Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Stop migraines without drugs and why.....

Today's post:  Tuesday, 5-30-2017

Friday before last, 5-19, I got an email from Dr Al Sears about migraines.

In it, Dr Sears explains how motivated people are get rid of migraines and much they hamper people and cut their productivity at work.

He also says why he does NOT use the common drugs to treat it.  Simply put they work badly and also cause harm from their side effects.

Because he said this so well, I quoted him last time

Last week, Thursday 5-23, we covered a method that is worth trying because it does work sometimes and simply stops migraines completely when it does work. 

We added another method that cuts the both the number and severity of migraines in half. 

We covered some nutritional deficiencies that cause migraines.  We covered what foods and drinks to stop because they deplete  those ingredients and what foods and supplements to add that are rich in those nutrients.  We also covered an ingredient that tends to CAUSE migraines that most people eat a lot of and how to avoid doing so.

If migraines are still problematic at that point, there are several other things comparably effective to add. 

Because migraines are sometimes caused by other emotional or nerve or circulation problems, you can add the proven ways to fix those when needed.

The best news is that many of the things you can do improve two of these or even all three, not just one.

If your serotonin in your brain is high or dopamine is high or both, the level of pain it takes to bother you goes WAY up.  In fact, the people using the SuperBetter methods have raised those high enough, some of them simply stopped having migraines at all!

There are several of these the book SuperBetter suggests:  If there was a time that someone supported you or really boosted your spirits enough that it made you almost glow, remembering that time in detail boosts serotonin very well.  If there was a time that you were there for someone you care about that gives you similar warm feelings, remembering that time in detail also works.  The author also suggests thinking of several people who helped you or supported you even in a small way that you can thank with an email and sending a few right after another.

Taking 10,000 iu a day of vitamin D3 or more and the K2 to balance it, also tends to boost serotonin in your brain.  So if you take that much D3 and do one or two of the things suggested in SuperBetter, that’s likely to generate enough serotonin to turn off or turn down migraine pain.

(Oddly, the SSRI anti-depressant drugs do NOT boost serotonin in your brain but in your blood where it causes problems instead of making you feel better.  Worse, if you stop taking them these drugs tend to increase your perception of pain.  To me that contraindicates ever beginning them for people with migraines.)

High chronic inflammation increases your perception of pain and also causes problems with your blood vessels and circulation.  It’s a cause of heart disease and strokes and Alzheimer’s disease!

NOT ingesting MSG or the foods it’s commonly in that often have a few similar glutamates that do the same thing avoids increasing inflammation!

Taking an omega 3 supplement and particularly taking the omega 3 DHA as a supplement and/or eating fish from unpolluted water that are high in omega 3 lowers inflammation -- AND helps the BDNF from regular exercise grow and repair nerves and brain cells.

So, doing this set of things reduces migraine TWO ways.  It lowers inflammation which reduces pain AND it repairs nerves which reduces pain.

In fact, studies have consistently found doing this reduces how irritable you feel!  So doing this helps you to avoid causing problems with the people you live with and work with.

So, they treat you better instead of worse and THAT reduces migraines!  It also improves circulation and the health of your blood vessels and THAT reduces migraines!

So this set of things reduces migraines FOUR ways at once.

Besides exercise and NOT ingesting MSG, there are two ways to sharply improve this effect as well. 

As we posted on before, you can eat or take turmeric and/or take curcumin supplements made from turmeric and eat and/or take ginger.

You can also read the book “Anti-cancer” and follow its advice.  No longer eat ANY hybrid wheat, no longer eat oils made from grains, and no longer eat protein foods or fats from them that are fed grains reduces inflammation! AND eating organic, high nutrition vegetables and fruit and protein foods from wild caught fish and legumes and raw tree nuts and eggs and meat from animals fed no grains but their natural foods instead can SLASH migraines.

Doing both has a VERY forceful effect.  For example, people who completely stop eating ANY hybrid wheat and cut way back on other grains AND take DHA alone, have their HDL cholesterol go way up, their triglycerides go down and sharply reduce their chronic inflammation.

Again, that produces better circulation AND cuts chronic inflammation.

These steps in this post added to those in last week’s post will stop most migraines.

AND, in SuperBetter, there is a technique that cuts any severe pain in half by taking over the nerve connection that sends pain signals to your brain.  Even better, by it being something you do and control, the remaining pain is no longer a bother.  You feel it off and on; but it no longer makes you feel helpless or suffering from it!

In fact, it was using this technique and getting that exact effect that helped inspire Jane McGonigal to write SuperBetter!)

This works BETTER than morphine!  It’s NOT addictive or expensive or life threatening to do.

So, if after doing these other things you still get some migraines or painful ones, learn and use this technique!

(It’s so important a technique that I’m working on a mini-course with several ways to do it and practice exercises.)  

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Great way to build bone and muscle to lose fat.....

Today's post:  Thursday, 5-25-2017

Great way to build bone and muscle to lose fat!

*Strength training done carefully has a tiny injury rate compared to even other kinds of exercise and MUCH better than sports have.

*Progressive strength training forces you to tense your muscles more on the last repetition or the last two because in order to make your muscles move the weight you have to use ALL your muscle fibers in the muscle making the lift – not just the ones you use for less weight or fewer repetitions.

