Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Prevent well over half of all cancers....Today's post:  Tuesday, 10-30-2018

1.  Recently a study found that eating organic produce removed at least 5% of all cancers even when confounding factors such as not smoking and eating right were removed.

Charles Benbrook, a Visiting Scholar in the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University said this 5% reduction is worth the effort to expand:

“New study showing organic diets cut cancer risk is a big deal. Let’s treat it that way.

No study is perfect—but recent findings that organic food consumption cuts cancer risk highlights an opportunity to tackle a deadly, expensive health crisis:

More than 1.7 million Americans will be newly diagnosed with cancer in 2018, and 35 percent of these cases will prove fatal.

A little less than $150 billion was spent fighting cancer in 2017.

Imagine the excitement that would accompany the discovery of anything -- a new drug, therapy, diet, or lifestyle change -- that promises to cut overall cancer frequency by 5 percent.

Every year, such a discovery would spare 87,000 people this most-feared diagnosis, and reduce deaths by 30,000 and cancer-related health care costs by around $7 billion.

Such monumental benefits would justify major investments and significant policy change.”

2.  But we know how to cut cancers by well over 60% and maybe over 90%!

Using Charles Benbrook’s numbers even 60% would prevent ten million cancers a year and 360,000 deaths a year and save cancer-related health care costs by around $84 billion a year!

a) If it were illegal to use tobacco or nicotine or release tobacco smoke in the presence of other people or in their air space and those products were tripled in price nationwide and effective ways to quit them were made available free or at reduced cost for those who used them, over half of all cancers and cancer deaths for the 40% of the population exposed to them or tobacco smoke would disappear.  (Among other things, tobacco is radioactive so it causes all kinds of cancer in any part of your body your blood reaches.)

As a bonus the deaths and disability caused by Alzeimer’s disease and heart attacks and stroke would drop in half for this 40% also. (This is thought to be due to the cadmium and arsenic in the smoke and the reduction of blood flow to the brain caused by increased artery deposits from the tobacco use and the increase in chronic inflammation.)

Smoking also often prevents anyone who injures their back causing pain or disability from recovering.  Cutting that in half for 40% of the population would save medical and disability and lost productivity costs. (Smoking and nicotine boost the signals from pain nerves and prevent them from turning it off studies found. It also prevents bone and disc repair.)

b) Alan Carr’s Easy Way to quit smoking is a very effective way to remove the psychological addiction to nicotine that drives tobacco use, nicotine use, smoking, and vaping.  Seeing to it that the vast majority of young and older people now using these things were coached to use this method successfully would permanently remove enough people who get cancer and die from it now.

3.  The book AntiCancer: a new way of life, explains clearly how eating hybrid wheat and other grains and protein from animals fed an unnatural diet of grains and soy causes a massively excessive intake of omega 6 oils of 20 to 30 times too much.  And many people also use soy or corn or canola oil also too high in omega 6 oils.

(Extra virgin olive oil is a safe alternative because it has minimal omega 6 oils and does have the olive and olive leaf extracts that have anti-cancer effects.)

The AntiCancer book shows that completely stopping these excess omega 6 oil foods and eating organic cruciferous vegetables and protein foods from wild caught or naturally fed organic foods instead, tends to prevent cancers from forming or growing if they begin.

We now know that these grains and grain oils also contain bioconcentrated residues of glyphosate and other herbicides and pesticides known to be carcinogenic.

So removing them AND their excess inflammation can cut the risk of cancers by everyone who does so by well over 5% -- and 40% may be closer to the mark.

Here again there are bonus death and disability and cost reductions because slashing excess inflammation also cuts the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and heart attacks and strokes!

4.  Excess sugars and free fructose source and artificial sweeteners also tend to cause cancer and boost its growth big time!

So by slashing the use of real sugar or stopping it and stopping all free fructose or artificial sweeteners cuts the incidence of cancers and cancer deaths even more.

And, since these addictive substances also cause heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease, stopping them all saves medical care and other costs such as disability and deaths as a bonus.

(Susan Peirce Thompson, MD specialist in cognitive programming found that because of the addictive effects of sweeteners, by far the most effective way to stop them is a complete 100% removal.)

Her Bright Line Eating has the added bonus of removing all your excess fat.

5.  Then too there are many foods and supplements that slash the incidence of cancer:

a)   The book AntiCancer suggests eating curries with turmeric and black pepper or taking turmeric or curcumin extracted from turmeric as a very effective and safe anti-inflammatory.  Turmeric and its curcumins have other direct anti-cancer properties.  So eating and taking it has a double action against cancers.

Ginger is a botanical cousin of turmeric and is a safe anti-inflammatory and is available both ground as a spice and as a food.

Both turmeric and its curcumins and ginger also help prevent heart disease and strokes with their anti-inflammatory effects AND they reduce LDL cholesterol.

Between the better blood flow from cardiovascular benefits and the sharp drop in inflammation, turmeric and its curcumins and ginger also help prevent or turn off Alzheimer’s disease.

b) A recent study found that taking enough vitamin D3 cut the incidence of all kinds of breast cancer by 75%!  Other studies of 4,000 to 20,000 iu of vitamin D3 a day show similar results in preventing or stopping prostate cancer. 

We know that taking at least 90 mcg a day of vitamin K2 with that much D3 removes calcium from your heart’s blood vessels and  direct it to build your bones instead.  One medical group even found that D3 plus K2 was more effective in killing cancer cells than D3 alone.

c) The best way to get the anti-cancer effects of carotenes is to eat organic cruciferous vegetables that are also high in hundreds of complementary carotenes with anti-cancer effects.

d) Two carotene supplements that research shows have very strong anti-cancer and eye protective effects are 30 mg a day of lycopene and 12 mg a day of astaxanthin.

The combination of vitamin D3 and lycopene and eating organic cruciferous vegetables not only prevents prostate cancer, it has caused it to shrink and cuts the incidence in half or more of the aggressive and spreading prostate cancers that kill.

Lycopene also benefits your eye health and the very small molecule carotenoid can get into your eye and other places that have a barrier or very little circulation to stop cancers.  And, it may open the door to lycopene entering as well.

e) Taking 3 mg a day of boron also cuts the incidence in half or more of the aggressive and spreading prostate cancers that kill.

