Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New reason to avoid soft drinks....

Today's post: Tuesday, 12-30-2008

It was in the online health news recently that a Korean study had found that inorganic phosphates may cause or worsen lung cancer if they get into your body.

Unfortunately many of us apparently have a lot of this stuff, inorganic phosphates, in us already. (You’ll see why later in this post.)

Even if you don’t smoke yourself, periodically you may breathe in second hand smoke or air that’s too high in tiny particulates, particularly if you travel on or live near a freeway or heavily traveled street or live in an area high in such air pollution or are around copiers at work. Or you may breathe in radon gas in some locations without knowing it as it is odorless and invisible to your sight.

So, you have some risk of lung cancer even if you don’t smoke.

(If you smoke at all, your risk of lung cancer does go up. And, if you smoke heavily or are subjected to a very large amount of second hand smoke, we now know your odds of getting lung cancer go up to 25%. That’s a bit like playing Russian Roulette with a revolver with four chambers. Even worse, this new research suggests that if you drink soft drinks regularly and eat the foods high in inorganic phosphates often, and breathe in this much cigarette smoke, your risk may go up to over 50 %.)

Inorganic phosphates are in commercial baked goods and "beverages" (soft drinks and less than 100 % juice "drinks") & may be in cheeses, some kinds of meats – particularly processed meats and lunch meats in packages or meats such as sausages. They may also be in some alcoholic drinks.

Here’s how to avoid ingesting them.:

Since commercial baked goods tend to & soft drinks do make you fat and provide virtually no nutrition, simply do not consume them at all or do so less than a few times a year.

Regular and diet soft drinks are so high in phosphates in fact that they have been implicated in causing your body to pull calcium from your bones and contributing to osteoporosis. So, simply never drinking them or only a tiny amount over a year’s time may be the best single way to avoid ingesting inorganic phosphates.

Eat cheese and meat from grain-fed animals infrequently and simply do not consume "lunch" meats or only consume "lunch" meats, hot dogs, or sausages less than a few times a year total unless they come from Whole Foods or a similar source that says that such additives are NOT in them. (These sources of protein have too much omega 6 oils and saturated fat to be good for you to eat often anyway. And, most of the pesticides and herbicides most people are exposed to are bioconcentrated in the fat of these grain-fed animals. Wild caught fish, beef fed only grass, nuts, beans and lentils, and leaner poultry, nonfat or very lowfat dairy, and eggs tend to be much better for your health to eat than meat from grain-fed animals.)

And, be moderate in drinking alcoholic drinks & only drink bar drinks made with ingredients other than the source of the alcohol, water, and juice a few times a year or less.

Following these guidelines will improve your health in many ways. And, many of our posts have listed those ways.

So, following them would be a good idea for those other reasons.

Now we know following them may also help prevent lung cancer too.

THAT is news indeed!

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Interval cardio prevents senility THREE ways....

Today's post: Monday, 12-29-2008

1. Most physical activity; but interval cardio and progressive strength training in particular, cause your body to release growth hormones. Testosterone is one which is why people who exercise tend to have better sex lives. But we now know that a growth hormone with the acronym BDNF is released that causes new brain cells and nerves in your brain to grow.

2. Interval cardio and progressive strength training also increase the amount of HDL that helps keep your arteries clear.

Eating right, particularly using nuts and olive oil for your oil source instead of fatty meats, dairy fat, and vegetables oils high in omega 6 oils such as soy, canola, and corn oil and taking certain supplements such as niacin, sterols, and choline also helps to increase HDL and lower LDL to keep your blood vessels clear. Including wild caught fish and purified fish oils and lots of onions and eating virtually no transfats or high fructose corn syrup or refined grain foods and not eating much sugar also helps lower the dangerous kind of small particle LDL by sharply lowering your triglycerides.

So, this kind of a healthy lifestyle helps keep your circulation to all parts of you robust and functioning.

AND, interval cardio increases your circulation so much when you do it and just after you do it that your skin all over you shows the glow of the extra circulation.

We’ve known for quite a while that these aspects of a health supporting lifestyle tend to prevent strokes and the circulation that they keep giving your brain tends to keep it functioning well which prevents age onset mental decline and multiple small strokes that can cause senility but is NOT Alzheimer’s disease.

Here’s the grabber. We now know that this maintaining of your brain circulation is a critical way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease too!!

One of the ways that curcumin is thought to prevent Alzheimer’s disease is by helping your immune system remove the tau proteins and beta amyloid that cause Alzheimer’s disease from your brain. Clearly the immune system cells that do this job cannot do it well without your blood circulation delivering them to the parts of your brain that need to have these brain damaging compounds removed.

The recent news is that impaired circulation is very likely a strong and possibly necessary cause of these brain damaging compounds forming in the first place!

It seems that if the circulation becomes poor enough, your brain doesn’t deliver enough glucose to your brain cells. And, when that happens, it triggers the formation of the compounds that cause Alzheimer’s disease.
The story appeared in the online Reuters health news on Weds, 12-24-2008 under these two headlines.:

Blood sugar loss may trigger Alzheimer's: study

& Poor blood flow to brain may provoke Alzheimer's: study

“The new research shows that an insufficient supply of sugar glucose, transported by blood, sets off a biochemical chain reaction resulting in the accumulation of the neuron-attacking proteins that cause Alzheimer's.”


“The study is to be published in the December 26 issue of Neuron, a journal based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.”

But why go there yourself?

Why not learn to eat right and take supplements that keep your circulation good to prevent your brain circulation from becoming that impaired?

Strength training and other kinds of physical activity can help.

But interval cardio will protect you from this process in 3 ways so be sure to include it every week.:

1. It, like progressive strength training, will cause you to grow new brain cells.

2. It, like progressive strength training, will help keep your HDL high and your small particle LDL low so that increases the in plaque that impairs your circulation do NOT happen.


3. You periodically boost your circulation to every part of your body above normal levels every time you do interval cardio and just afterwards. This insures that several times a week you have enough circulation and that you literally force your arteries to remain clear each week.

We’ve known this tends to prevent strokes and age onset mental decline that are caused by circulatory impairment or blockage.

This new study shows that it ALSO helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease too!

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Why these 5 are myths about heart disease....

Today's post: Tuesday, 12-23-2008

I got an email that in part had an ad for their information on combating heart disease.

And, I realized that my answers to these would make a good blog post for today.

“Myth #1 -- Heart disease and heart attacks are an
inevitable part of aging.

Myth #2 -- Cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease
and heart attacks.

Myth #3 -- Blood pressure drugs help you avoid heart
problems and live longer.

Myth #4 -- Aggressive, "type A" behavior increases your
risk of a heart attack.

Myth #5 -- Low-fat, low cholesterol diets are good for you
and your heart.”

Here are my answers.:

“Myth #1 -- Heart disease and heart attacks are an
inevitable part of aging.”

Aging does help cause heart disease. But I believe that this is in part because doing the things that cause it and/or doing without the things that prevent it tends to cause damage that builds up over time. So, the longer you live like that the more time the damage builds up.

But, you can make heart disease much less likely &/or take 5 times as long to show up if you:

avoid tobacco smoke and bad air pollution;
exercise regularly every week usually including strength training and interval cardio;
you avoid the foods like soft drinks, refined grain foods, and packaged snacks and desserts; you avoid excessive amounts of fatty meats and full fat dairy foods;
eat sugar or foods containing it very infrequently and then in moderation;
you eat a variety of vegetables every day – including plenty of onions;
you eat lean protein foods and some plant protein foods;
you get health OK oils from nuts, avocados, or extra virgin olive oil and no other oils with very little butter and no margarine;
you eat wild caught fish and take omega 3 supplements;
you avoid all transfats and high fructose corn syrup;
& you take the supplements such as niacin and choline that increase HDL & supplements like beta sitosterol, other kinds of sterols, & niacin that prevent high LDL levels & antioxidant supplements such as vitamin C, natural vitamin E, alpha lipoic acid, & CoQ10;
& it likely also helps to:
take a good multivitamin and mineral supplement, a B-complex supplement, & extra B12, and about 50 mg a day of B6 in addition; an additional 2,000 iu of vitamin D a day, & an extra 800 to 1600 of folic acid a day.

In addition, drinking up to a drink a day of alcohol, particularly red wine -- for women or -- up to two drinks a day for men, also seems to increase HDL and lower heart attack risk. (Unfortunately drinking more than this seems to INCREASE heart disease risk; and it tends to cause high blood pressure & sometimes causes car and other accidents with property damage or injury or worse. So this is one to be very careful of.)

Doing this set of things helps keep your LDL cholesterol at low levels; it helps keep both your HDL and LDL from oxidation; & because it lowers your triglycerides and increases your HDL, it does a great job in lowering the small particle LDL that DIRECTLY CAUSES cardiovascular and heart disease; and doing this set of things also lowers inflammation as measured by the HS CRP tests. It also tends to prevent high blood sugar levels.

If you do these things well and long enough, you will have much less risk of heart disease at first and then a risk that approaches zero.

Your heart attack and heart disease risk will still tend to go up a bit as you get older; but you’ll likely live long enough to die of something else first!

You do NOT need statin drugs to do this. And once you do this set of things long enough, your HDL, LDL, triglycerides, and CRP readings will be far better than those of the people who don’t do these things but who DO take statin drugs. You won’t get those drug side effects; and your heart attack risk will be lower.