Once you experience this feeling and have gained some strength, you can purposely tense that muscle using no weight at all.  Not only that, you can learn to tense your muscle and keep tensing it more until you get almost the same effect that you get doing the lift. In fact, a champion body builder, King Kai Green found that doing this between sets both enabled you to do it more effectively during the end of the sets AND caused more muscle growth.  I tried it and found doing this ALSO increases the control I have of the weight during those last few repetitions. 

(You can tense your muscles at the position where you start a lift; you can tense your muscles half way through the lift.  You can even keep them close to that tense and do the lift slowly with zero weight.  You can tense each part of you separately.  You can even tense everything at once!  Lastly, because you do this just after each set and a few times a day every day.  You burn more calories than you would if you didn’t do this.)

This means that doing strength training carefully AND using this technique makes injuries during strength training even less likely.  That’s because your muscles are stronger AND you have better control of them!

*Even better, every time you use a muscle that powerfully it tugs on the bone or bones it’s anchored to.  When that happens, abundant research has shown those bones get stronger and heavier from the healthy bone this causes you to add!

*Best of all, recent research has found that this removes excess FAT from your bones and causes them to burn more calories.

*Incredibly, that research also found that in obese people who have been sedentary this effect is THREE times greater!

Of course after you have done this for several weeks and keep doing it, this extra boost will become less because you are no longer sedentary and your bones are less fat and your lean weight will go up.

This will cause you to have a lower percentage of fat and less excess fat than you did at the start.

If you eat no more than you did or a bit less and/or the quality of what you eat becomes better, this ALSO removes excess fat extremely well!

It’s a great combination!

I’ve only been doing it for a few days now.  So I’ve not yet seen if it will help me lose fat or belly fat and have a smaller waist.

I HAVE however already gotten stronger and am more in control of the weights than I was!

*Here’s the link to Mike Matthew’s article on how safe strength training is AND some tips to make it even safer:


But by adding those to his other advice &/or for some things getting two really good spotters or doing replacement exercises that don't need them you can do strength training almost injury free and have minimum downtime due to injuries.

Mike does not cover spotting for heavy squats and bench presses. NOT in this one anyway though I think he does cover it elsewhere and the book he recommends does cover it. (Deadlifts and landmine presses use those same muscles and need no spotting. That’s another solution.)

He also doesn't cover the risks of strokes or popping a blood vessel during extreme exertion. (Taking one or two grams of vitamin C in divided doses each day AND eating one or more pieces of organic fresh fruit each day is the best way known to prevent this.  Eating enough protein also helps.)

Following a very low inflammation lifestyle that we have written about elsewhere and taking curcumin, ginger, and DHA AND completely avoiding MSG has also been found to cut pain and speed healing.  

Oddly, he doesn't cover in this how the right food and supplements can reduce the chances of injury or speed recovery and prevent strokes and easily popped blood vessels.  (Taking 10,000 iu a day of vitamin D3 has been found to cut the incidence of injuries to muscles, tendons, and bones in half compared to not doing so!  You also recover from any injuries you do get much faster.  In fact, it was this effect that caused the injury prevention effect to be tested for and found!)

He doesn't cover advanced methods of injury recovery either.  (The Bulletproof Vibe may or may not do everything that’s claimed for it.  But it apparently has made injury recovery more complete and happen faster very well for some users. For an injury to one arm or leg, it’s been found that continuing to exercise the healthy arm or leg speeds injury repair to the injured one.

Lastly, because this is likely because of the motor nerve stimulation to the injured side.  And, because of this you can also speed recovery of the injured arm or leg by beginning to do the tensing exercises on the injured arm or leg.  You can do this sooner than you can resume using weights.  You can do it in ways that focus the attention on the areas less injured at first.  The trick is to wait for the worst pain to stop and start very slowly.  At first, if it causes any pain, simply stop.  Try it later if that happens.  If you are extra careful at first and progress a bit more slowly at first you can often do this without causing a re-injury.  But if you do it well and take the D3, you can cut the recovery time at least in half.)

*Here’s the link to the Medical News Today story about the effects on bones when you exercise in this way:


Another reason to exercise: Burning bone fat - a key to better bone health

It's a fat-burning secret anyone interested in bone health should know. For the first time, UNC School of Medicine researchers show that exercising burns the fat found within bone marrow and offers evidence that this process improves bone quality and the amount of bone in a matter of weeks.

The study, published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, also suggests obese individuals - who often have worse bone quality - may derive even greater bone health benefits from exercising than their lean counterparts.

"One of the main clinical implications of this research is that exercise is not just good, but amazing for bone health," said lead author Maya Styner, MD, a physician and assistant professor of endocrinology and metabolism at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "In just a very short period of time, we saw that running was building bone significantly in mice."

Although research in mice is not directly translatable to the human condition, the kinds of stem cells that produce bone and fat in mice are the same kind that produce bone and fat in humans.

"I see a lot of patients with poor bone health, and I always talk to them about what a dramatic effect exercise can have on bones, regardless of what the cause of their bone condition is," said Styner. "With obesity, it seems that you get even more bone formation from exercise. Our studies of bone biomechanics show that the quality and the strength of the bone is significantly increased with exercise and even more so in the obese exercisers".

In addition to its implications for obesity and bone health, Styner said the research also could help illuminate some of the factors behind bone degradation associated with conditions like diabetes, arthritis, anorexia, and the use of steroid medications.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Stop migraines without drugs and why.....

Today's post:  Tuesday, 5-23-2017

Last Friday, 5-19, I got an email from Dr Al Sears about migraines.

In it, Dr Sears explains how motivated people are get rid of migraines and much they hamper people and cut their productivity at work.

