Thursday, August 30, 2018

Do cardio and effective strength training for fat loss....Today's post:  Thursday, 8-30-2018

Researchers tested a form of cardio that was challenging to do but doable.  This released a metabolic hormone, FGF21, which helps in fat loss and health protection.

There is a second metabolic hormone, FGF19, which helps with fat loss and works even better for health protection AND it builds muscle.

But the researchers were not knowledgable about how to create and test effective strength training so while there is evidence effective strength training boosts that second hormone, the strength training that was just activity while using weight did not boost it in this research.

This article has the information on the two metabolic hormones and their benefits:

How exercise affects metabolic hormones
A new study reveals that endurance training, such as cycling, impacts 'metabolic signaling molecules' differently to resistance training with weights.

“The results showed that blood levels of FGF21 rose significantly during the cardio or endurance sessions, but not in the strength training sessions.

FGF21 is produced in several organs and is active in weight loss, glucose control, and reducing inflammation.

In fact, researchers have proposed that FGF21 has potential as a drug for treating "metabolic complications such as diabetes and fatty liver disease."

“FGF21 is produced in several organs and is active in weight loss, glucose control, and reducing inflammation.

In fact, researchers have proposed that FGF21 has potential as a drug for treating "metabolic complications such as diabetes and fatty liver disease."

1.  This means that both brisk walking and some form of more intense variable cardio such as interval cardio with brief rests or variable cardio with periodic easier sections do help with fat loss and have valuable health benefits.

““The results showed that blood levels of FGF21 rose significantly during the cardio or endurance sessions.”

2.  They also tested some people who did a few sets of strength training exercises but where they did not make sure these were mostly done with relatively heavy weights by the largest muscle groups.  Nor did they teach the people who exercised how to do the exercises to ensure they could gradually use heavier weights. Nor did they indicate these people added weight in the exercises over the test period.

So, while effective and progressive strength training IS known to add muscle and strength and likely releases the second desirable hormone, in their research the far less effective strength training they tested did not do so:

“The results also showed that levels of FGF19 fell slightly after strength training. This was a surprise to the researchers who were expecting it to rise, since animal studies suggest that the metabolic hormone helps with muscle growth.”

“FGF19, which is produced in the gut, is described as an "atypical" member of the FGF family. As a hormone, it helps regulate bile acid production and metabolism of glucose and lipids.

Animal studies have shown that, as well as helping with muscle growth, FGF19 can aid weight loss, reduce fats and glucose levels in the liver, and improve use of insulin.”

This hormone too looks likely to help turn off diabetes directly and reduce fatty liver. In fact, the more severe kinds of diabetes look to partly be caused by a pancreas that contains too much fat to allow the beta cells that make insulin to work at all well. And this hormone may help reduce fat enough in the pancreas to fix that.

Having experienced both the kind of ineffective strength training they likely tested and the kind that increases strength and builds muscle in the large muscles of the body, I believe that if people doing that kind of effective strength training were tested, they would show release of FGF19.

The fact that people who do this do build muscle and lose fat and show improved blood sugar levels suggests strongly that this is the case.

Since these metabolic hormones have such desirable effects, I recommend doing both kinds of exercise.

And, I hope that other ways to boost these hormones that are safe to do are found. 

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

High Fructose Corn Syrup boosts pancreatic cancer....Today's post:  Tuesday, 8-28-2018

Last Wednesday, 8-22-2018, the email I got from HSI reported research that found that high fructose corn syrup caused pancreatic cancer cells to grow so well that they actually detected it and moved to molecules of it to grow faster!

Many people die of pancreatic cancer within weeks of finding out they have it. 

Some people I found out recently have it go into remission and apparently will live long enough to die of something else many years later.

It’s still not well known; but there are about a dozen things you can do to not get cancer or survive cancers that well if you do get them.

I’ve posted on those often.  The biggest one is that avoiding tobacco and its smoke and nicotine entirely cuts your chances of getting any cancer and of dying of cancer completely in half.

We recently posted on Nicotine itself is very harmful....Tuesday, 8-14-2018 and included a proven way to remove the addiction to it that leaves no cravings to resume!

We’ve known for years that high fructose corn syrup along with hydrogenated oils also causes fatty liver and fatty pancreas.  So stopping BOTH of those 100 % may also keep your pancreas healthy enough it may help prevent pancreatic cancer.  It also tends to stop both kinds of diabetes.  And it may save your life by helping you avoid liver failure.

I found the HSI email I got last week quite persuasive and it adds another way to prevent cancer.

It also points out that there are other sources of free fructose like high fructose corn syrup that are likely to have the same effect!

So I’ll include that next:

“Dear Reader,

Before Aretha Franklin passed away last week at 76, fans were asked to pray for the "Queen of Soul" despite knowing only that she was very ill. We now know that she had been battling pancreatic cancer -- one of the deadliest forms of the disease, with a one-year survival rate of only 20 percent.

While we weren't told what treatments Franklin underwent, we do know that surgery, chemo, and other drugs don't offer a lot of hope for people stricken with this illness. Actually, it doesn't seem to matter which grueling medical treatments they submit to... only 8 percent of them will live five years after being diagnosed.

Of course, if you ask the experts, they'll likely tell you that they just don't know what could cause it. Genetics is a popular theory... or exposure to cancer-causing chemicals that cause gene mutations... but that's about it.

The truth of the matter, however, is that we know considerably more about what might trigger this lethal cancer than you're being led to believe.

