prevent repairs in the body....
Post: Tuesday, 7-26-2016
This somehow missed
being headline news when the study it was in appeared about a year ago in late
July, 2015:
prevent repairs in the body!”
1. You may have read that there are initial
experiments showing that stem cells have been found in small scale experiments
to heal the damage from nonfatal heart attacks well enough to prevent or even
reverse impairment of the person’s lifestyle or heart failure or even both!
The evidence is
that it repairs the damage caused by the heart attack or enough of it to
preserve function.
You may also have
read that when younger people lose their stem cells and their stem cell’s
ability to make and use cells as which they tend to do as they get older, this
is one of the reasons people develop diseases and become more limited and
closer to death with increasing age.
So, such treatments
using stem cells and exercise that prevent or reverse this decline in stem
cells and repairs all over the body are a key way to slow aging and keep good
It’s been known for
quite some time that statins reduce the level of ubiquinol, the form of CoQ10
that the body uses. And, it’s been known
that this weakens the mitochondria that provide the power for each of our
This weakens the
heart by depriving it of energy on a cellular level. In many people, this also makes them less
energetic and feel low on energy or much older.
But what if statins
also reduced the ability of the body to make and use stem cells for repair too?
That research has
apparently been done over a year ago. It
found that statins also reduced the ability of the body to make and use stem
cells for repair.
I just got this in
their email; and here is the link to their story:
Here are some key quotes:
The study, which was
published in the American Journal of Physiology, states that statins’ “…impact
on other biologic properties of stem cells provides a novel explanation for
their adverse clinical effects.”
Specifically, the study
states that such adverse effects include advancing the “process of aging” and
also notes that “…long-term use of statins has been associated with adverse
effects including myopathy, neurological side effects and an increased risk of
“….those taking such
cholesterol-lowering drugs have been experiencing cataracts, fatigue, liver
problems, muscle pain and memory loss. Simply put, the drugs have been found to
tamper with cells in such a way that their primary purpose of reproducing and
helping the body repair is thwarted. With that comes the onset of terrible
health issues or the worsening of existing ones.”
“Professor Reza Izadpanah,
a stem cell biologist and lead author of the published study, says,
“Our study shows statins
may speed up the ageing process.
People who use statins as a
preventative medicine for [health] should think again as our research shows
they may have general unwanted effects on the body which could include muscle
pain, nerve problems and joint problems.”
2. For some time it has been clear that there
are much more effective ways to prevent heart attacks, prevent fatal heart
attacks, and even lower LDL cholesterol and chronic inflammation than taking
The comparison is not close
either, the alternatives are better by 20 times or more and even are effective
when statins have zero effect!
It’s also known that only
about 35% of people have the genetics that make statins even reduce the number
of nonfatal heart attacks at all well and that there is a test cardiologist
Arthur Agatson, MD says can tell which heredity a person has for about
Most doctors today still
prescribe statins instead of the more effective methods and hardly any do this
test first.
That’s because statins are
the only thing they know that might help that they can prescribe or they are
following guidelines that factor in none of this knowledge.
Here’s why I think statins
should never be prescribed or taken at all with very rare exceptions:
a) Why not prescribe things that are more
effective and reduce the death rate from heart attacks and all causes AND have
other health benefits instead?
(They exist and have been
tested to work; and I’ve posted on them and use them personally.)
b) But even without that,
the track record of harm from statins is so severe that in my view it is
irresponsible or worse to prescribe them.
Here’s why:
*Regular vigorous exercise
done most days of every week slows aging and prevents disease – including heart
attacks and deaths from them in people who build up to more vigorous
And regular vigorous
exercise done most days of every week keeps working better and better for heart
protection the more consecutive years people do them research has found!
Giving such people statins
is quite dangerous studies found!
The more vigorous the
exercises are done, the more heart protective they are. But if they take statins, the more vigorously
those people exercise, the more likely it is they will PERMANENTLY harm their
Secondly, gradually
improving your ability to exercise strengthens your heart and makes you more
physically able. But people who take
statins do not get that effect. The statins prevent it.
Given these two facts
alone, statins should be limited to bedridden patients if they are ever used at
And, no statins should ever
be prescribed until the genetic test is done and the person tests to be in the
35% that get some protection from them.
*Secondly, type 2 diabetes
increases the death rate from heart attacks and has been shown to harm
circulation all over the body and directly cause Alzheimer’s disease in
addition to speeding the process from the drop in circulation the diabetes
(If blood sugar is where it
should be your insulin helps in cleaning your brain and removing things like
beta amyloid. But if blood sugar is too
high, the insulin deals with that instead and stops the brain cleaning. This then results in beta amyloid build up
which can get to the hard to reverse stage.)