He also says why he does NOT use the common drugs to treat it.  Simply put they work badly and also cause harm from their side effects.

Because he says this so well, I’ll quote him before I cover the very large number of things that DO stop migraines AND which have other health benefits instead of harms!

(One method is worth trying because it does work sometimes and simply stops them completely when it does work.  If not, another method cuts the both the number and severity of migraines in half.  If migraines are still problematic at that point, there are several other things comparably effective to add.  Lastly, because migraines are sometimes caused by other emotional or nerve or circulation problems, you can add the proven ways to fix those when needed.)

Here’s Dr Sears’ introduction:

“"I treat a lot of different kinds of chronic pain at my clinic. The patients most desperate for relief are the migraine sufferers.

If you get migraines, you know they can knock you out for days at a time.

The World Health Organization says migraines are to blame for more lost years of healthy life than multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, ovarian cancer and tuberculosis combined.1

But mainstream medicine knows very little about the cause of migraines or how to treat them. Most doctors prescribe Imitrex. That's a drug to help relieve headaches, pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.

But Imitrex can actually cause headaches. They're called rebound headaches.

And it has other terrible side effects like slurred speech… diarrhea… hallucinations… twitching muscles… vision changes…

And over-the-counter remedies are no better. Aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen can make the pain worse.

They can cause an "analgesic rebound effect." This means your headache can come back when you stop taking them.

And we're learning more every day about just how dangerous these drugs really are…

In fact, a study published earlier this month in the journal BMJ found that your risk of having a heart attack increased as much as 50% after taking ibuprofen…Regardless of dose or length of time you take it…

Sometimes, nutrient deficiencies — like a magnesium deficiency — can be behind migraines.

But for some patients, making sure they get enough of the right nutrients isn't enough to stop the pain.

Still, that doesn't mean I resort to Big Pharma's meds."

*Here are many of the very large number of things that DO stop migraines AND which have other health benefits instead of harms!

(One method is worth trying because it does work sometimes and simply stops them completely when it does work.  If not, another method cuts the both the number and severity of migraines in half.  If migraines are still problematic at that point, there are several other things comparably effective to add.  Lastly, because migraines are sometimes caused by other emotional or nerve or circulation problems, you can add the proven ways to fix those when needed.)

*The one method that’s worth trying because it does work sometimes and simply stops migraines completely when it does work is simple.  Make sure the nerves that relay pain to you that go through your neck area are NOT being pinched.

A percentage of migraines are caused by this.  And the more health oriented you are which prevents many of the other causes, the more likely this may be.

See if chiropractic treatment to ensure this is not happening relieves your migraines.  If it does, the relief can be sudden and lasting.

*If it does not or you want to avoid chiropractic treatment or it’s too expensive or you want something you can try even before your appointment, these often turn off migraines:

*Magnesium does very many useful things from building your bones and more.  Most people in the United States are deficient or severely deficient in it.  One of its main functions is to help your blood vessels relax.  Another is to help your nerves be healthy.  With very low levels of magnesium in your blood your blood vessels don’t relax properly and your nerves can over-report this discomfort – causing migraines.  So if you stop the things that deplete magnesium and eat foods high in it AND take 400 to 800 mg a day of supplemental magnesium, the migraines from this source simply no longer happen.

Guess what depletes magnesium so badly that it causes migraines often?  Your body uses what magnesium it does have to process sugar.  So if you eat 7 times too much real sugar or ANY high fructose corn syrup, it can cause migraines by depleting magnesium.  To fix this, one thing that is essential to do is to drink ZERO regular soft drinks.  Another almost as important is to read labels and eat NO foods containing high fructose corn syrup. 

It can also help to eliminate any hybrid wheat and eliminate or cut back significantly on other grains because, although it’s not well known, but these foods boost your blood sugar as much as sugar does or even a bit more!

Last but far from least, these actions ALSO improve your circulation which helps with reducing or eliminating migraines.

*Doing short burst cardio with rests or easier parts in between three or four days a week enables your blood vessels to relax more easily and sharply increases your circulation once you build up to  fit level even a bit.  These sessions only need to be 6 to 20 minutes long.  Besides Dr Sears PACE method that he uses, jump rope, jumping on a trampoline to music you like, and even brisk short walks all work.

Once you become even somewhat fit, this is very effective! 

It cuts the incidence or number of times a month you get migraines in half or more!  The remaining migraines are often much milder too.

*Most people in the United States also eat less leafy greens than people once did. 
And, some health oriented people who do are vegan and are gravely deficient in B12.  They also no longer get the other B complex vitamins in animal protein foods.

As a result, many people are deficient in B vitamins.  Since having enough of these several kinds of B vitamins including B12, folate, and B2 and others is essential for healthy nerves, many of those who are deficient get migraines!

You can slam that to a stop!  It’s helpful to eat liver and egg yolks when you can get them from animals fed only their natural diets and only from unpolluted sources.  But if you cannot or are vegan, supplements work!

The best B complex I know which has the most kinds of B vitamins and NOT too much B6 is Solgar’s B Complex with C Stress Formula.

And, the best B12 supplement I know is NOW supplement’s 1,000 mcg methyl B12 chewable lozenges.  (Methyl B12 is the form the body actually uses.  The chewable lozenge insures you get the B12 directly into your blood stream from the mucous membranes in your mouth.  That’s important if you take any kind of acid reducer for reflux or heart burn – or Metformin.  And some people older than 65 stop making enough stomach acid to digest B12.)

