Begin to exercise without overdoing it....
Post: Thursday, 3-31-2016
The value of
regular exercise is so high that if you start to do it successfully, overdoing
it is usually a temporary problem.
That said,
overdoing it can prevent you from starting successfully.
You are likely
doing it to improve your health or fitness or strength. Overdoing it can delay those benefits.
best news is that deliberately starting at a level which is easy and doable and
short has two huge benefits:
a) By giving
yourself permission to start at a level that is this easy to do, you KNOW you
can do it. So you focus ONLY and doing
it at all at the time you set for it.
Studies find that people
can do this and do so. And it is easy enough they follow up next time too.
Why is that so
the people who get that far become regular exercisers.
The people who think
of it as too hard or feel it is when they do it either never start or don’t
Starting at a level that is this easy totally prevents overdoing it!
So, this post has
two parts:
1. How do you avoid overdoing it but still start
well and make progress quickly & safely?
2. How can you help your body thrive with fast
progress instead of giving you overdoing it messages and problems?
Monday this week,
Medical News Today had a study finding that overdoing it as a beginning
exerciser can do more harm than good.
The data found
high intensity cardio can cause harm if not built up to and supported well
Turns out that beginners need to be careful to start with a bit shorter
duration before rests and use a bit less speed or intensity than they are able
to do.
This also suggests that taking antioxidants and eating foods high in them
is a valuable protection for those new to higher intensity cardio.
AND this also suggests that taking ubiquinol and PQQ can also be needed
to minimize this damage to your mitochondria or help reverse it.
the relevant quotes:
sprints may do more harm than good March 28, 2016 written
by Yvette Brazier
active lifestyle may be a healthy lifestyle, but some more extreme forms of
workout are best left to those who are already fit, according to new research
in the journal of The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
(FASEB) Journal.
it is the desire for a "super-lean body" or the lure of burning
calories quickly - some researchers have claimed that a person "can burn
an extra 200 calories per day by putting in only 2.5 minutes of work" -
high-intensity "sprint training" has been gaining popularity at gyms.
exercise training can stimulate the growth of mitochondria and increase the
body's capacity to use oxygen, enhancing cardiovascular fitness and strength
and keeping cardiovascular disease and obesity at bay.
working out without short-term preparation, such as warming up, or long-term
preparation, such as building up intensity over time, can cause damage to the
workouts damage muscles, reduce mitochondrial functionality
and European researchers, led by Robert Boushel, director of the University of
British Columbia's School of Kinesiology in Canada, analyzed tissue samples
from 12 male volunteers in Sweden.
the participants were healthy but described themselves as either untrained or
only moderately active.
men took part in high-intensity training over a 2-week period. The exercise
regimen involved repeated 30-second all-out sprints, followed by rest periods.
researchers observed signs of stress in the muscle tissues of the participants
after carrying out ultra-intense leg and arm cycling exercises.
showed that their mitochondria, the "powerhouse of cells," were only
functioning at half their capacity after training, reducing their ability to
consume oxygen and to defend against damage from free radicals.
radicals are molecules that can modify DNA and cause harm to healthy cells.
High levels of free radicals appear to be a risk factor for a range of medical
conditions, including premature aging, organ damage and cancer.
says the findings raise questions about what constitutes appropriate dosage and
intensity of exercise for the average individual. He urges caution when
encouraging the general population to participate in sprint training.
explains that experienced and well-trained athletes accumulate antioxidant
enzymes in their bodies, and these offer protection against free
beginners, however, he recommends starting slowly and building up intensity
over time. Exercise should also take place under the eye of a trained
professional or kinesiologist.
you're new to going to the gym, participating in high-intensity sprint classes
may increase your performance but might not be healthy for you."
potential long-term adverse effects of high-intensity sprint training are
unknown, but ongoing studies are looking at different levels of exercise and
evaluating quantities and intensity of training against different biomarkers
for health.”
the link to the story:
sprints may do more harm than good
Intense exercise training may help you boost your cardiovascular health and
lose calories, but starting from scratch can lead to a buildup of unhealthy
levels of free radicals.
1. How do you avoid overdoing it but still start
well and make progress quickly & safely?
The secret is to
start super easy; make progress slowly; AND, at first, as soon as you begin to
feel short of breath stop to rest or slow down enough to catch your breath
before speeding up again.
This is the other
value of this kind of interval or variable cardio besides its time efficiency.
Other studies have
found that long duration high intensity cardio that gives your heart no breaks
actually causes heart damage because your heart gets no time off to recover.
Yet other studies
have found that this is much worse in men than women.
This new study
shows that beginners need to take it easier at first to get that protection.
What about the
Indians of Mexico that run a hundred miles with no problems?
I read the
answer. They learn it and often do it as
part of a game that ensures they run faster and then stop and keep varying
between the two as they run. They perhaps
do become fit enough to run those distances at a fast pace without a break with safety. But they learn it and get fit with a kind of
moving variable cardio and often ONLY run that way. They DO give their hearts the breaks they
need to avoid damage!
Once you have done
an exercise long enough making easy upgrades you begin to get used to the
faster portions and the rests or slower portions.
