Thursday, September 20, 2018

Bright Line Eating may work Better with low carb....Today's post: 
Thursday, 9-20-2018

Bright Line eating has proven to be unusually effective in helping people lose all their fat even when they weren’t able to do so before!

When followed well, it has worked for people who do not make any further effort to eat in a low carb way.

I.  The founder, Dr Susan Peirce Thompson said in a video that she thinks a good bit of the fatloss success of ketogenic or very low carb is due to eating ZERO sugars and ZERO wheat.

(Those are two of the four Bright Lines!)

I think she is correct:

After reading in her book what completely avoiding sugars and wheat allows women and men to escape, I totally agree with her on that!)

II. But there are three reasons that combining her method with low carb or very low carb too may work more reliably, more completely, and faster!

1.  Dr Dale Bredesen in his research and book, The End of Alzheimer’s found that the people with the worst heredity for being prone to Alzheimer’s can prevent it best with ketogenic eating.

2.  Properly done, very low carb or low carb eating with lots of fats turns down hunger two ways!

People who lose fat without excess hunger keep doing what has lost their excess fat.  So they keep it off!

Keeping totally away from sugars & flour does have that effect.

But eating health some OK proteins and a bit more health OK fats and oils is additionally effective for two reasons:

a) Health OK fats and oils release energy very gradually for many hours.  So you tend not to have surges of strong hunger.  (This is the reverse of what people who still eat sugars and wheat foods experience!)

People eating this way can easily wait until mealtimes to eat which is the third Bright Line!

b) Because eating enough fats & oils to turn off hunger takes less room in your belly, when you persist in eating them, your stomach shrinks!

BINGO! You get the effect of a natural and safe smaller stomach that doesn’t make you feel hungry by being empty. 

(You get the benefit of stomach reduction surgery with zero cost and complete safety.  Nice!)

3.  Obesogenic bacteria tend to add fat to you that resists removal. Today in Medical News Today was an article reporting research that a strain of bacteria exists that over-rides the effect of Obesogenic bacteria and even horribly bad genes.

BUT you do NOT need to get a probiotic with those bacteria!  The reason is that these bacteria release butyrate which is their lever that overrides the Obesogenic bacteria.

BINGO!  Recently ketogenic eating was shown to boost butyrate significantly!

But a study also came out on Medical News Today that eating a lot of fiber ALSO releases butyrate!

So eating a lot of health boosting fiber in calorie dense organic vegetables also does this job!

III. Dr Thompson makes a second point that is true and very important! And, it dovetails nicely with the fiber discovery!

Almost all the food in Bright Line Eating in fatloss mode and nearly all of it after that is high nutrition organic vegetables and some organic whole fresh fruit.

That is HUGELY valuable!  It protects you against both heart attacks AND both kinds of strokes.  Abundant research shows this is so!!

She knows that many ketogenic eaters eat very few of these things.

The research shows abundantly that such ketogenic eaters are less protected than the people who eat as Bright Line Eating already recommends!

She is totally correct this reallyNOT desirable.

But you CAN do BOTH!

Eating raw or lightly steamed cruciferous vegetables and greens is high in the fiber that releases the fat reducing butyrate AND has a glycemic effect near zero.

That’s also true of organic berries, particularly blackberries.

Even better, the combination of these foods with health OK fats and oils both tastes better AND makes the nutrients more bioavailable!

With the greens and cruciferous vegetables, adding extra virgin olive oil and melted Kerrygold butter from grass fed cows or melted Kerrygold cheddar from grass fed cows or diced avocado all do this!

The combination tastes better, gives you way more nutrition, and turns down hunger VERY well.

Also if you find you feel a bit off with a very low carb diet, you can rotate between 5% carbs where you eat a bit less vegetables or eat avocados and take fruit extract supplements and a 20 % carb diet where you eat more vegetables and eat some whole fresh fruit.

Conclusion:  Ketogenic eating and very low carb eating CAN be combined with Bright Line Eating.

And, you can do so without sacrificing the nutrition or health protection of Bright Line Eating!

PS:  The Bright Line Eating program is SO effective at fatloss, I’ve simply added the content of my post below explaining it for readers who would like my summary:

The book that includes the information below and the science behind several key parts of it is:

“Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin & Free
                                                         by Susan Peirce Thompson PHD.”

1.  THE most important and little known fact is that, despite its imperfections, the Bright Line Eating method has the best track record for fat loss and weight loss ever recorded.

It’s more complicated than I’d like but far less so than Weight Watchers and dramatically more successful.

The typical successful Weight Watcher member loses 9 pounds in a year and regains it the following year.

The typical Bright Line Eater loses 9 pounds and sometimes more the first month and continues to lose until they reach their goal weight and sometimes more than that.  Then they keep it off.

2.  So, the question for people who want to lose fat they keep off is not, should they use Bright Line Eating because the results show they can succeed if they do.

Instead, the two key questions are:

How to make Bright Line eating a bit easier to follow and customize to fit each man & woman  who follows it.


How to repair the things Bright Line Eating as it now does or seems to do that are less good for your health in it without losing its effectiveness.

3.  So what is Bright Line Eating?

The founder of the method and the author of the book took her phrase from the law.  If you can answer a key question that shows for sure if something is legal or not by a law, the answer to that key question draws a Bright Line between them.

There are four.