*People who ingest MSG often get migraines from doing so.  And, because MSG is so pro-inflammatory, ingesting it also makes migraines from any other cause much worse!

(MSG is also quite fattening two ways.  And, it can be a contributing cause of Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease too.)

Unfortunately MSG can be challenging to avoid.  Organic produce such as broccoli and blueberries has none. Nor does clean water.

But almost every packaged food and fast food tests high in it even if it has no label or the label does not list it.

Worse most mustards and ketchups and many spice blends contain it. They ALL list “spices” or even organic or natural “spices” on the label to hide the MSG and its cousins that actually refers to.  ALL those foods taste just fine when you find those that do NOT list spices on the label. 

**There are several more things you can do to stop or minimize migraines that we will cover next week.

Many people who only do these we list this week will no longer have migraines! This may well be over 70%!

And those who do who also add the rest of the methods we’ll include next week will almost all be migraine free!

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Monday, May 22, 2017

My Monthly Fatloss Report May 2017.....

Today's post:  Monday, 5-22-2017

A.  Here's the key news:

Fat Loss Report, measured on Saturday, 5- 20-2017

Gained 1.5 pounds from 167.4 last month to 168.9

No change in chest at 37 & a half.

Gained a half inch on my waist to 41 & a half.

No change in hips at 37 & a half.

1.  Since last month I gained a pound and a half.

2.  My chest and hips were the same at 37 & half inches.

But I gained a half inch on my waist.

3.  My food intake was very close to the same as last month. 

My exercises were about the same too.

4.  What changed was the level of stress I was under.  I’m so glad I found that article letting me know that high stress reduces your metabolism.  So, the pound and a half gain reflected the sharp increase in the stress I was under. 

Such gains also go almost totally to belly and visceral fat other studies show.  So, that clearly shows why my waist measure increased.

*For me, as for many people, having enough money for at least a minimum OK lifestyle with zero chances of severe money problems reduces stress.  I was under that threat with a deadline this past month, particularly during the last week just before I measured for this month.

*For me, even more than other people who also have it but at a lower level, having an ally who is unusually supportive and of some help sharply lowers my stress level.

5.  The initially very promising person who could well do both never contacted me a second time.

The most promising person who WAS responsive with favorable information and replies and who WILL be a future ally can only do so when I reach some milestones that will take a few weeks or months to reach. 

The person who said she would be happy to be that kind of ally for me, suddenly stopped replying to my emails.  (Found out this was OK, she was just super busy.)

My back up emergency person did come through right before my deadline but with only 35% of the money that was my preferred and already minimized request.  AND, that little only came in the day before I measured for the month.  That was significant since my weight gain for the month happened in the week just before.

6.  I believe my continued persistence and continuing to both follow up on successful efforts and finding new and promising things to check on AND doing so, will solve these two problems.

7.  I’m continuing to find new ways to boost my metabolism and add bone and muscle that I’m beginning to use.  (The fatloss post this week will be on one of them and why and how it can be done safely!)


 I’ll achieve the financial leverage I need.

I’ll get the active allies I need.

 AND I’ll begin to use all of the metabolism boosters I’ve found to add to the ones I’ve been using.

(That includes adding a weekly workout at a gym with heavy barbells and adding this new technique and trying the BulletProof vibe.)  


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Astonishing GOOD news about steroids.....

Today's post:  Thursday, 5-18-2017

Potentially very good news about intermittent, once a week, steroids!

People who take steroids daily for some autoimmune diseases or seriously dangerous asthma do get some relief for autoimmune disease and sometimes completely turn off dangerously severe asthma.

But when this is continued with daily dosing for many weeks or longer, it tends to cause muscle wasting and osteoporosis and either forces fat gain or prevents fat loss or even both!

You can replace these effects by stopping causes like MSG and artificial sweeteners and taking things that tend to reverse autoimmune disease such as vitamin D3 because it not only boosts killer T cells, it boosts regulating T cells and improves their accuracy!

But the effects from doing this might not be enough to stop taking the steroids or it might not begin soon enough to stop the harmful side effects.

New research may have found a way to continue these steroids that not only prevents this but tested as having the REVERSE effect!


This has not one but TWO huge potentially beneficial uses!

1.  Taking steroids every day for a long time is harmful and fattening despite the partial protection it gives for some things.

By using this dosage method it may be quite possible to continue using them when other methods don't quite replace steroids or haven't been in use long enough to replace them.

Using them in this way may well enable this use without the muscle and bone damage and fattening effects of everyday use!

2.  Not only that, the rebound effect between weekly doses tested as anabolic enough to not only prevent muscle wasting but fix it and even cause speed recovery from injuries!

Astoundingly, this may be a way to have a legal AND safe anabolic steroid to use!

*The research was done on mice.  So, it hasn't been tested and found to work in people.

But the effects look like they are rooted in mammalian biological processes, so my prediction is that they will work in people too.

Clearly, this can be tested at once in people who have had their bones or muscles or ability to lose fat harmed by daily use.

*Using this method for injury repair or reducing osteoporosis or building muscle is an off label use.  This is a grey area but doctors often try such therapies.

If the clearly indicated use tests out as working in people taking it for its approved use, I think this second use will be tried.

If it does work as I think it will, not only will this help people who take it daily to unblock fat loss, it may add bone and muscle for people who exercise and do so also by reducing down time from injuries.

Weekly steroids strengthen and repair muscles
Weekly doses of glucocorticoid steroids, such as prednisone, help speed recovery in muscle injuries, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.

