Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment heals.....

Today's post:  Wednesday, 8-30-2017

A few months ago Dr Al Sears said that in some kinds of dental surgery, the site would not heal at all when simply left to do so.

But when the area was infused with platelet rich plasma, patients DID heal in a reasonable time and the healing was permanent!

In a more recent article he said that platelet rich plasma therapy works so well in part by causing stem cells that fit the area injured to rebuild it.

He even cited a study where platelet rich plasma therapy restored fertility to a menopausal woman!

Healing things that normally don’t and restoring function to aging systems sounds like the thing the fictional Dr McCoy did on Star Trek.

But what is it exactly and why can it be safe to use?

A recent Medical News Today article covers that!

The most important point is that the platelet rich plasma that might be used to treat you is taken from blood YOU previously donated.

So given clean equipment, you don’t need to worry about getting viruses from someone else.

And, the stem cells it turns on are compatible because they are triggered by your own platelet rich plasma.

I agree with Dr Sears that use of platelet rich plasma for healing and some reversal of aging is a very important and not yet developed treatment that will become more and more important and widely used!

Here’s the link to the Medical News Today article:

Does platelet-rich plasma for the knee work?
The use of platelet-rich plasma as a treatment for knee pain is relatively new, and becoming more popular. Learn about this alternative treatment.

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Monday, August 21, 2017

My Monthly Fatloss Report August 2017.....

Today's post:  Monday, 8-21-2017

A.  Here's the key news:

Fat Loss Report, measured on Saturday, 8-19-2017

Lost 2.8 pounds from 169.9 last month to 167.1

Lost a half inch on my chest to 38 and a half from 39.  This is still  a inch bigger than 3 months ago when I was 37 & a half inches.

No change on my waist to a half inch increase at about 41 & a half to 42.

Lost a half inch from my hips to 38 and a half  from 39 -- still an inch and half more than 37 not long ago

1.  Since last month I lost about three pounds.  

The news is a bit better than that because, due to stress I think, the first 3 weeks of the five since last time I gained 3 pounds.

The key news is that my still high protein but lower carb, lower calorie effort for the last two weeks I just did I lost 3.6 and 2.6 pounds --
about 6 pounds in two weeks.

2.  My chest and hips were still bigger and more muscular than they were three months ago but I did lose half an inch from each.

I may not yet be eating quite enough protein each week.  But although I am still getting stronger and added to the pushups I can do, my intense 
concentration on my muscular effort was a bit less due to stress than it was the two months before.  

Also, I'm at the point I need to get a heavier dumbbell and add a session once week at a gym with access to more weight

My waist was about the same – way too big! 

But my better strength training did keep most of my gains to my chest measure AND my hip measurement.

Since I also got stronger and my muscles look bigger and my wife says they are harder, it’s clear my new strength training technique is adding muscle!

Mike Matthews says that it’s typical to add 5 pounds of fat when you eat enough protein & carbs and strength train well enough to add 5 pounds of muscle.

(Just one example:  Not long ago I was pleased if I could do 40 to 44 pushups the one day a week I test that each week each Monday.  

Today, I did  68 up from 59 five weeks ago -- and after catching my breath a bit I did 12 more for a total of 80 in about 60 seconds. 

The extra effort to exert extra strong tension in the muscles doing the work on the last few repetitions and between each set was a bit less this last month
due to stress and needing a heavier weight.  But I have kept doing it on each set.  

And, by doing so and keeping up my protein intake I seem to have kept the muscle I gained or most of it.

This last 5 weeks I also continued the 20 mg of Synephrine and a bioflavonoid supplement with 100 mg of rutin three times a day which is thought to boost metabolism.

That plus my slightly bigger and more exercised muscles likely did boost my metabolism over the last few weeks.

So, if the inches I gained where I exercised my muscles better are muscle, my weight gain was maybe close to all muscle.

If so, very little or none of my gain in pounds was fat. 

Maybe the 20 mg of Synephrine and a bioflavonoid supplement with 100 mg of rutin three times a day boosted my metabolism enough to prevent the typical fat gain to almost zero.

