Tuesday, July 31, 2018

More Fake bad news about supplements....Today's post:  Tuesday, 7-31-2018

About two months ago a study came out with headlines suggesting that taking supplements to protect your heart was a waste of money and ineffective.

We posted then that this was inaccurate and deliberately misleading and explained why.

( Deliberate lies about supplements for heart health....Wednesday, 5-30-2018

    http://iehealth.blogspot.com/2018/05/deliberate-lies-aboutsupplements-for.html )

Since there ARE many proven effective ways to take supplements to protect you from strokes and heart attacks, the poor quality study behind this headline and what it says is completely false.  In today's post is more information about who is lying to you and why.

What you value enough to pay money for is up to you.

And, supplements do cost money and the logistics of taking them every day costs time.

Since then another study was reported that said it showed that taking or eating omega 3 oils had no value for heart protection.

The facts are that there is a protocol that adds removing the blocks to omega 3 in addition to taking in enough of it has shown documented very large increases in heart protection. 

This is particularly true if the omega 3, DHA is used.

It’s like a simple teeter totter.  

If you add omega 3’s on one end and you take in a huge amount of proinflammatory foods, notably including hybrid wheat and soy and corn and canola oils and meat and dairy from animals fed corn and soy,
it’s like adding 50 pounds of omega 3 on one end and having 400 pounds of junk foods on the other end.

Sure the omega 3’s look ineffective if you do that.

BUT if you remove 380 pounds of the high inflammation and junk foods from that end and use 50 pounds of omega 3 on the other, then you see spectacular heart protective effects.

HDL goes up sharply AND triglycerides fall sharply -- and as a result, the small particle LDL that causes heart and cardiovascular disease drops sharply.

So it’s very clear that headlines slamming supplements are almost always fake or deliberately misleading news.

A recent email from Al Sears shows why in his analysis of the first study:

This was in his email on Friday, 7-27

His headline was:  Coca-Cola sets new medical standards?

“It’s ridiculous to think that a retailer like Coca-Cola could be dictating medical standards.

But the American College of Cardiology (ACC) announced the results of a new study with lots of fanfare. They said that multivitamins, vitamins C and D, and calcium had NO benefits in cardiovascular disease.1

In other words, stop wasting your money on supplements that don’t work. 

And guess who was happy to pay for that message? You got it… the food industry and drug companies.

You see, the authors of the study had to disclose their sponsors. The list is breathtaking. It goes on for a full page of small print.

Alongside the soda giant Coca-Cola was the Kellogg Company… Quaker Oats… Unilever… Procter & Gamble… Bayer… PepsiCo… Soyfoods Association of North America… Canola Council of Canada… Bristol-Myers Squibb… General Mills… and many more.

But let me set the record straight.

There’s no herb, vitamin or other supplemental nutrient used in America today that’s anywhere near as dangerous as the average prescription drug.

And there are hundreds of thousands of studies supporting the safe use of vitamins and minerals to prevent and cure chronic disease.

What the ACC study did was cherry-pick a select few that would fall in their favor.

They looked at studies that used low doses — which didn’t offer any benefits.

They also only included short-term trials. They excluded long-term studies where you’re more likely to see the real effects of supplements.

And basically ignored all the studies showing positive benefits.

In other words, they chose the studies that supported the message they wanted to send: “You don’t need supplements because you can get all your vitamins and minerals from your food.”

That bunch has no interest in your health. They just want you to buy more of their pricey processed foods and drugs.

They’ll slap on a heart healthy sticker in hopes of selling more. But the truth is you CANNOT get the vitamins and minerals you need from the processed food industry products.

In fact, the Journal of Nutrition reports most Americans are undernourished:

80% don’t get the daily recommended nutrients from their diet alone

More than 50% of children don’t get enough vitamins D and E

More than 25% of children don’t get enough calcium, magnesium or vitamin A2

And when this most recent vitamin and mineral study came out, the ACC didn’t mention one very interesting finding. In a sneaky move, they tried to bury it…

The data showed that B vitamins, especially folic acid (vitamin B9) significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

It also showed these vitamins are critical for preventing strokes. In fact, vitamin B9 supplements were found to reduce stroke risk by 22%.