In fact, it's a threat you might be exposed to every day... unless you know what to look out for.
The fructose connection
It was almost a decade ago that researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, released the results of a frightening new study... results they referred to as being of "major significance."
Those findings revealed that refined fructose, such as the kind found in high-fructose corn syrup, is practically an accelerant for pancreatic cancer cells!

At the time, lead researcher Dr. Anthony Heaney, a professor of medicine and neurosurgery at the UCLA cancer center, was quoted as saying that he hoped there would be an "effort to step back on the amount of HFCS in our diets" and "at the federal level."

While it's certainly no surprise that our federal health regulators didn't jump in and do something immediately, what IS shocking is that any mention of these findings seemed to disappear faster than a snowball in June.

The UCLA researchers discovered that when they exposed human pancreatic tumor cells to fructose in a lab dish, the cancer cells made a beeline for the sweetener, using it to fuel their rapid reproduction.

And of most interest to these researchers, those cells appeared to "know" the difference between fructose and glucose -- both of which HFCS contains in free form (unlike in sugar, where they're bonded together) -- and gravitated to the fructose. Dr. Heaney also noted that these findings don't just apply to pancreatic cancer, but that fructose can fuel other types of cancer cells the same way.

And as I mentioned, fructose isn't the only cancer risk we're being exposed to all the time.

A number of years ago, researchers affiliated with the National Cancer Institute looked at over 80,000 pesticide applicators and their spouses, finding that exposure to several pesticides resulted in a "statistically significant" link to pancreatic cancer. These are toxic substances that very often remain on many of the foods you eat and serve your family every day.

And the chemicals these scientists studied are just a drop in the bucket. It's estimated that close to a billion tons of pesticides are used by farmers in the U.S. every single year -- most of which we actually know very little about.

The bottom line is that you want to do anything you can to tip the odds of avoiding this terrible cancer in your favor. And taking these three simple steps is a good place to start.

#1. Kick added fructose out of your life for good! That means avoiding not only the high-fructose corn syrup that's still found in so many processed foods and beverages, but ingredients such as fructose, crystalline fructose, agave syrup, and HFCS-90. Any food containing fructose (with the exception of whole fruit, where it's bound together with fiber) should be left on the shelf. 

[Fruit juice and concentrated apple juice and concentrated fruit juice ALSO have free fructose. 

So also eliminate ALL those despite their undeserved healthy reputation! Eat the organic whole fruit or take a fruit extract supplement instead.  THOSE provide health benefits without the free fructose!]

#2. When buying strawberries, spinach, peaches, nectarines, cherries, and apples, always go organic. Those six are most likely to contain pesticide residues -- often more than one.

#3. Stop using bug and weed killers around your home and yard. Look for poison-free approaches to pest control instead.

The estimated 44,000 people in the U.S. who will have died from pancreatic cancer this year alone, including Aretha Franklin, never learned why they developed this deadly disease. But I'm quite sure that every single one of them would have taken simple steps like those above if given a second chance.

To Avoiding Cancer Triggers,

Melissa Young”  

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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Diet soft drinks & artificial sweeteners are VERY FATTENING....Today's post:  Thursday, 8-23-2018

Are you one of the people that still think diet soft drinks and artificial sweeteners are good ideas to help you lose weight or fat?

The truth is that ingesting diet soft drinks and artificial sweeteners is very fattening.  

By actual test it’s MORE fattening than high fructose corn syrup which is quite fattening and harmful.

Repeated tests of diet soft drinks and artificial sweeteners show that they are even more fattening than regular soft drinks and each have health problems they tend to cause. 

That makes soft drinks and artificial sweeteners some of the most fattening substances known!

People who ingest them gain fat and have the biggest bellies.

That’s extremely fattening!

The Center for Science in the Public Interest lists all the major artificial sweeteners as mild carcinogens also.

The people who still think diet soft drinks and artificial sweeteners help people lose fat not only have outdated information, they believe the opposite of what is so!

The data on this is so extensive that when the American Heart Association recently said the opposite,
it didn’t make diet soft drinks and artificial sweeteners helpful as fat loss aids,
it proved the due diligence of the American Heart Association is NOT trustworthy.

I was tempted to make that a health post because of that.

But recently a good friend let me know he had been trying to keep fat off by using Sucralose.

If people as smart and often well informed as my friend still think Sucralose helps keep fat off, I thought it important to make a fatloss post about it.

Worse, he’d been trying to recover from food poisoning and an antibiotic that killed off  his probiotic bacteria.

Sucralose kills off your probiotic bacteria too – in addition to making people who ingest it get fatter!

Research recently found that another artificial sweetener fattens by giving you osteoporosis and makes you frail by removing the protein from your bones and muscles.

Yet another artificial sweetener causes MS in people with the genes that make them susceptible.

So, if you have mistakenly been trusting diet soft drinks and artificial sweeteners to be safe and help you lose fat and keep it off, they have been harming you and fattening you instead.

If you want to keep good health and to stay free of excess fat, you might want to consider never, ever ingesting a diet soft drink or artificial sweetener again!

Abundant research results suggest you would be wise to do so!

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Very good news about coffee....Today's post:  Tuesday, 8-21-2018

Maybe you saw some of the research that coffee drinkers were less likely to get diabetes. 

Maybe you saw some of the research that said that coffee drinkers were less likely to get Alzheimer’s disease.

Initially this was thought to be because coffee is surprisingly high in antioxidants.  That may be so to some degree.

1.  But what if there was another much stronger reason for these good results?

I found out today there IS one.