 3.  My food intake was very close to the same as last month the first three weeks and was successfully enough less to lose 6.2 pounds the last 2 weeks

My cardio exercises were about the same too.

4. My stress level jumped quite a bit the last few weeks for several reasons.  

*For me, as for many people, having enough money for at least a minimum OK lifestyle with zero chances of severe money problems reduces stress.  I was under that threat far more the three weeks just before I measured for this month.

*For me, even more than other people who also have it but at a lower level, having an ally who is unusually supportive and of some help sharply lowers my stress level.

5.  I'm currently making an extra effort to overcome this recent stress. Emulating the Seal way of using my training and keeping on no matter what IS helping.  

6.  I believe my continued persistence and continuing to both follow up on successful efforts and finding new and promising things to check on AND doing so, 
WILL enable me to lose my excess fat remaining and keep it off.

7.  I’m continuing to find new ways to boost my metabolism and add bone and muscle that I’m beginning to use.

I don’t know yet for sure how effective my new supplements are in helping me lose fat as I gain muscle -- though the data do look good for that this month.

But as my new strength training method helps me get stronger; I get better at it; and I can get to the heavier weights to use it on, it DOES begin to look like I’m adding enough muscle that by eating about the same – or eating about the same and continuing to get better at the lower carb effort I did this time and while using the new supplements a few times, I’ll finally get back to weighing 161 pounds with far less fat than I have had.


 I’ll achieve the financial leverage I need.

I’ll get the active allies I need.

 AND I’ll begin to use all of the metabolism boosters I’ve found to add to the ones I’ve been using.

(That includes adding a weekly workout at a gym with heavy barbells and adding these new techniques and trying the BulletProof Vibe.

I HAVE added a special set of exercises once a week that I'm already doing standing in the space the BulletProof Vibe allows.  That way, I'll be ready to go when I get one to try!)    

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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Make protective vigorous exercise safe….

Today's post:  Tuesday, 8-15-2017

Part One:

*Research has repeatedly found that doing vigorous exercise most days of every week is one of the very best ways to protect your health and slow aging.

Combining effective, progressive strength training for two or more days and short and intense cardio with rests or slower periods, interval or variable cardio for three or four days and some short, brisk walks each week gets the best health results.

Research even has found the more consecutive years you do this without stopping the greater the improvement in HDL increases and LDL and triglyceride reductions this does for you!

*With strength training and resting between sets built in, the key thing to do is to start lifting weights that are easy for you to do and add more slowly but every week.

*With cardio, it’s essential to start a bit easy AND the minute you begin to be out of breath start your rest interval or slow down enough to recover. 

With both, the key is to start easy and make gradual progress every week or two weeks.  With years to make progress, you can afford to avoid rushing things.

In fact, it’s dangerous to way overdo rushing to improve right at first. 

*With strength training you can injure your muscles or tendons or lose control of a weight that’s too heavy and even break bones if you have the weight fall on you. 

*To avoid this, use enough lighter weights to give your system time to acclimate to them.  AND, from first to last, focus as much on tensing your exercised muscles in a way that maximizes your control as you do with how much you are lifting!  In fact it’s acquiring that added control that enables you to gradually lift more.

*With cardio, when you are just beginning and less fit, persisting past the point you become out of breath can cause heart damage or even a heart attack. 

The much better news is that exercising a bit fast or intensely just to the point you get out of breath and then stop or slow way down not only avoids this risk, it makes you fit much faster than hard but steady state cardio!

Part Two:

Most unfortunately, doing this level of intense exercise can be harmful for other reasons.

Under normal conditions, your body rebuilds and repairs when you do these more intense exercises.

But if the damage is boosted and the repair process is shut down, you can cause permanent harm and even die from doing so.

The first way to avoid this is to build up your intensity gradually when you begin to help your body learn to rebuild and repair and do so.

*But you also need to know what drugs cause this to happen and stop taking them immediately and know to not begin taking them.