They didn’t want you to know that. Most doctors still think the only way to prevent CVD is to take a statin drug to lower cholesterol.

But I’ve been recommending B9 and other B vitamins to my patients for decades. I recommend taking 800 mcg of folate per day. But avoid synthetic folic acid supplements. Look for products that say "5-MTHF." That's the active form of B9.”

Besides the knowledgeable use of supplements, there are two kinds of foods that DO prevent strokes and heart attacks.  This is in part due to their folate, the 5-MTHF, natural kind.

Eating 9 or more servings of organic vegetables OR eating two three each day and exercising AND eating one or more daily servings of organic whole fresh fruit reduces the risk of heart attack and both kinds of strokes.

Adding the supplements that reduce heart risk the most to eating THOSE FOODS and stopping ALL the heart attack starter foods and drinks sold by companies like those in Dr Sears’ list, you can virtually eliminate all the risk of heart attack and stroke.

If everyone on the internet knew this, our whole country and the rest of the world would have far fewer heart attacks and strokes.

So by all means email this post to people you think might use it!   

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Possible New Fatloss tool....Today's post:  Thursday, 7-26-2018

Last week I got a Medical News Today email that says a new way to

either start fat loss without triggering the famine response –

or to maintain your fat loss when you otherwise might not—

 may now exist!

Does it work?  It sounds like it very well might for people who are already doing the basics.

(If in your case it can remove 2 pounds a week of fat; but you are still taking in lots of MSG and junk food and sweet baked goods and diet soft drinks, that by actual test are the MOST fattening kind, and NOT exercising to the point you are gaining 3 pounds a week, you won’t lose any fat!)

But if you have stopped all that; and do exercise; and have lost five pounds but no more; and still have fat to lose, this looks like it might work very well to help you lose the rest of that fat!

Is it safe?  It looks likely to be relatively safe for most people.

Here’s the information and the link to the study.

Time release capsaicin causes fatloss according to this research.

Eating or taking capsaicin can cause problems in your gut and isn't on 24 7.

This research says that a time release capsaicin solves both problems because the dose at any one time is too low to cause problems but the 24 7 action is effective at boosting metabolism in a way that causes fat loss.


Hot pepper compound may reduce obesity
A new trial in rodents finds that capsaicin, the compound that makes hot peppers hot, can lead to long-term weight loss and better metabolic health.

From: Medical News Today

Sent: Wed, Jul 18, 2018 10:16 am”

1.  As many such research articles do, this suggests that in 20 years a drug company may work out a way to make and sell this.

2.  But I called today to a compounding pharmacy.  Their pharmacist said that she has the capsaicin and a relatively safe time release compound. 

She literally could have some time release capsaicin created for pick up in a few days.

But she would need a prescription from a doctor.

As those of you who read my personal fatloss report this past Monday know, I’m beginning a strong effort to use a whole body vibration plate to create an even greater weekly metabolism boost.

But I’m unusually highly motivated and strong enough to wrestle it into place. 

a) So even if my use of the vibration plate works well for me, it may not be a solution for many.

This new way might be a solution for them.

b) And if the vibration plate and going to the gym for heavier weight lifting two weekends a month only does half the job in my case, it would be great to have this new way to do the rest of the job!

c) People who lose fat well the first few weeks are much more likely to keep doing the things that caused it and permanently get rid of the fat.

So, a specialty gym to help people jump start fatloss that teaches eating right and has the heavier weights AND has a whole body vibration plate and a trainer to help people start using it – and that also uses this time release capsaicin might be a real asset to fatloss!

Also, there was a similar research study reported by Medical News Today a few weeks ago.

Those researchers combined a way to boost thyroid output with a medication to protect against the liver damage this would otherwise cause and apparently got comparable results.

This still looks worth developing for hospitalized people with severe obesity and movement problems.

But I suspect strongly that the time release capsaicin is close to that effective and far safer!

The time release compounds are likely not a great idea to keep taking. 

But the time release capsaicin looks like a worthwhile addition to the tool box that works to cause fat loss. 

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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Restore ability to smell AND remember....Today's post:  Tuesday, 7-24-2018

Long ago I began taking beta sitosterol because it tends to lower LDL cholesterol.