-----Original Message-----
From: Medical News Today
To: iehealth
Sent: Thu, May 18, 2017 2:19 pm
Subject: MNT daily newsletter - 18 May 2017   

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Prevent or Reverse Osteoporosis  Three.....

Today's post:  Wednesday, 5-17-2017

Despite the common belief even among many doctors that this is not doable, this IS doable in most cases.

(In very late stages nothing short of a way to reverse time or something like the device the fictional Dr McCoy in the original Star Trek series used will do it.

When it gets that bad people die directly of osteoporosis;

-- and short of that but severe osteoporosis can cause a fractured pelvis or cause a hip fracture without an accident to cause it that can result in a broken pelvis or severe head injuries from the falls it causes.  These events have a very high death rate and cost huge amounts of money to deal with.

Wouldn’t it be far better to prevent all this or reverse it well before these things happen?

Despite the common belief even among many doctors that this is not doable, this IS doable in most cases.

Each of these methods have been tested to work. (Only 2 of the very newest ones we list at the end have not, though one of the 3 HAS been tested to work. And, the other two look likely to work)

And like many health protocols that work, these methods get the best results when you use ALL of the techniques.

But two things help. 

*You can start with just the most effective ones and those easiest to do to get more than half way to the effect of doing everything that works.

*Most of the techniques enhance or protect your health in other ways too!

Few things in health protection are as much fun as finding something prevents something you want to avoid only to discover you have been doing that already for over ten years because it also prevents something else!

1.  Remove the biggest causes first and do things instead that are the antidote to those causes:

*Stop soft drinks and their sweeteners and hybrid wheat and excess sugar AND take magnesium and eat foods high in it. 

(We covered this in detail in our last post.

Here’s the summary:  Soft drinks both regular and diet do all kinds of harm most people know nothing about.

But the worst thing they do is to cause osteoporosis more effectively than smoking causes cancer.

Cola drinks cause osteoporosis all those ways AND the phosphoric acid in them triples the effect!

If you don’t want to give yourself osteoporosis, what is the safe intake of soft drinks?


Last week we covered how soft drinks and diet soft drinks are even MORE effective in causing osteoporosis another way and said what antidote to those effects can begin to reverse the damage once you never drink them again.

*Women near or beginning menopause or right after it; consider estrogen replacement PLUS a 100% low inflammation lifestyle.

We covered this in detail last week.

Here’s the summary:  Right at the beginning of menopause, it’s essential to protect your health and avoid hot flashes etc and a good bit of typical fat gain for women to do a thorough job of reducing inflammation.  AND,  if that’s done, it’s then safe to use estrogen replacement just during that period.  This is NOT yet well known.  But for women who do both, it prevents almost all of the otherwise typical bone loss in early menopause.

2.  Take the easy and fast steps that build and strengthen bones: take boron and 10,000 iu D3 and K2.

Last week we covered this in more detail and gave supplements you can buy for these nutrients.

Best of all, you can buy all of them at a local health food store or on Amazon and be taking them all in a few days!

3.  Do the more challenging but extremely effective things that our bodies need to build and keep strong bones.  Do walking AND strength training or an effective alternative that works better for you.

In healthy people, men and women alike, standing, walking or doing strength training or similar work strengthens your muscles AND it causes bone building and strengthening in the attached bones!

Even as little as doing half an hour of housework while standing a few days a week or 4 brisk 7 minute walks a week is unbelievably better than nothing.

Super slow leg presses set to use your very strong gluteus muscles that start with weights heavy enough to be a bit challenging and gradually increasing each month is VERY effective at building bone.  In fact, over 50 years ago, someone thought to test if this would help women with early osteoporosis to begin reversing it.  It most certainly did so!

If you have access to one and can afford to pay their trainer to help you work that hard, The Perfect Workout centers have these machines and will custom set them to you.

If you do these other things and even go for half an hour once a week for the 20 minutes of exercise, your chances of getting osteoporosis approach zero and your chances of reversing early stage osteoporosis are excellent!

If you don’t have one near you or need a less expensive alternative, go to a gym with heavy barbells; and have a trainer show you how to do an exercise called the deadlift.

Just like the Perfect Workout, you can start with a weight you can easily lift but begins to be a bit heavy.  At first you can add five to ten pounds a week.  Then when you are stronger and closer to your maximum, you can add five to ten pounds a month.

You need the coaching to ensure you do the exercise in a way that uses your lower back safely and uses your very strong gluteus muscles.

But the exercise is otherwise quite simple.  You walk up to a barbell on the ground and grasp it and then stand up with it.  Then put it down.  As few as 3 to 5 repetitions done twice a week can be effective.  Even older women have started with 105 pounds and built up to 205 or 225.  Younger men have started with 185 pounds and built up to 405 pounds or more.

Doing these plus the other things will strengthen your leg and hip and spinal bones enormously.

Contrast that with people on bed rest or with Alzheimer’s who no longer do things like doing half an hour of housework while standing a few days a week or 4 brisk 7 minute walks a week.

Such people have their bones deteriorate and weaken putting them at risk for life ending falls or broken hips or pelvises.

Prevent this by building strong bones while younger AND making sure to do some standing or brisk walking each week even if you need a person to help you with balance or seeing where you are going when you are older. 

Such osteoporosis and falls and broken hips and pelvises are preventable until at least 100 years old and older.

4.  Stop or do NOT begin the old line drugs for osteoporosis & do all of the above plus add Bulletproof vibe and strontium instead.

