Easy start fat loss tips, part III....
Post: Thursday, 4-21-2016
A recent Parade
Magazine article covered a number of ways people have successfully lost weight.
So, it occurred to
me to leverage their article into a set of things that can be easy to do to
start successful fat loss after reading it.
This is part III of
the part II post I did a week ago and the first one I posted two weeks ago!:
Last time,
Thursday, 4-14-2016, we said this one would have:
a) What kinds of exercises work best for fat loss?
b) How to eat enough health OK carbs to avoid excess hunger
WITHOUT de-railing fat loss-- while also removing more fat each month.
c) And, how better sleep helps you be healthier, think
better, AND be less fat—
-- plus the set of the easiest things to do to help create
better sleep you can do right away.
Before we
present those, here is a quick review of what is in part I & part II:
first two parts mostly had what to eat and drink and what NOT to eat and drink.
Simply put:
a) Stop entirely
eating & drinking the things that make you fat and sick. (That list is
b) Learn how to
find and eat real foods that keep you healthy, prevent disease, and tend to
keep you lean. (That list is also long.)
Then eat that way
until you get a regular pattern of meals that use those foods to make an eating
plan customized to you and what you like.
Doing both of those
things will tend to prevent excess hunger and cravings once you become used to
Within a few weeks,
your blood indicators of health will often drop out of the danger zone.
And, if you were
eating and drinking the temporarily normal diet (1965 to 2005) of junky foods
and drinks before, within two or three months you may lose 25 pounds of fat or
more without any effort whatever to eat less than you are hungry for.
Astonishingly, you
may find you are less hungry and have fewer cravings too!
But what if you
want to lose all your excess fat? What
if you want to get rid of it faster?
What if even after
you lose 20 or 30 pounds doing that first set of things, you still look fat and
clearly have a good bit more fat to lose?
That’s what’s in
this part III post! It has:
a) What kinds of exercises work best for fat loss?
b) How to eat enough health OK carbs to avoid excess hunger
WITHOUT de-railing fat loss-- while also removing more fat each month.
c) And, how better sleep helps you be healthier, think
better, AND be less fat—
-- plus the set of the easiest things to do to help create
better sleep you can do right away.
[Do some people
need even more things to lose fat successfully?
Yes. Here’s the
If you do all these
things well in these three posts, even if there are extra obstacles to your fat
loss, you will lose fat anyway. You may
even lose well over half of it. Most people do. And, you will still get almost all the health
AND, for each of
these obstacles there are solutions! In
our upcoming fat loss support membership site we will have the solutions for
each of these obstacles.]
a) What kinds of exercises work best for fat loss?
*Would you like all
the weight you lose on the scale to be fat only?
Eat enough protein
and do these exercises and it will be.
*Would you like to
be able to eat enough more food while still losing fat, that you avoid
excess hunger and it’s doable to keep the fat off that you lose?
You can with the
right exercises. That’s why they are the biggest key to permanent fat loss!
*Would you like to
lose enough more fat that you look better even more than you can with eating
right alone?
Yes. The right exercises do that. And, as a bonus they slow aging best!
*Would you like to
begin to get the higher self esteem and feeling better that you are losing fat
to gain right away AND even before the fat comes off?
Just beginning the
right exercises is proven to do just that.
And, as a bonus, it makes eating right easier too!
*Would you like to
lose fat faster than you can just beginning to eat right? For many people, the right exercises deliver
that to you also!
What kinds
of exercises work best for fat loss and to do all those things for you?
Effective strength
Variable or
interval cardio using high intensity exercises.
Short brisk walks
in an interval cardio style.
They can be
surprisingly time efficient and still effective. They cause you to burn calories even when you
are at rest enough that they will add to and speed fat loss. And, when added to enough protein have been
shown to ensure ALL the weight you lose is fat.
Two other kinds of
exercise are worth doing but those three are the foundation do first and keep
The other two kinds
are those which:
a) Focus on stress relief or flexibility or
learning a physical skill or a combination of those.
b) A low effort
activity you do for half an hour or more a day.
This post focuses
on the three foundation blocks.
But we also include
a bit on those two kinds as they can add to fat loss -- and you may do them
already or like trying them if you can fit them into your lifestyle too.
*Effective strength
Doing slow rep
strength training is BOTH safer and more effective and can be done in less time
than normal speed strength training.
Instead of moving
the weight up in half a second and down about as fast take closer to 4 to 10
seconds to go up and about half that to let it down.
Because this avoids
the initial snap to start the weight moving suddenly AND you will use slightly
lighter weights, slow rep training causes dramatically fewer injuries.
The payoff is that
if you use enough weight for 8 or so of these slow reps for each exercise and
each time you try hard to do one more even if you only get a half rep on the
last one, you get something like ten times the effect!