The very good news is that drinking coffee is also good for your heart as well and will help you live longer too!

Most importantly, we now know the reason why this is so!

Your mitochondria are the energy centers in every cell in your body. 

They literally power your good health if you have plenty of them working well.  But if they are damaged or die off so does your health and eventually you!

It seems that coffee use causes your mitochondria to stay healthy and we have research that shows how that happens.

Dr Al Sears sent this in his email today:

“ “Researchers from Germany showed that caffeine can improve heart function in older people in just 10 days. The caffeine transformed old hearts into younger adult hearts.1

You might think that caffeine works by stimulating the heart, the same way it stimulates your brain and energy.

But it actually works deep down at the cellular level to protect and repair the heart muscle.

The researchers found that mitochondria in the heart need a protein called p27.

You know by now that mitochondria are the tiny power plants that fuel every cell in your body. They turn nutrients into fuel. Each of your heart muscle cells has 5,000 of these energy generators. They keep your heart strong, young and energetic.

When the caffeine moved the p27 protein into the mitochondria, it protected heart muscle cells from death and damage. It helped repair the heart muscle after a heart attack. And it improved the function of endothelial cells that line the interior of blood vessels.

All of this helps explain why population studies find that older people with a coffee habit have a reduced risk of death from heart disease.2

One study from Brazil found that people drinking just three cups of coffee a day reduced calcification or hardening of their coronary artery by an amazing 67%!3

Other studies link coffee drinking with lower death rates from type 2 diabetes, respiratory disease and stroke.

Coffee can also slash the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s by 65%.4”

It is true that drinking more than 3 cups of coffee a day can keep you awake at night.  And, drinking two or three cups before 2 PM and stopping does this much less.

But drinking those two or three cups of coffee besides making you mentally sharper and more productive too by actual tests, it has this wonderful health benefit too!

Note that it’s likely best for you to drink organically grown coffee and make it using the drip method. 

However you fix your coffee, this research is great news!

2.  Are there things that harm your mitochondria?  

After all, if they are that valuable to keep healthy, you’d want to avoid them. 

Besides aging, the two biggest causes of damage to the mitochondria are being totally sedentary and taking statin drugs.

Even a brief walk a few days a week is protective of your mitochondria.  And, there is evidence that effective strength training and short but intense cardio when done most days of every week grow new mitochondria and keep the ones you have healthy. 

This is actually proven by research already done.  Regular exercisers live up to decades longer and stay healthy more of those years than people who do no exercise at all!

Being totally sedentary instead allows your mitochondria to die off and become less effective.

Statin drugs harm your mitochondria and are not very good at preventing heart attacks.

This is so much so that anyone who wants a healthy heart and to not get heart attacks or diabetes or heart failure should never take them.

We just did a longer post on that you can read:

Very bad news about statins....Tuesday, 8-7-2018

3.  If helping your body have healthy mitochondria is that valuable, is there anything else besides exercise that helps you to have enough of them and have them be healthy?

There are several supplements that do this.

Your body keeps your mitochondria healthy with the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 that your body actually uses.

When most people are younger their bodies provide ubiquinol when they eat enough good quality protein and vitamins and minerals. Once you pass age 25 or so that happens less and after 45 or 50 it drops off a lot.

But you can take 100 mg of ubiquinol as a supplement once to three times a day depending on how old you are.

Taking the supplement PQQ is thought to cause your body to make new mitochondria and remove senescent ones and help slightly damage mitochondria recover.

Taking 500 mg a day of quercetin and 500 mg a day of NAC, n-acetyl-cysteine protects your mitochondria.  This protective action can help you survive serious illness; and you can recover from colds and flu faster because your mitochondria are less damaged by the cold or flu.

Taking 500 mg once to three times a day of l-carnitine helps your body use ubiquinol to keep your mitochondria healthy.

Taking all these can help.  But except for taking NAC in cold and flu season, taking ubiquinol and exercise are the two most important ones. 

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Monday, August 20, 2018

My Monthly Fatloss Report August 2018.....

Today's post:  Monday, 8-20-2018

Here's the key news:

     Short term results worse. Looks like long term gains will take a lot more work.

Fat Loss Report, measured on Saturday, 8-18-2018

I gained 0.9 pounds since last month from 170.6 to 171.5.   So I've gained 6 pounds since May 19, 3 months ago.  I gained 2.0 & 3.1 pounds the previous two months. So I have slowed the rate of gain but not stopped it yet.

My goal weight is 161 pounds so I went from 4.5 pounds over to 10.5 pounds over.  NOT good!

Since last month, I gained a quarter inch on my chest.

I gained a half inch on my waist.  It's now 42 & three quarters. That's about two inches more than 3 months ago in May.

Since last month I lost a quarter inch on my hips.

My chest measured 39 inches, a quarter inch more than last month.  This is still an inch and a half bigger than several months ago when I was 37 & a half inches.

(That two inches is very likely is from muscle growth from my progress in pushups in the style that uses my pectoral muscles better than standard pushups.)

This morning, I did 194 and 47 more after a brief rest for a total of 241.
This is up from 182 and 45 more after a brief rest for a total of 227 last month.

My waist measurement went up another half inch since last month to about 42.75 inches. I want it to be 34 instead of almost 43! This is almost certainly fat gain this time.

My hips measured about 39.   This is a quarter inch less than last time. I think I kept the muscle I gained and my work on the VIBE removed some fat in that area. Working out on it even for upper body exercises demands you do it with your knees unlocked.  So all the time I’ve worked out on it may well have kept my leg strength and weight but made it more compact from removing trapped lymph and maybe even fat removal when the rest of me gained fat.