Statin drugs are on this list.  To be fair, high doses of the ones most often prescribed cause this condition, called Rhabdomyolysis.  But they all tend to cause Rhabdomyolysis in people who do the otherwise safe and protective intense kinds of exercise. (Rhabdomyolysis can kill you and create permanent muscle and kidney damage – even kidney failure.)

Because statin drugs do little for about 60% of the people and are less protective than the diabetes they tend to cause for everyone AND we know things that are MUCH more protective, I think almost no one should take statins ever.

It’s much more protective to stop ingesting heart attack starters!  It’s much more protective to eat several servings of organic vegetables a day.  It’s much more protective to eat an inflammation reducing diet only. There are certain supplements that in combination ARE heart protective at that level.  AND, for people who DON’T take statins, vigorous exercise most days of every week is more protective. 

Lastly, no one who does each of these needs to take statins because they are getting something like 40 times better heart protection!

The email I got from the Health Sciences Institute yesterday also said that:

“It's when you try to push yourself beyond your limits that you can get in real trouble. Especially when you're climbing on a bike, maybe for the first time in decades, and trying to keep up with kids who do it every day. “

“…. one of the best ways to make sure you don't become another rhabdo victim is to never let yourself become dehydrated while engaged in any kind of physical activity -- and that means drinking before, during, and after.

The other is to take it slow when starting anything new and listen to what your body is telling you -- which might very well be STOP!

While rhabdo can even happen to professional athletes, it's most likely to hit someone trying something they're not used to, be it volleyball with the grandkids or a spin class with your neighbor.

And even if your idea of a workout is walking to the mailbox, rhabdo is still something you need to know about.

That's because well over 100 drugs can have this serious condition as a side effect, especially statins like Lipitor and Crestor.

I'm sure you've heard about those common debilitating, statin-induced muscle pains. Well, rhabdo is the most serious muscle-damaging statin effect of all.

Other drugs that can trigger this condition include acetaminophen (Tylenol), antidepressants, benzo drugs, and corticosteroids.

Because many OTC pain relievers can also damage the kidneys, experts recommend that you not take NSAIDS such as Advil, Motrin, and Aleve after an extreme workout. If you do develop rhabdo, it will put your kidneys in even greater danger.”

*OTC pain relievers are NOT safe or even as effective as other methods despite their unearned reputation.

“NSAIDS such as Advil, Motrin, and Aleve…” tend to trigger heart damage and heart attacks.  Because the more of them you take the greater this risk, it’s best to simply NOT take them at all.

Eating a low inflammation diet and taking ginger and curcumin reduces inflammation better than OTC drugs.  And these 3 things are heart PROTECTIVE instead.

“…acetaminophen (Tylenol), antidepressants, benzo drugs..” are best to never use or use the absolute minimum amount!:

 Acetaminophen tends to cause liver damage and taking too much can kill you. 

Most antidepressants are SSRI’s which are not effective and have bad side effects.  (In a series of posts ending on 3-7-2017, we detail the long list of things that DO stop depression and are safe to do.)

Benzo drugs have been shown if taken too long or in too high a dose to be a direct cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

So, now avoiding these drugs to help prevent Rhabdomyolysis adds yet another reason NOT to take them.  

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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Cut carbs & calories but NOT protein to keep muscle and lose fat.....

Today's post:  Thursday, 8-10-2017

A.  Mike Matthews has been successful both personally and with his many clients in helping people BOTH lose fat and add muscle.

His protocol for losing fat while maintaining or gaining muscle is to KEEP the high protein intake and while restricting carbohydrate foods and overall calories enough to cut calories 25% below what a person uses.

His method has worked for him and his clients.  But it is lower carb rather than almost no carb and not aimed at producing ketosis.  AND it supports the overall goal of adding muscle or at least keeping it by maintaining 100% of the high protein intake at the same time.

So my current plan was to try Mike Matthews’ method combined ensuring the calorie cut back by fasting each day of that 6 day week from 3 pm to when I have breakfast at 6 am.

None of my four week protocol will cut my high protein intake or cut out any of my anabolic whole milk & whey from grass fed cows in my high protein breakfast. 