And, you get extra benefits too. You’ll be less fat; your aging will slow down; you will be more sexually capable; and you will be dramatically less likely to get any kind of cancer.

“Myth #2 -- Cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease
and heart attacks.”

Higher levels of total cholesterol tend to go with more risk; & levels of 180 or less tend to go with less risk.

BUT low HDL plus high triglycerides and high LDL is MUCH more dangerous and correlated with heart diseases and heart attacks. So is high CRP inflammation. And, there is also some evidence that low levels of antioxidants tends to give you oxidized LDL and HDL which is also dangerous.

Someone with all those things in bad shape but total cholesterol in the 180 to 240 range is at far more risk than someone with good readings on those things with cholesterol of 240 to 260.

And, the kind of cholesterol that it IS desirable to lower if it’s high is LDL cholesterol while you want to INCREASE HDL cholesterol.

220 cholesterol with 100 HDL and 100 LDL is extremely safe while the same 220 with 30 HDL and 170 LDL is quite dangerous.

So, the total cholesterol is much less important than once believed. That said, as your total cholesterol gets to be above 240, your LDL tends to go above 130, which IS risky.

But your lifestyle, HDL and triglyceride readings, and your HS CRP readings may show it’s still moderately safe OR horribly dangerous depending on what you do and what heredity you have.

And, high levels of blood sugar as measured by fasting glucose and HBA1C also measure cardiovascular risk because bad readings on those multiply the effects of anything that’s in bad shape. In addition, such high levels of blood sugar are indicative and diagnostic of NOT following the lifestyle above, so your other heart disease risk measures are more likely to be in bad shape too.

So, since those are the measures of the things that cause heart disease they should be what you and your doctor measure and follow much MORE than total cholesterol.

Aim for HDL over at least 36 and well over 50 if you can achieve it.

Aim for LDL of at least as low as 129 and about 100 if you can achieve it.

Aim for triglycerides of 149 or well under 99 if you can achieve it.

Aim for fasting glucose of 99 or less or always 89 or less if you can achieve it.

& Aim for HBA1c of 5.9 or less or always 5.7 or less if you can achieve it.

And, do the things in # 1 above. That will help you achieve all these readings and give you added heart and health protection too.

“Myth #3 -- Blood pressure drugs help you avoid heart
problems and live longer.’

High blood pressure even in the 130 over 85 range is bad for your heart and health with higher blood pressure even worse. THAT is true.

And, blood pressure of over 160 over 100 is bad enough that drugs are likely necessary to protect your heart and health.

BUT, their track record for use at lower blood pressures is NOT as good. The side effects tend to cause more health problems than they solve at lower levels of high blood pressure. Readings like 175 over 108 DO justify taking the blood pressure drugs. Readings like 148 over 88 tend not to. They do, however, suggest that you need to do more to upgrade your lifestyle in a health protective direction right away.

And, many of these blood pressure drugs tend to cause quality of life problems too.

Beta blockers seem to lower blood pressure without much heart attack protection and can cause congestive heart failure if taken too long in larger doses I’ve read.

Diuretics tend to delete many nutrients that are heart protective, necessary for good health, and even help keep your blood pressure low otherwise!

We’re preparing to launch an eBook on how to lower high blood pressure without drugs.

But, the summary is that if you follow all of the lifestyle in # 1. above, the chances of you having blood pressure of over 160 over 100 where you need the drugs approaches zero.

“Myth #4 -- Aggressive, "type A" behavior increases your
risk of a heart attack.”

Redford Williams, MD did the studies and wrote the books on the right answer to this one.

Hurrying and trying to do a lot tend to be safe in and of themselves if done intelligently and for good cause. (They were part of the original measure of type A.) And, a lot of high achievers do such things. But if you do them with some flexibility and without anger, they are heart safe.

However, hostility, anger, and lack of compassion and emotional warmth ARE truly deadly. They often produce traffic accidents, fights, spousal abuse, divorces, dysfunctional families, getting fired from jobs, AND they produce a MASSIVELY increased risk of heart disease and death.

So that’s the part of the original type A behavior that DOES produce heart disease.

Think of legitimate reasons to like and forgive people and turn off the reverse kind of thinking. And treat other people with kindness and courtesy even if they don’t currently deserve it. (Reserve rage for people who are actually trying to kill you. Someone who cuts you off in traffic may have put you at risk; but that’s NOT the same thing usually.)

Your heart will last longer and so will you!

“Myth #5 -- Low-fat, low cholesterol diets are good for you
and your heart.”

This has NOT proved true.

Such diets tend NOT to have a good effect on heart disease risk because:

Foods such as extra virgin olive oil, omega 3 oils from wild caught fish; and from nuts and/or avocados help to boost HDL levels and provide health benefits. Plus they help keep you satisfied on LESS calories if eaten in moderation and have abundant other health benefits. So, NOT eating them to be lowfat tends to backfire.

Some animal protein foods if eaten lean and from naturally fed or wild caught animals do have cholesterol; but eating them provides high quality protein and does the best job in keeping you from being hungry. So, again they help keep you satisfied on LESS calories. So, NOT eating them to avoid cholesterol tends to
backfire. (Avoiding excessive saturated fat intake and avoiding eating farmed fish or grain fed meats and too much fat from those kinds of animals DOES make sense, however.)

But the big reason is this one: Lowfat, low animal fat diets tend to be high in sugars, refined grain foods, and often are even way too high in whole grain foods.

Those foods tend to spike your blood sugar, make you fat, and drive your triglycerides to high levels.

So they make you fat and INCREASE your risk of heart disease in several ways. And, if you combine that kind of diet with not exercising, your heart disease risk goes up expentially.

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Monday, December 22, 2008

Fat Loss makes you sexier as well as better looking....

Today's post: Monday, 12-22-2008

It turns out this works BOTH ways. Excess fat de-sexes you to some degree and so does one of the causes of you gaining excess fat in the first place that also tends to cause you to add belly fat. AND, the doing the things that will take off excess fat or prevent it showing up or coming back, have been proven to make you sexier.

The article we quote today from last Friday’s Total Health breakthroughs email is written mostly for men.

But all these factors work in women too. Some work every bit as well for women as they do for men; and some work to some degree but not as strongly.

1. The hormone connection.

Excess estrogen tends to make both men and women less sexy. But it is particularly bad for men.

Similarly, testosterone tends to make people feel sexier and more interested in sex.

Men, particularly when they are young tend to have a lot of testosterone. But as they get older they tend to have less or to have sexually ineffective versions and less useful, or “free”, testosterone in their blood.

Women, particularly when they are young, also do have some testosterone. And women who have too little testosterone, tend to lose some of their interest in and enjoyment of sex.

Excess estrogen tends to cause sex and health problems in both sexes.

First, here’s the THB article with some of the key information.:

"This article appears courtesy of Early to Rise's Total Health Breakthroughs, offering alternative solutions for mind, body and soul. For a complimentary subscription,
visit http://www.totalhealthbreakthroughs.com"

“Friday, December 19, 2008

Men: "Hormone Hell" is NOT Just for Women!

By Layne Lowery

Can men go through menopause? Absolutely! You might not know it, but estrogen dominance, or andropause, is a major health hazard for men over 40. This hormone imbalance occurs when your body builds up too much estrogen and xenoestrogens -- which are synthetic forms of the hormone.

You've probably never heard of estrogen dominance -- and your doctor would probably misdiagnose your symptoms. But this could be the reason you suffer from...

Memory loss and "senior moments"
Depression and mood swings
Sleepless nights
Unwanted weight gain-- especially belly fat
Muscles turning into flab
Low sex drive and erectile dysfunction (ED)
Enlarged prostate and other prostate problems-- and a frequent need to urinate
Hair loss
Male breasts or "man boobs"

There are three main reasons why these unpleasant symptoms of male menopause may be tormenting you: 1) aging, 2) environmental pollutants, and 3) your diet.

As you get older, your body doesn't make as much testosterone. The remaining testosterone gets weaker and easily converts to estrogen. Unfortunately, mid-life weight gain increases estrogen production because fat cells contain the aromatase enzyme, which changes testosterone into estrogen.

Another cause for hormone imbalances comes from xenoestrogens -- or toxins that imitate estrogen-- which are dumped into the environment by industrial, agricultural, and chemical companies. In his health newsletter, Dr. HingHau Tsang said these phony hormones are offshoots of products such as spermacides, detergent, plastics, plastic bottles, pesticides, herbicides, personal care products, and lacquers.

Dr. Tsang also said commercially raised beef, chicken and pork, as well as birth control pills and canned foods, contain xenoestrogens. He said massive amounts of hormones are regularly injected into beef and poultry, which can upset your natural estrogen levels.1

John R. Lee, M.D., an expert in natural progesterone therapy, thinks that significant amounts of estrogen are the main cause of prostate enlargement AND prostate cancer!2

And estrogen dominance can also lead to erectile dysfunction (ED). According to Nick Delgado, Ph.D., a leading expert on anti-aging, a number of men with ED are "at greater risk for heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, or hypertension."3

So whether you call it estrogen dominance, "male menopause," or andropause -- estrogen overload is a real health hazard. And as indicated in a report titled "Manopause" by Lisa Marshall, large numbers of baby boomers are being hit with symptoms of male menopause.4

Therefore, Dr. John Morley, lead researcher of estrogen dominance in men and head of the geriatrics division at Saint Louis University Medical School, predicts that, "We are going to see an explosion of interest in it."5

What does this mean for you? Have your hormone levels checked to ensure that you don't have elevated levels of estrogen that can cause major health problems. A good naturopathic practitioner can advise you on lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements that will help keep your hormones in balance and reduce your risk of both male menopause and chronic disease.


