Friday, May 12, 2006

Superfoods part 20

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Today’s post: Friday, 5-12-2006

Superfoods & Honor Roll Foods, part 20

Whole Eggs & Eggwhites.

The good news is that they both are incredibly nutritious.

The egg industry’s “The incredible, edible egg” slogan is literally true.

Whole Eggs & Eggwhites are definitely Superfoods & Honor Roll Foods.

Both have very complete protein with virtually every amino acid in very bio-available form.

The diets that best support health are mostly vegetarian with the majority of their protein from plant sources like beans & lentils, nuts like almonds & walnuts, & to a lesser extent whole grains.

And this is particularly the case when every day you eat several kinds of fruit & several kinds of vegetables – including the ones listed here as Superfoods.

Adding some eggwhites to such a diet or some whole eggs to it helps you receive complete protein & all the amino acids your body needs, just like nonfat & one percent lowfat dairy does. And, Whole Eggs & Eggwhites do an even better job.

Whole Eggs & Eggwhites also are high in vitamin B12 which it’s valuable to add to a mostly vegetarian diet.

In addition, the yolks in whole eggs are high in bio-available iron which can be especially important to women. (And too little iron in your diet can make you anemic & sap your energy & vitality. In addition, many vitamin & mineral supplements no longer contain iron since some people were getting too much, men who eat five times more meat than is healthy to do, for example.)

Besides that, the yolk is even better than avocados as nearly being a vitamin & mineral supplement as it’s so high in vitamins, especially vitamin B complex & vitamin A.

The bad news is that eggs are high in cholesterol. So, if your LDL cholesterol is totally out of the safe range, over 160, you may be safer to eat only eggwhites or limt the whole eggs you eat to one or two a week.

However, the high cholesterol in eggs may not be as bad a news as was once believed for several reasons.

A diet that has well over 7 percent of its calories as saturated fat raises LDL far more than one that’s under 7 percent but high in cholesterol.

So, if you are eating whole eggs with just a few, I think about 3, grams of saturated fat apiece & the rest of your diet is mostly vegetarian, if you eat three to six eggs a week, it may not cause you problems.

In addition, high HDL levels are actually more protective than high LDL levels are bad for your health. And, eating whole eggs is one way to raise your HDL level.

Frying eggs in butter at relatively high heat is NOT a good idea as butter is high in saturated fat & high temperatures tend to oxidize the saturated fat -- which is even worse for your health.

Frying them at moderate temperatures in Extra Virgin Olive Oil is MUCH better & a better choice for raising your HDL levels without over-raising your LDL levels. And, adding some diced onion to the frying pan & eating it with the eggs helps cut the boost of your LDL cholesterol also.

Boiling eggs & poaching them also work.

If you eat egg-whites, it helps to add them to a variety of other foods that you like with plenty of flavor as they are super bland.

Stir fry them with diced onion & walnuts & then serve salsa or guacamole on top, for example.

Because of the risk of salmonella & the bad effect raw eggwhites have on biotin, a B vitamin, make a special effort NOT to eat raw eggs or eggwhites.

(Somehow the makers of commercial eggnog kill the germs in the eggs without cooking them. So it may be possible to get the eggs processed in that way from the source those companies use.)

>>> If anyone out there knows how to buy eggs in that form or do that process for yourself, please let me know.

Also, because of salmonella, be very careful to wash eggs before you cook them & discard the shells as if they might be bio-hazards, because they might be !!

Lastly, if your LDL cholesterol is way over 160, by all means bring it down to closer to 100 or less with statin drugs plus 100 mg or more a day of CoQ10 or take sterol supplements &/or inositol hexaniacinate.

Niacin, nicotinic acid, NOT the niacinamide form, is also unusually effective. (The niacinamide form is good for you; but it doesn’t lower LDL & boost HDL like nicotinic acid form does.)

I finally found a paper online that suggests inositol hexaniacinate is also effective; & it worked well for me when I tried it as my HDL went up & my LDL went down when I added some & then got retested.

Niacin usually produces a “flush” that feels like an instant – but temporary –sunburn, so some people prefer the inositol hexaniacinate form.

Warning, if you take more than 600 to 900 mg a day between niacin & inositol hexaniacinate, be sure to let your doctor know as you’ll need to get liver function tests to be sure your liver isn’t over-driven by these supplements. (This does happen to some people who take a lot, especially if they take a lot more.)

Then, once your LDL is more like 68 to 98 instead of 168 or 190, it will be safer for you to eat whole eggs in moderation.


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