But to make the first of the four weeks lower in carbs and calories, I’ll take extra bilberry extract and have no fruit at breakfast as I usually do.

The second week will maintain the 3 pm to 6 am fast and other carbohydrate restriction but will add back the fruit at breakfast.

Then I’ll do two weeks where I eat normally with more calories and carbs when I’ll focus most on adding muscle.

B.  My preference is to do it Mike Matthews style because of some drawbacks to ketogenic eating.

Here are my notes on the Nutrition Authority article I read on ketogenic eating:

"Staple foods on a ketogenic diet include meat, fish, butter, eggs, cheese, heavy cream, oils, nuts, avocados, seeds and low-carb vegetables.

In contrast, nearly all carb sources are eliminated, including grains, rice, beans, potatoes, sweets, milk, cereals, fruits and even some higher-carb vegetables."

1.  If the foods in the ketogenic diet are organic, nonGMO, & or wild caught or fed only organic, nonGMO foods in their natural diet and NOT given routine antibiotics the foods on this list are health supporting to eat, particularly wild caught fish and avocados and low carb vegetables.  

Otherwise they may NOT be safe to eat and can even have ingredients that stop or slow fat loss such as harmful and fattening bacteria.  

It's also important to only include extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil in the oils and completely avoid the omega 6 oils that are health harmful and even contain some hydrogenated fats and harmful chemicals such as canola, corn, soy, safflower, and peanut oils.

Milk if it's whole, not homogenized and from cows fed only their natural diet from unpolluted organic nonGMO sources can be health supporting however.  

Cow’s milk is also anabolic for people adding strength and muscle or ensuring they keep it.

And, the whey from such milk is even more anabolic in part because its protein profile is the same as human proteins; and the high leucine content in it is particularly anabolic.

Also very important, whole fresh fruit if organic when eaten daily is hugely protective reducing the rates of BOTH kinds of strokes. It’s very powerful and is the most effective way to prevent strokes. 

Of course eating fruit daily works best for stroke protection if you also ensure your heart attack protection is very high without taking statin drugs. 

The only way to keep this benefit on a ketogenic or very low carb diet is to take fruit concentrate supplements.  Mercifully there ARE many good ones:  Bilberry, cherry, elderberry, & cranberry concentrates are all available & have robust health benefits.  I take all hose daily even when I have real whole fresh fruit too!

C.  I’ll not have the results of my two week carb & calorie cut back plan until I measure my weight & chest, waist, and hip measurements on Saturday, 8-19.  I’ll post them the following Monday, 8-21, in my monthly fatloss report.

But I’m more than half way through the first week of my two week carb & calorie cut back plan.

This is my report on what I’ve done and what it’s been like.

*I have cut back to a very low carb intake by deleting EVERYTHING that had the tiniest bit of carb content AND the calories in everything I deleted.

*To make it doable, I made it less of a daily fast and did wind up cutting a bit of protein along with my carbs & calories.

*Besides the protein in my whole unpasteurized organic milk and my whey from cows fed only grass, I kept the cheese from cows fed only grass; I kept the wild caught salmon two days a week; and I ADDED some cheese listed as organic.

However, I dropped the protein I’d been getting once or twice every day from whey from cows fed only grass and organic Greek yogurt.  They both have some carbs; but the organic Gouda cheese I added this week does not.

 (I think this added cheese added back about the same protein that dropping the yogurts removed.)

The pasta sauce I have three times a week has no added sugar but does have carbs from the cooked tomatoes and it has calories.  I deleted it.

The Parmesan Cheese that’s been pre-ground that I’ve used as no carb or very low carb protein source has been a significant part of my weekly protein intake from the six days a week I’ve been eating it. 

But it also has a lot of calories. So except for once a week on Sunday, I’ve deleted it for this week and will do so next week.

This will cut my protein intake a bit but overall I kept most of my protein intake including ALL the anabolic whole milk and whey.