Boron has direct anti-cancer effects on prostate cancers and may well have on other reproductive cancers such as breast and uterine and ovarian.

AND, boron helps you form strong and unusually hard bone that prevents cancer cells from killing you with bone cancer.

f) Not using pesticides or herbicides in your home or yard and only eating organic foods, helps keep these carcinogenic and neurotoxic chemicals out of your body.

6.  Unfortunately, we now have people in charge of our federal regulations who are increasing the amount of carcinogenic poisons in our air and water in almost everything they do.

So, currently, another way to cut costs from cancers are to vote for their opponents who have a more positive view of helping you keep your health and NOT get cancers!   

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Feel better while losing fat….Today's post:  Thursday, 10-25-2018

There are six ways to do this:

1.  The sweetners and sugars and grains and food additives that make you fat cause depression due to their biochemical effects and lower self-esteem from their addictive quality.

Recent research shows that these biochemical effects from these foods and additives do cause depression.

Susan Pierce Thompson MD has shown that deleting them all escapes their addictive effects and removes those biochemical harms and fattening effects AND restores your self respect and feeling that you control your life.

2.  Isabel de Los Rios and others teach to savor good things about the things you are doing to achieve fatloss and doing things that you find make you feel confident and serene.

3.  Live the low inflammation lifestyle by adding DHA and curcumin and boswellia and fish- based omega 3 oils to eating the organic vegetables and monosaturated fats from extra virgin olive oil and avocados – and raw organic tree nuts for those not allergic.  This has been tested to make you less irritable and less depressed.

4. Take vitamin D3 & K2 which is bone protective and heart protective AND releases serotonin in your brain where it helps reduce depression. AND the research shows that NOT starting or stopping SSRI anti-depressants and beta blockers and statin drugs -- prevents major and forceful causes of depression.

Beta blockers are by far the worst and most important NOT to take. 

Statins also have this effect and cause migraines and insomnia for some people which magnifies depression.  (Mercifully, there are much more effective methods to protect your heart than statin drugs.) 

SSRI anti-depressants are little better than placebo and some people taking them who they don’t make feel better, become more depressed

5.  As we reported in our last post on Tuesday this week, regular vigorous exercise helps to restore and repair your nerves and brain cells. 

Research shows that these repairs remove a physical cause of depression.  It’s even been shown that when these repairs show on brain scans the people involved report depression lifting! 

This kind of exercise also at times release dopamine and lifts your spirits directly. 

Besides vitamin D3 & K2, the omega 3 DHA and the herbs bacopa and gotu kola enhance these effects, particularly when combined with exercise.

6.  Susan Pierce Thompson finds that many people who follow her Bright Line Eating with its removal of sugars and grains do lose fat and weight but until they get acclimated, they do feel a bit depressed.  Her system makes your food choices automatic and not controlled by how you feel.  But it would be nice to lessen this effect.

Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski reports that the most effective fat remover is to do effective strength training and eat a very low carb diet at the same time; but very often while doing this a similar depression is common.

He found a work-around that sounds effective to me.  There is a mushroom based supplement,  Lion’s Mane that has been found to increase nerve effectiveness in the brain and muscles as long as you keep taking it.

This can help you build more muscle by enabling you to work each exercised muscle harder.  If you stop taking Lion’s Mane later, the nerve effect gradually fades; but the added muscle and much of the strength remains.

This also looks to be a solution to enable people doing low carb or Bright Line eating to feel better during the early stages when that’s needed! 

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Low fitness worse than smoking....Today's post:  Tuesday, 10-23-2018

A. In the last few days a study was reported in several health news outlets.

I saw it on from Fox News on Google Health News.

These researchers measured fitness directly rather than asking what exercise people said they got or had people exercise.

These researchers simply measured fitness directly.

1.  People who were very low on fitness and had little or none, were more likely to die of any cause in the next year; they were more likely to have short lives; AND they were likely to become impaired from chronic disease years earlier than the people who were quite fit!

2.  These effects for low fitness were worse than the effects of smoking or having diabetes!

Smoking has all these same negative effects in addition to the cancers it causes.  So to be even worse is spectacularly undesirable!

B.  In this next section I’ll have some key quotes from the Fox article with my comments.

C. In the last section, I’ll add some explanations of what fitness is and ways to develop it.

B.  Some key quotes from the Fox article with my comments:

“We've all heard exercise helps you live longer. But a new study goes one step further, finding that a sedentary lifestyle is worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease.

Dr. Wael Jaber, a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic and senior author of the study, called the results "extremely surprising."

"Being unfit on a treadmill or in an exercise stress test has a worse prognosis, as far as death, than being hypertensive, being diabetic or being a current smoker," Jaber told CNN. "We've never seen something as pronounced as this and as objective as this."

Jaber said researchers must now convey the risks to the general population that "being unfit should be considered as strong of a risk factor as hypertension, diabetes and smoking -- if not stronger than all of them."

"It should be treated almost as a disease that has a prescription, which is called exercise," he said.

Researchers retrospectively studied 122,007 patients who underwent exercise treadmill testing at Cleveland Clinic between January 1, 1991 and December 31, 2014 to measure all-cause mortality relating to the benefits of exercise and fitness. Those with the lowest exercise rate accounted for 12% of the participants.

The study was published Friday in the journal JAMA Network Open.

"Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are the most expensive diseases in the United States. We spend more than $200 billion per year treating these diseases and their complications. Rather than pay huge sums for disease treatment, we should be encouraging our patients and communities to be active and exercise daily," said Dr. Jordan Metzl, sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery and author of the book "The Exercise Cure."

Jaber said the other big revelation from the research is that fitness leads to longer life, with no limit to the benefit of aerobic exercise. Researchers have always been concerned that "ultra" exercisers might be at a higher risk of death, but the study found that not to be the case.

[Being very fit lowers risk of death. 
Whether shoveling snow or running a Marathon, not giving your heart enough rest breaks CAN harm it. 
Ultra exercisers who do NOT do this have died from heart attacks.
So it depends hugely on if you are ultra fit or ultra in overloading your heart past its capacity too much.]