The fourth one is the key others lack, the hard one to set up, and the one that must be customized and put on auto-pilot.

1.  Never eat sugar.   Never, repeat never, eat sugar. 

(She is knowledgeable enough to know that includes everything:  sugar, dried fruit, high fructose corn syrup, fructose, fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, agave syrup, and all artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols.)

As readers here know, that includes all soft drinks both regular and diet.

It’s critical she found by personal experience for at least 85% of the people because any at all re-starts their addiction.  The other reason is that even for the 15% who can take sugar or not, every ounce of it is fattening!

2.  Never eat flour.  Never, repeat never, eat flour.

Refined grain flour boosts blood sugar MORE than sugar does.  So anyone who is a sugar addict is a flour addict!  Worse, some of the 15% or so who aren’t sugar addicts have a comparable addiction to flour and the breads and other things made from flour.

The added health benefit as readers here know is that removing the extremely inflammatory gluten of hybrid wheat and the excessively inflammatory effect of its omega 6 oils helps prevent nearly every nasty chronic disease listed:   People who eat it are sicker and suffer more pain and have much higher doctor bills and live shorter lives.

NOT using these two bright lines causes virtually all the people who fail at dieting and never can keep off what they lose from that exact problem!

No matter what else you use from the Bright Line Eating system, be SURE to follow these two!

3.  Meals. Only eat at the time of day you eat a planned meal.  NEVER eat anything else.

The Bright Line Eating system also succeeds so well by enabling you to eat on autopilot.  This is a huge advantage!

If your willpower is low or severe events or sudden stresses or even extra good to do but challenging work deplete your will power as you likely know they do, the way you eat stays the same!

Because every opportunity to eat between meals requires a decision, if it isn’t an automatic no and life continues, every single time where you have to think about the decision is a threat to you losing fat and keeping it off.

The other thing of course is that so far, the semifoods and harmful drinks likely to be available between meals flunk the first two Bright Lines.

So, following this third Bright Line helps with following the first two Bright Lines.

4.  Quantities.

This fourth Bright Line is to ensure that your amount of each food you eat each day is exactly what you planned to eat or ate last time!

a) If the amount planned has enabled you to stay free of hunger until the next meal, even a bit less may not.   So never shorting yourself prevents hunger from derailing your fat loss.

b) If the amount you planned has enabled you to keep losing fat you keep off until you reach your goal weight, even a bit more may not.

c) If you aren’t losing fat or have stopped, because you know exactly what you’ve eaten, you may be able to resume your fat loss by eating a tiny bit less.  And, when you know the exact amounts you eat you can adjust the amounts to see if that helps.

The rest of the system as it is now is a mixed review. 

I.  It’s hard enough to set up for the meals you do eat and track -- and takes enough time to do each day that some people don’t start or keep using it.

My hope is that they will gradually work out how to make it easier to start and for busier people to do.  Maybe we will.

But more people will use the Bright Line system successfully to lose their fat once this is done.

II. Three other parts need an upgrade:

a) In your meals only eat real foods:  a carefully planned mix of protein foods and whole vegetables and whole fruit where each meal has 3 parts.  Great!

Despite knowing to NOT include grain oils due to the very inflammatory harm they cause, she includes servings of some kind of whole grains other than wheat.

Moderate servings of raw & unsalted tree nuts for those not allergic except for high lectin cashews and peanuts or lentils, the lowest lectin kind of bean, I think is better for health and less likely to hook people addicted to grains and breads than including grains several times a week.

b) She knows to suggest whole pieces of vegetables and whole fruits and says why.  But she doesn’t include the importance of eating this main part of what you eat EVERY day be only from organic sources!

c) Her system gets great weight loss results and requires no exercise!

But she includes nothing to avoid having some of that weight lost be healthy bone and muscle and other essential lean tissues.  She doesn’t even include what foods and supplements can help with this

She doesn’t know how to use exercise for its health benefits, which include keeping healthy bone and muscle, while people eat using the Bright Line System.

In fact, by actual test she reports the sedentary people she has worked with so far have lost less than people who exercise and the people who exercised more than average lost least.

Her work around is to suggest people begin to exercise after they lose all the weight to their goal weight.

a) & b) above and bone sparing supplements in c) can be fixed by knowing what to add or do instead.

But adapting her very sound system otherwise to work BETTER with exercise instead of worse, is critical in general and something I plan to work on in my own case.

Personal note:

I have been eating only low carb meals every other day and moderate carb meals every other day. 

But I have included dark chocolate – including some sugar -- in small amounts on my moderate carb days; I’ve included organic raisins in my breakfast in my moderate carb day breakfasts – a dried fruit.

I also went back to drinking some red wine at dinner 7 days a week that I had cut back to.

These changes have left my blood pressure at the normal to desirable range of about 119 over 74 and my fasting glucose to 68 to 73.

BUT since I made those changes & additions I’ve gained  several pounds of weight almost all of which is belly fat.

So I’ve begun to change that!

By Tuesday next week I’ll give away my store of dark chocolate and I’ll not eat any more of the organic raisins.

And, starting with no wine tonight, I’ll go back to only 3 days a week of drinking wine again.

I’m doing my monthly weigh and measure day after tomorrow.  So by the following month I will see if these changes remove fat.  

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

bookmarked!!, I really like your site!

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