Tuesday, July 31, 2018

More Fake bad news about supplements....Today's post:  Tuesday, 7-31-2018

About two months ago a study came out with headlines suggesting that taking supplements to protect your heart was a waste of money and ineffective.

We posted then that this was inaccurate and deliberately misleading and explained why.

( Deliberate lies about supplements for heart health....Wednesday, 5-30-2018

    http://iehealth.blogspot.com/2018/05/deliberate-lies-aboutsupplements-for.html )

Since there ARE many proven effective ways to take supplements to protect you from strokes and heart attacks, the poor quality study behind this headline and what it says is completely false.  In today's post is more information about who is lying to you and why.

What you value enough to pay money for is up to you.

And, supplements do cost money and the logistics of taking them every day costs time.

Since then another study was reported that said it showed that taking or eating omega 3 oils had no value for heart protection.

The facts are that there is a protocol that adds removing the blocks to omega 3 in addition to taking in enough of it has shown documented very large increases in heart protection. 

This is particularly true if the omega 3, DHA is used.

It’s like a simple teeter totter.  

If you add omega 3’s on one end and you take in a huge amount of proinflammatory foods, notably including hybrid wheat and soy and corn and canola oils and meat and dairy from animals fed corn and soy,
it’s like adding 50 pounds of omega 3 on one end and having 400 pounds of junk foods on the other end.

Sure the omega 3’s look ineffective if you do that.

BUT if you remove 380 pounds of the high inflammation and junk foods from that end and use 50 pounds of omega 3 on the other, then you see spectacular heart protective effects.

HDL goes up sharply AND triglycerides fall sharply -- and as a result, the small particle LDL that causes heart and cardiovascular disease drops sharply.

So it’s very clear that headlines slamming supplements are almost always fake or deliberately misleading news.

A recent email from Al Sears shows why in his analysis of the first study:

This was in his email on Friday, 7-27

His headline was:  Coca-Cola sets new medical standards?

“It’s ridiculous to think that a retailer like Coca-Cola could be dictating medical standards.

But the American College of Cardiology (ACC) announced the results of a new study with lots of fanfare. They said that multivitamins, vitamins C and D, and calcium had NO benefits in cardiovascular disease.1

In other words, stop wasting your money on supplements that don’t work. 

And guess who was happy to pay for that message? You got it… the food industry and drug companies.

You see, the authors of the study had to disclose their sponsors. The list is breathtaking. It goes on for a full page of small print.

Alongside the soda giant Coca-Cola was the Kellogg Company… Quaker Oats… Unilever… Procter & Gamble… Bayer… PepsiCo… Soyfoods Association of North America… Canola Council of Canada… Bristol-Myers Squibb… General Mills… and many more.

But let me set the record straight.

There’s no herb, vitamin or other supplemental nutrient used in America today that’s anywhere near as dangerous as the average prescription drug.

And there are hundreds of thousands of studies supporting the safe use of vitamins and minerals to prevent and cure chronic disease.

What the ACC study did was cherry-pick a select few that would fall in their favor.

They looked at studies that used low doses — which didn’t offer any benefits.

They also only included short-term trials. They excluded long-term studies where you’re more likely to see the real effects of supplements.

And basically ignored all the studies showing positive benefits.

In other words, they chose the studies that supported the message they wanted to send: “You don’t need supplements because you can get all your vitamins and minerals from your food.”

That bunch has no interest in your health. They just want you to buy more of their pricey processed foods and drugs.

They’ll slap on a heart healthy sticker in hopes of selling more. But the truth is you CANNOT get the vitamins and minerals you need from the processed food industry products.

In fact, the Journal of Nutrition reports most Americans are undernourished:

80% don’t get the daily recommended nutrients from their diet alone

More than 50% of children don’t get enough vitamins D and E

More than 25% of children don’t get enough calcium, magnesium or vitamin A2

And when this most recent vitamin and mineral study came out, the ACC didn’t mention one very interesting finding. In a sneaky move, they tried to bury it…

The data showed that B vitamins, especially folic acid (vitamin B9) significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

It also showed these vitamins are critical for preventing strokes. In fact, vitamin B9 supplements were found to reduce stroke risk by 22%.

They didn’t want you to know that. Most doctors still think the only way to prevent CVD is to take a statin drug to lower cholesterol.

But I’ve been recommending B9 and other B vitamins to my patients for decades. I recommend taking 800 mcg of folate per day. But avoid synthetic folic acid supplements. Look for products that say "5-MTHF." That's the active form of B9.”

Besides the knowledgeable use of supplements, there are two kinds of foods that DO prevent strokes and heart attacks.  This is in part due to their folate, the 5-MTHF, natural kind.

Eating 9 or more servings of organic vegetables OR eating two three each day and exercising AND eating one or more daily servings of organic whole fresh fruit reduces the risk of heart attack and both kinds of strokes.

Adding the supplements that reduce heart risk the most to eating THOSE FOODS and stopping ALL the heart attack starter foods and drinks sold by companies like those in Dr Sears’ list, you can virtually eliminate all the risk of heart attack and stroke.

If everyone on the internet knew this, our whole country and the rest of the world would have far fewer heart attacks and strokes.

So by all means email this post to people you think might use it!   

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