"There is no level of exercise or fitness that exposes you to risk," he said. "We can see from the study that the ultra-fit still have lower mortality."

"In this study, the most fit individuals did the best," said Metzl, who was not involved in the study. "Once cleared by their physicians, patients shouldn't be afraid of exercise intensity."

The benefits of exercise were seen across all ages and in both men and women, "probably a little more pronounced in females," Jaber said. "Whether you're in your 40s or your 80s, you will benefit in the same way."

The risks, he said, became more shocking when comparing those who don't exercise much. "We all know that a sedentary lifestyle or being unfit has some risk. But I'm surprised they overwhelm even the risk factors as strong as smoking, diabetes or even end-stage disease."

"People who do not perform very well on a treadmill test," Jaber said, "have almost double the risk of people with kidney failure on dialysis."

What made the study so unique, beyond the sheer number of people studied, he said was that researchers weren't relying on patients self-reporting their exercise. "This is not the patients telling us what they do," Jaber said. "This is us testing them and figuring out objectively the real measure of what they do."

Comparing those with a sedentary lifestyle to the top exercise performers, he said, the risk associated with death is "500% higher."

"If you compare the risk of sitting versus the highest performing on the exercise test, the risk is about three times higher than smoking," Jaber explained.

Comparing somebody who doesn't exercise much to somebody who exercises regularly, he said, still showed a risk 390% higher. "There actually is no ceiling for the benefit of exercise," he said. ""There's no age limit that doesn't benefit from being physically fit."

Dr. Satjit Bhusri, a cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital, who was not involved in the study, said this reinforces what we know. "Sedentary, Western lifestyles have lead to a higher incidence in heart disease and this shows that it's modifiable. It's reversible," he explained, adding that doctors are really good at treating patients who have had cardiovascular events but they can be prevented. "We're meant to walk, run, exercise. It's all about getting up and moving."

Not exercising worse than smoking,

For patients, especially those who live a sedentary lifestyle, Jaber said, "You should demand a prescription from your doctor for exercise." “

C. Some explanations of what fitness is and ways to develop it:

Fitness comes from building up to relatively short sessions of fast or intense effort in some kind of variable cardio where these sessions are followed by easier effort or a rest and this is repeated.

Or it can be done by effective strength training with heavy weights in the large muscle exercises like deadlifts and leg presses.

These two kinds of exercises share that they are intense enough, you have to do extra and deeper breathing to recover from the effort.

This has been shown to release growth hormone and improve the health of the mitochondria in your heart.

Doing this with cardio or slightly lighter weights while only breathing through your nose also causes your body to generate new red blood cells to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood.

You can do this with short walks that begin with brisk walking and then have sections of race walking followed by brisk walking.  I do this for a half mile walk while only doing nose breathing.  At first that was difficult and is now easy.
Even two to four of these a week can keep you fit!

Similarly doing 7 to 12 leg presses using the position that uses your buttocks to lift more with enough weigh after you build up to it will cause you to breathe quite deeply for a few minutes.

This too can increase your fitness once you build up to enough weight.

D.  It’s also important to NOT take the drugs that make such exercises unsafe to do and have the reverse effect and to NOT take beta blockers that block you from the efforts that make you fit. (Slow nose breathing can do much of what beta blockers are supposed to do; but it increases your fitness instead of damaging or preventing it!)

Statin drugs actually reduce fitness by harming your mitochondria and aren’t a very good preventive for heart events.  But far worse is that they can cause and have caused effective exercises for fitness to cause such severe damage to your mitochondria it’s irreversible and can kill and has.

Becoming fit and eating right in a way that includes organic cruciferous vegetables and taking certain supplements is several times more heart protective than statins.  So NOT taking them or discontinuing them can make sense.

It IS essential to take action to protect your heart.  But why not become fit and eat right?  It’s much safer AND more effective!     

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Monday, October 22, 2018

My monthly fatloss report October 2018....Today's post: 
Monday, 10-22-2018

Here's the key news:

Short term results are finally better!

But, it looks like my desired long term gains will take a lot more work still.

Fat Loss Report as measured on Saturday, 10-20-2018

I lost 1.9 pounds since last month to 170.4 from 172.3 pounds.

My goal weight is 161 pounds so I went from 11.3 pounds over to 9.4 pounds over.  This is finally a bit better!

I. Since last month, I lost 1.9 or about 2 pounds.

Cutting out all the few added sugars in my diet and cutting my wine intake in half and eating the same otherwise worked at least that much.

Chest was about 39 and a half -- about a quarter inch less.

Waist was about 43-- about the same

Hips were 39-- about the same

II. Was pleased to be able to do without wine on the days I set to do that. 

No longer using molasses or the bit of dark chocolate was easier. They weren’t that good tasting and were messy & time consuming to eat. 

Not buying any more organic raisins removed them; but I liked them enough to be sorry to see them go!  Logistically, it was easy. I stopped buying them and my wife ate the few left in the container.

Eating only at meal times was a small adjustment but has been quite doable.

III. According to an article I once read, the wine I was drinking each week was supporting 12 pounds of fat.  So removing half that may eventually take off half of 12 pounds or six pounds. 

Since I’ve lost 2 pounds, that suggests that staying with the wine cut back may eventually cause another 4 pounds of fat loss and on the scale.

That has not been my experience with other things I've tried.  But this more long term change may be different.

IV. Then too, I have been drinking bottled water from plastic containers for both chilled water & for making coffee & tea.

The BPA in that water may have been locking down my fat.  So a few days ago I finally got the FIXT system & began using it Saturday, 10-20.

That may remove a block to fatloss from other things and increase the fatloss from my belly when I lose more fat from other things.  It may also improve my health protection of my heart and liver and brain.  So, I’m pleased I got it done!

V.  The VIBE turned out to have an extra 20 minute set up and put away time and take extra time to do the exercises on it as well -- to the point it was taking an extra hour on Saturday and one on Sunday to use it. 

We had some extra time pressure on our weekends recently that prevented its use and I have decided to simply discontinue it for now. When logistics improvements and more space in our home free up the hour and remove the excess set up time, I do hope to resume using it.