I also added more niacin; and my LDL went from 130 to 105.

I knew not to take statins; but I also knew I wanted lower LDL & heart attack risk.

As a bonus, it’s also known that taking beta sitosterol reduces the symptoms and problems with BPH which I was beginning to have as an older man.

THEN I read that losing your sense of smell is a sign of Alzheimer’s AND that people taking beta sitosterol had their sense of smell come back!

Since then I recently read losing your sense of smell can also be a sign of Parkinson’s disease.

Beta sitosterol appears with stigmasterol and campesterol.  The article said that the stigmasterol seemed most effective in reversing smell loss.  I looked and was delighted to find that the supplement I’d been taking with beta sitosterol DID also contain stigmasterol.

Since then I found a reference that all three sterols, beta sitosterol, have been known for some time for their ability to clear beta amyloid from the brain.

I now take two a day of the Plant Sterols by Blue Bonnet.  This has a bit more of each than the discontinued supplement I used to take 3 a day of.

Today I found out there may be a great deal more to this story:

Beta sitosterol causes neural stem cells to make new nerve and brain cells!

Dr Al Sears email today had this: ” "Beta-sitosterol. In one study, beta-sitosterol increased the growth of neural stem cells by 105% compared to a placebo (Journal of Natural Medicine)29." “

In other words, besides increasing blood flow by lowering LDL cholesterol and removing the beta amyloid that harms nerve and brain cells, these 3 sterols ALSO tend to cause the damage nerve and brain cells to be replaced!

No wonder taking them tends to restore the sense of smell if it has been lost!

THIS is even less well known but I think is very important!

As you, know if you have been reading my posts or Dr Dale Bredesen’s book, The End of Alzheimer's: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline, there are many other ways to reverse the several other causes of Alzheimer’s disease to make the most effective protocol.

And, we’ve posted that regular exercise tends to release stem cells and the brain and nerve cell growth hormone, BDNF also.

But we now know that the plant sterols, beta sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol can add a great deal to the process!

(Note that other companies sell a combination of red yeast rice and sterols to lower LDL cholesterol.

THIS is a dangerously BAD idea.  Red yeast rice is a statin; and if you take too much of red yeast rice or a statin and exercise it can permanently harm you.

I read that this has happened to both people taking red yeast rice and many people taking statins.

So, stick to the sterols and the other safe ways to protect your heart instead!)

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Monday, July 23, 2018

My Monthly Fatloss Report July 2018.....

Today's post:  Monday, 7-23-2018

 Here's the key news:

     Short term results worse despite possible long term gains.

Fat Loss Report, measured on Saturday, 7-21-2018

Gained 2.0 pounds to 170.6 from 168.6 pounds last month.

That was in addition to the 3.1 to pounds from 165.5 from May.  That was up from 163.3 in April.

This was an up and down month:

By weeks:

Up .6;
down 1.0;
& down 1.8;
Then, up 3.6! = net up 2.0 lb  168.6 to 170.6.

My chest measured 38 & three quarters -- the same as last month.  This is almost two inches bigger than several months ago when I was 37 & a half inches.

(That two inches is very likely is from muscle growth from my progress in pushups in the style that uses my pectoral muscles better than standard pushups.)

This morning, I did 182 and 45 more after a brief rest for a total of 227!

My waist measurement went up another half inch since last month to about 42.25 inches. I want it to be 34 instead of a bit over 42! This looks like fat gain this time.

My hips measured about 39 and one quarter.   So I’ve kept the muscle I gained and this time added some more fat.

Analysis & changes needed:

1.  When I am able to do barbell strength training with a good bit heavier weights and add more muscle to the rest of me, this may finally begin to reduce my waist.

These results clearly indicate that besides the VIBE that I report on next, I need to prioritize doing this at least once a month for upper body and once a month for legs.

 I got the vibe since last time; and it may yet produce many of the long term changes I want.

        It's much noisier and much harder to use than I expected!

a) After I do the two things that make it much easier to deploy and quieter I will be able to use it more days a week.

I used it Saturday, 7-14 & Sunday, 7-15 and Sunday 7-22, yesterday. 