The Bulletproof vibe may help with exercises that build bone by doing them while standing on it.  There is some evidence it both causes your muscles and bones to work harder AND to repair and build bone and muscle better than not using it.

Strontium, the kind that is NOT radioactive that is a normal component of milk, has been shown to strongly boost normal bone growth and repair.  But it costs enough more than the other supplements and is not normally needed when you do these other things, that it can be an unnecessary expense.  But for reversing osteoporosis, adding it to these other things can help get the job done.

Stop or do NOT begin the old line drugs for osteoporosis.  With all these effective things that DO work and cause healthy and strong bones, why spend a lot of money on drugs that do not work as well?

Worse, the old line drugs do NOT cause healthy bone growth or make bones less likely to break.

Worst of all, these drugs have horrible side effects that can cause people to become depressed because their quality of life is so poor each and every day.

Most unfortunately, doctors have been told the opposite:

The just released guidelines to doctors to treat osteoporosis suggests that:

To reduce the risk of hip and vertebral fractures in women with osteoporosis, physicians should treat them with the bisphosphonates, risedronate, alendronate, or zoledronic acid, or alternatively with the biologic agent denosumab.

"The ACP have revised their guidelines for treating osteoporosis and low bone density.

This strong recommendation appears in revised guidelines from the American College of Physicians (ACP) for the prevention of fractures in men and women with osteoporosis and low bone density."

Bisphonates cause such bad reflux and other side effects, they ruin the quality of life of the woman taking them and make the bones heavier in a way that blocks healthy new bone growth and produces, hard, brittle bones that are MORE likely to break.

There is even a death rate for women taking these from esophageal cancer caused by the reflux caused by taking these drugs!

Denosumab, trade name Prolia, is injected which adds to the doctor or nurse practitioner costs, and also makes bone breakage more likely and can cause jaw bone destruction.

Before about 1850 it was even money whether seeing a doctor would do more good than harm according to the historians.

For treating osteoporosis, this information shows it’s still like it was in 1650.

The one exception to this was a drug reported in Medical News Today that acted like an anabolic steroid for bones and DID cause healthy bone growth and strengthening. If that proves to have low quality of life or safety issues or none, when it gets FDA approval, it may be very helpful to add in cases where the osteoporosis is advanced or the person is bed bound.

Consider doing the safe and effective things instead if you want a decent quality of life and stronger bones that are far less likely to break! 

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

How to fast to lose fat.....

Today's post:  Thursday, 5-11-2017

How to make fasting or intermittent fasting work for fat loss:

Research reported in Medical News Today has clues.

In this study, one group was given very strict guidelines for just eating less each day.

The other group was told to fast; but was on their own to manage the process.

The strict guidelines for eating less every day group lost more weight at the end of the study than the intermittent fasting group did.

But that’s not very helpful.  Eating less every day is no fun.  And once you stop doing so, the fat and weight come back.  In addition, this tends to increase your appetite and reduce your energy AND it gives most of the participants no self-management skills for effective fat loss.

This study didn’t last that long to show these things but others have shown just these effects.

But the other group while it lost less on average DID show some interesting effects.  And, since it was self-managed, those people who did best with it wound up with the self-management skills to use it to lose fat they could keep off.

So this study provided some answers to this question:

Is alternate-day fasting more effective for weight loss?

Only if 3 things happen:

1.  It's actually done on a very controlled basis which can be MUCH easier with a coach or comparable program that is consistently used.

2.  In the study, the people fasting who did poorly took in too many calories and carbs during the fast. 

So, to lose fat effectively on a fast, the bone broth and MCT oil and any small amounts of grass fed butter for coffee or the bone broth need to be low & precisely measured to avoid creeping up higher.  And, there must be zero sugars or other carbohydrates. 

(That happened to me when I did a 12 day fast.  The first 5 days I did it correctly and lost several pounds.  During that next 7 days I ate a bit too much grass fed butter with the bone broth and gained, repeat gained, weight while otherwise fasting.)

So this research and my experience shows that a shorter fast with good portion control is effective while if the portion control is poor even longer fasts can be ineffective.

3.  In the study, the people fasting who did poorly took in too many calories and carbs during the first week of recovery.

(In my week for not pressing to lose fat, I normally have some dark chocolate with sugar a few times and I have organic raisins in my breakfast four days a week.  And I have dark molasses in my coffee once and in my breakfast once.

The two times I fasted and then had this recovery week right afterwards, the intake of too many sugars and carbs DID cause me to gain all the weight back that I’d lost during my week of fasting.)

So the findings in this study and BulletProof’s Dave Asprey’s advice to have the recovery week be low carb and free of added sugars and dried fruit are correct.

4.  It’s clear that having a coach or interactive coaching program online to ensure these things go right the first few times to teach the person losing fat to self manage this is also essential.

5.  And, a way to boost metabolism during both fasting and recovery and ongoing, would also help!

Our series of posts on ways to boost your metabolism has information on several techniques that work to do this.

I’m looking forward to seeing if the BulletProof vibe, vibrating platform does boost my metabolism an extra 11% besides those techniques and seeing if it’s safe to use.

For many people the information here and in our previous posts will be enough to help them lose fat they keep off.

But if I find the BulletProof vibe does add another 11% too, that will be significant good news. 

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Prevent or Reverse Osteoporosis  Two.....

Today's post:  Wednesday, 5-10-2017

Despite the common belief even among many doctors that this is not doable, this IS doable in most cases.

