Monday, February 19, 2018

My Monthly Fatloss Report February 2018.....

Today's post:  Monday, 2-19-2018

A.  Here's the key news:

1.  Fat Loss Report, measured on Saturday, 2-17-2018

Lost 1.7  pounds from 167.1 last month to 165.4.

My chest measured 38, a loss of a quarter inch.  This is half an inch bigger than several months ago when I was 37 & a half inches.
(This shows I’ve kept the muscle gains I think.)

My waist measurement went up a quarter inch to about 41 and a three quarter inches to about 42 and a three quarter inches.  (These are the normally slightly tight and the totally relaxed measures.)

My hips measured about 37 and a half.   That’s still half an inch more than 37 not long ago. (This also shows I’ve kept the muscle gains I think.)

My too high heart rate and diastolic blood pressure I developed after Thanksgiving is still happening. 

My heart rate and mean blood pressure have dropped as I stopped taking green tea extract and Guarana extract and extra coffee on arriving at work.  I also cut my wine intake in half – 3 days a week instead of 6. 

(Excessive and repeated stress and a handful of binge drinking episodes when I was younger and taking the synephrine and the other stimulants on top of that are the likely causes.)

I also may have become magnesium deficient from taking a diuretic and the Zantac acid reducer.  So, I’ve begun using a topical magnesium supplement besides the 800 mg of magnesium I take.

When I saw the doctor and got an EKG and then an Echocardiogram, they found I had something called atrial flutter and occasionally AV block and slightly thickened and now also slightly leaky heart valves.

The doctors want to put me on the dangerous and harmful drug blood thinners.  Mercifully, I know better because that guarantees I’ll get worse over time and die younger and become unable to exercise decently.

Then too, I already take several  supplements that do that job better and more safely in combination than the drugs can do.  This is so much the case that taking even one dose of the drug blood thinners could cause me to bleed to death internally.

Given that I am reducing or stopping several causes and do have the excess clotting protection, it would be desirable to stop the atrial flutter and heal the valves too; but I do not need to be in a crashing rush to do so.

To the extent these problems result from injuries or injury to my endothelium in the blood vessels new research has found that the vitamin D3 and K2 I take will heal that over time.

The topical magnesium sometimes also does this.

And, platelet rich plasma might well heal my valves and heart rhythm controls entirely when I can afford to add that.

Then, if I still need to fix the valves or they get worse, Stanford Medical School and their attached hospital now can fix them using material from my heart and resulting in better pumping than what the standard procedure has been.  And, best of all, it works so well, there is zero need to take drug blood thinners after the procedure.

It’s also encouraging that my heart is able to power me to new records for pushups while this is going on!  To me this shows the things I’ve done to strengthen it have worked.

(Not long ago I was pleased if I could do 40 to 44 pushups the one day a week I test that each week each Monday.  

Monday this week – earlier today --I did 112 pushups total up from my previous record of 104!)

2. I’ve discontinued the 20 mg of Synephrine completely because it did not change my results that much and it did cause an elevated heart rate and may have caused the atrial flutter and valve damage.

So for me the Synephrine definitely a bad idea – or taking it while extra stressed was.

I did seem to gain muscle without gaining fat when I was taking the Synephrine.

So, for a younger person with far less stress and stress driven slightly high blood pressure, they might be OK with it.

However, given the damage it is known to cause and apparently did cause in me, I no longer think Synephrine safe enough for even younger people to use and that other methods should be used instead.

The bioflavonoid supplement with 100 mg of rutin, I’ve discontinued when I ran out since it seemed not to add any extra effect to the parsley and oregano dried spices I have also been taking.

The apigenin in these herbs and their other phytonutrients do help you recover from exercise and build bone and muscle and heal your gut.  So I have continued those.

3.  My food intake recently has been quite consistent and my overall results of about the same with a bit of up and down reflects this.  

I set a new record for my short daily exercise walk/run combo recently

4. My stress level, already high, was high the last few weeks for several reasons.  

*For me, as for many people, having enough money for at least a minimum OK lifestyle with zero chances of severe money problems reduces stress. 

This has gotten slightly but significantly better lately. So it is less stressful too.

*For me, even more than other people who also have it but at a lower level, having an ally who is unusually supportive and of some help sharply lowers my stress level.

 This part is going well as one ally has become more supportive recently and one good ally who I’d lost touch with is back and supportive.

*Worry about my recent heart rhythm and valve problems has caused me some increase in stress.

5.  I'm currently making an extra effort to overcome this recent stress. Emulating the Seal way of using my training and keeping on no matter what IS helping.  

The new nose breathing I posted on Tuesday, 10-5-2017 also DOES seem to be helping.  It DOES help to avoid the brain freeze I tended to get when I mouth breathed when under high stress.

6.  I believe my continued persistence and continuing to both follow up on successful efforts and finding new and promising things to check on AND doing so, 
WILL enable me to lose my excess fat remaining and keep it off.

7.  I’m continuing to find new ways to boost my metabolism and add bone and muscle that I’m beginning to use.

As my new strength training method helps me get stronger; I get better at it; and I can get to the heavier weights to use it on, it DOES begin to look like I’ll add enough muscle that by eating about the same and continuing to get better at the lower carb effort, I’ll finally get back to weighing 161 pounds with far less fat than I have had.


 I’ll achieve the financial leverage I need.

I’ll get the active allies I need.

 AND I’ll begin to use all of the metabolism boosters I’ve found to add to the ones I’ve been using.

(That includes adding a weekly workout at a gym with heavy barbells and adding these new techniques and trying the BulletProof Vibe.

I HAVE added a special set of exercises once a week that I'm already doing standing in the space the BulletProof Vibe allows.  That way, I'll be ready to go when I get one to try!

The last bit of good news this month is that I’m still getting stronger in the two key exercises in this special set of exercises.

The other two pieces of good news is that besides the metabolism boost and removing excess lymph and fluid to cause some loss in weight and inches and increasing muscle mass --

combining platelet rich plasma treatment with using the Vibe may heal my left foot and even my heart valves perhaps.)       

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