VI. My strength training has been progressing without using the VIBE and I may have found a first solution to my left calf and foot weakness.  If it works, it takes 6 to 10 weeks and I've only been using it a bit over one week.  By my report in December or January I may have good news.

VII. This morning I did 180 pushups and 55 more after a brief rest for a total of 235.

This is a bit less than I did a month ago at: 194 and 47 more after a brief rest for a total of 241.

But I did 205 + 54 = 259 last Monday.

(When I can do about 205 + 45 I'll stop at 205 even when that gets a bit easy; but I'll begin to do the 45 more with extra tensing and slower. That way I'll likely not become less fit; but I'll cause more muscle growth.

That apparently will take a bit more work!  I ran out of gas this morning far too easily for that to happen soon. I may need to go to the gym to get stronger with heavier weights to achieve that, for example.)

My waist measurement simply is the same as it was last month at about 43 inches. I want it to be 34 instead of 43! I’d hoped to lose a bit on my waist with the weight loss I did have!

My hips measured about 39.   This is the same as last time.

VIII. Fixes likely to work that I cannot yet put in place:

Clearly I need to cut back someplace on calories and sugars IN the foods I’ve been eating and reduce their volume a bit and get back to the gym to do heavier weight exercises with barbells and the leg press machine. 

Eating grass fed beef and lamb or Greek yogurt from grass fed cows instead of grass fed yogurt with lactose and which takes up more room in my stomach would help for my breakfast and some breakfasts and dinners.

During my cut down week one week out of four, it might help to have my whey with water and Bullet Proof collagen protein instead of milk.  This would provide less support for building muscle that week.  But it might help my fat loss and to shrink my waist.

AND I need a logistics upgrade to free up the time to go to the gym --
AND to sleep about an hour a day more.
(Sleeping more is known to cut belly fat and to increase muscle and bone building if you exercise which cuts overall fat!)

I recently discovered that a very successful bodybuilder, Ben Pakulski, takes 3 grams a day of a Lion’s mane supplement.  I learned from him that part of increasing strength is increasing the motor nerve control of your muscular contractions while doing exercises.  And working that hard in your workouts tends to de-energize you mentally. 
It seems that research backs up that when taking Lion’s mane you become less depressed and you act less depressed and your blood results back this up.  Unlike the BDNF from exercise you generate more of that can build lasting nerve improvements, research shows that while Lion’s mane works, the nerves it regrows fade when and if you stop taking it.  The better news is that the increased muscle size and strength may remain!

Each of these changes would help; but they each take more money or space where I live or both than I currently have available. 

So, once again, to lose more fat, in my case, I need to increase my income.

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Safely enhance fatloss and muscle building and love making….Today's post:  Thursday, 10-18-2018

1.  So far both the drugs and supplements to do this directly are either ineffective or have serious side effects or both.

The worst combination is when such supplements contain the somewhat effective drugs or drugs with bad side effects. The very worst is when they contain a dose or drug known to be dangerous when the supplement label and its maker don’t disclose this.

Recently, the FDA released information that supplements designed and promoted to enhance fatloss and muscle building and love making often have either or both of these problems.

Did they spend the money to find out which ones and remove them from the market as they are legally empowered to do?

Nope.  What they did, because it’s so much cheaper, is release the information that this is so.

This casts all supplements in a bad light -- which the FDA’s only real income source, the large drug companies, like.

Clearly, the FDA to be honest and effective, needs separate funding and to separate its regulatory arms for supplements and for foods from its drug arm.

For now it is a good choice I think to not buy such supplements. 

Unfortunately Bodybuilding.com & the GNC chain sell and promote the ones most likely to cause these problems.  The Vitamin Shoppe sells them but also sells legitimate supplements.  There you can just skip the supplements to enhance fatloss and muscle building and love making. 

2.  Using honest and unadulterated supplements with other benefits that contribute – and eating right and exercising – it IS possible to safely enhance fatloss and muscle building and love making.

You can take supplements that protect or restore blood flow and heart health. (We just covered that vitamin K2 plus D3 does this for example.)

You can take supplements that protect or restore nerves and brain cells –
& some of those tend to prevent or stop depression and migraines!

You can take supplements that enable your body to produce testosterone and remove DHT which enhances free testosterone for building bone & muscle and love making. (Zinc and vitamin D3 and the herbs fenugreek and Tongkat ali and the nerve grower gotu kola and creatine all do this.  Removing cell phone radiation from your private parts also does this! Effective strength training of your larger muscles does this.)

You can take supplements that prevent bone and joint problems which can limit you if not done.  (These include vitamin K2 and D3 and magnesium and boron and more to build healthy bone and ginger and turmeric and the curcumin in it reduce the excess inflammation that causes joint pain and makes it worse too. Leg strength training also helps build bone.)

AND you can take supplements that slow aging.  Bruce Ames just did an article that lists several of them that evidence suggests work!)

Eating right and exercising both turns off the opposite effects AND makes these supplements work better!  (If you no longer eat or drink heart attack starters or bone removers, it’s very protective of your heart and circulation and bone strength!)

3.  It also helps enormously to STOP ineffective drugs that harm fatloss and muscle building and love making.

Horribly this includes virtually all the major drugs given to treat or prevent chronic conditions.

They speed aging, cause pain, and often reduce your mobility and ability to do exercises or make love to near zero. Some of them have a death rate!  And then they cost a lot of money.

Statins and beta blockers are supposed to protect your heart and objective tests show they add  very little protection if at all. 

Statins DO speed up aging; cause and significantly worsen diabetes. Statins cause muscle damage in people who exercise well; and harm nerves.  They also increase calcification of the blood vessels of the heart.  For those in whom statins cause insomnia or migraines, the only effective way to stop them starts by discontinuing all statins.

Beta blockers were tested to add little to heart health and reducing harmful events.  But they cause an immediate jump in perceived age; prevent effective exercise; cause heart failure; and even help cause bone loss.  Worst of all, they prevent effective love making AND cause an unliftable and pervasive depression.

