Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why remove hidden MSG from your food....

Today's Post:  Tuesday, 4-19-2016

MSG has been used as a spice but is now known to be an effective slow poison with both fattening and directly harmful effects. 

So calling it a spice is very close to lying and by what actually is now known to be, it IS a lie.

Despite being able to start with legitimately natural or even organic starter materials, after the chemicals needed to process them into MSG, calling it natural or organic is also a lie.

At best these uses are what Mark Twain once called “stretchers,” a kind of weasel worded lie on purpose.

This post piggybacks on an article I found in an email a bit over a week ago from the Health Freedoms people.

This email is written for people who want to avoid things like mental decline and heart disease and cancer plus people who want to lose excess fat and not gain it back.

1.  MSG is called an excitoxin because it boosts chronic inflammation so much.  But high chronic inflammation has been shown to help cause or directly cause heart disease, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and many cancers.  Plus if you get these things in other ways high chronic inflammation makes them much worse.

Because of this, MSG is one of the things you want to be sure to never ingest if you want to keep your health!

2.  MSG is a double fattener:

A study was done that showed conclusively that those who ingest MSG daily are fatter than those who do not.  And this was so in the study when the two groups ate the same number of calories!

(We now know that this may be due to effects on your gut bacteria.  And that may mean that once you create this effect with MSG, besides stopping further intake, you may also need to get beneficial bacteria that don’t continue the effect!)

But that’s not all.  Particularly in women, ingesting MSG over a long time harms your thyroid.

Less thyroid release means a slower metabolism and fewer calories burned.  That too can make what used to be the right amount of food for you fattening.

Because of this, MSG is one of the things you want to be sure to never ingest if you want to be free of excess bodyfat!

So why do so many foods and condiments and spice blends purposely spend money to put MSG into foods that would taste good without it?

MSG and other glutamates are addictive.  So apparently the boost to repeat sales pays the cost.

And, since the food companies thinks it makes them money, they put it into foods and condiments and spice blends.  And, since MSG has such a deservedly horrible reputation, the food companies hide it on purpose.

I’ve found the most common hide labels are “spices” and “natural spices” and even “organic spices!”

This could be a set of spices that wouldn’t fit on the label or proprietary spice blends.  But I’ve found that when these terms are missing and only the normal ingredients are listed, the food or spice tastes about the same.

So the most likely actual translation is “MSG or other glutamates.”

So even without the extra info in the article below, you know why to avoid MSG and the most effective way to do so.

The article though has more background and more things to avoid on labels.  So if you read that you will be more knowledgeable and able to avoid MSG even better.

The best news it has though are things that you can do to minimize the harm of the MSG you cannot avoid!

MSG was discovered in Japan a century ago by chemistry professor Kikunae Ikeda. He isolated the substance in a seaweed that for centuries Japanese cooks had been using to make food taste better and found that it was l-glutamate, which he managed crystallize and be sold as a flavor enhancer.

But it enhances or creates flavor when there is none by tricking or exciting the brain. Thus it has since been useful to create flavors where there are none. In the 1950s and ’60s a pure MSG product called Accent was a popular kitchen and outdoor grill item, often mistakenly considered a “meat tenderizer”.

Since then it’s become ubiquitous in processed snack foods, fast foods, and even health food processed foods.

Soon health conscious folks began catching on to MSG dangers, thanks to people like Dr. Russell Blaylock and others.

So the food industries simply began using glutamate extracts from other sources to function as MSG.

Eating out, you’re almost sure to be taking in some MSG. Even if the restaurant doesn’t add MSG to the food it prepares, MSG or disguised variations of the same are sure to be within the base items used for cooking purchased by the restaurant.

Even worse, some commercially grown crops are being sprayed with the essential ingredient of MSG, processed free glutamate. So a second line of defense is certainly in order.

As one consumes MSG over time, formaldehyde forms. The formaldehyde binds with cellular DNA and causes DNA damage. It tends to stick to the DNA and over time the formaldehyde accumulation causes massive cell damage, which invites diseases of all sorts, even cancer.

Within the brain and throughout the nervous system, heart, and intestinal tract there are glutamate receptors or channels. So it is not only the brain that is affected by excitotoxins over time.

If one is lacking in glutamate or other excitotoxin protection naturally, consuming a large quantity of MSG at one time can result in an immediate negative physical reaction.

Chronic consumption results in chronic medical conditions that are usually treated incorrectly.

Developing brains among young children are even or susceptible to neurological damage from MSG, which has been used in baby foods and formulas. Even mainstream media once recognized this.

Natural Protections from MSG Toxicity    [Great News!]

1.  Magnesium has been discovered to help impede glutamates from overloading glutamate receptors. People with low magnesium content are the most prone to acute excitotoxicity that can cause a sudden severe digestive distress, headache, or even heart attack.

Magnesium is vital to 300 biochemical functions within the body. So it is important for overall health in addition to blocking glutamate sensors or channels from excitotoxin overload. Almost everybody on the SAD (standard American diet) diet is magnesium deficient.

Magnesium comes in all sorts of supplemental forms, magnesium citrate is popular, inexpensive, and recommended. But there others, some not so recommended. 

 [Magnesium content is high in green, leafy organic vegetables. Chard is my favorite. It is also available in nuts which is another reason they protect health for those not allergic.]

Ginkgo Biloba may also protect against excitotoxicity.

Omega 3 fatty acids also block excitotoxins while repairing cellular damage.

Selenium is another protector of glutamate receptors from excitotoxin invasion. It is available as a supplement. Small doses are recommended. Brazil nuts are considered a high source of selenium. Two or three Brazil nuts a day is considered sufficient for optimum selenium intake.

Zinc also helps obstruct the glutamate receptor channels from excessive excitotoxin absorption. Many in our society today are zinc deficient.

How to Spot Hidden MSG

Even commercially grown (non-organic) veggies and fruits can be saturated with glutamic acid or free glutamate used as a fertilizer.

MSG is disguised with several apparently favorable terms, some of which are actually accurate descriptions of separating bound glutamate from its protein and making free glutamate, which is toxic!

Hydrolyzing proteins in soy, vegetables, and grains free the formerly safely bound glutamates, leaving the toxic glutamates for consumption.

Hydrolyzing is the process itself, so avoid hydrolyzed whatever on processed food labels.

Some of the glutamate or glutamic acid disguises are hydrolyzed vegetable or soy protein, natural flavors, artificial flavor, spice, caseinate digest, yeast extract, and more.

[Note that spices, natural spices, and even organic spices all are used to hide MSG or other glutamates.]

Natural flavors is an FDA accepted con because the sources of bound glutamate items are natural. But you’re getting the extract from them, glutamic acid or glutamate, which is toxic.

It has to be accepted that big business food processing industries hold their profit over public health.

And the FDA is on their side considering everything mentioned here as GRAS (generally regarded as safe) without safety testing.

Dangers from accumulation over time are never considered. If you can walk away it’s okay in their mini-minds. So caveat-emptor or buyer beware applies.

Author: Paul Fassa



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