Analysis & changes needed:

1.  When I am able to do barbell strength training with a good bit heavier weights and add more muscle to the rest of me, this may finally begin to reduce my waist.

These results clearly indicate that besides the VIBE that I report on next, I need to prioritize doing this barbell strength training at least once a month for upper body AND once a month for legs.

 I made some progress using the vibe since last time; and it will likely produce some of the long term changes I want.

        It's much noisier and much harder to use than I expected!

a) I have made it a bit less of a hassle to deploy with two changes that make it easier and faster.

I used it Saturday, 8-18 & Sunday, 8-19, yesterday. 

For now it’s simply too noisy to subject our neighbors to more than two days a week.  And,  doing it after work on weekday evenings with the time and effort to set it up still a hassle at my low energy time of day, I’ve decided to not do that for the near term.  

So far on weekend mornings and weekday mornings it has been a bit cooler which helps a lot with more intense exercises.

b) My expectation was that I'd have to use less weight on strength training exercises done on the VIBE because my muscles would work harder but I'd find it easier to balance on.

The VIBE is totally different than that expectation!

It's so incredibly hard to balance on, at first I had to use tiny weights and found it very hard to do the exercises correctly without falling off!

c)  Oh well, maybe continued use will make my ability to balance improve when I'm NOT on it!

d)  I do think that by doing a little better on the exercise form and number of repetitions each week for a few weeks, I will then be able to gradually get to using the weights I expected and while using the correct form.

This past weekend I did make enough progress that I’ll try the original and heavier weights next weekend but just do fewer reps.

e)  Working out on the VIBE does not seem to make my muscles contract harder.  But if I contract them hard, the VIBE may make that build muscle better. The balance problems initially reduced my focus on that.  But eventually I plan to do it just after EVERY exercise.

f)  Because it helps my balance and insulates my head from the vibrations,
have to bend my knees almost ALL the time I'm on the VIBE. 

Even just using it two weekend days a week, THAT will gradually build muscle in my butt and legs I think. It will also burn calories each time I use it that I have not been burning before.

g) My son in law, who studied vibration treatments as part of his studies to become a licensed physical therapist, also tells me that doing this will make my stronger leg muscles more flexible at the same time! 

I got a mild hamstring pull recently from trying to start running fast very quickly.  If he is correct, that will no longer happen!

h)  He says using the VIBE also WILL remove excess fluid from my legs and belly once I get to daily use! 

If that does happen, the added muscle may not show on the scale since there will be less water weight.  BUT my waist will measure less and my thighs will look much more muscular. 

If using the VIBE does remove an inch or two from my belly from fluid removal –
-- and an inch or two from adding muscle –
-- and an inch or two from increased calorie burning and metabolism boost,

I may at last have the waist reductions I want!

(My legs are already hard and muscular under a bit of fat now.  If I can add a bit more muscle and remove over half that fat, they will look a LOT more muscular.)

i)  My calf muscles have less fat on them; and I was already beginning to make them more muscular when I injured something that removed nearly half the strength of my left calf. 

I have regained some of the strength in my left calf; but the limiting factors seem no better. 

Bulletproof says using the VIBE speeds healing. If it does in the two ways that might be causing the problem with my left calf, I’ll be able to add more muscle on my right calf and a LOT more muscle on my left calf.

The problem is either too little blood flow to my left calf or a small cracked bone or two in my left foot.  So, if using the VIBE almost every day for my calves restores that, I’ll add muscle and spring in my walking step AND I’ll feel very pleased and successful!

AND, because I can put my weight on my other leg that is on the floor I already found that I can exercise each calf that IS on the VIBE quite well.

So the potential is clearly there to add muscle to my butt, thighs, and calves and remove the fat layer over them by using the VIBE.

Clearly if this does happen, my waist will shrink at least one to three inches.

So far my current VIBE use of two days a week is likely helping.

But since the best fix to make daily VIBE use possible is to move to a larger location which would take at least the $1600 a month the VIBE cost EVERY month, going to a gym with heavy barbells is likely the priority now.  It’s at least $1500 a month less!

j) Posture improvement.

Besides the muscle I lost since I was a young man doing powerlifting and gained the belly fat I have, a few years ago I found that the round shouldered look I get when I look down to read a book or newspaper had frozen in place –
-- and without the use of some force to partly reduce it or standing or sitting as tall as I can – or both, my chest looks less muscular than it is and I’m shorter and look round-shouldered.

I’ve found an effective exercise to fight this finally.  Once I use the VIBE most days I understand it will enable me to make progress using this exercise on the VIBE and just after I get off it. (Using the VIBE temporarily loosens the spine and your joints.)

The other consideration is that when I stand tall, my belly looks even bigger and sticks out in front more.

So to look close to as good as I did when younger, I need to straighten my spine a good bit and lose even more fat from my belly.

The VIBE seems to be less effective for this than I’d hoped.  But I am doing the back straitening exercise better and doing more sets right after I use the VIBE.  So I think I’ll gradually make a bit more progress.

2. Food changes this month and recently:

a) The two weeks I lost 1.0 & 1.8 pounds, I traded using yogurt in three dishes each week for enough Kerrygold Dubliner cheddar cheese to replace the protein and enough apple cider vinegar to replace the fluid.  That removed the carbs in the yogurt and likely the calorie in those carbs too!