Without the changes that make it easier to deploy, and those that make it quieter for my wife and our neighbors, doing it after work on weekday evenings was not something I wanted to do.  

Also it was very hot the last few weeks; and I may have needed extra rest to NOT get the flu like illness my wife had. I felt unusually hot and tired,

b) My expectation was that I'd have to use less weight on strength training exercises done on the VIBE because my muscles would work harder but I'd find it easier to balance on.

The VIBE is totally different than that expectation!

It's so incredibly hard to balance on, at first I've had to use tiny weights and found it very hard to do the exercises correctly without falling off!

c)  Oh well, maybe continued use will make my ability to balance improve when I'm NOT on it!

d)  I do think that by doing a little better on the exercise form and number of repetitions each week for a few weeks, I will then be able to gradually get to using the weights I expected and while using the correct form.

e)  Working out on the VIBE does not seem to make my muscles contract harder.  But if I contract them hard, the VIBE may make that build muscle better. The balance problems initially reduced my focus on that.  But eventually I plan to do it just after EVERY exercise.

f)  Because it helps my balance and insulates my head from the vibrations,
have to bend my knees almost ALL the time I'm on the VIBE. 

Once I can use it most days a week, THAT will gradually build muscle in my butt and legs I think. It will also burn calories each time I use it that I have not been burning before.

g) My son in law, who studied vibration treatments as part of his studies to become a licensed physical therapist, also tells me that doing this will make my stronger leg muscles more flexible at the same time! 

I got a mild hamstring pull recently from trying to start running fast very quickly.  If he is correct, that will no longer happen!

h)  He says using the VIBE also WILL remove excess fluid from my legs and belly once I get to daily use! 

If that does happen, the added muscle may not show on the scale since there will be less water weight.  BUT my waist will measure less and my thighs will look much more muscular. 

If using the VIBE does remove an inch or two from my belly from fluid removal –
-- and an inch or two from adding muscle –
-- and an inch or two from increased calorie burning and metabolism boost,

I may at last have the waist reductions I want!

(My legs are already hard and muscular under a bit of fat now.  If I can add a bit more muscle and remove over half that fat, they will look a LOT more muscular.)

i)  My calf muscles have less fat on them; and I was already beginning to make them more muscular when I injured something that removed nearly half the strength of my left calf. 

I have regained some of the strength in my left calf; but the limiting factors seem no better. 

Bulletproof says using the VIBE speeds healing. If it does in the two ways that might be causing the problem with my left calf, I’ll be able to add more muscle on my right calf and a LOT more muscle on my left calf.

The problem is either too little blood flow to my left calf or a small cracked bone or two in my left foot.  So, if using the VIBE almost every day for my calves restores that, I’ll add muscle and spring in my walking step AND I’ll feel very pleased and successful!

AND, because I can put my weight on my other leg that is on the floor I already found that I can exercise each calf that IS on the VIBE quite well.

So the potential is clearly there to add muscle to my butt, thighs, and calves and remove the fat layer over them by using the VIBE.

Clearly if this does happen, my waist will shrink at least one to three inches.

j) Posture improvement.

Besides the muscle I lost since I was a young man doing powerlifting and gained the belly fat I have, a few years ago I found that the round shouldered look I get when I look down to read a book or newspaper had frozen in place –
-- and without the use of some force to partly reduce it or standing or sitting as tall as I can – or both, my chest looks less muscular than it is and I’m shorter and look round-shouldered.

I’ve found an effective exercise to fight this finally.  Once I use the VIBE most days I understand it will enable me to make progress using this exercise on the VIBE and just after I get off it. (Using the VIBE temporarily loosens the spine and your joints.)

The other consideration is that when I stand tall, my belly looks even bigger and sticks out in front more.

So to look close to as good as I did when younger, I need to straighten my spine a good bit and lose even more fat from my belly.

My report on using the VIBE to do these things is a month delayed from what I expected; but by next month or the month after, I may have some progress to report.

2. Food changes this month and recently:

a) The two weeks I lost 1.0 & 1.8 pounds, I traded using yogurt in three dishes each week for enough Kerrygold Dubliner cheddar cheese to replace the protein and enough apple cider vinegar to replace the fluid.  That removed the carbs in the yogurt and likely the calorie in those carbs too!

