Avoid Parkinson’s disease – maybe stop it....
Today's Post: Tuesday, 3-25-2014
Parkinson’s disease causes limited mobility and even
death in its later stages and makes your fine controlled movements shaky even
in its early stages.
Moreover it can and has done this to notably vital people
who are otherwise just as sharp as they were before they got it.
Michael Fox has long been one of my favorite actors. His vitality and his massive success as
someone shorter than his huge internal and mental size would indicate, I
really, really like him. I find him
And, in his early movies he could move like a high level
black belt at virtually everything he wanted to do.
He got Parkinson’s disease. As you’d expect with his personality, he’s
fighting it and has almost avoided having it limit him!
Amazing man. But
it’s a huge shame it happened to him.
Believe me it would be a huge shame if it happened to
The better news is we now know some ways to prevent
it. Extending some of them even has some
evidence we may be able to stop it or reverse it.
Part I:
I had heard that Parkinson’s disease was much more common
in farm workers who worked on farms that used pesticides and herbicides on the
It seems that’s the tip of the iceberg. A new study finds that if you get too much
exposure to the wrong kinds of pesticides or herbicides at the wrong time or if
you have a heredity that makes it harm you more easily, even far smaller
exposures can cause you to get Parkinson’s disease.
The article on this research I found in Medical News Today
said that if there is enough pesticide to work, even quite low contact with it
by people, tends to produce Parkinson's disease.
This means that spending time on Golf courses or parks with
lawns that have been sprayed, particularly when sprayed recently, is a VERY BAD
It also means that being near farming fields where
pesticides are being sprayed is a BAD idea as is drinking the water in those
areas that tastes of pesticides. And
working on such a farm is a HORRIBLE idea.
When our daughter went to a local elementary school, one
day when I drove her there it was quite windy.
Within half a block away, some fool was spraying insecticide or weed
killer on a lawn. About three fourths of
it was blowing towards the school and its play yard. I went ballistic and pointed out to him what
he was doing. I made it clear to him
that if he didn't stop immediately and never spray again near a school on such
a windy day, I'd call the cops and have him arrested!
Glad I did now. I
may have saved our daughter or some of her classmates from getting Parkinson's
disease this research shows very clearly.
It also means that making a large special effort to eat
only organic produce and minimizing your exposure to fats from animals fed
grains that have been sprayed AND never using insecticides in your house or
yard is also high desirable.
Organic produce is often but not always more nutritious
than produce that was raised using pesticides and herbicides. And, the sprayed produce does have relatively
low amounts of residue left on it.
Oops! It seems that
even at the low level you get from sprayed produce, if you have the wrong
heredity or get a bit unlucky and eat something with a bit more residue than
normal at a bad time, this strongly suggests eating sprayed produce might give
you Parkinson’s disease.
So, the best
policy is to go ahead and eat lots of produce.
But only eat the kinds that are organic to the very best of your
Secondly, according to health writer John Robbins, most
people get far more exposure to pesticides and herbicides from the fat of
animals fed grains and other feed from plants that have been sprayed than they
do from produce that is not organic.
It seems when the animals eat that feed, they bioconcentrate days or weeks of intake of herbicides and pesticides in their fat.
This is one of the reasons that the DASH II and
Mediterranean diets or eating styles get such good health results. Both of them slash the intake of fat from
animals fed grain. Those fats are also horribly high in pro-inflammatory omega
6 oils from the grain that is not in their natural diets.
So, eat beans and nuts and organically grown mushrooms and
wild caught fish and some meat or eggs or poultry or dairy from animals fed
only grass or their natural diets. Stop
eating the fats of animals fed grains or feed from plants sprayed with
pesticides or herbicides.
(Bonus, this also sharply reduces your exposure to GMO food
because the grains fed animals that are sprayed with pesticides are almost all
GMO grains!)
The only good news is that taking the supplement DMAE may
be protective if you have done or do otherwise or get accidentally
exposed. I once saw a study that found a
strong intake of DMAE prevented harm to the part of the brain that if harmed
causes Parkinson’s disease.
I’m so glad I did!
That’s because DMAE is a precursor to choline. And, choline has other nerve protective benefits
AND increases HDL and so taking DMAE helps protect your heart too!
AND every effort you CAN make to avoid pesticides and
herbicides near you or in your food will help.
Here’s the link to the Medical News Today article:
Low-level pesticide exposure linked to Parkinson's disease
Researchers say that exposure to pesticides, even at low
levels, increases the
risk of Parkinson's disease. Individuals with a specific
genetic variant may be
more susceptible.
II. Part two:
What might stop or reverse Parkinson’s disease?
First, follow the implications of the research and do as
well as you can using the information in Part I to stop CAUSING Parkinson’s
Second, take the supplement DMAE and take choline and consider
eating whole eggs but only from chickens that are truly pasture fed.
Take DHA and get regular exercise.
Those things tend to cause the release of the brain cell
and nerve growth and repair hormone BDNF.