AND during the week I lost 1.8 pounds, I did an almost 12 hour fast from about 6:30 am to 6:30 pm the Monday of that week.  The bad news is that it removed the nutrition and fiber the cabbage and kiwifruit I skipped contained. The good news is that it removed their carbs and calories too!  (I took 3 extra bilberry extract capsules for some of the fruit nutrients I gave up.)

b) Since May 19 I've gained 6 pounds with most of it going to my belly fat. Much of this is likely from three things I added:

*Instead of taking time from my getting ready to go in the morning schedule to make coffee, I began making it the night before and adding a few ounces of whole milk to make a cold coffee drink I can drink when I first walk into the kitchen.   I like it and the protein and growth factors it gives me for my exercises later in the morning. But until I add more muscle the calories and carbs in it, may be feeding my belly fat instead.

I did switch from coconut oil to Brain Octane for one or two teaspoons of oil in this to reduce the effective carbs that much coconut oil or milk would have.  Until I add more muscle to burn these calories this may cause as much as all 6 pounds of fat I just gained.

Due to the virus fighting effects of the caprylic acid in the Brain Octane I want to keep adding it; but I’ll cut back by just a bit on the added whole milk.

**For stress relief I find I do better drinking at least some wine every day. 

And, now I’ve recovered from high heart rates and now have ideal blood pressure readings instead of the readings 15 points to 20 points higher, I no longer need to cut back to fix that problem.  I no longer have it!

If I want to lose back the last six pounds I gained and keep them off, it might help to resume drinking chilled water instead of wine those three days a week!

For now, I think I can do this another way and prefer to do so.

3.  Way to remove excess gas and Obesogenic bacteria

As I’ve posted on before, one of the ways you can become fat or regain fat you actually lost successfully is that Obesogenic bacteria in your gut tends to cause you to move less and eat more carbs.

Then too, some bacteria tend to cause excess gas when you eat the nonstarchy cruciferous vegetables.

This gas can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable; it can be smelly; and it can make your belly bigger.

So if you can stop these effects, you’ll feel better; your belly will be smaller even before you lose fat; and you’ll have more energy and tend to keep off fat you lose.

The month before this, I also felt fat and bloated even when my stomach was empty and I was hungry.

This suggests that I need something more than the probiotics I’ve been taking; and eating less yogurt with probiotic bacteria might have caused part of this.

On June 14th I posted on an Ayurvedic 3 herb combination, triphala, which reduces excess gas by improving digestion and in other ways

So, the supplement Triphala from Gaia herbs looked promising as a fat loss aid for good gut bacteria and to avoid bloating from the high fiber diet.  The herbal combination has a track record of working; and Gaia is a high quality provider of herb and supplements. 

So, besides the using the VIBE, in the next few weeks until my next report I’ll also take triphala.

If it reduces gas and improves digestion, it may reduce the size of my belly by itself.

And, if it also replaces Obesogenic bacteria with probiotic ones, it may give me more energy and partially prevent me from regaining lost fat. 

I’ve now done this long enough I can say it HAS helped with how my gut feels.  I no longer feel fat and bloated even when my stomach is empty and I am hungry.  And, I think this is largely because I’m less gassy then I was.  

However the triphala may not be as effective and removing Obesogenic bacteria as I need now that I am going with my wife to gatherings where food that contains Obesogenic bacteria is  served.

I also eat a total of about 120 grams of protein a day.  If instead of not getting all the nutrition for my muscles from that due to the acid reducer and the diuretic I take, I might add much more muscle with the exercises I already do by taking an effective proteolytic supplement.

Even though there IS such a supplement, it’s quite expensive and to work it’s finicky about taking it at just the right time before eating.

It seems there is a probiotic that does this double!  It too is a bit pricey; but I’ve decided to try it.

It is always in your gut when you take it properly.  So it breaks down all the protein you eat and makes it accessible to your muscles even if you take it after you eat instead of before.  AND it does so even with the drugs I take that hamper digestion otherwise.

It also is very effective killing off Obesogenic bacteria. And apparently kills off bacteria and other bio-villains that would make you sick otherwise.

So I’ve decided to give it a try. 

4. Way to reduce my likely BPA intake:

I drink bottled water and make our coffee with it because it does NOT have the bad tastes and occasional cloudiness or soapy effect that tap water does.

But the plastic containers it sits in waiting to be used and on their way to the store where I buy them, bottled water likely contains enough BPA to be slightly fattening directly and reduce free testosterone reducing muscle gain too!

The monthly price is about the same as buying the bottled water.  So I’ve decided it’s worth trying.

Then too, it was in the paper that our water quality may be downgraded and make our tap water even less drinkable sometime in the next year or two.

If this product works decently for this, I’ll refer you to it in a future fatloss report post!

5.  Drop in my exercise at work each week reduced my at work exercise calories burned a week by about 600 to 800 calories a week during the same time period that I gained the six pounds!

My at your desk exerciser became less usable; and it’s been a bit too hot to use it as much as I was and the boss wants to avoid the extra charges to keep the office cooler.  That’s removed as much as 500 to 600 calories a week that I was burning. When it gets cooler, I’ll add back 200 to 300 calories of that.

And, my half mile race walks may have been burning more than the 150 to 250 calories a week I was crediting them with.  Bad air from summer reduction in air quality AND smoke from the very large fires North of us have resulted in readings a bit too high I think to exercise in.

The four fast, timed exercise walks I schedule to do burn at least 250 calories a week and may burn another recovery effect of 250 calorie more.