AND during the week I lost 1.8 pounds, I did an almost 12 hour fast from about 6:30 am to 6:30 pm the Monday of that week.  The bad news is that it removed the nutrition and fiber the cabbage and kiwifruit I skipped contained. The good news is that it removed their carbs and calories too!  (I took 3 extra bilberry extract capsules for some of the fruit nutrients I gave up.)

b) Since April 28 I've gained almost 5 pounds with most of it going to my belly fat. And the two pounds from May to June and the two more pounds from June to this measurement in July is likely from three things I added:

*Instead of taking time from my getting ready to go in the morning schedule to make coffee, I began making it the night before and adding a few ounces of whole milk to make a cold coffee drink I can drink when I first walk into the kitchen.   I like it and the protein and growth factors it gives me for my exercises later in the morning. But until I add more muscle the calories and carbs in it, may be feeding my belly fat instead.

I did switch from coconut oil to Brain Octane for one or two teaspoons of oil in this to reduce the effective carbs that much coconut oil or milk would have.

**Due to the heat and some extra hassles to overcome from the VIBE, instead of drinking 4.5 to 6.0 drinks of red wine a week,
These last two months I began drinking closer to 8 to 10 drinks of red wine a week. 

Last week I drank some wine each evening instead of always skipping Sunday, Monday, & Friday.

If I want to lose back the last two pounds I gained and keep them off, it will likely help to resume drinking chilled water instead of wine those three days a week!

3.  Way to remove excess gas and Obesogenic bacteria

As I’ve posted on before, one of the ways you can become fat or regain fat you actually lost successfully is that Obesogenic bacteria in your gut tends to cause you to move less and eat more carbs.

Then too, some bacteria tend to cause excess gas when you eat the nonstarchy cruciferous vegetables.

This gas can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable; it can be smelly; and it can make your belly bigger.

So if you can stop these effects, you’ll feel better; your belly will be smaller even before you lose fat; and you’ll have more energy and tend to keep off fat you lose.

The past week when I gained over 3 pounds, I also felt fat and bloated even when my stomach was empty and I was hungry.

This suggests that I need something more than the probiotics I’ve been taking; and eating less yogurt with probiotic bacteria might have caused part of this.

On June 14th I posted on an Ayurvedic 3 herb combination, triphala, which reduces excess gas by improving digestion and in other ways

So, the supplement Triphala from Gaia herbs looks promising as a fat loss aid for good gut bacteria and to avoid bloating from the high fiber diet.  The herbal combination has a track record of working; and Gaia is a high quality provider of herb and supplements. 

So, besides the using the VIBE, in the next few weeks until my next report I’ll also take triphala.

If it reduces gas and improves digestion, it may reduce the size of my belly by itself.

And, if it also replaces Obesogenic bacteria with probiotic ones, it may give me more energy and partially prevent me from regaining lost fat.  

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Avoid the hidden fattener!....Today's post:  Thursday, 7-19-2018

Tuesday this week I got an email from the Health Sciences Institute which opens with this:

"It's the tried-and-true way to make an adult rat fat: Give it a shot of monosodium glutamate when it's a baby!

This isn't a brand-new discovery, either. It's how scientists "create" rats to fit experiments they want to conduct -- say for an obesity drug or something to do with diabetes.

This is common knowledge in the research world."

But when that insider information leaked out a number of years ago, those who profit from the use and sale of MSG were in a panic. And they've been trying to undo the damage ever since.

The latest effort is coming from a team of U.S. researchers who are attempting to tell us not only that we needn't worry about MSG-spiked foods making us fat... but that deliberately consuming this toxic food additive will result in eating less and making "wiser food choices" that will help us stay thin and healthy!

That, however, is some very dangerous advice.

Because not only is MSG still regarded as a well-known cause of obesity, but considering all of the other ways it can harm your body -- and especially your brain -- packing on the pounds may well be the least of your worries.

And that's why you need to remain as diligent as ever in eliminating every single source of this neurotoxic flavor enhancer from your diet by knowing -- and avoiding -- the names it hides behind.”

My comments:

MSG and related compounds do make many harmful but tasty semi-foods and foods sold for profit more addictive.