It’s expensive to treat
thousands of people for type 2 diabetes as well. So it’s highly undesirable to increase the
number of people who have type 2 diabetes when it can be avoided.
The news is in and has been
for some time.
Taking statins causes type
2 diabetes in people who take it.
A study that is quoted
found this happens 9% of the time. And,
I remember seeing one that was much higher, 45% I think.
Type 2 diabetes is so
harmful to the heart and increases heart attack risk about double for men and
four times for women that this is likely why at least one reason statins show
no reduction in fatal heart attacks.
So this too is a big enough
and a well known enough reason to never use statins when more protective
methods exist.
Then too many of the
alternative methods to prevent heart attacks also PREVENT type 2 diabetes!
*Another study found that
taking statins caused cataracts in about 3% of the people taking them who would
have avoided them or gotten them years later.
If statins were far more
protective than that, they might be justified.
But added to the two big reasons not to use them, it’s not at all
justified to cause people to take statins.
But while the first two
reasons might be fixable by taking a large amount of ubiquinol since they
initially seemed to be caused by the harm to the mitochondria which taking
enough ubiquinol might prevent, what I’ve wondered, might be causing cataracts?
This recent study is so
hugely important because it likely shows why statins cause cataracts.
AND it’s important because
it shows that taking ubiquinol may NOT be effective at preventing the first two
Exercise causes fitness and
protects your heart when AFTER the exercise, your body repairs and even over
repairs the muscles you used. Vigorous
exercise has even been found to increase stem cells!
But if the stem cells you
would have had more of by exercising to do this are less instead or don’t work
because of taking statin drugs, taking statin drugs will cause this harm or
almost as much of it even if you replace the ubiquinol.
Similarly type 2 diabetes
depends on processes in the liver and pancreas working well.
If they stop doing so since
they are no longer repaired by the stem cells that statins removed or harmed,
that would also explain why taking statins has such a dreadfully high rate of
causing type 2 diabetes.
This too suggests that
replacing the ubiquinol the statins removed might not prevent this either!
Here’s the summary of how
to prevent heart disease that also prevents deaths from heart disease:
Eat 6 or more servings
of organic vegetables a day or as close to that as you can manage.
This has been shown to slam
down the death rate from heart disease by 24%.
Totally stop eating and
drinking heart attack starters!
(Taking anything to
stop a disease you keep causing to happen is nuts, craziness, and worse!)
These include high fructose corn syrup and
artificial sweeteners and the soft drinks that contain them! It also includes
ANY hybrid wheat and even eating more than sparing consumption of other whole
grains. It also includes any
hydrogenated oils. (Eating small, regular amounts builds up in your body to
very harmful levels. So, the only safe
intake of hydrogenated oils is zero.)
Related to this is
staying 100 % away from tobacco and its smoke. Every exposure begins
to close your blood vessels. And, we
also now know that exposure to tobacco smoke triggers heart attacks in people
who would not have had them otherwise!
Having done that, begin
at a very easy level to do regular vigorous exercise most days of every week. Then gradually build up to more vigorous
Lastly, there is a very
large list of foods, herbs, and supplements that cut your risk of heart disease
to close to zero if you do these basic things first.
The omega 3 oil, DHA; and
niacin; and ginger; and turmeric and/or curcumin supplements from turmeric; CAN
do and have long been known to do the things statins do that are beneficial
better than statins do. And, instead of
horrid side effects, they have other health benefits.
To get more detail about
this study, I entered this in Google:
“American Journal of
Physiology AND Reza Izadpanah”
Several things appeared
including the original study.
This one I thought included
some of the most compelling information so I quote from it below.
"For the research,
which was reported in the American Journal of Physiology on July 29, (2015)
Izadpanah and colleagues treated stem cells with statins in the lab. After
several weeks, they found that treatment with the drug had dramatic effect.
The researchers discovered
that the drug prevented the stem cells from reproducing and replicating the
body's cells to repair damage.
"Statins impair the
osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
(MSCs), increase cell senescence and apoptosis," the researchers wrote in
their study. "Statins also impaired the expression of DNA repair genes
including XRCC4, XRCC6, and Apex1."
Izadpanah and his
colleagues said that given the unwanted effects of the drug, people should be
completely informed of the risks prior to starting with the treatment.”
Labels: how to prevent heart attacks without statins, Statins prevent repairs in the body, the two biggest reasons never to take statins we now know are partly caused by harm statins do to stem cells