*Walnuts & pecans tend NOT to be fattening at all by actual test and they have so much fiber, health ok oils, and protein, despite have some carbs, they are zero glycemic.

*But for these two weeks, since they do have carbs and calories, I’ve temporarily deleted them except for Saturday.

*This first week I did delete my daily serving of fresh fruit and added the 3 capsules of Oregon Wild Harvest bilberry extract to partly replace the stroke protective ingredients of the fresh fruit.

*The five weekdays and Sunday of this first week I also deleted all of my red wine with dinner.  I’m not sure how fattening the sugar and alcohol in them is because red wine has so many protective ingredients.  BUT for sure they do have carbs and calories.  So this first week I deleted them also.

*I’ll take a weight measurement only this Saturday to see how I did this first week.

*Next week, the second week, I’ll eat exactly the same but I’ll add back the fresh fruit and wine.

*Then the Saturday at the end of that week will be my monthly measurement day with weight and chest and waist and hip measurements.

*This plan has worked well in two ways. 

I was only extra hungry a bit and it went away when I got busy. 

AND,  I was able to keep up my performance on my strength training 100%!  

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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Proven ways to increase your HDL cholesterol Part Two….

Today's post:  Tuesday, 8-8-2017

* Last week, I found an article with several ways to do this in an issue of Medical News Today:

We had time to list some of them on our post on Tuesday, 8-1.

Their article has some but not all the ways I know to do this.

To see all this post including that part & this one, read last week’s part after you read this one. (It also has the link to their article so you can read it directly if you like

Here’s the summary of that part though.  In it I added extra information that can make their methods more effective and ways to avoid harmful things they did not include.

And, I began to add methods not in their article.

1.  Any weight loss no matter which method caused it, tends to increase HDL cholesterol.

2. Eating extra virgin olive oil with a high phenol content and only that kind boosts HDL.  Olive leaf extract has the phenols.  So taking olive leaf extract also may increase this effect.

3.  Eliminate eating ANY hydrogenated oils because they reliably slash HDL levels and cause heart disease.

4.  Exercise boosts HDL and regular vigorous exercise does it best. 

5.  Take niacin -- or insositol hexaniacinate because it is a flush free niacin -- or both as I do.

[I do each of these AND those steps I list in today’s post.  My HDL now consistently is about 100.]

Important note:  The point of boosting your HDL levels is to prevent heart disease and heart attacks and strokes, AND to keep the blood flow very good to your heart and brain and the rest of you.

To do that, you need to reduce the number of small particles of LDL because they cause heart disease directly unless the number stays quite low.

A high HDL reading combined with a very low triglyceride reading is a reliable indicator of a very low number of small particles of LDL.

The methods in this post all boost HDL; but many of them also reduce triglycerides!

In fact some of these methods not only boost HDL more if you also do things directly to lower triglycerides too, doing so dramatically drops the number of small particles of LDL and your risk of heart disease!

Think of a simple teeter-totter or seesaw.  HDL is on one end and triglerides are on the other.

To reduce small particle LDL you want the HDL end to be high and the triglycerides to be low!

6.  In fact one of the best ways to boost HDL works so well in part because it does both at once. 

Needless to say, it sharply increases your heart disease and stroke protection and improves your circulation all over your body!

Both Dr Al Sears and Dr William Davis have experienced just those results with patients.

In both cases their patients had trouble increasing their HDL before. 

Step one:  Permanently stop eating refined grain hybrid wheat foods.  Do the same with even lightly ground real whole wheat that is hybrid wheat.  Doing so is a one of the two most effective ways to lower triglycerides. 

Hybrid wheat that has been refined and even lightly ground whole hybrid wheat is both directly harmful and boosts blood sugar MORE than high fructose corn syrup.  

Its high omega 6 oil content is heart harmful because it too is so pro-inflammatory.  

Worse this wheat is grown with herbicides and pesticides that are bioconcentrated in the omega 6 oils.  

Not only must all hybrid wheat be removed to achieve a heart protective diet, no one who knows its health effects should eat ANY ideally ever at any time! 

