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Today’s post: Wednesday, 5-17-2006
Superfoods & Honor Roll Foods, part 23
Grass Fed Beef & Buffalo.
More OK & health-enhancing protein sources -- albeit for non-vegetarians.
This Monday’s post had this.: (So did yesterday’s)
“….people who get the majority of their protein from plant sources like beans & lentils, and nuts (like almonds & walnuts), & from some whole grains, are far healthier than people who eat some kind of meat or cheese at every meal, three times a day.
A diet with lots of fruits & vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, & the vast majority of its protein from plant sources tends to create low blood levels of LDL cholesterol & of homocysteine. And, it has mega-doses of antioxidants & other vitamins, minerals, & micronutrients that protect your health.
This is critical for your health -- since high levels of LDL cholesterol & homocysteine trigger accelerated aging, heart attacks, strokes, impotence, age related mental decline, & even may trigger Alzheimer’s disease.”
But what about some variety?
What if you LIKE animal protein foods? What if you are cooking for someone who does & refuses to give them up?
What if you are doing massive amounts of strength training & trying to get lots of protein?
What if you’ve found that you do well on a higher protein, low glycemic carbs diet & want to be sure to eat foods that fit?
I fit a couple of those. And, most people in this country have some or even most of those concerns.
Wild caught Salmon works for many people -- but not all; & certainly not more than two or three times a week for most of us.
Here are two more alternatives for people with these concerns.
Grass Fed Beef & Buffalo are decent occasional choices.
They both have far more health benefits & fewer problem causing issues than grain-fed & mixed feed beef.
In fact, Grass Fed Beef & Grass Fed Buffalo that are only fed this way & NEVER fed mixed feed CANNOT get mad cow disease.
This is not reliably true of grain fed beef since some of it is fed mixed feeds that might be problematic for mad cow disease.
Whole Food Markets nationwide carry Grass Fed Beef & many if not most carry Grass Fed Buffalo.
(And, these are NEVER fed mixed feed; they are vegetarian fed only.
Whole Food Markets actually sends its own inspectors out to be sure.)
Compared to grain feed beef Grass Fed Beef & Grass Fed Buffalo do cost somewhat more. But that actually can be a good thing as it will tend to prevent you from eating it too often.
(One way to avoid overdoing eating animal protein sources is to buy half as much but of twice as good quality.)
Grass Fed Beef & Grass Fed Buffalo also have considerable health benefits that grain feed beef has very little of.
Grass Fed Beef & Grass Fed Buffalo have some omega 3 oils like Wild Caught Salmon.
And, they also have CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid ), a kind of fat source with some interesting health benefits.
Unlike omega 3 oils, CLA has no vegetarian source that people can digest except CLA supplements – at least as far as I’m yet aware.
CLA may help boost your muscle mass separately from the protein content of the meat & to replace excess body fat in doing so according to some studies.
(That’s a lot more likely to be the case for people who do regular strength training -- which has that effect FOR SURE, by itself.)
Second, Grass Fed Beef & Grass Fed Buffalo are leaner; & what fat they do have has far less of the saturated fat that can boost your bad cholesterol.
That makes them a much more heart safe choice than grain feed beef.
Lastly, as long as it’s a few times a month or once or twice a week, eating Grass Fed Beef & Grass Fed Buffalo can be Ok for boosting homocysteine & inflammation, the other two problems with eating grain fed beef.
If you eat antioxidant foods at the same meal as Grass Fed Beef & Grass Fed Buffalo, you can sharply limit the inflammation caused. This can be as simple as having a salad with kale & romaine lettuce & a vegetable dish like broccoli with them.
And, in earlier times in the plains of North America, the plains Indians were tall & healthy on a diet of Grass Fed Buffalo & blueberries.
And, eating a wide variety of fruits & vegetables gives you lots of folic acid which lowers homocysteine.
PS: The absolute worst kind of beef for health is quite common in the current diet of the average American.:
Hamburger. Most people eat hamburgers made from grain fed beef & beef fat. And, the grinding process tends to make them more likely to cause oxidation & inflammation.
There are a couple of ways to cook such hamburger however, that minimize these problems.
It’s been found that cooking hamburger patties made with a mix of hamburger & a good amount of bits of dried cherries, believe it or not, is both juicier to eat & far less likely to cause health issues than eating straight cooked hamburger.
The second way is to make meatloaf with Grass Fed Beef & Grass Fed Buffalo or the leanest grain-fed ground beef you can buy & add lots of diced onion; extra virgin olive oil to replace the missing beef fat; & quick-style rolled oat oatmeal to help flush out the remaining saturated beef fat. And, you can also add a tomato sauce with a flavor you like instead of ketchup since most commercial ketchups now have high fructose corn syrup.
(That may well change soon. So check the label on your favorite ketchup before giving up on it.)