But MSG is so fattening it adds excess fat to you even if you do not eat more food!

That’s apparently because MSG is toxic to your mitochondria that produce all the energy all the cells of your body run on. 

A study of food in China found that people eating no or little MSG were lighter and far less fat than people eating the same food and the same number of calories where the food had lots of MSG.

This effect of MSG is a direct cause of increased aging and heart disease and heart failure.  It even makes it harder to recover from getting sick with the flu and worse diseases.

MSG is also quite harmful to you a second way.

It strongly boosts excess, chronic, inflammation which causes Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and makes type 2 diabetes and type 1 diabetes more harmful. 

High chronic inflammation also tends to cause problems for women in early menopause --including extra fat gain; and it causes some cancer and boosts most of them once they occur.

This very strong inflammation boost also helps cause AFIB where your heart beats very fast without slowing down.  This tends to cause heart failure and triggers strokes and heart attacks.

Here’s what the Health Sciences Institute also said:

“In May, I told you about a widespread media disinformation campaign that was trying to convince us that MSG is perfectly harmless.

This propaganda was all over the place, especially on Facebook. And now it's back with a vengeance.

The latest example is coming from researchers with some hefty credentials to flaunt -- Harvard Medical School and its affiliated hospital, the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. 

But this kind of industry-sponsored hype is just as dangerous no matter what prestigious institutions it's coming from.

And what these researchers are telling us isn't even a half-truth... it's 100 percent wrong!

If you simply read the headlines, ones such as "Monosodium glutamate could actually be key to healthy eating," it sounds like some kind of scientific finding was made. 

But dive a little deeper, and you'll soon discover that this entire "study" really amounted to nothing at all.

The researchers followed 35 women (who were wearing special glasses that tracked their eye movements) around a buffet. Before setting them loose in the food line, however, half were given chicken soup laced with MSG. 

According to the "findings," the women in the glutamate soup group had "more focused gazes during the meal" (you can't make this stuff up!) and made better food choices -- "less saturated fats," according to these academic dimwits.

They also measured the brain activity in the MSG group as they selected foods, finding more "engagement" in certain areas of the brain in those who drank the MSG soup.

And that may be the only legitimate piece of information to come out of this drivel.

That's because MSG (along with aspartame) is a known poison for the brain, one called an excitotoxin -- meaning a substance that can literally "excite" your brain cells to death.

So, yes, they should have expected to see that brain "engagement." But what did it really mean? If we go by decades of past true scientific studies, it could have been a disastrous glutamate "storm" going on inside their heads!

This so-called research, which was funded by Ajinomoto, the leading manufacturer of MSG, won't be last you hear about turning this dangerous substance into something beneficial.

What will they say next -- MSG can make pigs fly?

As studies go, however, I'd give more credibility to people who claim to have seen Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster!

And along with its connection to obesity and neurotoxic effects, MSG has also been found to trigger asthma, eye problems, migraines, an irregular type of heartbeat called a-fib, and promote the growth of cancer cells, making it more likely that a cancer will metastasize.

They then go on to say what to look for on the label to avoid it.

But since the makers of MSG know that some people know to avoid it and it’s not yet illegal to add to food or fail to disclose it has been added, I’ve found that it is far easier to avoid the foods it is commonly added to –
-- and to never buy a condiment or spice blend that lists “spices” or even “natural organic spices” on the label!

How common is this?  Every major brand of mustard I checked listed “spices” including Annie’s Naturals after Kraft bought them.

Health Food stores and Whole Foods sell Organicville yellow mustard.  It only lists the normal ingredients of mustard.  It does NOT add spices.  It works well as mustard too.

I’ve eaten some recently.

You also get a health and fatloss bonus by avoiding the foods MSG is almost always added to!

The rest of those foods are harmful or fattening -- and usually both -- besides having tons of MSG added!

Those foods are made out of proinflammatory refined grain hybrid wheat or contain herbicides and GMO ingredients or pro-inflammatory omega 6 oils or hydrogenated oils and excess sugar and high fructose corn syrup and the even more fattening artificial sweeteners.

Bottled salad dressing, for example, besides “spices” contain soy oil from soy that is from GMO grain and heavily sprayed with glyphosate containing herbicides.