Blood thinners are directly dangerous to adjust to a safe dosage.  The extra doctor visits and consultations and the cost of the drugs is undesirable. They do have some positive effect directly; but the cost is too high in the overall health of the person taking them to be used in almost all cases.  Taking the supplements and eating the foods that are most heart protective and brain protective becomes dangerous when taking blood thinners!  Exercise becomes less safe to do in a similar way to beta blockers.  In the long term this makes disability and an early death more likely and the person taking the blood thinning drugs a cardiac cripple.  The is truly unfortunate because the foods and supplements that become unsafe to take when taking blood thinners actually prevent dangerous blood clots as well with none of these downsides!

SSRI antidepressants are about as effective as placebo.  But they are dreadfully addictive because they often punish the people who begin them and stop.  Worse, they boost serotonin in the blood where it causes problems.  By contrast exercise and thinking warm and loving thoughts and taking enough vitamin D3 boost serotonin in the brain where they do lift depression.  Worst of all for SSRI antidepressants, it’s been discovered lately that they cause bone loss!

The drugs for osteoporosis do little to build healthy bone and almost nothing to reduce broken bones.  Worse, they make bones brittle if heavier but stop healthy bone growth and make deadly fractures of the pelvis and legs causing falls MORE likely. Worst of all, the side effects are horrible from acid reflux are so bad it has caused fatal cancers of the esophagus.  Since stopping all soft drinks and the sugars and sweeteners and artificial sweeteners in them and eating foods and supplements that cause healthy bone growth and taking estrogen replacement during the perimenopause and first year or two and leg strength training DO work well, there is zero justification for taking these harmful drugs.

So do not take supplements that claim to directly cause fatloss or build muscle or enhance love-making that are publicized as such or shop in stores that promote them.

Instead, take the legitimate supplements that do work and have other benefits;
eat right; and exercise.  Those actions are safe and effective!

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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Healthy bones and teeth and hearts....Today's post:  Tuesday, 10-16-2018

In the 1930’s a research Dentist from Canada, Dr Weston Price, decided to survey the groups of people around the world who still ate the traditional diets they had for the hundred years and more before that.

Other than eating zero sugar or wheat flour, these diets varied with the foods available in the location of each group.

What got Dr Price’s close attention is that bad and mis-aligned teeth were not to be found in any of these groups.

They also tended to not get broken bones.

Other than zero sugar or wheat flour, all the groups had these things in common.  He named this mystery, magical substance, “the intrinsic factor.”

It was vitamin K2!

We now know that vitamin K2 removes calcium from the blood vessels and puts it into the part of the bone marrow that uses the calcium and vitamin D3 and magnesium to build new healthy bone.

Research has even found that people with calcium deposits in their arteries can remove it within weeks by taking vitamin K2.  One study found 53% of these deposits were removed in just 6 weeks from beginning to take vitamin K2!

Since a high level of calcium deposits sharply increases the chances of a heart attack, this is very important.

(A statin was shown to increase calcium deposits in the arteries which surprised me at the time.  Since then I’ve learned that statins deplete the body of vitamin K2.

This means K2 protects your heart and statins are contraindicated as a heart event preventive agent.   This is besides being contraindicated by depleting the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 and harming the mitochondria in the heart and its nerves!)

I.  In a recent email, Dr Al Sears suggests K2 is so potent because it works with your body’s stem cells to keep your body’s critical systems in good repair:

“When I was in medical school, I learned about a real-life Indiana Jones. Like me, he didn’t subscribe to the mainstream way of medicine. He truly wanted to find out what makes people healthy.

This renegade researcher traveled the globe to finally discover a missing nutrient lacking in today’s modern food supply.

I’m talking about Dr. Weston Price.

Dr. Price discovered the “what” but now I know the “how.” He discovered the missing nutrient, but he didn’t realize the extent of its powers on the human body. And how it actually activates your stem cells.

If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that stem cells are the most powerful cells in your body. They are your reserve of healthy master cells that can grow into any other kind of human cell. It’s how your body was designed to repair itself.

You see, he found the tribes that stayed true to their native diets had no trace of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity... or even crooked teeth. They all had wide, attractive faces, full smiles and no hint of excess fat.

Dr. Price found that native diets contained 10 times the amount of fat-soluble vitamins, and at least four times the amount of calcium and other minerals than Western diets.

At the same time, their intake of omega-3 fats was at least 10 times higher than in today's diet. And their diets were rich in other ways...

Wherever Dr. Price went, he found all native diets had one essential nutrient in common — an all-important fat-soluble nutrient, which he labeled “Activator X.”

Today, we know Activator X as vitamin K2. This is one critical nutrient that we’re severely lacking today.

1.  Recent research has revealed K2 as a “youth nutrient,” because it boosts the production of stem cells in your body — providing you with an impenetrable immune system and a heightened ability to regenerate and heal.1,2,3

Studies now show that K2 is a powerful stem cell regulator that supercharges bone marrow stem cells, the very source of your body’s immune system. It’s the nutrient your immune system needs to stay strong and robust, so you don’t have to worry about chronic diseases.

2.  Bones and teeth are strengthened because K2 promotes the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into “osteo” cells — thereby generating new bone.4,5

Vitamin K2 has also been shown to reactivate “sleeping” adult stem cells, get them back to work keeping your bones and skeletal frame youthful and strong. 

These mesenchymal stem cells also bolster the function of bone marrow, which produces red blood cells, platelets, and immune cells that allow your body to stave off infections and diseases.6 

[This time of year with colds and flu, is a great time to begin to take vitamin K2 if you haven’t already!]

3. Other studies show K2 fights inflammation — the root of all disease — by controlling the production of certain immune system stem cells.7

Boost Your Stem Cells for Primal Health with “Activator X”

Dr. Price found his “Activator X” in fish, shellfish, organ meats and butter from cows eating green grass. 

Our primal ancestors got plenty from eating organ meats like liver, kidney, heart, eyes and brains. Fortunately, there are other ways to get enough K2.

II. "Vitamin K2 Steps Into the Spotlight for Bone and Heart Health"

This was in a recent news item on Medscape in their Cardiology news because of the positive effects of vitamin K2 on heart health:

Since its discovery nearly 90 years ago, vitamin K has enjoyed the uncomplicated status of an essential nutrient, respected but somewhat overlooked. Guidelines advised that we get our daily recommended intake of vitamin K (120 µg for men and 90 µg for women[1]) but most likely made no mention that it exists in two variants, K1 and K2.