The air was bad all four days last week and I did no walks.  I’m still fit from my morning at home exercises.  But I think I’ve gained as much as half the fat I have from not doing these walks.

Until it’s cooler and windier and the air quality is better and the fires are out, I’ve decided to do slightly slower untimed walks on days with “low moderate” air quality.  I could have done that two or three of the four days last week.  So that may help by next month too.

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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Boost metabolism to avoid fat gain....Today's post:  Thursday, 8-16-2018

Previously we posted on the basics of fat loss which we list next.

For many reasons men and women over 39 tend to get fatter every year.

This quote from the article listed below is just one example:

“Women gained an average of 22 pounds over this time, while men gained 19 pounds. "The findings indicate that even a modest amount of weight gain may have important health consequences," he said.

Worse, early and middle adulthood is the time of life most people actually gain weight, as their metabolism slows, recurring knee and back injuries become more common.”

This post lists the basics next. 
Then we list some upgrades to the basics that help stop this dropping metabolism. 
Then we post on more ways to boost metabolism.

1.  Doing these basics usually helps avoid or stop severe obesity:

Boost your ability to overcome challenges and achieve goals and discover your strongest reasons to want fatloss. Act to cause fatloss in ways that are rewarding or make you feel empowered.

Stop eating and drinking the most fattening and things and those most harmful to your health. 

Eat organic vegetables and fruit and health OK protein foods and fats and oils and spices. And, drink chilled water and tea and coffee.

Drink some red wine in light moderation before dinner. Drink other alcoholic drinks very infrequently or not at all.

Do the exercises each week that effectively add to or keep healthy bone and muscle AND also do some of those that time efficiently keep you fit and tend to burn fat also.

Solve problems specific to you that block fatloss.

Those can include too little exercise and slow recovery from exercise and too much sitting.

They also can include bacteria in your gut that promote fatloss.

2.  Upgrades to the basics that help stop this dropping metabolism:

a)  Strength training for your large muscles in your legs and lower back and buttocks build muscle and bone if you also eat the right foods and take the right supplements. 

Men and particularly women who don’t do this lose bone and muscle a little bit each year.  Muscle and healthy bone burn calories.  If you don’t use strength training to prevent it, every year you burn fewer calories.  Your metabolism drops as a result.

Then by simply eating what they are used to eating more and more of the calories go to fat.  Worse, that then gradually accelerates as the fat makes moving around more difficult.

To combat this, strength training plus enough protein and magnesium and vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 and boron and good quality sleep keeps your bones strong.

Leg presses set to use your very strong buttocks most; squats when you can get a spotter; and deadlifts do this best.  Without a leg press machine or spotters, the deadlift alone works well.

b) Women who follow the low inflammation part of the basics well and take estrogen for the perimenopause early in the transition to menopause lose far less bone and gain far less fat.  They also have fewer things like hot flashes and night sweats and insomnia.

c) Of the other basics, it’s most important to avoid ALL artificial sweeteners and both regular and diet soft drinks, because they directly cause bone loss in multiple ways!

Note that taking statin drugs harms your mitochondria and lowers your metabolism and tends to cause and worsen diabetes because of it. Worse, this damage makes the essential strength training likely to harm you and your muscles if you do the exercises well.  Mercifully following the basics alone prevents heart attacks and stroke far better than statins do.  And they give two thirds of the people essentially zero protection besides.

d) Besides statin drugs, MSG, as we recently posted, both causes inflammation and harms your mitochondria.  By doing this it directly slows your metabolism and is proven to fatten people who use it while eating food that wouldn’t fatten them otherwise!

e) The quote also says this:  “recurring knee and back injuries become more common” suggesting the resulting lack of walking and other exercise because of this causes fat gain also.

This is true. 

It’s not yet well known; but using the low inflammation lifestyle, NOT taking over the counter pain relievers; doing the leg strength training with a lower weight at first if needed; taking vitamin D3 and K2; taking a boswellia (Frankincense) supplement; and taking vitamin C and fruit extract supplements –
-- can reduce pain, reduce it to zero, and even rebuild joints!

The strength training also gives you the muscle strength and ability to stop falls with it to enable you to keep walking instead of being in a walker or wheelchair.
Having no pain in your joints or very little also helps!

3.  More ways to boost metabolism:

a) In a recent post, we posted about a time release capsaicin capsule that looks likely to help boost metabolism enough to cause fatloss or extra fatloss in this post: 
Possible New Fatloss tool....Thursday, 7-26-2018.

If this does become available, it likely will be very important for people who are more than 20 pounds overweight and don’t exercise to have access to good air conditioning where they live and work – and to be extra careful of overheating.

This is most true for the gym or home gym where they do strength training.

b) Cool temperatures where you work and sleep also help boost metabolism and help with restful sleep.

c) Falling thyroid hormones also lower your metabolism.  So preventing or reversing that is important to stop fat gain caused by it.

Women who follow the low inflammation part of the basics well and take estrogen for the perimenopause early in the transition to menopause also tend to block drops in their thyroid hormones.

That’s critical because reduced thyroid levels lower metabolism and also reduce calories burned.

In fact, this is so true that if a woman starts gaining weight and tests as having low thyroid, that’s and indication she may be starting early menopause.

Dr Al Sears just posted that for both men and women, a low iodine intake and deficiency also tends to lower thyroid hormone as you get older.

In fact he makes a case that far more people are deficient in iodine with resulting low thyroid than is generally known.