At that point going
gradually faster during the fast parts and even faster during the slow parts or
resting a bit less between faster parts is safe.
By doing it gradually
over weeks of exercising you develop an intuitive feel for it that protects
The other thing
that you learn to do is to adjust to how your body is doing on a given day.
Sometimes you feel unusually
good and lifting your heavy weights in slow rep strength training or going fast
in your interval or variable cardio feels easier than usual. It feels easier and stays easier longer than
usual. This enables you to make
Sometimes when you
are tired, particularly mentally tired, but you start your exercises anyway, as
soon as you begin you get an astonishing surprise because lifting your heavy
weights in slow rep strength training or going fast in your interval or
variable cardio feels easier than usual.
It feels easier and stays easier longer than usual. This enables you to make progress!
I’ve had days when
I felt like I needed a crew of people to carry me to my exercises on a stretcher
and then had that experience.
But other times
whether you feel good psychologically at first or not, you get the reverse experience,
your muscles feel tired and unrecovered or the exercises feel harder than usual
or it’s harder to go fast than usual or you need to stop and slow down or rest
I’ve found to make overall
progress and keep exercising regularly it helps to simply accept you are having
a down day and cut yourself some slack that day.
This new research
shows that doing this also protects your body when you do that.
For new exercisers,
particularly men, it can be easy to overdo it at first.
So, DO NOT do
that! Force yourself to make progress
more slowly than you’d like.
After several weeks
of making progress every week by starting out that easy is one of the payoffs
you get by taking it slow at first. It
feels great!
And, if you did
overdo it, do this double.
Force yourself to
exercise anyway even if you feel like a wreck.
BUT cut yourself a LOT of slack too!
Use less weight or do fewer reps or both and stop early if feels a bit
too hard. Or speed up less on your faster cardio sections or shorten them or
2. How can you help your body thrive with fast
progress instead of giving you overdoing it messages and problems?
Do things that
cause your body to become harder to damage; and do things that enable it to
recover from effort faster and easier.
a) Note that one of
the problems the new research found was that the oxidizing caused by overdoing
it was one of the ways overdoing it caused problems.
But research found
long ago that exercisers who got abundant antioxidants didn’t get the colds
from hard exercise that those who got very few antioxidants did.
So, if you overdo
it or become advanced enough to train hard in most sessions, got lots of
Eat lots of organic
vegetables which have major antioxidants and hundreds of cofactors making them
extra effective. Eat organic fruits like
blueberries that are super high in anti-oxidants.
Take at least
10,000 iu a day of vitamin D3; AND do NOT take NSAID over the counter drugs if
you get sore. One study found that
taking the D3 reduced soreness by speeding healing while those taking NSAID’s
didn’t improve. Plus we’ve long known
that taking NSAID’s increases your risk of heart disease. So, if protecting your heart is one reason you are exercising, take
NSAID’s off your list of things to buy and use!
Take 1,000 to 3,000
mg a day of vitamin C in 500 mg capsule over each day.
If you want to do
more and can, natural vitamin E and NAC and alpha lipoic acid also work well as
b) As I’ve posted before, getting enough health
OK protein for your body to repair and build back better after your exercise is
also essential.
The Perfect Workout
found research that they confirmed that getting 1.5 grams of protein per
kilogram of bodyweight was the minimum needed.
(A Kilogram is about 2.2 pounds.
So that’s about 2 thirds of a gram or protein per pound of bodyweight.)
And, the optimum
that won’t be wasted bodybuilders and power lifters have found is one gram of
protein for each pound of bodyweight.
The essential thing
is that all your protein intake be from health OK sources.
Whey from grass fed
cows is most effective.
Beef, Lamb, and
Bison from totally and ONLY grass fed sources works if you can afford it and the
cooking time needed.
But eggs from
pasture fed chickens and canned sardines (which are all wild caught) and canned
Alaskan Salmon which is wild caught and canned cooked lentils also work and
cost far less!
(Water packed
canned tuna is cost effective but so high in mercury it’s best not to use it or
only once every other month.)
Raw nuts if you
aren’t allergic you can buy in bulk also have protein AND all the antioxidants
in the vitamin E complex plus valuable minerals if you aren’t allergic to tree
c) And, if you can afford, them there are two
supplements that improve your performance if you take them at least 15 minutes
before exercise AND speed your recovery after your exercise too.
Creatine works and
is modestly expensive. It works as a
powder and as capsules. But the powder
costs less per use and delivers more and goes to work faster.
D-Ribose also
provides an energy kick and works too as a faster recovery supplement. It costs more than creatine and also works
best as a powder mixed into water you drink before you work out.
d) Get at least 6
to 7 hours of quality sleep each night!
e) If you do vigorous exercise most days of
every week and avoid overdoing it, your body makes NEW mitochondria so your
muscles gradually get younger and can create and use more energy.
But to speed
recovery, create antiaging effects in the rest of your body, and protect
against overdoing it, taking the supplements Ubiquinol and PQQ also help.
Note this is also a
direct preventive of harm to your mitochondria from overdoing it as a new
Labels: Begin to exercise without overdoing it, how to avoid overdoing it as a new exerciser, how to train hard without overdoing it, recover successfully from hard training