1. HingHau Tsang, M.D., Dr. HingHau Tsang's Crusade on Nutrition: Newsletter #75--"Estrogen Dominance, Natural Progesterone and Men," Tsangenterprise.

2. John R. Lee, M.D., Natural Progesterone.

3. Nick Delgado, Ph.D., "Steps to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance and Slowing Symptoms of Aging," Ezine Articles.

4. Lisa Marshall, "Manopause," Natural Awakenings.

5. John R. Lee, M.D., Medical letter--"Prostate Disease and Hormones," March 2002.
[Ed. Note: Layne Lowery is the owner and operator of Health Resources ™, a manufacturer of high-quality nutritional supplements. In the health business since 1995, Layne's passion is providing affordable natural health solutions and educational tools based on the best scientific research available to empower his customers to make wise decisions on matters of personal health.]

The Hormonal Cause of Man Boobs and Facial Hair in Women.. You've Likely Never Heard Of!

It's called "estrogen dominance" and it's a silent menace that could be plaguing your body and wreaking havoc on your health. It's annoying (and often dangerous) symptoms affect both men and women. And contrary to popular belief, not only women need estrogen for healthy living.

If you're a man, the warning signs of estrogen dominance include: Enlarged prostate and frequent need to urinate, prostate problems, high PSA levels, belly fat, male breasts, muscles turning to flab and low sex drive.

If you're a woman, the warning signs of estrogen dominance include: Abnormal breast cells, hot flashes and painful menopausal symptoms, unwanted facial hair, vaginal dryness and painful intercourse, weight gain, brittle bones, dry skin and wrinkles and thinning hair and bald spots.

The good news is you can safely put an end to estrogen dominance and restore a normal hormonal balance with a remarkable phytonutrient called Di-Indole Methane. ….”

X* X* X* X* X* X* X*

Three key ideas are in this article.:

a) “….mid-life weight gain increases estrogen production because fat cells contain the aromatase enzyme, which changes testosterone into estrogen.“

This means that the fatter you are the more likely you are to have less testosterone and too much estrogen. The fat cells directly trigger a process that causes both problems.

I knew some of this other info. But this one I did NOT know.

So, if you want to be as sexy as your heredity and circumstances allow, this means that excess fat on your body is your enemy.

b) The other things that trigger too much estrogen tend to make you gain fat and to gain belly fat in particular. So, doing the other things that prevent excess estrogen will make you less fat all over and help you lose belly fat too.

c) The “phytonutrient called Di-Indole Methane” apparently helps prevent the compounds that trigger excess estrogen from doing so and to block the excessive conversion of testosterone to estrogen. In men, it helps boost testosterone levels and may do this in women as well.

The phytonutrient called Di-Indole Methane is available at the health food store now. There it’s called DIM. Source Naturals is a company that produces a DIM supplement that health food stores carry. And, there may be several others that I do not yet know.

But, you don’t need to get it from supplements alone. It is a phytonutrient that is found in broccoli and possibly other cruciferous vegetables as well.

Another supplement that increases testosterone release is Tribulus. Many supplement companies make it including the NOW brand that you can get in health food stores.

2. The food connection.

If you eat lots of broccoli or a moderate amount often. -- and you also eat other cruciferous vegetables regularly, particularly if you regular have some raw and some cooked, you get a good bit of cancer protection, particularly for the more aggressive sex-linked cancers from the raw ones; and you get many kinds of other health benefits as well.

This is in addition to the DIM you get by doing so!

These foods, as well as green beans, tomatoes, onions, green peas, celery, green peppers, and many other less starchy vegetables are high in fiber and nutrition and low to very low in calories.

That means they are good for you; fill you up; and do not make you fat.

In fact eating a lot of them helps allow you to eat fewer calories WITHOUT feeling less full, too hungry, or undernourished.

This is so much the case, Weight Watchers assigns them ZERO points.

So that means that eating a lot of cruciferous and other nonstarchy vegetables every week makes you sexier two ways, you’ll be less fat so you’ll have less of the aromatase that creates excess estrogen; and you’ll take in the DIM and similar phytonutrients that tend to prevent excess estrogen and increase your testosterone levels.

3. The exercise connection.

Regular exercise has been proven to improve the sex lives
of BOTH men and women.

Here’s why.:

The calories burned tend to make you less fat. The muscle you gain or don’t lose burns more calories than the fat cells you otherwise would be feeding. This makes it easier to lose fat and keep it off AND, to some degree it makes it possible to do so without getting hungry!

Progressive strength training and interval cardio do this best, partly because they cause you to burn more calories for up to several hours AFTER you stop exercising.

But they do more than that. All exercise tends to release growth hormones.
And one of the growth hormones exercise releases is testosterone! Here again, progressive strength training and interval cardio do this best.

And, it doesn’t hurt that doing these exercises makes you stronger, look better, and have more stamina so you don’t run out of gas in the middle of a sexual encounter.

So, it’s literally true being fat makes you less sexy. And doing the things that help you lose excess fat tends to make you sexier even BEFORE you lose all the fat.

They’re BOTH true.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Your breakfast can keep you trim & healthy....

Today's post: Friday, 12-19-2008

People who eat breakfast are known to be healthier than people who don’t. They tend to perform better at work and, if in school, they learn more.

Women who eat breakfast are better able to lose excess fat and keep it off or NOT gain it to begin with than women who don’t.

Other than people who eat only junky treats such as donuts and nothing else for breakfast, both these things are even true for people who eat less than ideal breakfasts. Small breakfasts with a multivitamin or ham and eggs and a piece of buttered toast and coffee are better than NO breakfast at all.

Now, this week, a study was reported that men who eat a “healthy” lean breakfast with “low caloric density” also are better able to lose excess fat and keep it off or NOT gain it to begin with compared with men who eat no breakfast or a fatty one. (Just eating breakfast of any kind is less effective in keeping fat off for men than it is for women.)

We know that eating meat from grain fed animals gives you too much fat, too much saturated fat, too many omega 6 oils, & too few omega 3 oils. And, eating farmed fish; and often eating, meat from such grain fed animals tends to expose you to pesticides, herbicides, & other industrial chemical pollutants that are bioconcentrated in the fat.

Separately we know that refined grains, high fructose corn syrup, too much of even whole grains, sugar, and soft drinks & artificial sweeteners tend to make you fat when you ingest them. So keep them all out of your breakfasts!

And, we know that a moderately high protein, high fiber food profile helps keep you lean because eating foods high in protein and fiber tend to help keep you feeling full and not hungry the longest.

The lowest caloric density is in unstarchy, often green vegetables. So including them at breakfast in some way will help keep your overall breakfast low in caloric density even if you eat some fatty or oily food too.

Lastly, we know that your body tends to process carbs and whole grains best at breakfast compared with the rest of the day. So breakfast tends to be the best meal for whole grains and fresh fruit.

1. Right now, far too many workplaces make things like donuts, pastries, candy, cookies, soft drinks, home-made treats, junky snack foods, &/or birthday cake available at work in some way. And women tend to be more tempted by such things than men or be in a group of women who eat them and think it’s normal. They also tend to spend more time in their office than men. So, if a woman goes to work on no breakfast, guess what happens to her fat loss plans? She is too often too hungry to resist. This makes gaining fat easy; & taking it off difficult for women who don’t eat breakfast.

But if she eats breakfast and knows better, she is far more likely to pass or only have a very small amount on some days of the treats she most likes. So, for women, eating breakfast tends to result in being less fat.

(This is my guess as to why even less than perfect breakfasts help women stay trim better than they do for men.)

2. Breakfast items to avoid or avoid at least 6 days a week or 28 days a month:

Any commercially baked pastry, bagels, packaged cereal made from refined grains – particularly those with sugar added; any jam or jelly or syrup with high fructose corn syrup (unfortunately, right now, that’s virtually all of them sold in most grocery stores), any toast or waffles or pancakes made from refined grains, and fatty meats from grain fed animals.

Go real easy on sugar and butter and cheese as well.

3. Here are some healthy breakfast ideas:

a) Wild caught shrimp, crab, lobster, halibut, and salmon tend to have far fewer pollutants and saturated fat than other kinds of protein. And though salmon is fattiest, it has the most omega 3 oils.