When I first did a
workout this style after getting little feeling of my muscles being exercised
the old way, I found every single muscle felt bigger and super well
exercised. And this happened as soon as
I was done with the session.
Best of all, this is
so effective, you can get MORE results in ONE set than you can doing three sets
the old way! So with slow rep strength training,
in 20 minutes to half an hour you can get more results than you could in an
hour to hour and a half without it!
It also helps to do
exercises for your larger muscles in your legs, butt, and lower back by doing
leg presses with a high foot position or deadlifts with a barbell.
(For more
information, See The Perfect Workout www.theperfectworkout.com/ They specialize in slow rep exercises using
machine and adding a personal coach.
They are great to help you learn this style and for women who otherwise
wouldn’t know how to work out or use enough weight. And their 20 minute workouts that take about
half an hour to do once or twice a week are a way that someone too busy for
more, can get results anyway.
The downside is
that the sessions are expensive and not yet available everywhere. But if you have access to one, need the
service, and can afford it they are quite an asset.)
(And, although he
doesn’t aim for health as much as I, see www.muscleforlife.com with Mike
Matthews to learn how to use strength training plus high protein eating plus
some restriction of carbs and calories to lose fat effectively.)
* Variable or
interval cardio using high intensity exercises.
If you do a cardio
exercise hard for more than a minute or so, you get two nasty problems:
It can harm your
heart enough to give you a heart attack and has done so quite often.
You can do an hour
of it and not get the fat loss you can get with a few minute session of variable
or interval cardio using high intensity exercises.
With variable or
interval cardio using high intensity exercises, when you begin, to make it safe
you do each set just hard enough to begin to be out of breath. Then as soon as that happens, you stop to
rest until you recover or you slow down enough and for long enough you recover.
Then you begin over
time to get to higher intensity with shorter rests or slow parts.
You can do this by
doing one set of four different abdominal exercises. (I do this now and my
sessions take about 7 minutes a time.
And I do three sessions a week.
So it can be quite easy to fit them in!)
I used to do variable
cardio on a NordicTrack. I warmed up for one minute; did an eight minute
variable cardio session that I kept doing better at; then a cool down for one
minute. I was quite fit from doing this
one. And I only did it once a week – though that was in addition to the 3
sets of abdominal exercises the rest of the week.)
Jump rope is
extremely good.
When I added 3 or 4
sets of 98 twice a week, they didn’t seem that hard though I was out of breath
enough at the end of each set I did have to wait a minute or so before the next
But they were more
effective than I realized because I promptly began to set new records on my
NordicTrack while finding it easier to do!
These brief
sessions also burn calories while you recover enough to add to fat loss; and
they can be quite time efficient.
Strength training
is the number one priority for fat loss.
But adding these variable or interval cardio using high intensity
exercises for a few sessions a week too will make the fat loss greater or
easier to do or both.
* Short brisk walks in an interval cardio style.
Four or five half
mile walks done in variable cardio style with race walking sessions or even
short runs -- alternated with slower walking has been shown to have substantial
heart protection benefits. After you get
good at them, you can do them in as little as 6 minutes a time.
Without doing
those, you can be strong and fit from the first two kinds of exercise; but find
that even though you have the strength and fitness to walk fast in ordinary
life when you need to, you have to make an effort to do so.
By adding these
walks, such fast walks will be easy enough to almost be fun to do.
And, again by
adding this 200 to 350 calories of exercise each week, you can eat a bit more
and still lose fat.
The other two kinds
of exercise are those which:
a) Focus on stress relief or flexibility or
learning a physical skill or a combination of those.
Things like yoga
and Tai Chi can create stress relief which helps lose fat and belly fat.
Martial Arts training has benefits. And for some people dancing works well
because they enjoy it.
If you have time
and have one of these you know and like, they can be a great addition.
b) A low effort
activity you do for half an hour or more a day.
For some young
people and for retired people things like gardening or hiking or even lower
speed walks looking at interesting or scenic things for up to a few hours a
week can be a great addition.
But for those of us
who work, there used to be no way to fit this in.
Now, finally, there
are beginning to be good solutions that can enable you to get this kind of
exercise while you are at your desk working!
Those will be in
our website for fat loss coaching and support as they become available.
these will be in Part IV next week because I am out of time today:
b) How to eat enough health OK carbs to avoid excess hunger
WITHOUT de-railing fat loss-- while also removing more fat each month.
c) And, how better sleep helps you be healthier, think
better, AND be less fat—
-- plus the set of the easiest things to do to help create
better sleep you can do right away.
Labels: cardio that helps with fat loss, effective strength training and cardio, strength training that helps with fat loss, What kinds of exercises work best for fat loss