Taking a multivitamin plus minerals usually gets you 150 mcg a day of iodine.  But if you are deficient taking a several spirulina tablets a day or a kelp capsule a day can give you enough.  I do that and the kelp capsule with 400 mcg of iodine provides the most iodine.

Taking the amino acid tyrosine also helps because your body uses it to make thyroid hormones.

Dr Sears does a nice job in his email so I include much of it here:

“"....iodine deficiency is on the upswing in the U.S. It’s a big reason why thyroid issues are becoming more and more common.

About 10% of Americans already have low thyroid function.
... a major study in the Archives of Internal Medicine says another 13 million people are undiagnosed.1
They don’t even know they have iodine deficiency and thyroid issues.

On top of cognitive impairment, low iodine levels are linked to obesity, psychiatric disorders, fibromyalgia and a variety of cancers. It can also trigger cardiac arrhythmias, osteoporosis and muscle wasting.

The U.S. daily recommendation for iodine is only 150 mcg per day.

But even if you’re only getting that, you’re not getting enough. And sadly, many people aren’t even getting that paltry amount any more.
You see, in the past the U.S. prevented iodine deficiency with iodized table salt.

But in the 1970s, our misguided government told everyone to put down the salt shaker. By cutting back on salt, most people eliminated their only source of iodine.
In fact, since the 1970s Americans quadrupled their rates of iodine deficiency.2

Now, don’t get me wrong… I don’t recommend table salt. It’s usually bleached and has residual chemicals from processing. It can also contain MSG, sugar and aluminum.

Instead, get iodine from your food. [Best is to also take seaweed supplements high in iodine too.]

4 ounces
158 mcg

1 cup
154 mcg

3.5 ounces
100 mcg

1 ounce
100 mcg  [cranberry extract capsules work without the high fructose and harsh taste of the juice.]

...the best food for iodine is seaweed.

But if you’re not a seaweed lover, you can take kelp tablets instead. Start with 325 mcg per day and increase it slowly. You can gradually go as high as 3,000 mcg to 6,000 mcg (3 mg to 6 mg) per day.

[Some people are allergic to iodine.  So you need a different solution if that includes you.  Definitely taking more than 600 mcg a day is not a good idea if that includes you.]

Selenium. This trace element supports normal levels of thyroxine. And your body needs it to use iodine. Taking too much iodine without selenium can lead to goiter and other thyroid problems.

I recommend getting at least 200 mcg of selenium every day. A good source is Brazil nuts. You can eat two Brazil nuts every day. Each has around 100 mcg of selenium.

[Selenium is much more bioavailable from Brazil nuts.  So eating a few of those each week and taking the 200mcg supplement once a day works well.

Important note!  Don't take more than that.  Selenium intakes of over 1,000 mcg of selenium are neuro-toxic.]


There are many ways to boost your metabolism or keep it from dropping.

The more of them you do well, the better your metabolism will be. 

AND the less fat you will be—
        -- and you will stop gaining more!

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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Nicotine itself is very harmful....Today's post:  Tuesday, 8-14-2018

Heart attacks and strokes are triggered by sudden increases in heart rate and blood pressure not caused by exercise.

That’s most likely in people with inflexible arteries with blood that clots too easily and who have high inflammation so the extra effort can trigger more inflammation and a clot that breaks away and then gets stuck in inflexible arteries.

Yesterday the Resparate email had an article with this:

“The nicotine in cigarette smoke is a big part of the problem. It raises your blood pressure and heart rate, narrows your arteries and hardens their walls, and makes your blood more likely to clot. It stresses your heart and sets you up for a heart attack or stroke.”

To be sure, tobacco smoke is radioactive from polonium in the tobacco and the short lived and extremely interactive hydrocarbons in tobacco smoke lit by a lighter.  Both very are powerful cancer causers.

So stopping both nicotine AND tobacco smoke is most protective.

But nicotine itself in repeated doses daily does cause the risk of heart attacks and strokes to go up AND using it triggers them too!

That has two important effects!

1.  The continued use of nicotine in vaping can kill you from a stroke or heart attack and is NOT a good idea.

The other components in the vapor when vaping also harm your lungs.

That means that vaping is NOT that much safer than smoking.  No one should vape thinking it a safe thing to begin to do.  It isn’t.

It also means that vaping as a replacement for smoking is not a safe thing to do either.

Worse, young people who begin vaping often start smoking too.

It’s very clear that anyone who wants to avoid heart attacks and strokes and lung impairment should never start vaping or keep doing it!

The high taxes on vaping in California turn out to be fully justified!

2.  A method to help people stop smoking and nicotine at the same time is far more protective than any method where nicotine is continued.

It’s not widely known yet; but there IS a method to stop smoking AND using nicotine at the same time.

Alan Carr, a CPA in the UK, realized that while nicotine withdrawal can be unpleasant, craving nicotine is a mental belief only.

He realized exactly how that works, stopped believing it -- and simply stopped smoking!  He had no craving or wish to restart.

Since he did NOT have to fight cravings, he found it quite easy to keep being a nonsmoker!

He wrote a book about the several aspects of what he discovered so that other smokers could learn to do what he did.

Every smoker who would rather quit who reads and studies his entire book stops smoking with no cravings.

AND, this is the safest way to quit too because ex-smoker is no longer exposed to ANY more nicotine!

His book, Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr -- in a quality paperback -- is available on Amazon for $12.99.

Literally within two weeks you can buy a copy and study it all the way through and be free of smoking and nicotine and nicotine cravings too.

The Great Escape can be yours too!  