Beginning in the 21st century, however, researchers started closely scrutinizing the structural differences between K1 and K2, which before had been considered largely irrelevant.[2] Their work has indicated that K2 may deserve special consideration as a treatment for osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

The umbrella term vitamin K actually describes a family of fat-soluble compounds. The body has limited ability to store the vitamin and amounts are rapidly depleted without regular dietary intake.

Vitamin K2, also known as menaquinone (MK), is primarily bacterial in origin. K2 is mostly encountered in fermented foods, meats, and dairy products.[4] It is further subgrouped based on the length of its side chains, from MK-4 to MK-13.[4,5] For example, meat products typically include the MK-4 variants, whereas the traditional Japanese vegetarian dish natto ,made from fermented soybeans, contains MK-7, which provides the highest known vitamin K activity. K2 can also be produced by the human gut's microbiome, though the absorption and transport of K2 produced in this manner is less understood.[1]

Natto is high in MK7 K2 and butter and cheese egg yolks and chicken liver have useful amounts & tend to have the 4 or 8 & 9 varieties Beef has some but not much and fish has a little Calves liver has less than I thought but a big serving might be helpful

“Animals synthesize it from the K1 they ingest from eating grass. As agricultural practices have shifted animals away from grassy pastures toward grains, K2 levels have decreased.[2] Because K2 is usually present in only modest amounts, and even less so in low-fat and lean animal products, many Western diets are inadequate providers of a nutrient researchers consider increasingly important.”

[This may mean that liver and beef from cows fed only grass have more K2 than the table in this article suggests.]

“Although K2's effect has been studied across a variety of conditions, including cancer and arthritis, to date the strongest evidence exists to support its use in osteoporosis and cardiovascular health.[5]

Bone Health
Vitamin K's bone-building reputation is well earned, as it is necessary for activating proteins secreted by osteoblasts.[2] K2 draws calcium into the bone matrix and can inhibit bone resorption when administered with vitamin D3.[2] The MK-7 form of vitamin K2 has proven particularly adept in this process.[6]

Supplemental K2 has been associated with significant reductions (approximately 25%-80%) in fracture risk when used alone

Cardiovascular Disease
K2 activates matrix Gla protein (MGP), which keeps calcium deposits from forming on vessel walls. Research has shown that adequate K2 intake generally frees calcium up for its more beneficial roles, whereas K2 deficiencies will lead to a buildup of calcifications.[5]”

“….in the 2004 prospective population-based Rotterdam Study, which included 4807 individuals with no history of myocardial infarction.[12] After following the cohort for up to 7 years, researchers reported that high K2 intake led to significant risk reductions in coronary heart disease, all-cause mortality, and severe aortic calcification when compared with those with the lowest K2 intake. In comparison, K1 intake had no discernible protective benefits.

A cohort study of over 16,000 women free of cardiovascular disease also reported a strong correlation between increased K2 intake and reduced coronary events, but not for K1.[13]”

III. In another article recently on vitamin K2, Mike Matthews notes that for bone building and preventing or helping reverse osteoporosis, taking it with vitamin D3 magnifies this effect of vitamin K2!

Since a separate research study found that vitamin D3 helped heal damaged heart cells, this also means that taking vitamin K2 and D3 together works best for heart protection!

IV. Jarrow makes a softgel with 5,000 iu of vitamin D3 and Solgar makes one with 10,000 iu of vitamin D3.

Jarrow also makes a vitamin K2 supplement, MK7, that has 90 mcg of that form of vitamin K2.

So if you want to make use of this research you can take these.

AND, remember Dr Weston Price’s other finding:

Eat zero sugar or wheat flour.

The evidence for the harm these do to your heart and bones is as strong as the new research on vitamin K2 is good!

Note that artificial sweetners are worse than sugar in their effects as well!

Lastly, note that Dr Susan Peirce Thompson has shown that sugar and artificial sweetners AND wheat flour tend to be addictive and force those who consume them to be fat!

The better news is that if you don’t eat ANY, you escape that effect. 

She discovered the effects on the control circuits in your brain if you eat them and discovered the way to avoid this is to just not trigger the problem and eat zero sweeteners and flour.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Food convenience can remove fat OR make you fat and sick….
Today's post:  Thursday, 10-11-2018

A. A CDC report that our local San Mercury wrote up yesterday, said nearly half of Americans who work long hours or commute too or have children, eat fast food from once to a few times a day. Of course this almost always includes the soft drinks they make the most money on!

Astonishingly people who make more money often do this more times a week!

Name any chronic illness you’d rather avoid from Alzheimers to being restricted to a wheelchair all your waking hours and being in pain a lot and headed for huge medical bills.

THAT form of convenience, research shows, causes or worsens ALL of them!

B.  Mercifully there is another form of convenience that can cost a bit less that removes fat!

Stop ever visiting a fast food place and stop all the semi-foods and soft drinks and dangerous additives they add to them.

Whack!  ALL that time and money gets lifted from your shoulders and your wallet.

This is a wise step for two reasons.  These things are so dreadfully harmful even once a week will harm you.

Second and perhaps most important, these things and their components are addictive and the fast food places and their suppliers make sure this is so!

Susan Peirce Thompson did serious research that found that most people who eat or drink ANY of these things trigger unstoppable urges to eat or drink more!

She found this both guarantees being fat and unable to remove it AND serious drops in self esteem by not being able to resist these urges.

The much better news is that if you choose to feel good about escaping this trap and eating only nutritious foods you eat by plan and never make exceptions, there are ways to make it as convenient!

One is to eat a high protein breakfast at home, take and eat zero food to work, and eat a high or moderate protein breakfast at dinner.  And you also eat organic low carb vegetables and organic whole fruit and health OK oils at breakfast and dinner.

I did that today!  I spent no time setting up food to take to work or driving somewhere to eat and no time eating at all.

Including extra drive time, someone who eats fast food and did so today will spend an hour or more and several dollars doing so.

I didn’t!  And, I do this once every week.

