Ways to boost
metabolism to speed fat loss....
Today's Post: Thursday, 8-29-2013
I. Three reasons to
boost metabolism or keep it high for fat loss success are these.
1. The higher your
metabolism and the calories you burn each day, the more you can eat and still
lose fat and keep it off.
That makes mostly hunger free fat loss possible. THAT is huge because it makes significant fat
loss doable and keeping it off doable since the methods are sustainable.
2. The horribly tiny
success rate for fat loss has largely been because cutting back calories by too
much each week and doing it every day reliably triggers your body’s failsafe
famine response that SLOWS your metabolism and makes you MUCH hungrier. Then fat loss stops and then you gain it
back. Oops!
There are 3 cures for this:
a) Instead of eating
less food stop eating and drinking things that make you fat or hungrier and add
calories that fail to make you less hungry AND replace those with foods that
support your health and are high in health OK protein and some health OK oils
and lots of nutrient dense vegetables, and some fruit and beans & lentils.
Doing this cuts your total calorie intake without making you
hungrier. Some people even get LESS
In fact, you can actually eat quite a bit of these health
supporting foods and still take in fewer calories. And, the protein, health OK oils, and fiber
in these foods does a great job of turning off hunger.
b) Do partial fasting
but only on two non-consecutive days a week.
This is a bit of effort. But each
time it’s temporary. It saves time and
money on those two days too. This cuts
ten or fifteen percent from your weekly calorie intake. But because you eat well the other five days,
your body thinks that it’s just normal variation and does NOT trigger the
famine response.
So, your metabolism stays up and you lose no muscle from
doing so.
c) Do exercises that
cause you to burn calories for hours after you do them and exercises that add
muscle and prevent its loss.
3. Faster metabolism
helps speed your fat loss in the first two months which studies show helps
ensure you continue until you get good results.
And, it can make it far easier to keep off too!
You think, this is worth doing because I’m getting such good
results; and even if I mess up occasionally, within a few days I’ve taken off
the fat that added.
Faster metabolism is a great help in thinking that way
because it causes those results!
That said, here are some ways to speed up your metabolism or
keep it high:
II. Ways to speed metabolism and keep it high.
a) Do the exercises
that cause you to burn calories for hours after you do them and exercises that
add muscle and prevent its loss.
There are two kinds of exercise that do this.
*Super slow strength training was found to do this over 50
years ago. But it’s been surprisingly little used since then.
The ideal speed seems to be for each repetition of the
exercise take 15 seconds to move the weight up and 15 seconds to lower it. (Between being able to lift less weight and
completely avoiding slamming it into motion, this approach is surprisingly
unlikely to cause injury.)
But don’t let that make this sound easy! The trick is to pick a weight you can just
barely do this for four repetitions.
Then try to do the fifth one anyway and fight hard to do it and then
fight hard to lower the weight that slowly.
This is hard to do, granted. But
by doing it anyway, this last repetition is actually a success to be
Your body then boosts your metabolism to repair that muscle
and build it back a bit stronger and bigger to do better next time. This burns extra calories for several hours
AFTER you stop exercising.
You do eventually get to where you can do five repetitions
and have to try 6 to get this effect. Great!
Increase the weight slightly and repeat the process.
Guess what that does?
If you eat enough protein too, your muscles get bigger and heavier.
When that happens, it burns three times as many calories as
the fat it displaces!
That means such super slow strength training exercises boost
your metabolism not one way but two!
Once you do the other things to remove the fat they cause,
that means that such super slow strength training exercises quite literally
forces fat loss to happen!
**The other kind of exercise that causes you to burn calories
for hours after you do it is high intensity cardio. Sometimes these short but fast bits of cardio
are called burst cardio. Another name is
HIIT since they use high intensity effort.
And, there are two styles. Interval cardio is where you rest
in between bursts for a short time.
Variable cardio is where you just go at a slow or brisk pace between
The ideal is to have the bursts be so intense you can only
do it for ten to 25 seconds.
The wonderful news is that if you start easy and don’t try
to make progress too fast and rest or cut back in between bursts, you get
really fit FAST and burn calories for hours after you do them -- AND it’s
actually easier on your body to adapt to safely than just trying to go farther
and at a moderately fast pace with no rest breaks at all.
b) Cause your body to
adjust to cold temperatures often. This
can be easy to do or very hard, particularly at first.
But it boosts metabolism two ways. You force your body to warm you back up every
time you do it. And, by continuing to do
it, your body switches some of your white fat that stores calories into brown
fat that burns calories and warms you up when it’s cold!
The easy way to do this is to drink ice cold plain water
instead of soft drinks and to even drink a bit of extra water to take in more.
More ways to boost metabolism:
Drink one to three super-chilled quarts of water a day. (I drink a lot of tea and can’t drink too
much extra water; but realized I could drink chilled water instead of room
temperature water every time. I’ve found
I can drink about half that much or more just by doing that each day.)
Take cold water baths each day. Not sure how long they need to be. Far more doable is to take a cold shower that
lasts at least five to ten minutes every day.
THAT is harder!
I’ve taken to taking a regular shower and counting while I
then finish with a cold shower. When I
have extra time I’ll gradually do it for longer times. Then when I’ve built up
a bit with that, I’ll try taking a whole shower in cold water. This one is NOT easy; but it does seem to
c) Eat foods or take
supplements that increase metabolism directly!
Eating foods spicy hot from hot peppers helps a bit. So does drinking green tea or taking green
tea extract. But those are relatively
tiny effects even if, as I do, you do both things.
*There is a much more effective sweet pepper extract
supplement now available through doctors in the New York state area and is
available in Scandinavia. So far, the FDA is blocking wider distribution here
which I hope can be changed. Apparently
it can boost metabolism by another 5 to 10%.
That could help cause and speed fat loss without side
Amphetamines do that but have significant side effects and
can cause death and other harm to your lifestyle.
And, there are drugs approved for fat loss; but they too
tend to have risky or obnoxious side effects.
So this could be a huge development if it was released for
general use nationwide even if you needed to see a doctor to get it.
**Then there is this new kind of "super" broccoli
that does look likely to be available soon that boosts metabolism in older
people by restoring all or most of the metabolism people had when they were
younger. See the story below!
This will REALLY help!
Men over about 50 and women past menopause tend to find it easy to gain
fat and hard to lose fat because their metabolism tends to slow down even if
they exercise.
And, besides, every time you eat any kind of broccoli as a super
low calorie, high nutrient, and high fiber food that is filling, it then
becomes MUCH easier to NOT eat more high calorie foods!
So, people who eat this new broccoli will get a triple fat
loss action because most people who eat it will eat more than they were eating
of such foods before!
Best of all, this one looks like it will reach the market
and be available online or at Whole Foods soon!
Note in the article that they have a trade name they will
use. It was in Medical News Today.
"Norwich 'super broccoli' rejuvenates metabolism
Eating 'super broccoli', developed by Norwich Research Park
scientists, three
times a week can help to 're-tune' the metabolism and this
could protect against
age-related diseases such as obesity, Type II diabetes and
cancer, according to
new research."
Labels: extra ways to increase fat loss, higher metabolism helps keep fat off, how to increase your fat loss by keeping your metabolism high, Ways to boost metabolism to speed fat loss