Step two:  Take the supplement DHA.  If you can, also take omega 3 oil supplements from purified fish and eat wild caught fish high in omega 3 oils at least two times a week.

Does doing both of these at the same time work?  Wow!  Both of these doctors had patients who had not had much luck boosting their HDL get increases of 40 to 70 or more within a few days to two or three weeks.

Step three: Also stop ingesting any high fructose corn syrup, fructose, concentrated fruit juice, agave, fruit juice, or artificial sweeteners.  (Note that doing this requires NEVER drinking regular OR diet soft drinks.)

This step not only is this heart protective, it helps prevent as many other health harms as stopping smoking AND many people who were doing the reverse find they lose over 25 pounds of fat and get LESS hungry!
Cut back other grains to zero or very low and do the same with real sugar.

7.  Eating health OK protein foods also tends to increase HDL.  These include whole fat dairy foods from grass fed cattle not given grains or antibiotics routinely. It includes beef and lamb meat on occasion from cows and sheep similarly fed only their natural diet.  It includes eggs from pasture fed chickens.  And it includes wild caught fish. For those not allergic to them in includes raw and shelled tree nuts such as almonds, pecans, walnuts, and Brazil nuts.)

8.  To the extent you possibly can avoid tobacco and its smoke 100% of the time.  Doing so tends to increase HDL and prevent it from going down! 

This has also been shown to reduce the incidence of heart attacks and strokes.  Not only that, exposure has been shown to trigger heart attacks in people who would not have gotten them otherwise.

9.  Drink red wine in moderation mostly just before dinner.  This has been shown to increase HDL. 

And, good quality wine both has grape polyphenols that are heart protective AND it tends NOT to increase cancer which other kinds of alcohol do.

10.  Lastly for the best health and longevity and heart attack protection eat organic nonstarchy vegetables each day.  Doing so is astonishingly heart protective!  Adding this step to boosting your HDL in all these ways just about doubles your heart protection!  

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Thursday, August 03, 2017

Add muscle and lose fat.....

Today's post:  Thursday, 8-3-2017

Last week I posted on information and ideas for using very low carb and reduced protein and a high intake of good fats to lose fat.

When I tried this combined with fasting I gained back the weight and any fat I lost.  And, although I did gain back the strength and possibly muscle I lost, I was not favorably impressed with the results of doing this for fat loss. Nor did it seem favorable for keeping up progress in adding muscle.

My goal is to lose fat AND add muscle.

So I last week I talked about measuring if I was in ketosis as a way of ensuring the fat loss part worked better.

Then rotating that after I learned how to do it well each month with periods where I ate more protein and worked to gain muscle might work better.

Since last week I got two interesting pieces of information:

1.  Mike Matthews has been successful both personally and with his many clients in helping people BOTH lose fat and add muscle.

So when I saw he had a podcast discussing whether or not doing so would benefit by eating a very low carb diet and using ketosis, I made time to watch it and take notes as well as I could.

He did his usual first rate and thorough job!  He makes a case that eating a very low carb diet and using ketosis is NOT needed to lose fat and gain muscle. Nor is it the best way to do so.

He also said that there are some medical conditions that DO work best by using a very low carb high good fat and reduced protein diet that produces ketosis.

His protocol for losing fat while maintaining or gaining muscle is to KEEP the high protein intake and while restricting carbohydrate foods and overall calories enough to cut calories 25% below what a person uses.

His method has worked for him and his clients.  But it is lower carb rather than almost no carb and not aimed at producing ketosis.  AND it supports the overall goal of adding muscle or at least keeping it by maintaining 100% of the high protein intake at the same time.

To access Mike’s Podcast directly go to:

I like that he includes the medical uses for which the ketogenic diet IS the best method:

For type 2 diabetes and later stage Alzheimer’s disease which are caused by significant problems with excess carbohydrate and or with processing carbohydrate ketogenic eating enables you to function well powering yourself and your brain while allowing your ability to process carbs to recover or you to heal without needing any carbs at all.