So a “stew” or chowder with abundant vegetables (sliced or chopped carrots, green peppers, celery, &/or diced broccoli florets -- and diced onion); a good bit of one or two of these healthier protein sources; and NO milk, cream, cheese, or potatoes would work.

b) A soup with a small bit of low sodium miso; mushrooms; oriental spices such as ginger or garlic etc; some kind of edible seaweed such as wakame; and a good bit of one or two of these healthier protein sources would work. You could try half shrimp with their tail scales removed for half; and canned, and wild caught Alaskan salmon for half, for example.

c) Scrambled eggs, shrimp, and abundant sprouts works well. I’ve had it; and it’s delicious. And, if you can get them, using broccoli sprouts would make it super good for you. You can also add diced onion for more flavor.

d) I’ve never had it; but the Korean dish Kimchi is so good for you it’s a superfood. And, it’s a fermented, spiced cruciferous vegetable dish. In Korea it’s a traditional breakfast food.
Since it is quite spicy, following it with some just cooked, wild caught salmon with milder spices sounds as if it would be a good breakfast.

e) A small dish of cooked, old fashioned style oatmeal, two eggs fried gently in extra virgin olive oil; and a whole chilled and peeled kiwi fruit would make a good breakfast.

f) ONE piece of toast made with whole grain or sprouted whole grain bread with no bad ingredients, a small bit of high quality butter added AFTER the bread is toasted and with a bit of home-made marmalade made with real sugar and organic oranges; a piece of grilled steak from a cow fed only grass and hormone free that’s had all the visible fat trimmed off and allowed to have any fat drained off as or just after it’s cooked, with lots of onions – perhaps sautéed in extra virgin olive oil, and some chilled, trimmed strawberries would work.

g) A blender drink with a commercial “green drink” powder from vegetables, Jarrow whey powder that has no Stevia, some nonfat yogurt, and some fresh or thawed frozen organically grown blueberries and some water or 1% lowfat milk would be good. And, if you had all the ingredients ready and could do most of the clean up after you get home from work, it could be extremely fast – plus you could drink it while you watched or listened to the news or read your paper.

Flavor, high nutrition fresh fruits, health OK protein foods – particularly wild caught fish and eggs from pasture fed chickens if you can get them, vegetables, and minimal whole grains PLUS NO refined grains, only occasional whole grains, and as many vegetables as you can manage is the formula I recommend.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

3 ways to soothe sore or scratchy throats....

Today's post: Thursday, 12-18-2008

Long ago I stopped buying sugary throat lozenges and over the counter cough syrups.

Since I found they simply had no effect in me AT ALL, I decided it was foolish to spend any money on them.

And, because I got pneumonia once with an all night cough that hurt and kept me awake, I discovered that there is a prescription for that kind of cough that turns it off – and does so safely if you take only the amount prescribed.

I also learned that an extremely bad sore throat that you can see in the mirror has white or yellow pus deposits on your throat and an extremely red color means you very likely have strep throat. Since, if left untreated, you can give strep throat to others; & it can blind you, significantly damage your heart, or kill you if left untreated, if there’s a chance a bad sore throat is strep, go to the doctor or nurse practitioner and have it checked out. So far, we have antibiotics that will turn it off. Don’t risk the things strep can cause. Get rid of it if you get it.

It’s also true that some medications can cause a dry, unproductive cough – ACE inhibitors for one. And, if you have chest congestion, you’ll likely have a productive cough to clear it out enough you can breathe.

However, most sore throats, scratchy throats, and dry coughs tend to be caused by a cold or other upper respiratory viral infection.

Those you CAN hammer into submission. And the symptom relief can be FAST.

You can eat right and take certain supplements and treat the people around you well and learn to manage stress well. Those things will boost your immune system and you’ll get fewer of these viruses and get over the ones you do get more quickly. Fresh fruit with natural vitamin C; 30 to 45 mg daily of zinc but NOT more on a daily basis; the herbal supplement Cat’s Claw; 500 mg a day or more of vitamin C; some mushroom extracts, & panax ginseng, even in small amounts all tend to strengthen your immune system.

(I do all of the above except the mushroom extracts and get few of these illnesses myself.)

But what if you have a scratchy throat or a persistent dry cough or a mild or moderately bad sore throat anyway?

Here are three things that DO work.

1. Hit the blasted things directly with zinc. Many lozenges are available that contain zinc. But many, if not most, of them have sugar or artificial sweeteners; & many people hate the taste.

I’ve found a superior solution is to pour out the contents of one of the 30 mg capsules of zinc citrate (that I get from the Solgar company at my local health food store) into a spoon. Then it put that as far back on my tongue as I can without gagging and dump it then lick off any remaining off of the spoon. After that, I wait a few seconds and then swallow.

And, after that I try not to drink or eat anything for a bit to give the zinc a chance to stay right on the sore or scratchy part of my throat long enough to do some good.

Many times I’ve found that a mild sore throat will disappear never to return if I do this.

The other thing that’s nice about this way of applying zinc is that there are no sugar or artificial sweeteners in it; AND it tastes like unflavored flour -- NOT harsh and metallic like the zinc lozenges I once tried.

2. I’ve also sometimes gotten a scratchy throat that triggers a dry cough. Sometimes this simply stops by itself in a minute or two. So I always try just waiting a bit first.

But sometimes the cough persists and the cough itself makes my throat scratchy at that point. And it is hard to stop coughing which makes it all worse etc.

If this happens when I’m home, I try the zinc citrate powder treatment first. That does sometimes work.

But I found a near miraculous product that I use at home if the zinc fails to stop it. And I use it first away from home since I don’t have the zinc with me.

It works so fast and well, it’s almost like turning a switch with a slight delay of about five seconds.

The herb slippery elm provides a temporary and soothing coating if you can apply some to the right part of the inside of your throat.

I read that and realized that there might be a slippery elm product that would soothe the initial irritation enough that you’d stop coughing and then avoid making it worse and keep happening.

There IS one!

Whole Foods and many health food stores carry it. A company called Thayers makes a slippery elm lozenge. The package is quite small; but once you open it, it can get dust in it if you keep it in your pocket so I wrap mine with a small plastic sandwich bag and a rubber band to keep the dust out and keep it at all times in my pants pocket.

I hate to mess with unwrapping it, so I always try waiting a bit if I get a sudden dry cough or scratchy throat. But if it persists after that or starts out bad enough, I unwrap my Thayers and take out 2 lozenges and chew them up and swallow them with no added water.

The first time I tried it, I felt nothing unusual at first and the scratchy throat still seemed to be there, so I thought nothing was happening. About 2 seconds later though, I was astounded. Suddenly, the sensation of a scratchy throat was so thoroughly gone it was as if it had never happened at all !! And it never came back.

Except for the times I can tell I’ve come down with a chest cold too, it’s had a 100 percent success rate every time I’ve used it since.

That beats the sugary do-nothing lozenges like a drum !!

I give this product a 5 star RAVE review and recommend it highly to you!

3. The one drawback is that a moderately severe and persistent sore throat seems to override the Thayers lozenges. And I hate to waste them since they work so well otherwise.

I did see an herbal tea at Whole Foods called Throat Coat that sounded similar; but decided to pass on trying my Thayers for sore throats further or trying that tea.

I just did the zinc treatment and waited for the sore throat to go away.

In some cases where I had a longer-lasting, moderately sore throat, it seems I may have missed out on a third method that DOES work for such sore throats.

I found a marvelous article yesterday in Wednesday’s Early to Rise email.

Here it is:

"This article appears courtesy of Early to Rise's Total Health Breakthroughs, offering alternative solutions for mind, body and soul. For a complimentary subscription,
visit http://www.totalhealthbreakthroughs.com ."

No Need for Lozenges

By Suzanne Richardson

I hate licorice. So when my mother put a steaming mug of tea in front of me that smelled horribly of the stuff, I wrinkled my nose.

"Drink up," she said. "It'll make your throat feel better."

Traveling to Montana to visit my folks, I'd picked up a bad cold - complete with a raging sore throat.

Dutiful daughter that I am, I drank the tea. And after a few sips, my throat felt better. After I'd finished two mugs, it was like I had no sore throat at all.

What is in this? I wondered.

My nose didn't mislead me. Turns out the tea's primary ingredient is organic licorice root. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) website concurs that this is commonly used to soothe sore throats.

But that's not all licorice root can do. According to Dr. Ray Sahelian (www.RaySahelian.com ) , an expert in supplements, "Licorice has compounds that can enhance the immune system, provide antioxidant support, support healthy levels of cholesterol, and thin the blood." He cautions that large amounts of the herb can elevate blood pressure.

If you get a cold this winter, forget sugar-filled lozenges. Instead, try a licorice root brew to ease your symptoms. The tea that worked so quickly for me is called "Organic Throat Coat" by Traditional Medicinals. But if you type "licorice root tea" into Google, you'll get plenty of other options.”


My local Whole Foods Market carries this herbal tea by Traditional Medicinals. So next time my wife or I have that kind of sore throat I’ll try it out.

Mercifully we don’t and likely won’t need it often. But I’m glad to know it seems to be effective.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Prevention in health care reform....

Today's post: Tuesday, 12-16-2008

President-elect Obama has a website with several ideas on how health care reform can be done effectively. (See Health Care under the Agenda tab at http://www.change.gov .)

1. I support Obama’s most important position, which is that he will continue the existing plans and coverages. So, the large group of people who have good or at least almost OK health insurance don’t have to deal with moving to a system that may well be worse or cause them to lose contact with any doctors they have worked well with until now. This also ensures that his plan won’t get torpedoed in congress by legislators who the existing companies would lobby to oppose his plan. It also enables him to add the remaining pieces much more quickly and inexpensively. That gives his reforms a chance of being doable.

2. He also wants to have a plan that gives people who are now not insured some coverage. And he wants to see to it that individuals and employees of small businesses that now get overcharged or denied coverage due to pre-existing medical conditions get group coverage and get coverage at competitive rates and get coverage even with pre-existing medical conditions just the same as employees of large companies do now.

And, most of the other points look decently good.

A. However, due to the severe recession and to help end it, he has postponed the tax rollback his agenda calls for as a funding mechanism. (This may be the correct call for a person charged with the responsibility for the whole country I think.) But it does leave much of the good ideas in this part of his agenda without a funding mechanism for now.

