food cravings....
Post: Thursday, 1-31-2013
Food cravings range
from a bit obnoxious but ignorable to all but forcing you to eat no matter what
you think of the idea.
1. But if you stop cravings from happening at
all that goes away!
2. If you can turn them down and/or sharply
increase your ability to ignore them, that also works reliably.
3. If you give in to eating -- BUT eat something
that turns off the craving or turns it down enough to ignore AND which does not
fatten you, that also works.
I haven’t time to
do 6 pages on each, unfortunately, but here are some methods that work in each
1. One way to beat
cravings is to stop them from happening at all!
a) Here’s the
biggest one”
If you lose weight
by just eating a lot less and nothing else, your body thinks you are in a
famine and makes you a LOT hungrier.
We’re talking about cravings that overpower anyone here. It also reduces how many calories you burn
and slashes your energy level.
Then, your weight
loss and fat loss stops! You may even regain what you lost. Yechh!
However, if you
Eat enough calories
to avoid the famine response most days of every week;
do vigorous
exercise every week – particularly exercise that boosts your metabolism and
adds muscle to you;
and eat enough
health OK proteins and foods high in fiber;
AND only cut back
on what you eat one or two or three days a week;
AND completely stop
drinking soft drinks and eating packaged snacks, packaged treats, junk foods,
commercial baked goods – AND stop ingesting anything made out of or containing
refined grains, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated
oils, oils like corn oil or soy high in pro-inflammatory omega 6 oils, and/or
are too high in real sugar or salt, the addiction and cravings caused by these
foods gradually stops. (Those lists are about 95% the same stuff!)
You also prevent
all kinds of fatal and horrible and expensive diseases!
Do all these
things, and you can beat most of the remaining cravings most of the time.
Best of all, doing
these things makes gradual and continuable AND permanent fat loss possible with
something like 5% or less of the cravings doing it the other way gives you.
b) Isabel de los
Rios who runs BeyondDiet.com said that she’s found many cravings are due to
nutrients you are low in. And, by giving
your body those, those cravings go away.
Look up
BeyondDiet.com if you like this essay she wrote on this that I include here.
I’ll add some
comments after. But I very much like it
just as she wrote it:
"Isabel, what
do you do when you have cravings?"
Well, the truth is,
I don’t really get cravings anymore. Does that confirm I’m an alien? Probably.
But in all
seriousness, I really believe when you do your best to cover all of your nutritional
bases, most, if not, all cravings will greatly subside.
Let’s go through
some of the most common ones right now.
Now who doesn’t
just love chocolate? I often joke with people that even an old gym sock might
taste good if you dipped it in some chocolate (eww, Isabel, you’re so gross).
And hey, a little chocolatey goodness is good for you from time to time (minus
the sock). What gets people in trouble is eating tons of chocolate every day. I
have even heard some people say they just can’t make it through the day without
If you find
yourself in a similar situation with chocolate or any particular SWEET treat,
you may have a nutrient deficiency that is the root cause of the problem.
Chocolate cravings
have been closely linked to magnesium deficiency. Try eating some extra
spinach, broccoli, or some nuts, such as almonds and cashews, to boost your
magnesium levels.
You need even more
magnesium during your menstrual cycle, which explains why cravings can be
pretty crazy during that time.
Some studies have
even shown chocolate cravings to be a deficiency in vitamin B6. Add in some
potatoes or bananas to your meal plans for an extra B6 boost.
Potato Chips
I never quite
understood people’s fascination with potato chips, but once people start
crunching, they just can’t stop! If your cravings are more on the side of
SALTY, you may be deficient in just that...SALT. And I’m not talking about
refined table salt (which is what is added to almost all potato chips). The
good salt you need is unrefined Sea Salt. My favorite varieties are Himalayan
sea salt, Celtic Sea Salt, and Redmond’s
Real Salt. If you’ve ever found yourself at the bottom of the potato chip bag,
still craving more, you don’t need more chips, you need more good, healthy unrefined
sea salt.
But it may not be
as simple as just adding in some salt. In animal studies, researchers have
found that a lack of potassium, calcium, and iron causes test subjects to
devour table salt. To increase your potassium levels, reach for some coconut
water or bananas. For increased calcium, go for some canned salmon or sardines
with bones. And for more iron, reach for the red meat and organic egg yolks.
Breads and Pasta
Well maybe this
craving just has to do with you wanting to be Italian...I’m kidding of course!
Most cravings for foods that are high in carbs are due to blood sugar
imbalances. Craving carbs means you need more protein to balance out your blood
sugar levels. I know grabbing a chicken drumstick is not exactly what you’re
looking for when your tummy is telling you "bagel, bagel, bagel," but
you will find yourself much more satisfied and full and NOT craving even more
later in the day.
