Add muscle and lose
Today's post:
Thursday, 8-3-2017
Last week I posted on information and ideas for using very
low carb and reduced protein and a high intake of good fats to lose fat.
When I tried this combined with fasting I gained back the
weight and any fat I lost. And, although
I did gain back the strength and possibly muscle I lost, I was not favorably
impressed with the results of doing this for fat loss. Nor did it seem
favorable for keeping up progress in adding muscle.
My goal is to lose fat AND add muscle.
So I last week I talked about measuring if I was in ketosis
as a way of ensuring the fat loss part worked better.
Then rotating that after I learned how to do it well each
month with periods where I ate more protein and worked to gain muscle might
work better.
Since last week I got two interesting pieces of information:
1. Mike Matthews has
been successful both personally and with his many clients in helping people
BOTH lose fat and add muscle.
So when I saw he had a podcast discussing whether or not
doing so would benefit by eating a very low carb diet and using ketosis, I made
time to watch it and take notes as well as I could.
He did his usual first rate and thorough job! He makes a case that eating a very low carb
diet and using ketosis is NOT needed to lose fat and gain muscle. Nor is it the
best way to do so.
He also said that there are some medical conditions that DO
work best by using a very low carb high good fat and reduced protein diet that produces
His protocol for losing fat while maintaining or gaining
muscle is to KEEP the high protein intake and while restricting carbohydrate
foods and overall calories enough to cut calories 25% below what a person uses.
His method has worked
for him and his clients. But it is
lower carb rather than almost no carb and not aimed at producing ketosis. AND it supports the overall goal of adding
muscle or at least keeping it by maintaining 100% of the high protein intake at
the same time.
To access Mike’s Podcast directly go to:
I like that he includes the medical uses for which the ketogenic
diet IS the best method:
For type 2 diabetes and later stage Alzheimer’s disease
which are caused by significant problems with excess carbohydrate and or with
processing carbohydrate ketogenic eating enables you to function well powering
yourself and your brain while allowing your ability to process carbs to recover
or you to heal without needing any carbs at all.
Your brain can run on ketones only while cancer cells must
have glucose. So if you stay in ketosis
when you have cancer you are directly helping starve the cancer cells to death!
(With MS & Parkinson’s disease removing the things in
your diet that cause them as you eat a ketogenic diet is effective. But the work I’ve seen suggests that maintaining
that removal is curative while also being in ketosis may not be needed.)
So my current plan is to try Mike Matthews’ method combined
ensuring the calorie cut back by fasting each day of that 6 day week from 3 pm
to when I have breakfast at 6 am.
None of my four week protocol will cut my high protein
intake or cut out any of my whole milk & whey from grass fed cows in my
high protein breakfast.
But to make the first of the four weeks lower in carbs and
calories, I’ll take extra bilberry extract and have no fruit at breakfast as I
usually do.
The second week will maintain the 3 pm to 6 am fast and
other carbohydrate restriction but will add back the fruit at breakfast.
Then I’ll do two weeks where I eat normally with more
calories and carbs when I’ll focus most on adding muscle.
What if that fails to remove fat or keep it off?
The first thing I’ll try is to use that same protocol but do
the first version for two weeks instead of one and the second version for two
weeks instead of one.
2. What if that
The second piece of information is exact proof that
ketogenic eating DOES produce the fat loss and inches lost from your waist that
is my fat loss goal.
I’ll simply adopt ketogenic eating until I get to my fat
loss goals. THEN I’ll try to find a
protocol that enables me to add more protein and gain muscle without gaining
the fat back!
Here’s what I found!
“At the outset, I weighed 195
pounds, of which just over 20% was fat –about 40 pounds. My waist was 36
inches. My goal was to reduce my waist to 32 inches and I calculated I would
need to lose 20 pounds of fat, without losing any muscle mass, to do this. So
this defined my targets: 175 pounds, 11% body fat, 32-inch waist.”