(In very late stages nothing short of a way to reverse time or something like the device the fictional Dr McCoy in the original Star Trek series used will do it.

When it gets that bad people die directly of osteoporosis;

-- and short of that but severe osteoporosis can cause a fractured pelvis or cause a hip fracture without an accident to cause it that can result in a broken pelvis or severe head injuries from the falls it causes.  These events have a very high death rate and cost huge amounts of money to deal with.

Wouldn’t it be far better to prevent all this or reverse it well before these things happen?

Despite the common belief even among many doctors that this is not doable, this IS doable in most cases.

Each of these methods have been tested to work. (Only 2 of the very newest ones we list at the end have not, though one of the 3 HAS been tested to work.)

And like many health protocols that work, these methods get the best results when you use ALL of the techniques.

But two things help. 

*You can start with just the most effective ones and those easiest to do to get more than half way to the effect of doing everything that works.

*Most of the techniques enhance or protect your health in other ways too!

Few things in health protection are as much fun as finding something prevents something you want to avoid only to discover you have been doing that already for over ten years because it also prevents something else!

1.  Remove the biggest causes first and do things instead that are the antidote to those causes:

*Stop soft drinks and their sweeteners and hybrid wheat and excess sugar AND take magnesium and eat foods high in it. 

(We covered this in detail in our last post.

Here’s the summary:  Soft drinks both regular and diet do all kinds of harm most people know nothing about.

But the worst thing they do is to cause osteoporosis more effectively than smoking causes cancer.

Cola drinks cause osteoporosis all those ways AND the phosphoric acid in them triples the effect!

If you don’t want to give yourself osteoporosis, what is the safe intake of soft drinks?


Here’s the other major way that soft drinks cause osteoporosis:

The very high intake of free fructose or greater intake of sugary foods when diet soft drinks or their artificial sweetners are used does many harmful things.

AND, it also depletes the magnesium this excess causes your body to undergo to process it.  

Add to that most of the people who drink these drinks are deficient in magnesium to start with and don’t take magnesium supplements or eat many of the foods high in magnesium.  The result is a grave shortage of magnesium.

Since to repair bones or make new bone to replace even normal wear, magnesium is essential, that means that soft drink drinkers tend to have less and less new bone to replace the old when needed.

This is a DIRECT cause of osteoporosis. 

To reverse it, drinking zero further soft drinks and taking magnesium supplements and eating more greens and raw tree nuts for those not allergic is very helpful if not essential.  Taking 400 mg to 800 mg a day of magnesium is important.

(It is possible to take too much magnesium if you take this much AND use a lot of milk of magnesia for heartburn.  So since the supplements have less potentially harmful ingredients, just taking those makes sense.)

Later we will cover other actions and supplements that build bone that it’s a good idea to also add.  There are several and they work well!

*Women near or beginning menopause or right after it; consider estrogen replacement PLUS a 100% low inflammation lifestyle.

*Studies show that in this early stage of menopause even the artificial estrogen replacement made from horse urine is safe to take during that period particularly if you do two things:

1.  Stop when menopause halts periods entirely or possibly if you reduce the dose AND use the bioidentical estrogen replacement instead or after that.

2.  Do the things that dramatically lower excessive chronic inflammation!

This is hugely important because it does all these things:

It makes the estrogen replacement safe to take. 

It makes both all cancers and heart attacks and strokes less likely.  Without cutting inflammation at this time it goes up and adds to all these risks!

It too tends to turn off hot flashes and night sweats and insomnia just like the replacement does! 
So doing both does that very effectively!

And, it prevents the bone loss that otherwise occurs at this time!

The best resource for lowering inflammation is the book, Anti-Cancer at new way of life by Dr David Servan-Schreiber MD.  So buy it and read it and use its advice!

Wouldn’t you like to prevent osteoporosis and turn off those unpleasant effects and prevent breast cancer and ovarian cancer and heart attacks and strokes?

If so, get this book.  Read it.  And, take its advice!

2.  Take the easy and fast steps that build and strengthen bones: take boron and 10,000 iu D3 and K2.

Besides magnesium and getting enough calcium in your food, studies show that taking 10,000 iu of vitamin D3 and 5 mg of vitamin K2 a day causes your body to use calcium to help magnesium build your bones AND the K2 also prevents the calcium from hardening your arteries at the same time! 

(I take Solgar 10,000 iu capsules of D3; but Jarrow makes a 5,000 iu one you can take two a day to get 10,000.  Unlike D2 taking that much D3 is safe, particularly if you take it with K2.  Carlson makes the 5 mg capsules I take of K2.)

Taking 3 mg a day of boron as a supplement is quite inexpensive.  It has some anticancer effects and improves alertness according to a US military study on having pilots take it.  But its best benefit is that when you take it, the bones you build are much stronger and much harder to break!
(I take the 3 mg NOW boron supplement.)

Best of all, you can buy these at a local health food store or on Amazon and be taking them all in a few days!

3.  Do the more challenging but extremely effective things that our bodies need to build and keep strong bones.  Do walking AND strength training or an effective alternative that works better for you.

This one is a big topic by itself. So we will cover it next week. And we’ll cover the others later also.

4.  Stop or do NOT begin the old line drugs for it & do all of the above plus add Bulletproof vibe and strontium instead.