B. And, despite having the following two points about prevention, it is quite weak on simply preventing medical care costs. This is very important because if you don’t get sick or only get sick ten, twenty, or thirty years later, your current health care costs will drop like a stone. And, if any government plan adopts a strong preventive component and gradually begins to require existing insurers to add or upgrade their preventive components if they don’t already have better ones in place, this will eliminate or postpone costs enough to lower our health care costs. Further, these savings can in part help fund the needed added coverage.

Here are the two mentions I see of prevention in the current agenda on health care reform.:

The Obama-Biden plan will promote public health. It will require coverage of preventive services, including cancer screenings….”

They also plan to require the insurance companies that provide malpractice insurance for doctors to lower their rates while also lowering their risks to compensate by requiring them to “….invest in proven strategies to reduce preventable medical errors.”

These two strategies will help. But I think that they need to go much farther than that.

I think they need to also ensure that all the players in the system give discounts to the individuals covered to follow the most essential preventive measures and to charge people who do not do the preventive measures at least a token amount besides.

This would include direct payments to individuals who have no income but who DO take the most important preventive measures.

It’s recently been shown that offering small payments for success to people who are too fat to lose it, does work, for example.

In addition, getting a certain minimum of exercise each week and NOT smoking have even more positive effects.

One way to help accomplish this would be for the new health care program to offer incentives to all employers to offer some kind of fitness plan; offer incentives to any employee (and anyone living in tbeir homes) who now smokes to quit and free doctor and drug programs to do it; and offer extra help to employers to set up workplaces that support good health practices. This would also mean that the coverage plan for individuals and small businesses would have a model program in these areas based on proven best practices. That would provide those people a good program plus provide a model to follow for the larger employers who have less effective plans or none.

This might also encompass passing a law specifically granting any employer the right to only hire nonsmokers and having a federal law prohibiting smoking in certain public places where the local laws do not already do so.

People who don’t smoke, exercise regularly, and eat right tend NOT to get type 2 diabetes, all cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, and many, many other expensive diseases or only get them after age 70.

And, taking the correct supplements generally and for the issues of a particular person as needed have been shown to increase that protection. Following good health practices generally and brushing correctly and flossing daily and seeing a dentist regularly adds to the protection. Taking curcumin and very likely several other supplements in addition to following good health practices generally tends to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

So, not only do these actions prevent disease, they prevent disability. This has the double benefit of eliminating the need for extremely expensive custodial care and to allow the people who thereby remain disability free to do economically productive work.

So, each of these preventive steps helps to eliminate costs. They prevent suffering. And they help keep people productive.

At a time when our economy needs extra help, they are even more important to include than they have been up to now.

C. All of the above will cost money. So if there is a way to raise it that does not cut economic productivity, we should certainly do that too.

There IS such a way.

It’s quite simple. It will not be totally popular; and the industries affected will lobby against it. But I think it’s long overdue to have a hefty federal tax on food and drinks that make people sick. We tax cigarettes. But many foods and drinks we now know are quite literally that bad for you do not now get taxed. Even worse, most of the people who consume them do not even know they are being harmed.

People will die if they don’t get fruit and vegetables -- and protein foods and some kinds of oils that are safe to eat.

But if they never had another soft drink or commercially made dessert or packaged snack they might feel deprived, particularly if they didn’t know how to make or find foods that support their health that they enjoy to substitute for them. But their health would improve dramatically. Their medical care costs would drop in an equally dramatic fashion.

Why not simply tax these things enough to cut their consumption by 70 %. In the short term, while they are still socially accepted; people are still unaware of their health damaging qualities; and people are used to consuming them, they would remain widely available.

But their use would go down; and the taxes would be in the tens of millions nationwide, and likely even more than that.

We could easily add a federal excise tax equal to and collected by the same people who now collect the federal excise tax on alcoholic beverages to all soft drinks and all foods that contain refined grains or refined grain flour, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or any vegetable oil except olive oil or any kind of hydrogenated oil. Then as people become better educated and fewer use these things, the tax could be gradually increased. These foods and drinks are often quite safe if you have them once or twice a month or even once or twice a week; but they produce avoidable illness and massive medical costs if you have them five times a day.

Why not raise money and drive their use down to the levels people can enjoy without getting fat and sick and broke from avoidable medical costs by taxing them adequately?

They would become luxury goods instead of cheap bad for you treats. But the people who have enough money to get lots of them increasingly know better than to have a lot of them.

We could also add a federal tax of a dollar a pack tax on cigarettes in addition to the current taxes on them. (And, it would make sense to have at least a quarter each of the revenues generated go to enforcement; to smoking education and prevention; & to providing no-cost cessation programs.)

We need healthier people. We need lower medical costs. We need to increase the productivity of people who have jobs. And, we need to raise money for these health care reforms without harming things that provide people with essential goods and services.

Taxing and then gradually increasing the taxes on the foods and drinks that make people sick when consumed as often as they are now, would do this.

Why not raise the money for the needed reforms in a way that prevents disease too?

So, I ask the Obama health team
to add such taxes as an essential part of their health care reforms.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Fit & lean better than fit & fat....

Today's post: Monday, 12-15-2008

For at least a year I’ve known that people who are somewhat too fat or even quite a bit too fat who are able to exercise enough to get stronger and become aerobically fit are MUCH healthier than similar people who don’t.

Further, just in the past few months, researchers have found that people with normal weight on the scales but who do NOT exercise are actually UNDER-weight people who are actually FAT inside where it doesn’t show very much.

Two things follow from these two facts.

1. Even at the beginning of a fat loss lifestyle upgrade that includes eating right and enough of the right kinds of exercise, people who are fat now can gain very rapid improvement in their health and protection from disease EVEN BEFORE THEY SEE MUCH PROGRESS on the scale or tape measure from fat loss.

I like to stress this because it helps people keep up their regular exercise which in turn makes their fat loss success MUCH more likely -- in addition to the more immediate health benefits.

2. You cannot avoid having too much fat on your body if you fail to exercise at all –
even if the scale says you are OK and for sure if there are too many pounds indicated when you weigh yourself.

This means EVERYONE who wants to be healthy, stay that way, avoid unnecessary health care costs, and live a long life while able to enjoy it too, MUST exercise regularly every week.

And, other studies confirm this. A recent study of runners who became regular exercisers if they got too old to run for exercise found that they had better health, less disability, and lower medical care costs in later mid-life, than people who did no exercise at all. And, this was true when they were compared with non-exercisers who were from the economic and education levels!

However, it seems that many people who are too fat but who are still able to exercise and do so have been relying on these facts to avoid eating right or taking other effective action to lose fat.

Even worse, many doctors have been giving their patients this advice.

The good news is that these people and doctors DO have it right that exercise is essential and are to be commended for that part of it. The facts back them up bigtime.

But, are they making a mistake if they think that they can still eat junky fast food &/or drink soft drinks &/or eat a lot of refined grain foods and junk oils and grain fed beef and NOT eat enough vegetables with no health penalty?

My strong guess would be that they are making a serious mistake. Each of those eating practices DO make you fat. They do promote you getting heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Worse, if eating this way causes both type 2 diabetes and heart disease, as it does in many people, it guarantees lots of unnecessary doctor visits and drug purchases and drug side effects AND a shorter life with lower quality of life.

Plus it lowers your ability to work and earn an income. (You’re not doing any useful work when you are seeing your doctor; and trying to work when you feel rotten is like doing it with brakes on.)

So, when I read the article on this subject in last Friday’s Total Health Breakthroughs email that has actual research results in it, I decided to make it the theme of today’s post.

"This article appears courtesy of Early to Rise's Total Health Breakthroughs, offering alternative solutions for mind, body and soul. For a complimentary subscription,
visit http://www.totalhealthbreakthroughs.com ."

“Friday, December 12, 2008

Can You Really Be Fit When You're Fat?

By Al Sears, MD

Have you noticed over the past several years that people are starting to get comfortable with the idea of carrying around "a few extra pounds?" I see this a lot in my new patients: the thinking that if you can work out "hard" you can be "fat but fit."

Don't believe it.

Take a recent conversation I had with one of my patients, who I'll call Alice. She's middle-aged. When she came to me she was "a little on the heavy side," as she put it. I told her she really would have to drop the extra pounds to avoid heart disease and other serious health problems.

Her reaction? She dismissed it, insisting she was in great shape. "Dr. Sears, I run 25 miles a week and lead an active lifestyle, so I'm not worried. The last time I went to see a doctor, he said the same thing."

I can understand how people started to embrace this foolish notion. There've been a lot of reports in the press about how "people come in all shapes and sizes"1 and that women aren't at risk for heart disease just because they're heavy, so long as they exercise regularly.

There've even been a few research reports supporting this idea.2 So a lot of doctors believe it -- and pass it on to the women they treat.

The problem is they're dead wrong. Heart disease is still the number one killer of women today. In fact, since 1984 more women have died of heart attacks than men3 -- and exercise alone isn't enough to prevent it if you're above a normal weight.

A groundbreaking new study busts the myth. Researchers in Boston ran one of the largest studies ever on women, obesity, and fitness.4 They tracked the overall health profiles of 39,000 women, with an average age of 54, over a ten-year period. Thirty-four percent exercised regularly, 31 percent were overweight, and 18 percent were obese. None showed signs of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer at the beginning.

But by the end of the study, they found that with regular exercise, heart disease rates were still a lot higher even for women with "a little extra padding." The risk was 54 percent higher for this group and 87 percent higher for active but obese women.