Your brain can run on ketones only while cancer cells must have glucose.  So if you stay in ketosis when you have cancer you are directly helping starve the cancer cells to death!

(With MS & Parkinson’s disease removing the things in your diet that cause them as you eat a ketogenic diet is effective.  But the work I’ve seen suggests that maintaining that removal is curative while also being in ketosis may not be needed.)

So my current plan is to try Mike Matthews’ method combined ensuring the calorie cut back by fasting each day of that 6 day week from 3 pm to when I have breakfast at 6 am.

None of my four week protocol will cut my high protein intake or cut out any of my whole milk & whey from grass fed cows in my high protein breakfast. 

But to make the first of the four weeks lower in carbs and calories, I’ll take extra bilberry extract and have no fruit at breakfast as I usually do.

The second week will maintain the 3 pm to 6 am fast and other carbohydrate restriction but will add back the fruit at breakfast.

Then I’ll do two weeks where I eat normally with more calories and carbs when I’ll focus most on adding muscle.

What if that fails to remove fat or keep it off?

The first thing I’ll try is to use that same protocol but do the first version for two weeks instead of one and the second version for two weeks instead of one.

2.  What if that fails?

The second piece of information is exact proof that ketogenic eating DOES produce the fat loss and inches lost from your waist that is my fat loss goal.

I’ll simply adopt ketogenic eating until I get to my fat loss goals.  THEN I’ll try to find a protocol that enables me to add more protein and gain muscle without gaining the fat back!

Here’s what I found!

The personal blog of Peter Attia, M.D
“At the outset, I weighed 195 pounds, of which just over 20% was fat –about 40 pounds. My waist was 36 inches. My goal was to reduce my waist to 32 inches and I calculated I would need to lose 20 pounds of fat, without losing any muscle mass, to do this. So this defined my targets: 175 pounds, 11% body fat, 32-inch waist.”

This is almost identical to my goal to lose enough fat to remove at least 4 inches from my waist and reduce my percentage of bodyfat from 22% to 9 or 10%.

As his graph shows, ketogenic eating did the job and a bit extra!

He lost 25 pounds and five inches from his waist!

So, it’s clear that ketogenic eating might do the same for me if my Mike Matthews protocol does not!

3.  That said my preference is to do it Mike Matthews style because of some drawbacks to ketogenic eating.

Here are my notes on the Nutrition Authority article I read on ketogenic eating:

"Staple foods on a ketogenic diet include meat, fish, butter, eggs, cheese, heavy cream, oils, nuts, avocados, seeds and low-carb vegetables.

In contrast, nearly all carb sources are eliminated, including grains, rice, beans, potatoes, sweets, milk, cereals, fruits and even some higher-carb vegetables."

1.  If the foods in the ketogenic diet are organic, nonGMO, & or wild caught or fed only organic, nonGMO foods in their natural diet and NOT given routine antibiotics the foods on this list are health supporting to eat, particularly wild caught fish and avocados and low carb vegetables.  

Otherwise they may NOT be safe to eat and can even have ingredients that stop or slow fat loss such as harmful and fattening bacteria.  

It's also important to only include extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil in the oils and completely avoid the omega 6 oils that are health harmful and even contain some hydrogenated fats and harmful chemicals such as canola, corn, soy, safflower, and peanut oils.

2.  The grains, rice,  nonorganic potatoes, sweets, cereals, and the packaged foods and regular and diet soft drinks not listed which are also eliminated ALSO have powerful health harming ingredients and are best never eaten or drunk at all by anyone!  

They each fatten and harm whether someone is on a ketogenic diet or not!

Milk if it's whole, not homogenized and from cows fed only their natural diet from unpolluted organic nonGMO sources, beans, quinoa, chilled cooked organic potatoes, and the high carotene starchy vegetables if organic such as yams and red & orange & yellow squash -- and beans, particularly lentils, can each be health supporting however.  

Cow’s milk is also anabolic for people adding strength and muscle or ensuring they keep it. And, the whey from such milk is even more anabolic in part because its protein profile is the same as human proteins; and the high leucine content in it is particularly anabolic.