Craving carbs may
also mean you are low in energy-providing B vitamins. Although there are some
foods that are higher in certain B vitamins than others, B vitamins are widely
distributed throughout the food supply, so if you're eating a varied, balanced
diet that includes foods from all food groups, you're most likely getting as
many vitamins as you need. Make sure to include green leafy vegetables, a
variety of natural protein sources, and a colorful variety of fruits and
vegetables to cover all of your B vitamins.
Remember that
cravings can be greatly caused by 1 or more nutrient deficiency in your body,
whether that is a macro-nutrient (protein, carb, or fat) or a micro-nutrient
(vitamins and minerals)."
Isabel leaves out
that you can also not buy or bring home many of these foods – except dark
chocolate or unsweetened cocoa. It’s
dramatically easier to overcome cravings for things you have no access to when
the craving happens.
And, she leaves out
that taking 400 mg a more a day of magnesium, and a good multivitamin plus
minerals and a good B Complex vitamin every day also does a lot of heavy lifting
to prevent these kinds of cravings.
2. If you can turn down cravings and increase
your ability to ignore them, that also works reliably.
a) The more you do this the easier it gets. David Kirchoff, the CEO of Weight Watchers,
put it this way. He said something like
Many cravings and
other fat loss problems are less about willpower than having the commitment to do
the right thing and practicing it every week until it becomes your normal
The payoff of
course is that following your normal habits is virtually effortless most of the
(For some things
that can happen even before 3 weeks and for others it can take more like 7
weeks. But if you once persist for 2
months, you are about 98% of the way there!)
b) What if you came to two doors and one said,
“Cravings beat you here” and one that said “Cravings are really easy to
ignore.” -- if you want fat loss,
wouldn’t you go in the second door instead of the first?
For many cravings,
research found it’s literally as simple as getting used to going in the right
door every time.
Harmful and
fattening foods have two characteristics:
They are harmful
and fattening!
And, the makers and
sellers ensure they taste good and are somewhat addicting.
Research recently
proved that it’s literally which characteristic you focus on that determines if
the craving beats you or not.
If you focus on the
ways that a food harms you -- such as it’s listed on the label that it contains
high fructose corn syrup, and corn oil that’s been hydrogenated, and refined
grain, and lots of salt, and then focus on how horrible it is for your health
to ingest, it gets pretty easy to not consume any!
But if you focus
instead on how good that stuff tastes instead, you’ll probably drink or eat it.
(This is NOT necessary
to get food that tastes good by the way.
Foods that are not harmful or fattening are routinely available or such
recipes are that give you other foods and drinks that taste good!)
c) Last time on
Tuesday, 1-29-2013, we posted on a unbelievably effective way to add enough
muscle to reduce the fat in your body and do it relatively quickly.
To do it you have
to work really hard part of the time.
But you get used to it. You build
up to it. It’s over each time in short
and predictable time. For the gym versions
that come with a personal coach, you even get help getting into it and doing
But besides the
dramatic help with fat loss, getting much stronger, and the health benefits,
the bonus effect is that you also boost your willpower for other things
too—like overcoming cravings!
“If something about
your food upgrades gets challenging or you are fighting cravings for harmful
and fattening stuff you used to like, it does take some effort to do the right
BUT once you do
this system for a while, you KNOW that YOU can persist and do hard things
because you experience yourself doing it routinely every single week!
That may not have
been at all your experience before, but once you have done this for a couple of
weeks or more, it will be!”
3. If you give in to eating BUT eat something
that turns off the craving or turns it down enough to ignore AND which does not
fatten you, that also works.
Here’s an example
from my own experience.
Like Weight
Watchers CEO David Kirchoff, I get late evening cravings.
For me it isn’t
just psychological, I am often actually hungry or I’m hungry enough that I’ll
likely wake up later with stronger cravings if I eat nothing.
I was eating full
fat cheese and other things with enough calories to slow or even reverse my fat
loss some months.
That included
applesauce with no sugar. But that does have some fructose.
And, I was drinking
milk with bad fat calories and lactose sugar, and milk’s insulin boosting that
produces fat gain!
Now, using this
principle instead, I DO eat now. But I
eat protein nonfat foods, foods high in fiber, and take 2 apple pectin
I eat nonfat
cottage cheese and nonfat Greek yogurt instead of drinking milk and mostly have
also stopped eating the full fat Irish Cheese that’s from grass fed cows.
And, I take apple
pectin to replace the fiber that I was getting in the applesauce.
And, I always have
raw broccoli or cauliflower florets for more fiber and the crunch!
Sometimes I’m a bit
hungry after all that still. But it’s
usually mild enough to ignore.
And, the evenings
it’s more than mild I only need one cheese stick sized piece of Irish cheese to
turn it off instead of 3 pieces!
So, I now have
virtually the same hunger reduction; but I take in far fewer calories and no
lactose or fructose or insulin boost – all of which was happening to me before!
Labels: give in to cravings in harmless ways, how to completely eliminate cravings, how to triple your willpower, overcome cravings, stop cravings