The bottom line is that size matters. You need to stay slim and lean if you want to ward off a heart attack.

The first thing to do is adjust your diet. You can easily switch on your body's natural "fat-burning engine" with a diet rich in lean meats,”…. (preferably organic, grass-fed, and wild-caught,)…. seeds, nuts, and above-ground vegetables…. Avoid all starchy, high-carb foods, including bread, pasta, and cereal -- anything grain-based.

Second, you need the right kind of exercise program to burn fat. Short bursts of intense exercise with periods of rest in between are the best way to turn on your fat burning switch.

You'll also need a reliable way to find out if you're lean or not. Don't be fooled by the "Body Mass Index," the tool a lot of fitness experts use. It only compares height against weight, without distinguishing between fat and muscle mass. You can see the problem with this: since muscle is denser than fat, you can technically weigh more and have a high BMI but still be relatively lean.

Body composition will give you a much more accurate measurement of how slim you actually are. Skin calipers are one of the best ways to measure it. You can get them at exercise equipment stores or you can also order them on my website.”
See http://www.alsearsmd.com/ Click on the “Catalog” tab just underneath his picture.

“They come with a simple instruction manual that will show you how to get a good read on how much fat you're carrying.

Another simple method: measure your waist and hip girths. Wrap a tape measure around your waist at your navel and record the number in inches. Next measure the circumference around your hips at their widest point.

Waist girth should be less than your hip girth in both men and women. As a woman, your waist should be 3 or more inches less than your hips in girth for optimum fitness.

Finally, you can grab your skin between your finger and thumb just to the side of your navel and measure the thickness of the skin fold. It should measure less than 1 inch.


1. For example, see Jane E. Brody. "Fat But Fit: A Myth About Obesity is Slowly Being Debunked." New York Times. October 24, 2000; and Charmaine Camilleri. "Fit, Fat and Healthy: Researchers are challenging the idea that you need to be a size 10 to be in shape. Heavy people can be fit too." theage.com.au . October 6, 2003.

2. For example, see Sui et al. "Cardiorespiratory fitness and adiposity as mortality predictors in older adults." Journal of the American Medical Association. 2007. 298:2507-2516.

3. "Go Red For Women Day Is Feb. 15." http://chfs.ky.gov/news/chfs021405b.htm, February 15, 2005.

4. Weinstein et al. "The joint effects of physical activity and body mass index on coronary heart disease risk in women." Archives of Internal Medicine. 168:884-890.

[Ed. Note: Dr. Sears, Chairman of the Board of Total Health Breakthroughs, has written over 500 articles and seven books in the fields of alternative medicine, anti-aging, and nutritional supplementation. He's just completed his own appetite suppressant formula that keeps hunger in check without side effects. It's easy to use and you can take it anywhere. Find out how to kick your hunger to the curb here.]” http://www.primalforce.net/nativeslim/

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1. I’m not a great fan of appetite suppressants. But there are two great ways to use one that is safe.

First, if you are unfortunate enough, as many people still are, to work in a place with huge daily amounts of readily available goodies that are horrible for you and fattening too, you may find it hard to eat none.

Dr Sears new product might help with that.

(So can always eating breakfast;
joining Weight Watchers for moral support;
or listening to one of the “Skinny Songs.” See: http://www.skinnysongs.com .)

But the best use of Dr Sears new product may well be if you get the night-time munchies every night. Having his spray to use right by your bed and simply using it and then going back to sleep may really help you avoid a lot of calories.

2. The best fat loss combination is some progressive strength training; AND some interval cardio which is Dr Sears specialty and DOES work, AND some additional gentler but still brisk exercise such as brisk walking outside or on a treadmill.

(This replicates in an ideal way the kind of exercise virtually everyone used to get during the millions of years humans evolved.)

3. You can eat some WHOLE grains if you avoid all the junk you should NOT eat and exercise enough. But even then, eating less – even of whole grains -- will help you lose fat.

Eating health supporting protein foods such as he describes, spices, health supporting oils such as omega 3 oils and monosaturated oils in nuts, avocados, & extra virgin olive oil, and lots of vegetables, for most of your food works best.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Two ways to lose fat better....

Today's post: Friday, 12-12-2008

1. Strength training is one of the several most effective things you can do to lose unwanted fat and keep it off.

If you do strength training right, you not only burn calories while you are doing it, you burn calories for hours AFTER you do it due to its turning up your metabolism.

Because it tends to increase the size and weight of your muscles at least some, you get several wonderful added benefits.:

When you lose weight you keep or add muscle instead of losing it as people do who lose weight without doing strength training at the same time. That means that you lose MORE fat & all of the weight you lose is fat.

Because you burn all these calories doing strength training and from the metabolic boost AND you keep burning calories that feed your muscles or even larger muscles --and NOT adding more fat with those calories, you can lose fat with only moderate calorie restriction so you can lose fat and keep it off without feeling excessively hungry or deprived.

These two things mean that if you do strength training right, you are dramatically more likely to lose ALL the fat you’d like to lose; AND you are also that much more likely to keep it off and continue eating right and exercising.

The progressive strength training helps enormously to make effective and permanent fat loss doable and sustainable.

However, in order to get these effects best it helps to be gradually getting stronger and using heavier weights. And, to make it keep working, you have to do this without hurting yourself.

Start with a weight that you can lift 3 to 5 times using good form. Then try to do one more each time at first and then one more each week and then one more each few weeks if necessary until you can do 12. Once you can do 12, do a second set with a slightly heavier weight that you can do 3 to 5 times using good form. Then once you build up to doing 6 in that second set, just keep using the heavier weight and build up to 12 and only do that one set.

Then repeat the process.

Once you get to where increasing the weight becomes difficult or if you want rapid progress and have the extra time, you can also do another set at the end of your workout.

In your first set or two exert force smoothly and somewhat rapidly and then resist a bit as you move back to do your next repetition. That way you build up your ability to exert force quickly; and you can lift more weight.

However, in this extra set, use a much lighter weight in your 6 to 12 reps for each of those sets. BUT, the kicker is that you do them in slow motion. Mentally count to five as they go up & count to five as they go down for EACH repetition. AND, instead of stopping after a repetition where you suspect you’ll not do the next one, do at least part of one as best you can until you simply cannot make the weight move and then lower it as slowly as you can manage. (You still want to breathe out as the weight goes up and breathe in as the weight goes down.)

This process forces the muscle to grow and get stronger.

And, since it IS a lot of work., if you do 10 or twelve exercises and are no longer under 30 or need to be recovered in time for work and are not a professional athlete etc, pick just two of your exercises to do this extra set for. To get balanced development, try to do two sets that do the reverse of each other. One example is to use a pulley machine to do triceps press downs where it extends your arm and pair it with dumbbell curls that exercise your biceps that do the reverse, or balancing, action, contracting your arm.

If you do strength training this way and are careful, you will get stronger over time;
doing it this way guarantees you will work hard enough eventually to get the extra metabolic burn that will maximize your fat loss;
and getting stronger and losing pounds and inches will help give you the motivation to keep doing it!

(The other thing you can do is to take 2 or more grams a day of the supplement creatine. You can either take it about 30 minutes or a bit less before your strength training workout, which I think is important or you can also take some at bedtime.

Now supplements sells it in 500 mg capsules that are available at most health food stores at a reasonable price.

If it’s hot or you work out hard, you do need to drink a bit of extra water if you take creatine. But both the website www.wholehealthmd.com and a researcher at the Cooper Clinics (for exercise research and promotion) have told me that taking creatine IS effective for making your muscles stronger when you do strength training.

And, there is another supplement that has been reported to work that I’m personally testing and which will be included in our upcoming eBook on fat loss that may add even more effects and rapid progress for people who take it. Keep reading our blog as we will announce it when that eBook becomes available for sale.)

2. The second thing is to get continuous feedback on your efforts.

If you do the right things, you will get such good results over the first three months, your improvement will be pretty obvious even if you only measure your progress once a month.

And, if you do a great job eating right including slight calorie restriction and exercising right every week the progress will be there even if you don’t measure. (That’s why some trainers focus on that and don’t use scales.)

But quite often people often do too little at first or they slack off or have events temporarily knock them off course. So for most people getting the feedback is critical.

And the research backs this up.

It’s been found that people who measure their weight more often than once a month lose more fat to some degree AND are MUCH better at keeping it off than people who don’t do it or only do it once a month.

But your weight can fluctuate enough to throw you off and it can be an inconvenient task if you weigh yourself every day.

So, what is a good time-efficient solution?

Today’s Early to Rise health article has one.

Here it is. As I often do, I follow it with my comments.

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

By Craig Ballantyne

I know you hate to look at the scale. Some trainers even suggest throwing the thing out. But the truth is, keeping an eye on your weight can help you meet your weight-loss goals.

To see if frequent self-weighing helps - or discourages - weight-loss efforts, researchers reviewed 12 studies. Eleven of the 12 indicated that more frequent self-weighing was beneficial. Folks who'd been weighing themselves weekly or daily for at least several months tended to lose more weight (and prevent subsequent weight gain) than folks who didn't do regular self-weighing.

The researchers admit the studies weren't perfect, but there doesn't seem to be any reason not to weigh yourself frequently. Through my experience with clients, I've found that weighing yourself every couple of days does help keep you on track for fat loss and for keeping the weight off. (It also helps to have your body fat estimated and take your limb, hip, and waist circumferences every four weeks.)