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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Fixes for stalled fatloss....Today's post:  Thursday, 8-8-2018

Isabel de los Rios is a fatloss coach.  And while she mostly works with women, she often has wonderfully good advice that can and does help anyone working to lose fat they keep off.

The fix for stalled fatloss is simple to describe but can be hard to do.

She & I share that we want to help people do it successfully anyway!

To fix stalled fatloss takes two things:

1. Keep doing the things that you are doing right.

2.  Find and use something that removes the blocks to the things that stall fatloss in your particular case.

To do that, you need to keep going when you are stuck or feeling stuck and have less fatloss than you want.

(In the next part I add my comments in these kind of [  ] brackets.)

In her post from last Friday, 8-3-2018 that she sent by email Isabel says this:


After a few posts of people celebrating their weight loss success, I sometimes see comments like, “I only lost 2 lbs. this week,” or “I ate so well, but only lost 1 lb. Am I doing something wrong?”

The short answer: No!

What you may or may not know is that the average weight loss goal is 1 pound a week. Just 1! It may seem slow, but it’s a healthy way for your body to adjust slowly and it increases your chances of keeping the weight off long term.

Now, sometimes if you try a cleanse or a detox, [or a fast], you’ll lose more than a pound a week.

Or if you have a lot of weight to lose, your results might be different. That’s great!

But if you’re seeing a steady loss of 1 pound every week, you’re doing everything right and you’re amazing for doing it!

Really, if you’re eating healthy, you’re doing the right thing no matter what the scale says. But when you see such big losses from other people, it’s easy to think you don’t measure up.

So when you feel down about your progress or wonder why you aren’t getting the same losses that you’re seeing in the community, here’s a few tips to help you stay positive.

Don’t Compare and Despair

It’s hard to stop comparing yourself to others. Though it might seem like someone had a huge victory, while you saw much smaller results — you don’t really know the whole story.

Let’s say you’re comparing yourself to someone who lost 10 pounds in a week. Well, what we don’t know about them is their starting weight, what their diet was like before they started a new plan, how much [they are] sleeping, or anything else about their life.

Here’s a different way to think about it. Imagine you and another woman are waiting tables (boy, waiting tables, that takes me back!). Your coworker gets a 50% tip, while you only got 20%. Sounds like your friend had a huge win, right? Until you look at the whole picture. Turns out, she got a $5 tip on a $10 bill, while you got a $20 tip from a $100 bill.

Obviously, my tipping scenario and weight loss aren’t exactly the same, but when you compare yourself to someone else (especially when it’s only based on what they post on social media), you never really see the full picture.

So, say congrats to your friend and be happy for them, and know that their ups and downs really have no impact on your own personal journey.

Think Beyond the Scale

It’s always tough to step on the scale and not get the results you wanted. But there’s so much going on that the scale can’t measure.

The scale can’t measure how much your blood sugar levels have improved.

[Quite true!  I once had a 115 fasting glucose reading.  And not only have I NOT gained weight since then, the eating upgrades I have added since dropped my fasting glucose to the 73 I just got!]

The scale can’t measure how your estrogen and progesterone levels are balancing out. [Testosterone and free testosterone for men.]

And the scale can’t measure the cellular changes that happen as your body heals from years of processed and toxic ingredients.

When you eat well, all these amazing changes are happening inside your body all the time.

But the scale doesn’t give you any credit!

That’s why it’s so important to let the scale be only one tool you use to track your progress.

Instead of just measuring your weight, think about how your clothes fit differently, how you feel in the morning, and how much energy you have. When you think about all the ways you’re feeling better, a sluggish scale isn’t so bad.

And trust me, the scale will catch up eventually.

Celebrate the Little Victories

Usually people think “I’ll celebrate when I reach my goal.”

By all means, celebrate when you reach your goal (I’ve got “Celebrate Good Times” ready to play on my Spotify list just for you!). But in the meantime, you should celebrate all the little victories that get you to your ultimate goal.

Were you able to buy a Medium shirt instead of a Large (even if the scale didn’t really change)? Celebrate!

You chose a piece of fruit over the ice cream your husband brought home? Celebrate!

You were able to play tag with your kids without getting winded? That’s a huge reason to celebrate (especially if your kids are anything like my boys, they could outrun a marathoner ??)!

When you celebrate the little things, it makes the journey more fun.

And when the journey is more fun, you’re more likely to stay on the path and make it to your final goal (and an even bigger celebration).”

In my case, I already am 100 pounds lighter than people who don’t know to do what I do with eating right and exercise.

This is something I remember when I see someone with a belly twice as big as mine.  It reminds me that even though I have more belly fat than I want, I AM ahead of the game from what I’m already doing.

I am getting stronger from my strength training which I celebrate.  I know that when I can use heavier weights it will help my belly become smaller. I’ve done the prep work to make that likely which I celebrate.

I haven’t used it well enough or long enough, so my Bullet Proof VIBE whole body exercise plate, has yet to give me the effect I hope it will and remove a few pounds of fat from my belly.

BUT I did successfully get it after solving a difficult delivery issue; AND I’m already doing better on the exercises I do on it. 

I’ve already found three ways to upgrade the exercises I do on it. 
I celebrate the progress I have made and can see that if I continue it, I may well see my waist get quite a bit smaller.

(Particularly in men, though in women too,  people who strength train --once you lose or don’t gain the fat people have who eat badly and don’t exercise, losing inches from your belly matters far more for your appearance and health than losing pounds on the scale.)  

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