Most important, whole fresh fruit if organic when eaten daily is hugely protective reducing the rates of BOTH kinds of strokes. It’s very powerful and is the most effective way to prevent strokes. 

Of course eating fruit daily works best for stroke protection if you also ensure your heart attack protection is very high without taking statin drugs. 

(Interestingly, I found Dr Peter Attia’s ketogenic eating for fat loss by reading an excellent article on his analysis of what blood markers to aim for to prevent heart attacks on Medical News Today.  My post last Tuesday and its part two next Tuesday have ways to increase the beneficial HDL & lower triglycerides that do the reduction of small particle LDL that he also explains is most protective.)

So the only way to keep this benefit on a ketogenic or very low carb diet is to take fruit concentrate supplements.  Mercifully there ARE many good ones:  Bilberry, cherry, elderberry, & cranberry concentrates are all available & have robust health benefits.  I take all hose daily even when I have real whole fresh fruit too!

Hybrid wheat that has been refined and even lightly ground whole hybrid wheat is both directly harmful and boosts blood sugar MORE than high fructose corn syrup.  

Its high omega 6 oil content is harmful because it too is so pro-inflammatory.  

Worse this wheat is grown with herbicides and pesticides that are bioconcentrated in the omega 6 oils.  

Not only must all hybrid wheat be removed to achieve a ketogenic diet, no one who knows its health effects should eat ANY ideally ever at any time!  

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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Proven ways to increase your HDL cholesterol….

Today's post:  Tuesday, 8-1-2017

*Found this on Medical News Today:

This article has some but not all the ways I know to do this.

This one is notable!

“6. Lose weight
When overweight and obese people lose weight, their HDL cholesterol levels usually increase.

What's more, this benefit seems to occur whether weight loss is achieved by calorie counting, carb restriction, intermittent fasting, weight loss surgery or a combination of diet and exercise (16, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42).

One study examined HDL levels in more than 3,000 overweight and obese Japanese adults who followed a lifestyle modification program for one year.

The researchers found that losing at least 6.6 lbs (3 kg) led to an increase in HDL cholesterol of 4 mg/dl, on average (41).

In another study, when obese people with type 2 diabetes consumed calorie-restricted diets that provided 20-30% of calories from protein, they experienced significant increases in HDL cholesterol levels (42).

The key to achieving and maintaining healthy HDL cholesterol levels is choosing the type of diet that makes it easiest for you to lose weight and keep it off.”

Here’s the link to their article:

Nine ways to increase your "good" cholesterol
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is often referred to as the 'good' cholesterol. In this article, learn about how to improve your HDL levels.

-----Original Message-----
From: Medical News Today
To: iehealth
Sent: Tue, Aug 1, 2017 2:30 pm
Subject: MNT daily newsletter - 1 August 2017

1.   They did have that eating extra virgin olive oil with a high phenol content not only boosted HDL but the most desirable kind.  As we posted not long ago also taking olive leaf extract may increase this effect.
2.  They did say that exercise boosted HDL and that vigorous exercise did it best.  So effective progressive strength training or shorter more intense cardio sessions work best.

They did not add that other research has found that the longer in years you do vigorous exercise several times a week the greater this effect becomes!

3.  They DID have to completely eliminate ingesting hydrogenated oils to avoid LOWERING HDL. 

They did not include that you must eliminate 100% of them rather than just eating less because doing THAT gradually builds up to harmful levels since your body removes hydrogenated oils so slowly.  The ONLY effective way to protect your health and HDL levels is to eat ZERO hydrogenated oils!

4.  They did not include to take niacin or insositol hexaniacinate for a flush free niacin or both as a way to increase HDL.  (I take two 300 mg tablets a day of niacin with my two biggest meals.  And to get to over 1,000 a day, I also take two capsules of 300 mg insositol hexaniacinate which I found a source saying this does slow deliver about 250 mg of niacin per capsule.)

Unfortunately, I’m out of time today; but I’ll add several more methods next week.

Some of you may want to read more in the Medical News Today article between now and then.