However, you need to understand that weight can fluctuate up or down based on the salt content of the foods you eat, the phase of the menstrual cycle a woman is in, and the previous day's activity. So don't hit the panic button if your weight jumps up one day. Just make sure the general trend is downward.”

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I very much like his idea to weigh once or twice a week & measure inches once a month.

For busy people, I think once a week on the morning you can best fit it in works well to weigh yourself. And then once a month on the same day, also measure your chest normal, your waist around the navel without either completely relaxing it OR pulling it in, & your hips.

It’s also very important to enter the results into a log book with the date you got that measurement.

This allows you to see that even though you have weeks where you don’t lose much if at all or only lose a pound, over a period of 6 months you’ve lost 30 pounds or more.

Or, once you’ve lost a bit or even a lot of weight, if the trend starts going in reverse, after a few weeks you’ll see the evidence that you need to make an extra effort or resume what you may have stopped doing –but BEFORE the trend goes far enough to wipe out your results.

Why not do both these things and eat right too?

It really does work. And if you keep doing it, it keeps working!

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Much safer ways to use cell phones....

Today's post: Thursday, 12-11-2008

Cell phones are extremely useful and have even proved life-saving at times. So, since most people have experienced this, cell phones are NOT likely to go out of use anytime soon.

But heavy use may be bad for some people and moderately heavy use might be though the evidence is still a bit light one way or the other.

What to do?

So far, I’ve simply not used mine much and have continued using our original land line for most of my calls. And, since very few people have my cell phone number, I rarely have my cell phone turned on and set to ring if someone calls and have it off the rest of the time. It’s only on when I’m expecting a call or when I’m making one from it.

That works for me at the moment. But your job may require you to make heavy use of a cell phone. So, if that’s true for you, what should you do to make it safer?

Dr Al Sears is one of the better doctors who focuses on how to have GOOD health and prevent disease while having a better quality of life. And, since he writes for his own email list and for Early to Rise and their Total Health Breakthroughs, I get to read his articles often that reveal his much better than average thinking & knowledge. (He’s not perfect. But most of his articles are extremely good.)

So, when I saw earlier today that he had done an article on how to use cell phones more safely, I read it with interest. And, when I found how good it was, I immediately decided to make it the theme of today’s post.

Here it is. As I often do, I follow it with my comments.

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

Can Cellphones Really Give You Cancer?

By Al Sears, MD

Some people think Senator Kennedy's cellphone caused it. He was diagnosed last year with a malignant "glioma," a kind of brain cancer specifically considered a risk for cellphone users.

Should you be worried?

The truth is, cellphones have not been around long enough to give us the kind of long-term studies we really need to know for sure.

And the research is conflicting. Some studies show no increased risk. So I'm not ready to tell my readers and patients that cellphones definitely cause cancer. The FDA says, "The available scientific evidence does not show that any health problems are associated with using wireless phones." But they then add, "There is no proof, however, that wireless phones are absolutely safe."

Some of the most up-to-date research suggests that there is some cause for concern. Here's what I know:

Researchers in Israel found last year that people who used cellphones heavily experienced a 58 percent increase in "parotid tumors" - a cancer of the saliva gland near the ear.

Another study last year, this one out of Sweden, concluded that cellphone users are 10 times more likely to develop benign cancers of the ear and brain.

Several animal studies have found that the kind of radiation cellphones use can damage DNA in brain cells. Damaged DNA is one of the things that can turn healthy cells into cancer cells.
Cellphones use microwaves called "radio frequency radiation" (RF) to transmit signals. Their antennae emit most of the RF, and since you're holding the phone right next to your ear most of the time, a lot of it penetrates the brain - as much as 60 percent, according to some studies.

Depending on the size of your head and the amount of radiation coming from the specific type of phone you use, you may be literally "cooking" your brain. RF energy can potentially cause the temperature of your brain tissue to rise slightly.

To protect yourself from any potential risk from cellphone RF, here are a few guidelines:

Keep cellphone calls short.

Go with a "hands-free" headset or a speakerphone. These keep the cellphone from direct contact with your head.

Don't carry your cellphone in your chest or hip pocket. Even when in "standby" mode, cellphones continue to emit radiation, exposing whichever part of your body is closest.

When using a hands-free headset, let the wire extend fully between your head and the phone. This distributes RF in small amounts along the length of your body rather than concentrating it in any one location.

Look for a phone with "voice-activated" features. These enable you to place calls and perform other commands without having to hold the phone close to your head.

Use a standard "land line" whenever possible.

Find out the level of RF emissions for your cellphone. If the level is high, replace the phone.
Cellphones come with emissions ratings known as "SARs" (specific absorption rates). These range from 0.5 to 1.6 W/kg (watts of power absorbed per kilogram of body tissue). Avoid any cellphone that falls within range of that upper limit.

The FDA provides SAR ratings for most kinds of cellphones and other wireless devices online. You'll need to locate your cellphone's FCC ID number, which is usually located somewhere on the case of the phone or in the battery compartment.

Meanwhile, my Wellness Research teams tracked down the SAR ratings for some commonly used cellphones:

Make/model SAR rating:

Alcatel OT-256 0.59
Apple iPhone 0.974
Blackberry 8100 Pearl 1.52
Kyocera KX1 (SoHo) 0.99
LG Prada 1.29
Nokia 2300 1.27
Nokia 2650 0.54
Palm Treo 600 1.43
Palm Treo 650 CDMA 1.5
Samsung PM-A840 1.29
Samsung SPH-A900 0.92
Sanyo M1 1.22
Sanyo SCP-5400 1.16
Sharp GX20 0.7
Sony Ericsson A1228C 1.34
Sony Ericsson K600i 0.5
Sprint PM 8912 1.27
T-Mobile Dash 1.34

Don't wait for proof positive that cellphone use can harm you. Using my guidelines, take steps right now to protect yourself.

[Ed. Note: Dr. Sears is a practicing physician and the author of The Doctor's Heart Cure. He is also a nutrition expert, a fitness expert, and is board certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Find Dr. Sears's practical solutions and get immediate access to more than 400 of his articles by visiting http://www.alsearsmd.com/ETR/ ….]”

X* X* X* X* X* X* X* X*

A. One strategy he recommends is very similar to my current one. Mostly by using your cell phone very sparingly when you can, you are able to limit your exposure to it.

1. “Use a standard "land line" whenever possible.“

I particularly favor making an effort to make some of your more important or longer calls on a land line even if you do have to use your cell phone a good bit.

Here’s a couple of reasons why other than to avoid time using your cell phone.:

The calls don’t occasionally drop off in voice quality or suddenly simply end themselves at inconvenient times as cell phones too often do. And, since their handsets do not have to be mostly designed to be convenient to carry around, landline handsets are often much easier and more comfortable to use than cell phones.

That makes your more important and longer calls work better and be less hard on you. So this may be the best of these strategies now.

It can also work to use emails instead of some calls. Not only does that allow you and the person you are emailing to NOT use your cell phones, you both can reply at a convenient time.

2. “Keep cellphone calls short.”

3. “Even when in "standby" mode, cellphones continue to emit radiation, exposing whichever part of your body is closest.”

This suggests having your cell phone turned off unless you have reason to expect an important call can be protective also. So far this works well for me.

(However, it may well be technically feasible to make cell phones that are made NOT to emit radiation or to emit 90 % less than today’s models when they are not receiving a call. So that’s something to watch for in the future, particularly, if further research shows using cell phones is definitely harmful.)

B. Dr Sears and his staff also have provided a way to know which of several popular cell phones seem, overall, for both incoming and out going calls to do this least, which is nice.

And, there may be a way, since this is an FDA rating, to look up a cell phone NOT on the list in his today’s article on FDA’s website someplace.

C. Not having the cell phone right next to your head by using an ear phone and with your cell phone away from your head sounds like a superior idea if you do have to use your cell phone a lot.

It does sometimes make its users who talk on their cell phones in public look as if they are taking to themselves. But by now most people realize they are talking on their hands free cell phone instead.

And, it can make people who DO talk to themselves look more normal than was once the case, depending on what they are saying of course!

D. Hands free operation of a cell phone you use in your car is now legally required in many states. And, a car offers locations for the sending and receiving part of your cell phone that help limit your exposure to the radiation.

E. Since even if YOU do all these things, many people around you every time you are in public will have their cell phones on or be talking on them, you’ll be exposed to some of their radiation even if you do not use a cellphone at all. And, you will be exposed at least some if you have a cellphone and use it, even if you use it less and have a low radiation model.

So, one thing is clear, you need to do everything else you can to prevent cancer.

1. Do NOT smoke. Avoid second hand smoke. Support laws that prohibit or severely restrict smoking in public. And support groups that help people quit or that help teach young people why not to start. For example, we now know that one fourth of heavy smokers who actually LIKE smoking will get lung cancer from it with no extra help needed from cellphone use. And, despite that smoking kills many more people with cardiovascular disease, it is estimated to directly cause as many as one third of ALL cancers, not just lung cancer.

2. If you get a bit too fat or you are, take action to lose the fat. In particular, get regular exercise each week. This helps you keep off the fat and has been found to be directly preventive of cancer. Eating lots of organic vegetables also helps keep fat off; and many of them have cancer-preventing vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients.