Almost all foods in fast food restaurants and chain restaurants and even some better quality restaurants contain lots of MSG.

Most unfortunately, pizza and Thanksgiving turkeys are loaded with MSG.

You can make a good tasting pizza style food without grains and with cheeses and meats from animals fed their natural foods.  So you can still have pizza that is quite good without hybrid wheat or MSG.  But so far you have to make it at home.

I don’t yet know a work around for Thanksgiving turkey. 

Needle tenderized and slow cooked New Zealand grass fed lamb is quite good for holidays. 

But it would be nice to be able to have turkey with no MSG from turkeys fed only on unpolluted pasture.

I found out that Distel who talks a good game loads their Thanksgiving turkeys with MSG.

So, knowing why to avoid MSG, knowing why to avoid MSG; and always avoiding it is a double acting force for fat loss and avoiding fat gain!  

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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

New way to stop MS and ALS....Today's post:  Tuesday, 7-17-2018

1.  One of the main causes of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is shrinkage of the white matter in your brain or malfunctions in it.  That’s because white matter connects the parts of your brain to each other.  In particular it connects your hippocampus that forms and feeds back new and short term memories to the main part of your thinking brain.  The connections for long term memory retrieval tend to stay in place the longest.

Regular exercise most days of every week tends to prevent white matter shrinkage.  People who are totally sedentary for decades show severe shrinkage in their white matter.

There are other causes and preventions of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease; but it is totally clear that because of this white matter shrinkage, that regular exercise is a very important way to prevent dementia!

Walking – and, both cardio and strength training that have controlled doses of intensity that causes you to have to catch your breath from time to time seem to best release the BDNF, the brain and nerve growth hormone that prevents brain shrinkage.

Taking DHA and Omega 3 and the herb bacopa and following a low inflammation lifestyle increase this effect.

That’s because added inflammation tends to block the formation of BDNF and the effect of DHA and Omega 3 oils.  Excess inflammation tends to damage nerves directly on top of that!

Taking statin drugs that harm the mitochondria involved in this process reduces or cancels this effect.  Statin drugs harm nerves directly and worse they make the protective exercises harmful to do. (Mercifully, there are much more effective ways to protect your heart than statin drugs.)

2.  Now a new study reveals that endothelial dysfunction also causes harm to the white matter when it occurs in blood vessels in the white matter.

It also contains the enormously important information that the myelin that insulates all your nerves and the nerves in your brain is made in the white matter and is a key function of it!

This means that:

Avoiding things that damage the endothelium, or inner surface of your blood vessels tends to prevent MS and ALS—

-- in addition to protecting your heart and other parts of your brain. 

Similarly, it means that things that heal the endothelium also tend to turn off MS and ALS.

This is enormously important. 

We know how to stop and sometimes reverse MS and ways to at least stop the progress of ALS. 

With this new information we now know why they work.  Even better, we may be able to do more and cure MS and ALS entirely.


"A new study — led by the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom — has now uncovered how a disease that affects the brain's small blood vessels contributes to dementia and stroke."

They made some important discoveries. They identified, for example, a mechanism through which blood vessel changes from CSVD harm the myelin covering of nerve fibers that carry signals between brain cells.

Brain scans of individuals with dementia often show abnormalities in white matter, which consists mostly of nerve fibers and their myelin covering.

But until this study, the underlying mechanisms implicating CSVD as a driver of myelin damage in white matter were unknown.

Should the mechanism be the same in human CSVD, these findings could pave the way to new treatments for dementia and stroke.

CSVD is common among older individuals. Not only does it directly cause stroke and dementia, but it can also worsen the effects of Alzheimer's disease and give rise to depression and problems with gait.

For a long time, it was thought that the "different features" of CSVD were signs of "different types of tissue changes." But more recently, scientists have come to realize that these features likely share many similar changes that affect small blood vessels.

And, as imaging technology advances, they are finding it easier to explore underlying mechanisms.

Prof. Williams and her colleagues discovered that CSVD causes dysfunction of endothelial cells, which are the cells that form the inner lining of blood vessels.