This is almost identical to my goal to lose enough fat to
remove at least 4 inches from my waist and reduce my percentage of bodyfat from
22% to 9 or 10%.
As his graph shows, ketogenic eating did the job and a bit
He lost 25 pounds and five inches from his waist!
So, it’s clear that ketogenic eating might do the same for
me if my Mike Matthews protocol does not!
3. That said my
preference is to do it Mike Matthews style because of some drawbacks to
ketogenic eating.
Here are my notes on the Nutrition Authority article I read
on ketogenic eating:
"Staple foods on a ketogenic diet include meat, fish, butter,
eggs, cheese, heavy cream, oils, nuts, avocados, seeds and low-carb vegetables.
In contrast, nearly all carb sources are eliminated, including
grains, rice, beans, potatoes, sweets, milk, cereals, fruits and even some
higher-carb vegetables."
1. If the foods in the ketogenic diet are organic, nonGMO,
& or wild caught or fed only organic, nonGMO foods in their natural diet
and NOT given routine antibiotics the foods on this list are health supporting
to eat, particularly wild caught fish and avocados and low carb vegetables.
Otherwise they may NOT be safe to eat and can even have
ingredients that stop or slow fat loss such as harmful and fattening bacteria.
It's also important to only include extra virgin olive oil and
coconut oil in the oils and completely avoid the omega 6 oils that are health
harmful and even contain some hydrogenated fats and harmful chemicals such as
canola, corn, soy, safflower, and peanut oils.
2. The grains, rice, nonorganic
potatoes, sweets, cereals, and the packaged foods and regular and diet soft
drinks not listed which are also eliminated ALSO have powerful health harming
ingredients and are best never eaten or drunk at all by anyone!
They each fatten and harm whether someone is on a ketogenic diet
or not!
Milk if it's whole, not homogenized and from cows fed only their
natural diet from unpolluted organic nonGMO sources, beans, quinoa, chilled
cooked organic potatoes, and the high carotene starchy vegetables if organic
such as yams and red & orange & yellow squash -- and beans,
particularly lentils, can each be health supporting however.
Cow’s milk is also anabolic for people adding strength and muscle
or ensuring they keep it. And, the whey from such milk is even more anabolic in
part because its protein profile is the same as human proteins; and the high
leucine content in it is particularly anabolic.
Most important, whole fresh fruit if organic when eaten daily is
hugely protective reducing the rates of BOTH kinds of strokes. It’s very
powerful and is the most effective way to prevent strokes.
Of course eating fruit daily works best for stroke protection if
you also ensure your heart attack protection is very high without taking statin
(Interestingly, I found Dr Peter Attia’s ketogenic eating for fat
loss by reading an excellent article on his analysis of what blood markers to
aim for to prevent heart attacks on Medical News Today. My post last Tuesday and its part two next
Tuesday have ways to increase the beneficial HDL & lower triglycerides that
do the reduction of small particle LDL that he also explains is most protective.)
So the only way to keep this benefit on a ketogenic or very low
carb diet is to take fruit concentrate supplements. Mercifully there ARE
many good ones: Bilberry, cherry, elderberry, & cranberry concentrates
are all available & have robust health benefits. I take all hose
daily even when I have real whole fresh fruit too!
Hybrid wheat that has been refined and even lightly ground whole
hybrid wheat is both directly harmful and boosts blood sugar MORE than high
fructose corn syrup.
Its high omega 6 oil content is harmful because it too is so
Worse this wheat is grown with herbicides and pesticides that are
bioconcentrated in the omega 6 oils.
Not only must all hybrid wheat be removed to achieve a ketogenic
diet, no one who knows its health effects should eat ANY ideally ever at any
Labels: Ketogenic eating CAN force fatloss, Why to work to lose fat without ketogenic eating or by only using it initially or part time for maintenance, You can lose fat and add muscle without ketogenic eating