If you have been spending the time at fast food places instead, you can save time and make your day even more convenient too.

Both Dr Thompson and fatloss coach Isabel de Los Rios say to plan the food you will eat each week  and take some time to buy it once or twice a week.  Isabel de Los Rios likes to pre-prep meals for her family in batches on weekends so she can fix and serve it very fast on weekdays.

To have my weekends free except for the shopping trip, I do some prep work a few evenings a week depending on how that week is going.

Now, this can be even more time efficient by having someone else shop for you!

Best of all, you can pay for better quality organic food and even the shopping service with the money you are no longer spending at fast food places or buying those foods and drinks and lugging them home!

For people who want more information why this is so from me and Dr Peirce here it is from a previous blog post:

1.  In her book, “Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin & Free
                                                         by Susan Peirce Thompson PHD.”  --

She explains that the foundation of the success of her method is that the first two Bright Lines of the four are:

1.  Never eat or drink any sugars or sweeteners.

2. Never eat any wheat or foods that contain it.

This works for two reasons:

Both categories of things tend to cause your body to add excess fat even in small amounts.

AND about 90 % of the people find them addictive enough that including ANY causes brain activity that removes the control of the person eating them in a way that causes binging or consistent intake of more calories of these things to prevent fatloss.

Abundant research shows that these foods or semifoods fatten enough, it’s clear that not eating ANY is the best way to lose fat.

Dr Thompson’s contribution is that consuming ANY removes your control of your eating both in amount and content.

She’s done the cognitive science research that shows exactly how and why that happens!

The first new way to lose fat, in addition to that, is to know that both categories contain an extra fattener and health harmer that makes them even more important to leave them completely out of your food & drink.

We now know that both sugars & sweeteners AND wheat and other grains contain enough glyphosate and the unlisted poisons applied with it to kill weeds to be even more fattening.

II. Worse, even if you stop eating both sweeteners and wheat and even other grains,
your body very likely has enough glyphosate and the unlisted poisons applied with it to kill weeds to deplete tyrosine and turn down thyroid which reduces the calories you burn!

So, the second new way to fatloss is to take tyrosine supplements and other foods and supplements to sharply reverse this effect and increase the calories you burn and how energetic you feel.

Last Tuesday we posted on this in detail.

I’ve included that post inside this one next:

1.  High intake of glyphosate and the unlisted poisons applied with it to kill weeds tends to cause cancers and other health problems.

2.  Sugars and other sweeteners made from corn and hybrid wheat and other grains are addictive enough and harmful enough if eaten much at all, the only safe intake for most people is zero.

Foods made with wheat, particularly refined grain hybrid wheat and many other grains are addictive enough and harmful enough if eaten much at all, the only safe intake for most people is zero.

3.  Sugar beets and corn and wheat and oats and other grains are spayed with glyphosate and the unlisted poisons applied with it a few days before harvesting because killing them dries out the crops.

This does increase shelf life and reduce molds;
but drying the grain and beets in this way instead of using a dryer of some kind in the field makes it even more undesirable to eat them!

Steve Holman sent out an email recently that linked to a Mike Geary article.

Mike’s article is dated:  August 29, 2018

It’s so well done and clearly written I quote from it here. 

[As I often do, I add comments in brackets like these. The bolding is also mine.]


“Cheerios levels of glyphosate at 470-530 parts per billion (ppb) are some of the highest levels present in any of the tested foods.

Doss states that “General Mills failed to disclose or actively concealed information reasonable consumers need to know before purchasing [Cheerios], and knew or should have known that Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios contained glyphosate, but withheld this information from consumers and the general public.”

This means that General Mills may be in violation of several state consumer protection laws.

Says Steve Gardner, legal consultant at Gardner Consulting, and former head of the food law practice at the Stanley Law Group, “In the wake of the $289m Monsanto damages award, we expect to see plaintiffs’ attorneys target products containing glyphosate, even in trace amounts…”

Independent laboratory testing ordered by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), shows heavy doses of glyphosate in almost all of 45 samples of cereal and snack products made with conventionally-grown oats (non-organic). 

What’s even scarier is that 75% of those samples had higher levels of glyphosate that what is considered acceptable and safe.

And, if you think you are safe from glyphosate because you are only buying organic, consider that 30% of cereals and snacks tested from organically-grown grains also had glyphosate.

Another lab, Anresco, a U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) registered lab, using one of the most reliable tests for glyphosate residues, tested thirty foods commonly found in grocery stores. Their findings were also consistent with EWG’s findings.

Some of the highest glyphosate residue was found in General Mills Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Stacy’s Pita crackers, Ritz crackers, Lucy’s oatmeal cookies, Kashi dark chocolate soft baked cookies, Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies, and Oreos, and dozens of other so-called ‘healthy’ cereals and snacks

“Frankly, such a high level of glyphosate contamination found in Cheerios, Doritos, Oreos…is alarming and should be a wake-up call for any parent trying to feed their children safe, healthy and non-toxic food,” Dave Murphy, executive director of Food Democracy Now!,” said.

Farmers often have trouble getting their grain crops like corn, wheat and barley to dry out quickly for harvest, especially in wetter climates. 

So, the Big Ag chemical companies came up with the idea to douse the crops with glyphosate one to two weeks before harvest to kill the plants and accelerate the grain dry-out. 

This pre-harvest use of glyphosate allows farmers to harvest crops as much as two weeks earlier than they normally would.

Crop desiccation with glyphosate is a very common practice, and farmers use massive amounts of glyphosate on non-GMO crops such as wheatoatssoybeanscorn and other crops right before harvest.

Along with wheat and oats, glyphosate is used to desiccate a variety of other crops including 
peanutslentilspeassoybeans, flax, rye, triticale, buckwheat, millet, 
canolasugar beets and potatoes

These food products are essentially drenched with glyphosate just a couple weeks prior to harvest, meaning even higher levels of glyphosate once these crops are harvested.

According to the EPA, glyphosate in used in the U.S. on at least 70 different food crops, including:
 grainsspinachavocadosalmondswalnuts, figs, plums, grapes, kiwilemonsgrapefruit, pistachios, and pomegranates. 