5.  Consider these things that actually do what those drugs were supposed to do but do not do.  

Try adding strontium;

or use the Bulletproof vibe; or try treatment with platelet rich plasma or do so AND use the Bulletproof vibe.

 or if it gets FDA approval and actually does NOT have side bad side effects that show in its first year, Medical News Today reports a new drug that is a kind of anabolic steroid in its effects that actually causes new healthy bone growth and density improvement that strengthens bones.

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Thursday, May 04, 2017

New research to help make fat loss easier.....

Today's post:  Thursday, 5-4-2017

*What this new research found was that an enzyme tended in middle aged and older people to cause the mitochondria in each cell to burn less energy and that this reliably caused fat gain.

And, when they managed to block the enzyme, this didn’t happen.

This enzyme reduces the number of mitochondria and their energy output and that reliably increased weight and fat storage in the people in this study.

*It may be helpful if they find a way to reduce this enzyme and make that solution available.

But this research proved something else as a byproduct!

No matter how it’s done, if you keep your mitochondria and keep them working really well, you will gain less fat and find it easier to lose any excess fat you might have.

It shows evidence that having more mitochondria and having more active mitochondria can prevent fat gain and help fat loss.

We already know how to do that in several ways!

THAT means that NOT taking statins, doing the kind of vigorous strength training and short burst cardio that increase mitochondria and taking Ubiquinol and PQQ each DO prevent fat gain AND make fat loss easier if not happen directly. 

Even better, you can do them all!

Here’s the link to that research:


Inhibiting key enzyme may prevent midlife weight gain
New study shows that a certain enzyme plays a key role in midlife weight gain. Scientists inhibited the enzyme and lowered the risk of being overweight.

THAT means that NOT taking statins, doing the kind of vigorous strength training and short burst cardio that increase mitochondria and taking Ubiquinol and PQQ DO prevent fat gain AND make fat loss easier if not happen directly.

Here’s the information on why each of these steps work.

*The ubiquinol form of CoQ10 the body uses tends to be at optimum levels in older teens and young adults who are physically active.

Their bodies make it from the food components they eat and it keeps their mitochondria that power all their cells stay healthy.

But as they get older or if they become sedentary or both, they make less ubiquinol and the health of their mitochondria and their metabolism slows down.

It was found that supplementing with CoQ10 improved this by keeping more mitochondria healthy.

But, particularly for people over 30 and over 45, this was relatively ineffective.

Then it was found that internally your body converts CoQ10 into the reduced form of it called ubiquinol. 

Then it was found how to make a supplement that would allow ubiquinol to survive the digestive system and enter the blood stream.

The mitochondria protector is the ubiquinol form and it was found that taking this form of ubiquinol increased how much is in the blood by at least four times what taking CoQ10 could do; and instead of keeping it elevated for a few minutes as CoQ10 supplements did, ubiquinol supplements kept this higher blood level for as much as hours longer.

For people with a good bit of fat to lose or who are over 45 or both, it may make sense to take 100 mg of ubiquinol before or with breakfast or earlier in your day and another 100 mg at mid-day.  (Jarrow makes this supplement.)

*Given this background, clearly there are two things you do NOT want to do.  You don’t want to lower your body’s level of the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 or cause permanent harm to the mitochondria.

Statin drugs do both of these things and the higher doses of some kinds of statins do so much more:  

And, since reducing the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 to very low levels can cause harm to the mitochondria in people who do the kind of exercises that normally benefit them, statins are contraindicated.

Moreover, since there are more effective ways to lower LDL cholesterol and high chronic inflammation and more effective ways to prevent heart attacks and strokes than taking statins, NOT taking them makes good sense.

The mitochondria energy production drop from taking statins causes diabetes.  Worse, since one of the ways diabetes causes blindness and limb amputation and death, recent research found, is when high blood sugar causes grave harm to the mitochondria -- and so does taking statins, this means that in anyone with diabetes, taking statins is totally contraindicated!

Here again, since there are more effective ways to lower LDL cholesterol and high chronic inflammation and more effective ways to prevent heart attacks and strokes than taking statins, NOT taking them makes good sense! (Diabetics DO need this extra protection so using these other effective methods is important for them to do!)

Since having lots of healthy mitochondria helps you keep a youthful feeling of energy and a high enough metabolism to avoid fat gain and makes fat loss easier, that’s a goal you want to achieve.

Taking ubiquinol and NOT taking statins tends to keep your mitochondria healthy.

*But some wear out or are harmed by viral diseases like the flu.  So wouldn’t it be great if we could send in new mitochondria too?

We can! There are two proven ways:

Researchers at UC Davis found that PQQ, a natural compound found in many foods with somewhat higher levels in kiwifruit, caused the body to make new mitochondria.

PQQ (Jarrow makes a 12 mg size)  does more than grow new mitochondria, according to studies Dr Al Sears found, it also saves some that are a bit off and returns them to health; AND it causes the immune system to remove those that cannot be saved.

So the evidence is that if you take the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 and PQQ, you will keep your mitochondria generating enough energy to keep your metabolism high AND avoid fat gain &/or make fat loss easier!

Having lots of healthy mitochondria also strengthens your heart and slows aging.  Plus you tend to feel more energetic than you otherwise would.

But taking PQQ is not the only way to grow new mitochondria!

Separate research has found that the short intense burst kind of cardio and effective strength training where resistance heavy enough to need focused extra effort to lift cause the muscles to have their expressed genes revert to youthful form AND generate new mitochondria and stem cells.

This explains that some people who do these two kinds of exercise, at least one most days of every week do lose fat by doing so.  And, almost none of them gain more fat!  

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