Thursday, October 25, 2018

Feel better while losing fat….Today's post:  Thursday, 10-25-2018

There are six ways to do this:

1.  The sweetners and sugars and grains and food additives that make you fat cause depression due to their biochemical effects and lower self-esteem from their addictive quality.

Recent research shows that these biochemical effects from these foods and additives do cause depression.

Susan Pierce Thompson MD has shown that deleting them all escapes their addictive effects and removes those biochemical harms and fattening effects AND restores your self respect and feeling that you control your life.

2.  Isabel de Los Rios and others teach to savor good things about the things you are doing to achieve fatloss and doing things that you find make you feel confident and serene.

3.  Live the low inflammation lifestyle by adding DHA and curcumin and boswellia and fish- based omega 3 oils to eating the organic vegetables and monosaturated fats from extra virgin olive oil and avocados – and raw organic tree nuts for those not allergic.  This has been tested to make you less irritable and less depressed.

4. Take vitamin D3 & K2 which is bone protective and heart protective AND releases serotonin in your brain where it helps reduce depression. AND the research shows that NOT starting or stopping SSRI anti-depressants and beta blockers and statin drugs -- prevents major and forceful causes of depression.

Beta blockers are by far the worst and most important NOT to take. 

Statins also have this effect and cause migraines and insomnia for some people which magnifies depression.  (Mercifully, there are much more effective methods to protect your heart than statin drugs.) 

SSRI anti-depressants are little better than placebo and some people taking them who they don’t make feel better, become more depressed

5.  As we reported in our last post on Tuesday this week, regular vigorous exercise helps to restore and repair your nerves and brain cells. 

Research shows that these repairs remove a physical cause of depression.  It’s even been shown that when these repairs show on brain scans the people involved report depression lifting! 

This kind of exercise also at times release dopamine and lifts your spirits directly. 

Besides vitamin D3 & K2, the omega 3 DHA and the herbs bacopa and gotu kola enhance these effects, particularly when combined with exercise.

6.  Susan Pierce Thompson finds that many people who follow her Bright Line Eating with its removal of sugars and grains do lose fat and weight but until they get acclimated, they do feel a bit depressed.  Her system makes your food choices automatic and not controlled by how you feel.  But it would be nice to lessen this effect.

Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski reports that the most effective fat remover is to do effective strength training and eat a very low carb diet at the same time; but very often while doing this a similar depression is common.

He found a work-around that sounds effective to me.  There is a mushroom based supplement,  Lion’s Mane that has been found to increase nerve effectiveness in the brain and muscles as long as you keep taking it.

This can help you build more muscle by enabling you to work each exercised muscle harder.  If you stop taking Lion’s Mane later, the nerve effect gradually fades; but the added muscle and much of the strength remains.

This also looks to be a solution to enable people doing low carb or Bright Line eating to feel better during the early stages when that’s needed! 

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep on working, great job!

10:37 PM  

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