The widespread usage of glyphosate makes it nearly impossible to avoid, and sample testing shows 93% of us test positive for glyphosate in our bodies.

glyphosate interferes with the activation of vitamin D in the liver by inhibiting the cytochrome P450 enzymes, creating a host of other problems related to vitamin D deficiency.

Thyroid Problems–
Glyphosate also depletes the body of tyrosine, an essential nutrient needed proper thyroid hormone. As a consequence, thyroid issues are increasing as well—often manifesting as hypothyroid problems, or autoimmune Hashimoto thyroid conditions.

{Mercifully, you can take 500 mg capsules of tyrosine to help reverse this problem directly in addition to not eating these foods.]

No matter how healthy and ‘clean’ your family’s diet may be, this pervasive chemical is extremely difficult to avoid! 

It is used on most all conventional crops, and its residues are in water run-off, streams, lakes, and rain. 

[Filtering water then can reduce glyphosate intake with a good enough filter.  <<<<< ]

It is also carried through the air, so that even 100% organic foods now show traces of glyphosate.

 If you choose to eat grains and legumes at all (which many people avoid if they follow a Paleo style diet), make sure to choose [only] organic grains and legumes. 

Eating an organic diet for 1 week reduces pesticide exposure in the diet by 90%.

• Avoid eating conventional grains and processed foods.

• Eat meat, poultry, eggs, butter and dairy products only from 100% grass fed or organically fed animals.

• Eat sulfur rich foods like eggs, organic cheese [from cows fed only grass], onions and garlic. Glyphosate exposure in the body depletes sulfur and also effects sulfate pathways.

[Taking deodorized garlic supplements and taking glucosamine sulfate does this and has other health benefits.]

• Eat fermented foods and probiotics. Especially important are fermented foods with a live culture of acetobacter. 

This includes organic apple cider vinegarsauerkraut, kimchi…. cheeses and yogurt.

Supplement with glutathione and manganese—two nutrients glyphosate depletes.

[I take manganese but just 10 mg twice a week as more can be toxic.

I also take NAC, n-acetyl-cysteine, that boosts glutathione in part because its cysteine is a sulfur containing amino acid.])

[ Get plenty of sun so your body can make vitamin D, or supplement with D3.      

Assuming that minimizing glyphosate and taking plenty of D3 will avoid this hazard, the combination of eating no sugars or grains and taking at least 10,000 iu a day of vitamin D3 may work.  It’s also safest and most health beneficial to take at least 90 mcg a day of vitamin K2 with   that much vitamin D3.]

[In addition, for this and many other reasons, it makes sense to filter the water you drink and cook with and wash dishes with.

https://fixtwater.com/products/ & https://fixtwater.com/ has an at home system that looks as if it does this well. ]   

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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

A new way to slow aging....Today's post:  Tuesday, 10-9-2018

There are many ways to slow aging.

1.  A growth hormone for repairing and making new nerves and brain cells, BDNF, is released by effective but not excessive vigorous cardio and effective strength training.

Taking the omega 3 DHA or eating wild caught fish high in it boosts this effect.

Studies show the mitochondria and nerves that serve your muscles tend to stay in their youthful state.

A Stanford study found this prevents chronic diseases and lengthens life at the same time which makes the years of worthwhile life of exercisers decades longer!

Eating and drinking harmful ingredients and foods and drinks, tend to block this effect.  So does using tobacco or nicotine or breathing tobacco smoke.  So avoiding them all 100% of the time not only prevents things that speed aging, it allows the exercise you do to slow it down!

2.  All your cells work better with a youthful supply of energy.  That energy is generated in each of your cells by your mitochondria.  If they are all healthy and plentiful, everything in your body tends to work well. 

If your mitochondria die or worse become senescent and nonfunctioning but block healthy ones your important parts of your body such as your brain & heart work more slowly or stop.

Statin drugs harm your mitochondria and so are contraindicated for all uses by anyone who wants to avoid increasing their rate of aging.  (There are much better ways to lower small particle LDL and inflammation and prevent heart and cardiovascular disease that do not have this problem.)

For older people who no longer make their own CoQ10, taking the supplement of the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 your body uses increases the health and output of your mitochondria that still work OK.

Research found that PQQ found in kiwifruit and some other foods when given as a supplement increased the number of mitochondria!

Even better, other studies found that taking PQQ upgraded somewhat damaged mitochondria to healthy AND, best of all, killed off and removed senescent mitochondria that were slowing down the healthy ones!

There is some evidence that quercetin and rhodiola also do this.

3.  Now, a flavonoid in apples has been shown to cause senescent mitochondria to undergo aptosis so your immune system can remove them!

The flavonoid fistein found in onions and apples kills and removes senescent cells to slow aging!

Medical News Today reported this research:

A compound found in apples can slow down aging. A natural compound called fistein, found in apples, can help slow down aging. One key factor in the aging process is known as "cellular senescence," or the aging of the cell.

"....senolytics, which are molecules that target and destroy senescent cells to slow down or prevent the aging process, can effectively prolong an individual's lifespan and improve their health."

"....Of all the compounds they looked into, the one that was most effective was fistein, which naturally occurs in many fruits and vegetables — including apples, strawberries, onions, and cucumbers.

When treating aging mice with fistein, the team saw that it reduced the levels of senescent cells in the animals, prolonging their lifespan and contributing to better health."

PQQ & quercetin also are thought to also do this, Dr Al Sears found the UC Davis study saying PQQ does so. I also saw a reference saying quercetin does this.  Quercetin is also found in onions!  Rhodiola prevents age related decline in muscular performance which may be because it does this also.

Notably PQQ, likely rhodiola, and maybe quercetin do this in the mitochondria.

4.  It’s hard to get truly 100% organic apples.  But organic apple sauce and organic onions are also available.  Best of all onions have anti-cancer phyto-nutrients too!

Wash organic apples in a water and sodium bicarbonate solution. Pat dry and peel and core the apples and then wash the peeled apple chunks in sodium bicarb. You can dice the chunks also.

Peel and dice some organic yellow or red onions. 

Then steam both together and when just tender put them into warm olive oil.

The resulting dish will give you high bioavailability of the fistein and quercetin and many of the anti-cancer nutrients in the onions.

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