Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Superfoods part 32

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Today’s post: Wednesday, 5-31-2006

Superfoods & Honor Roll Foods, part 32

Shrimp & Prawns.

Shrimp are very high in protein & low in calories, fat, & saturated fat.

They have some cholesterol; but I saw one study reported that they raised beneficial HDL levels MORE than they did LDL levels.

And, although the person writing about that study didn’t say so, I’m virtually certain that shrimp raised LDL far less than eating the same amount of protein from a fatty meat would have done since the fatty meat has the significant cholesterol also & much higher saturated fat, which boosts LDL levels even more than cholesterol does.

In addition, shrimp & prawns, which are similar but larger, are remarkably versatile foods.

You can cook them & remove the bony tail part & add them or add them & walnuts to salads to add variety & protein.

Since they have somewhat bland flavor, they go well with spicy sauces.

Experiment with sauces using hot peppers, garlic, &/or extra virgin olive oil.

My favorite is prawns served hot with extra virgin olive oil & minced garlic.

Shrimp are also moderately high in selenium. There is evidence I’ve seen reported that selenium in moderate quantities is an antioxidant & one that tends to prevent cancer.

Shrimp are also widely available in grocery stores. And, those that don’t sell them in the seafood section usually have canned shrimp.

Prawns you normally have to find in the seafood section of a grocery store. But many stores do carry them.


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