3. Take multiple supplements, vitamins, minerals, and those that help you prevent cancer such as 2,000 or more additional vitamin D3 each day. Taking curcumin once a day may also help prevent cancer as well as Alzheimer’s disease. Taking 200 mcg a day of selenium may not prevent all cancers; but it does seem to make it less likely those who get cancers while taking it will die from any cancers they get.

4. And, make a strong, special effort to eat some raw cruciferous vegetables, particularly, cabbage, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, and/or cauliflower each week.

So, in summary, if you limit your exposure to cell phone radiation as much as you can AND take the other actions that prevent all cancers, there’s a decent chance you can use your cell phone and avoid cancer too.

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Much safer ways to use cell phones....

Today's post: Thursday, 12-11-2008

Cell phones are extremely useful and have even proved life-saving at times. So, since most people have experienced this, cell phones are NOT likely to go out of use anytime soon.

But heavy use may be bad for some people and moderately heavy use might be though the evidence is still a bit light one way or the other.

What to do?

So far, I’ve simply not used mine much and have continued using our original land line for most of my calls. And, since very few people have my cell phone number, I rarely have my cell phone turned on and set to ring if someone calls and have it off the rest of the time. It’s only on when I’m expecting a call or when I’m making one from it.

That works for me at the moment. But your job may require you to make heavy use of a cell phone. So, if that’s true for you, what should you do to make it safer?

Dr Al Sears is one of the better doctors who focuses on how to have GOOD health and prevent disease while having a better quality of life. And, since he writes for his own email list and for Early to Rise and their Total Health Breakthroughs, I get to read his articles often that reveal his much better than average thinking & knowledge. (He’s not perfect. But most of his articles are extremely good.)

So, when I saw earlier today that he had done an article on how to use cell phones more safely, I read it with interest. And, when I found how good it was, I immediately decided to make it the theme of today’s post.

Here it is. As I often do, I follow it with my comments.

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit http://www.earlytorise.com.

Can Cellphones Really Give You Cancer?

By Al Sears, MD

Some people think Senator Kennedy's cellphone caused it. He was diagnosed last year with a malignant "glioma," a kind of brain cancer specifically considered a risk for cellphone users.

Should you be worried?

The truth is, cellphones have not been around long enough to give us the kind of long-term studies we really need to know for sure.

And the research is conflicting. Some studies show no increased risk. So I'm not ready to tell my readers and patients that cellphones definitely cause cancer. The FDA says, "The available scientific evidence does not show that any health problems are associated with using wireless phones." But they then add, "There is no proof, however, that wireless phones are absolutely safe."

Some of the most up-to-date research suggests that there is some cause for concern. Here's what I know:

Researchers in Israel found last year that people who used cellphones heavily experienced a 58 percent increase in "parotid tumors" - a cancer of the saliva gland near the ear.

Another study last year, this one out of Sweden, concluded that cellphone users are 10 times more likely to develop benign cancers of the ear and brain.

Several animal studies have found that the kind of radiation cellphones use can damage DNA in brain cells. Damaged DNA is one of the things that can turn healthy cells into cancer cells.
Cellphones use microwaves called "radio frequency radiation" (RF) to transmit signals. Their antennae emit most of the RF, and since you're holding the phone right next to your ear most of the time, a lot of it penetrates the brain - as much as 60 percent, according to some studies.

Depending on the size of your head and the amount of radiation coming from the specific type of phone you use, you may be literally "cooking" your brain. RF energy can potentially cause the temperature of your brain tissue to rise slightly.

To protect yourself from any potential risk from cellphone RF, here are a few guidelines:

Keep cellphone calls short.

Go with a "hands-free" headset or a speakerphone. These keep the cellphone from direct contact with your head.

Don't carry your cellphone in your chest or hip pocket. Even when in "standby" mode, cellphones continue to emit radiation, exposing whichever part of your body is closest.

When using a hands-free headset, let the wire extend fully between your head and the phone. This distributes RF in small amounts along the length of your body rather than concentrating it in any one location.

Look for a phone with "voice-activated" features. These enable you to place calls and perform other commands without having to hold the phone close to your head.

Use a standard "land line" whenever possible.

Find out the level of RF emissions for your cellphone. If the level is high, replace the phone.
Cellphones come with emissions ratings known as "SARs" (specific absorption rates). These range from 0.5 to 1.6 W/kg (watts of power absorbed per kilogram of body tissue). Avoid any cellphone that falls within range of that upper limit.

The FDA provides SAR ratings for most kinds of cellphones and other wireless devices online. You'll need to locate your cellphone's FCC ID number, which is usually located somewhere on the case of the phone or in the battery compartment.

Meanwhile, my Wellness Research teams tracked down the SAR ratings for some commonly used cellphones:

Make/model SAR rating:

Alcatel OT-256 0.59
Apple iPhone 0.974
Blackberry 8100 Pearl 1.52
Kyocera KX1 (SoHo) 0.99
LG Prada 1.29
Nokia 2300 1.27
Nokia 2650 0.54
Palm Treo 600 1.43
Palm Treo 650 CDMA 1.5
Samsung PM-A840 1.29
Samsung SPH-A900 0.92
Sanyo M1 1.22
Sanyo SCP-5400 1.16
Sharp GX20 0.7
Sony Ericsson A1228C 1.34
Sony Ericsson K600i 0.5
Sprint PM 8912 1.27
T-Mobile Dash 1.34

Don't wait for proof positive that cellphone use can harm you. Using my guidelines, take steps right now to protect yourself.

[Ed. Note: Dr. Sears is a practicing physician and the author of The Doctor's Heart Cure. He is also a nutrition expert, a fitness expert, and is board certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. Find Dr. Sears's practical solutions and get immediate access to more than 400 of his articles by visiting http://www.alsearsmd.com/ETR/ ….]”

X* X* X* X* X* X* X* X*

A. One strategy he recommends is very similar to my current one. Mostly by using your cell phone very sparingly when you can, you are able to limit your exposure to it.

1. “Use a standard "land line" whenever possible.“

I particularly favor making an effort to make some of your more important or longer calls on a land line even if you do have to use your cell phone a good bit.

Here’s a couple of reasons why other than to avoid time using your cell phone.:

The calls don’t occasionally drop off in voice quality or suddenly simply end themselves at inconvenient times as cell phones too often do. And, since their handsets do not have to be mostly designed to be convenient to carry around, landline handsets are often much easier and more comfortable to use than cell phones.

That makes your more important and longer calls work better and be less hard on you. So this may be the best of these strategies now.

It can also work to use emails instead of some calls. Not only does that allow you and the person you are emailing to NOT use your cell phones, you both can reply at a convenient time.

2. “Keep cellphone calls short.”

3. “Even when in "standby" mode, cellphones continue to emit radiation, exposing whichever part of your body is closest.”

This suggests having your cell phone turned off unless you have reason to expect an important call can be protective also. So far this works well for me.

(However, it may well be technically feasible to make cell phones that are made NOT to emit radiation or to emit 90 % less than today’s models when they are not receiving a call. So that’s something to watch for in the future, particularly, if further research shows using cell phones is definitely harmful.)

B. Dr Sears and his staff also have provided a way to know which of several popular cell phones seem, overall, for both incoming and out going calls to do this least, which is nice.

And, there may be a way, since this is an FDA rating, to look up a cell phone NOT on the list in his today’s article on FDA’s website someplace.

C. Not having the cell phone right next to your head by using an ear phone and with your cell phone away from your head sounds like a superior idea if you do have to use your cell phone a lot.

It does sometimes make its users who talk on their cell phones in public look as if they are taking to themselves. But by now most people realize they are talking on their hands free cell phone instead.

And, it can make people who DO talk to themselves look more normal than was once the case, depending on what they are saying of course!

D. Hands free operation of a cell phone you use in your car is now legally required in many states. And, a car offers locations for the sending and receiving part of your cell phone that help limit your exposure to the radiation.

E. Since even if YOU do all these things, many people around you every time you are in public will have their cell phones on or be talking on them, you’ll be exposed to some of their radiation even if you do not use a cellphone at all. And, you will be exposed at least some if you have a cellphone and use it, even if you use it less and have a low radiation model.

So, one thing is clear, you need to do everything else you can to prevent cancer.

1. Do NOT smoke. Avoid second hand smoke. Support laws that prohibit or severely restrict smoking in public. And support groups that help people quit or that help teach young people why not to start. For example, we now know that one fourth of heavy smokers who actually LIKE smoking will get lung cancer from it with no extra help need from cellphone use. And, despite that smoking kills many more people with cardiovascular disease, it is estimated to directly cause as many as one third of ALL cancers, not just lung cancer.

2. If you get a bit too fat or you are, take action to lose the fat. In particular, get regular exercise each week. This helps you keep off the fat and has been found to be directly preventive of cancer. Eating lots of organic vegetables also helps keep fat off; and many of them have cancer-preventing vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients.

3. Take multiple supplements, vitamins, minerals, and those that help you prevent cancer such as 2,000 or more additional vitamin D3 each day. Taking curcumin once a day may also help prevent cancer as well as Alzheimer’s disease. Taking 200 mcg a day of selenium may not prevent all cancers; but it does seem to make it less likely those who get cancers while taking it will die from any cancers they get.

4. And, make a strong, special effort to eat some raw cruciferous vegetables, particularly, cabbage, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, and/or cauliflower each week.

So, in summary, if you limit your exposure to cell phone radiation as much as you can AND take the other actions that prevent all cancers, there’s a decent chance you can use your cell phone and avoid cancer too.

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