Thursday, October 18, 2018

Safely enhance fatloss and muscle building and love making….Today's post:  Thursday, 10-18-2018

1.  So far both the drugs and supplements to do this directly are either ineffective or have serious side effects or both.

The worst combination is when such supplements contain the somewhat effective drugs or drugs with bad side effects. The very worst is when they contain a dose or drug known to be dangerous when the supplement label and its maker don’t disclose this.

Recently, the FDA released information that supplements designed and promoted to enhance fatloss and muscle building and love making often have either or both of these problems.

Did they spend the money to find out which ones and remove them from the market as they are legally empowered to do?

Nope.  What they did, because it’s so much cheaper, is release the information that this is so.

This casts all supplements in a bad light -- which the FDA’s only real income source, the large drug companies, like.

Clearly, the FDA to be honest and effective, needs separate funding and to separate its regulatory arms for supplements and for foods from its drug arm.

For now it is a good choice I think to not buy such supplements. 

Unfortunately & the GNC chain sell and promote the ones most likely to cause these problems.  The Vitamin Shoppe sells them but also sells legitimate supplements.  There you can just skip the supplements to enhance fatloss and muscle building and love making. 

2.  Using honest and unadulterated supplements with other benefits that contribute – and eating right and exercising – it IS possible to safely enhance fatloss and muscle building and love making.

You can take supplements that protect or restore blood flow and heart health. (We just covered that vitamin K2 plus D3 does this for example.)

You can take supplements that protect or restore nerves and brain cells –
& some of those tend to prevent or stop depression and migraines!

You can take supplements that enable your body to produce testosterone and remove DHT which enhances free testosterone for building bone & muscle and love making. (Zinc and vitamin D3 and the herbs fenugreek and Tongkat ali and the nerve grower gotu kola and creatine all do this.  Removing cell phone radiation from your private parts also does this! Effective strength training of your larger muscles does this.)

You can take supplements that prevent bone and joint problems which can limit you if not done.  (These include vitamin K2 and D3 and magnesium and boron and more to build healthy bone and ginger and turmeric and the curcumin in it reduce the excess inflammation that causes joint pain and makes it worse too. Leg strength training also helps build bone.)

AND you can take supplements that slow aging.  Bruce Ames just did an article that lists several of them that evidence suggests work!)

Eating right and exercising both turns off the opposite effects AND makes these supplements work better!  (If you no longer eat or drink heart attack starters or bone removers, it’s very protective of your heart and circulation and bone strength!)

3.  It also helps enormously to STOP ineffective drugs that harm fatloss and muscle building and love making.

Horribly this includes virtually all the major drugs given to treat or prevent chronic conditions.

They speed aging, cause pain, and often reduce your mobility and ability to do exercises or make love to near zero. Some of them have a death rate!  And then they cost a lot of money.

Statins and beta blockers are supposed to protect your heart and objective tests show they add  very little protection if at all. 

Statins DO speed up aging; cause and significantly worsen diabetes. Statins cause muscle damage in people who exercise well; and harm nerves.  They also increase calcification of the blood vessels of the heart.  For those in whom statins cause insomnia or migraines, the only effective way to stop them starts by discontinuing all statins.

Beta blockers were tested to add little to heart health and reducing harmful events.  But they cause an immediate jump in perceived age; prevent effective exercise; cause heart failure; and even help cause bone loss.  Worst of all, they prevent effective love making AND cause an unliftable and pervasive depression.

Blood thinners are directly dangerous to adjust to a safe dosage.  The extra doctor visits and consultations and the cost of the drugs is undesirable. They do have some positive effect directly; but the cost is too high in the overall health of the person taking them to be used in almost all cases.  Taking the supplements and eating the foods that are most heart protective and brain protective becomes dangerous when taking blood thinners!  Exercise becomes less safe to do in a similar way to beta blockers.  In the long term this makes disability and an early death more likely and the person taking the blood thinning drugs a cardiac cripple.  The is truly unfortunate because the foods and supplements that become unsafe to take when taking blood thinners actually prevent dangerous blood clots as well with none of these downsides!

SSRI antidepressants are about as effective as placebo.  But they are dreadfully addictive because they often punish the people who begin them and stop.  Worse, they boost serotonin in the blood where it causes problems.  By contrast exercise and thinking warm and loving thoughts and taking enough vitamin D3 boost serotonin in the brain where they do lift depression.  Worst of all for SSRI antidepressants, it’s been discovered lately that they cause bone loss!

The drugs for osteoporosis do little to build healthy bone and almost nothing to reduce broken bones.  Worse, they make bones brittle if heavier but stop healthy bone growth and make deadly fractures of the pelvis and legs causing falls MORE likely. Worst of all, the side effects are horrible from acid reflux are so bad it has caused fatal cancers of the esophagus.  Since stopping all soft drinks and the sugars and sweeteners and artificial sweeteners in them and eating foods and supplements that cause healthy bone growth and taking estrogen replacement during the perimenopause and first year or two and leg strength training DO work well, there is zero justification for taking these harmful drugs.

So do not take supplements that claim to directly cause fatloss or build muscle or enhance love-making that are publicized as such or shop in stores that promote them.

Instead, take the legitimate supplements that do work and have other benefits;
eat right; and exercise.  Those actions are safe and effective!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good article. I'm dealing with many of these issues as well..

2:45 PM  

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