Take 15 to 45 mg a day of zinc but NOT more with 2 mg of
copper to balance it if you haven’t a disease causing you to never ingest
copper. It seems that zinc tends to
prevent misfolding of brain and nerve proteins which has been shown to be how
nerves and brain cells are damaged.
Then there is another step that HAS tested in some cases to
reverse MS. It might do the same for
Parkinson’s disease.
(I think I found the original article in NewsMax.)
Stopping MS Through Diet has
This is a combination of the Paleo
diet and the massive amounts of vegetables diet.
She did not continue the related
supplements. Her idea was that the foods that they came from had the
co-factors needed to make the nutrients most effective.
In her experience it was effective
to do it all with food only. But the supplements DID initially help.
And, many people will only
approach her eating style and not have her massive motivation. So keeping
the supplements is likely sound for most people.
That said, it is clear that the
closer people can eat to her recommendations, the better off they will be.
(Clearly making sure that all the
produce is organic will make this protocol far more effective.)
There are so many bad things in
what most people eat that are NOT in this eating style, and it reversed damage
to motor nerves. In addition, the health
value of these vegetables is severely underrated.
This may well mean that combining
this diet with exercise and choline and DHA to repair and grow new nerve cells
might also reverse Parkinson’s disease.
Diet That Stops Multiple Sclerosis
Wednesday, 05 Mar 2014 04:55 PM By Vera Tweed
In 2000, Terry Wahls, M.D., a
professor of medicine at the University of Iowa, was diagnosed with multiple
sclerosis. Using her natural determination and medical knowledge, she fought
the crippling disease in every conceivable way, and eventually won – regaining
her health. She now helps others do the same.
“I’m incredibly blessed to have
had my illness,” she tells Newsmax Health. “It motivated me to relearn basic
science and nutrition.” As a result, she developed a groundbreaking diet that
has virtually cured her and is helping others who suffer from MS, other
neurological diseases, and traumatic brain injuries.
Immediately after her MS
diagnosis, Dr. Wahls sought out the best medical treatments available,
including all the latest drugs – but they didn’t work. After seven years with
the disease, she was nearly bedridden, no longer able to sit up unaided and
confined to a wheelchair.
Despite such severe disability,
she continued working and relentlessly studied the available research about
nutrition and her disease. And she found the mechanism underlying MS and other
neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Alzheimer’s:
malfunction in mitochondria. These are tiny components in every cell that
manage energy production, and are especially important for brain and heart
function, as well as overall health.
Digging deeper, Dr. Wahls
identified 31 nutrients critical to mitochondria and to nourishing
neurotransmitters. With this knowledge, she designed and adopted a very
specific diet. Less than six months later, she was walking unaided and began
riding her bike. A few months after that, she completed an 18-mile bike ride.
“It’s a very structured
hunter-gatherer diet to maximize vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients per
forkful,” she says. Grains and dairy products are not on the menu, but each
day’s food includes the following items into three meals:
Plate of leafy greens, such as kale
Plate of sulfur-rich vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and onions
Plate of at least three different-colored non-starchy vegetables (not corn or
· Fish
or grass-fed meat
Organ meats, at least once a week
Seaweed, at least once a week
· Bone
broth (recipe below)
Many of Dr. Wahls’ patients
have had the same type of dramatic recovery she experienced by using this diet.
“In the last two years I have gone from being in a bed, to a wheelchair, to a
walker, to a cane, and now nothing,” said Jake Nelson, a mechanical engineer.
“In fact, you can hardly tell I even have MS.”
Dr. Wahls continues to be in
remission, leading a very active life. She trains doctors, carries out clinical
research, treats patients, and travels nationwide to give lectures. She
provides menus and many recipes in her
book, Minding My Mitochondria, and more insights at terrywahls.com.
Dr. Wahls’ Broth for Neurological
Drink a cup of this homemade bone
broth once a day, recommends Dr. Wahls, and use it in place of fat for sautéing
and stir frying – 3 tablespoons per pan. It’s very rich in nutrients, good for
your joints and neurotransmitters, and adds flavor with less fat and calories
than oils or butter. The vinegar helps draw minerals out of the bones. The
seaweed is an excellent source of iodine and other trace minerals.
Any type of meat bones, saved from
previous cooking, or mussel and clam shells
Vegetables, such as celery,
parsley, or carrots
Large stock pot or soup pot half
full of water
2 to 4 tablespoons of vinegar
1 tablespoon dried powdered kelp
or dulse, or part of a whole leaf
1 packet plain gelatin
Combine all ingredients except
gelatin and simmer for at least 2 hours (ideally 24 hours). Add water if
needed. Strain and discard vegetables and bones. Dissolve gelatin in the broth.
Labels: a strong reason to avoid conventionally sprayed produce, Avoid Parkinson’s disease and maybe stop it, possible way to reverse Parkinson's disease, prevent Parkinson's disease