and valuable!

For example, if you have fatty liver, you can get rid of it by switching to the low inflammation lifestyle that we posted last on how to do on Tuesday, 12-19-2017.

But what about the liver damage before that takes effect?

The glycine that is so bioavailable and plentiful in bone broth that it can help heal this damage:

One study “glycine showed significant improvements in recovery from alcohol-induced fatty liver disease.”

(So has taking milk thistle. Again, why not do both?)

7.  An important health benefit of bone broth that impacts fat loss and quality of life is that it removes a cause of autoimmune disease!

Research has found that besides vitamin D3 deficiency or exposure to toxins, autoimmune disease is commonly caused when your gut gets holes in it that allow proteins from things you eat to enter your blood where your immune system then attacks them.

The broth from bones and bone marrow contains all the most useful amino acids and collagen that your body needs to do prevent this or heal it if it has already happened by keeping your gut lining healthy and completely intact and sealed. Proline and glycine in their most bioavailable form do this. Bone broth has lots of them!

This benefits fat loss in three ways:

a) Many autoimmune diseases cause you to have less energy or feel depressed or both which can cut into your ability to exercise.

b) Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes joint pain and even partial destruction which can make exercise hurt more or even less safe to do.  Turning it off besides the other joint pain removers and rebuilders can keep that problem from getting any worse or even healing it in some cases. (Surprisingly, moderate exercise while using these for healing seems to make it work better and remove pain faster!)

c)  The drugs commonly given to remove the symptoms of autoimmune disease can both force fat gain and prevent fat loss.

We found research that taking these drugs once a week can sometimes be effective for removing the symptoms of autoimmune disease without this forced fattening effect.

The better news is that other research has found that eating bone broth on fasting days or in stews the rest of the time four times a week often heals the gut and stops this cause of autoimmune disease.

Then when the autoimmune disease needs no symptom removal since it no longer exists, the fattening symptom removal drugs can simply be discontinued.

(Note that some of these drugs have to be stepped down a step at a time to avoid harmful rebound effects that stopping them cold can have.

The once a week method is done before this becomes necessary or after some of this stepping down.)  

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