They also found that dysfunctional endothelial cells stop precursor cells from maturing into cells that make the myelin covering on nerve fibers.”

It seems, in other words, besides connecting the parts of your brain, your white matter when healthy and served by healthy blood vessels makes myelin!

So doing things that cause you to keep your white matter and keep the blood vessels in it and into it healthy tends to prevent dementia and MS and ALS.

3.  Books about ways to achieve these results:

The Wahls Protocol by Dr Terry Wahls details dietary changes that tend to reverse MS both by adding needed nutrient and completely stopping harmful ones.

The Better Brain Book by Dr David Perlmutter details how IV glutathione tends to stop ALS from getting worse.  Apparently this strong anti-oxidant heals the endothelium.

Dr Dale Bredesen in his book, The End of Alzheimer's: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline, explains how inflammation, lack of key nutrients in high enough amounts, and exposure to toxic chemicals or viruses and other biological toxins and agents each cause Alzheimer’s.  He found that if you stopped each of these for a person in a customized way and did it soon enough, their Alzheimer’s reversed. 

In his book, AntiCancer, Dr David Servan-Schreiber, reveals how far too many foods and drinks most people consume cause very high excess inflammation.  He also says what foods lower inflammation and protect against cancer.

4.  Two toxins proven to cause harm that contribute to endothelial dysfunction and high excessive inflammation are the proton pump inhibitor drugs and all forms of MSG and similar compounds.

5.  Supplements and other actions that can help in good ways include: 

Vitamin D3 of 10,000 iu a day or more and vitamin K2 taken together remove calcium from your blood vessel walls; and deodorized garlic helps keep them healthy and smooth. 

Avoiding MSG AND keeping your salt intake under 4,000 mg a day tends to keep your endothelium healthy.

Eating organic whole fresh fruit and taking grape seed and fruit extracts such as bilberry/elderberry and cherry and cranberry and a very low toxic exposure all can help keep your endothelium healthy in the blood vessels in the brain.

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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Indoor CO2 may slow fat loss and cut your energy....Today's post:  Thursday, 7-12-2018

Not that long ago I discovered that nose breathing and nose breathing while doing cardio can increase your fitness and red blood cells in part because mouth breathing lowers your CO2 level too low.

And, low blood levels of CO2 tends to produce feelings of anxiety or even panic.

More than that it has worked for me:

I feel less anxious and can function better when I am stressed.  I’m clearly more fit.  And my blood pressure readings dropped 5 to 10 points!

I have times in each day that my feeling of energy is low & I still have more belly fat than I want.

With a bedroom that’s often too noisy or too hot and a schedule with 5 to 5 and half hours of sleep a night, I don’t need more explanation than that.  These factors clearly are the main reasons for my periods of low energy and likely help slow my metabolism somewhat.

But what if even some of the low energy and metabolism could be reversed?

I’d love to have 5 pounds less fat and an inch smaller waist and feel more energetic more often unless I’m napping.

According to an email today by Nick Pineault it may be that CO2 levels inside at my workplace and home are too high and that lowering them to what we evolved to operate on might have that effect!

His article says that people evolved to live mostly outside at a time when CO2 levels were about 300 ppm or less.

In fact CO2 levels were measured at 310 ppm in 1944, the year I was born.

They are over 406 ppm now and rising.

But the surprising thing is that inside many homes and workplaces CO2 levels are above 800 to 1,000 ppm.

"A document created by the US air force and released by the Defense Technical Information Center stated that 1,000 ppm might be fine for around 20% of the population, but that in the case of 80% of people -- it will cause fatigue and lethargy. (2)

Oops. If this is accurate, this means that around 25 to 40% of all employees in the US are getting exposed to energy-sapping levels of CO2."

Letting a good bit of outside air in can lower the level of CO2 below 500 to 600 ppm.

But if it’s 25 or 105 degrees F outside or you live near a freeway this can be a problem.

Leaving one window open and using more heat or air conditioning to compensate can work.

Large devices to lower CO2 are being built now to help slow global warming.  At some point small enough devices to use at home and at work will be available.

Until then taking brief breaks outside; leaving one window open; going to a nearby park with trees a few times a week or moving to Hawaii or a lower pollution area away from freeways where you live now can all help. 

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