Friday, March 16, 2018

Fatloss for women Part two….Today’s Post….Thursday, 3-15-2018

Last week I posted on Fatloss for women on the International Women’s Day.

Fat loss is sometimes a symptom of harmful beliefs women have. It certainly has been for years!

But fatloss can also be a way to empower women and protect them from the horrible traditional harms women have been attacked with recently.

Year round it’s still the case that most people working to lose fat are women.  Just like men, women want to look good and aspire to look like women who are healthy and can have babies.  Even if they want to remain childless, the healthiest younger women do look like that.

Given the amount of work it can take to make that happen, you may want to do it anyway. 

But you also may just want to do enough of it to be mobile and healthy.  To do that you may need to work hard at first if you have a lot to lose; but you can stop and maintain sooner and with less effort.  (The trap to avoid is to go back to the foods and drinks that are harmful and stop exercising.  But if you keep eating and drinking real foods from organic and unpolluted sources, you can, if you like, eat more and eat more foods with carbs. You may be a bit less lean; but you will be able to eat without thinking about it all the time.)

The unfortunate news is that women have acted on false beliefs that cause more health problems and fat gain instead.

We posted this last time:

1.  If a woman tries to lose fat when she is actually not and tries to lose what she does have in harmful ways to look like women who are actually on the verge of being so skinny they are frail, that can harm her health and always hammers her self esteem.

Far too many women and even younger girls have been doing this and still are.  For the benefit of all women, stop that from happening to you! And support women who are no longer doing that.

That has three cures:

*Find things you already LIKE about yourself. 

*Be so warm and worth knowing people forgive you for not being perfect. 

*And refuse to lose fat in any way that harms your health or leaves out upgrading to a lifestyle with real food from safe sources and doing regular effective exercises that fit you.

Making and sustaining those upgrades improves and protects your health! 

By contrast, just eating less and gaining everything back by going back to eating more over and over harms your health!

2.  Women are at substantial extra risk for breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease and migraine headaches and osteoporosis and depression when they eat junk food or take many medicines that are actually harmful and ineffective for these things.

3.  If they take the actions to prevent those in several ways that work that are based in eating well and exercising well before menopause or as soon as possible when they first begin it, they can prevent all this and avoid hot flashes and other problems.

Last time we posted this:

These two posts have the strategies that show what things work and how to upgrade to them:

Fast Heart Protection without drugs....Tuesday, 1-9-2018

This post and the two comments I added that contain many things that do this AND they improve blood flow to the brain as well as the heart and tend to prevent Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.

How to eat a low inflammation diet….Today's post:  Tuesday, 12-19-2017 

When women make the upgrades to a low inflammation eating style before menopause or very early when it first begins, they also tend to prevent both the discomforts like hot flashes and mental fog and even much of the fat gain.

This is also very protective against the Alzheimer's that begins to attack many women after menopause.

Many of these upgrades are easy to do!  The ones that are harder you can begin at an easy level at first. 

Pick one or two you can do for sure and start doing them.

Why not start?  People who do get better at it and often do very well.

We’ll add more things next week and maybe the week after!

Here are this week’s additions:

Almost every one of the several things listed above that cause women to suffer or lose mobility can largely be prevented or turned off.  AND those efforts are compatible with the health giving ways to lose fat.

So if you want to stop one of these nasty conditions or not get it, taking the actions to do so can be an effective gateway to fat loss!

Besides what we covered above, women tend to have more migraines.  The good news is that they can often be prevented or turned off.

See More ways and reasons to stop migraines….Tuesday, 2-20-2018

These actions can often simply stop your migraines!  For some they will reduce the number well over 50% and make those that remain mild enough to not derail your day.

The majority of these actions that you’ll want to keep doing to stay free of migraines, also help you lose fat and keep it off!

Another worry women have is to prevent breast cancer.  There are things that prevent all cancers starting with one that cuts the risk in half!  Then there are things that prevent the kind of invasive and metastatic cancers that can kill you or cause you pain or dysfunction.  Doing those actions  defangs breast cancer as a threat far more than is reported yet in the media.  Note that many of these actions are already in this post in the post on How to eat a low inflammation diet….listed above.

See Prevent breast cancer 3 ways….Tuesday, 1-30-2018

This is the most recent post listed in this file of posts from January, 2018.

Next week we’ll add how to stop depression and osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s  disease without drugs.      

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