Fat Loss makes you sexier as well as better looking....
Today's post: Monday, 12-22-2008 It turns out this works BOTH ways. Excess fat de-sexes you to some degree and so does one of the causes of you gaining excess fat in the first place that also tends to cause you to add belly fat. AND, the doing the things that will take off excess fat or prevent it showing up or coming back, have been proven to make you sexier.
The article we quote today from last Friday’s Total Health breakthroughs email is written mostly for men.
But all these factors work in women too. Some work every bit as well for women as they do for men; and some work to some degree but not as strongly.
1. The hormone connection.Excess estrogen tends to make both men and women less sexy. But it is particularly bad for men.
Similarly, testosterone tends to make people feel sexier and more interested in sex.
Men, particularly when they are young tend to have a lot of testosterone. But as they get older they tend to have less or to have sexually ineffective versions and less useful, or “free”, testosterone in their blood.
Women, particularly when they are young, also do have some testosterone. And women who have too little testosterone, tend to lose some of their interest in and enjoyment of sex.
Excess estrogen tends to cause sex and health problems in both sexes.
First, here’s the THB article with some of the key information.:
"This article appears courtesy of Early to Rise's Total Health Breakthroughs, offering alternative solutions for mind, body and soul. For a complimentary subscription,
visit http://www.totalhealthbreakthroughs.com"
“Friday, December 19, 2008
Men: "Hormone Hell" is NOT Just for Women!
By Layne LoweryCan men go through menopause? Absolutely! You might not know it, but estrogen dominance, or andropause, is a major health hazard for men over 40. This hormone imbalance occurs when your body builds up too much estrogen and xenoestrogens -- which are synthetic forms of the hormone.
You've probably never heard of estrogen dominance -- and your doctor would probably misdiagnose your symptoms. But this could be the reason you suffer from...
Memory loss and "senior moments"
Depression and mood swings
Sleepless nights
Unwanted weight gain-- especially belly fat
Muscles turning into flab
Low sex drive and erectile dysfunction (ED)
Enlarged prostate and other prostate problems-- and a frequent need to urinate
Hair loss
Male breasts or "man boobs"
There are three main reasons why these unpleasant symptoms of male menopause may be tormenting you: 1) aging, 2) environmental pollutants, and 3) your diet.
As you get older, your body doesn't make as much testosterone. The remaining testosterone gets weaker and easily converts to estrogen. Unfortunately, mid-life weight gain increases estrogen production because fat cells contain the aromatase enzyme, which changes testosterone into estrogen.
Another cause for hormone imbalances comes from xenoestrogens -- or toxins that imitate estrogen-- which are dumped into the environment by industrial, agricultural, and chemical companies. In his health newsletter, Dr. HingHau Tsang said these phony hormones are offshoots of products such as spermacides, detergent, plastics, plastic bottles, pesticides, herbicides, personal care products, and lacquers.
Dr. Tsang also said commercially raised beef, chicken and pork, as well as birth control pills and canned foods, contain xenoestrogens. He said massive amounts of hormones are regularly injected into beef and poultry, which can upset your natural estrogen levels.1
John R. Lee, M.D., an expert in natural progesterone therapy, thinks that significant amounts of estrogen are the main cause of prostate enlargement AND prostate cancer!2
And estrogen dominance can also lead to erectile dysfunction (ED). According to Nick Delgado, Ph.D., a leading expert on anti-aging, a number of men with ED are "at greater risk for heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, or hypertension."3
So whether you call it estrogen dominance, "male menopause," or andropause -- estrogen overload is a real health hazard. And as indicated in a report titled "Manopause" by Lisa Marshall, large numbers of baby boomers are being hit with symptoms of male menopause.4
Therefore, Dr. John Morley, lead researcher of estrogen dominance in men and head of the geriatrics division at Saint Louis University Medical School, predicts that, "We are going to see an explosion of interest in it."5
What does this mean for you? Have your hormone levels checked to ensure that you don't have elevated levels of estrogen that can cause major health problems. A good naturopathic practitioner can advise you on lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements that will help keep your hormones in balance and reduce your risk of both male menopause and chronic disease.
1. HingHau Tsang, M.D., Dr. HingHau Tsang's Crusade on Nutrition: Newsletter #75--"Estrogen Dominance, Natural Progesterone and Men," Tsangenterprise.
2. John R. Lee, M.D., Natural Progesterone.
3. Nick Delgado, Ph.D., "Steps to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance and Slowing Symptoms of Aging," Ezine Articles.
4. Lisa Marshall, "Manopause," Natural Awakenings.
5. John R. Lee, M.D., Medical letter--"Prostate Disease and Hormones," March 2002.
[Ed. Note: Layne Lowery is the owner and operator of Health Resources ™, a manufacturer of high-quality nutritional supplements. In the health business since 1995, Layne's passion is providing affordable natural health solutions and educational tools based on the best scientific research available to empower his customers to make wise decisions on matters of personal health.]
The Hormonal Cause of Man Boobs and Facial Hair in Women.. You've Likely Never Heard Of!
It's called "estrogen dominance" and it's a silent menace that could be plaguing your body and wreaking havoc on your health. It's annoying (and often dangerous) symptoms affect both men and women. And contrary to popular belief, not only women need estrogen for healthy living.
If you're a man, the warning signs of estrogen dominance include: Enlarged prostate and frequent need to urinate, prostate problems, high PSA levels, belly fat, male breasts, muscles turning to flab and low sex drive.
If you're a woman, the warning signs of estrogen dominance include: Abnormal breast cells, hot flashes and painful menopausal symptoms, unwanted facial hair, vaginal dryness and painful intercourse, weight gain, brittle bones, dry skin and wrinkles and thinning hair and bald spots.
The good news is you can safely put an end to estrogen dominance and restore a normal hormonal balance with a remarkable phytonutrient called Di-Indole Methane. ….”
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Three key ideas are in this article.:
a) “….mid-life weight gain increases estrogen production because fat cells contain the aromatase enzyme, which changes testosterone into estrogen.“
This means that the fatter you are the more likely you are to have less testosterone and too much estrogen. The fat cells directly trigger a process that causes both problems.
I knew some of this other info. But this one I did NOT know.
So, if you want to be as sexy as your heredity and circumstances allow, this means that excess fat on your body is your enemy.
b) The other things that trigger too much estrogen tend to make you gain fat and to gain belly fat in particular. So, doing the other things that prevent excess estrogen will make you less fat all over and help you lose belly fat too.
c) The “phytonutrient called Di-Indole Methane” apparently helps prevent the compounds that trigger excess estrogen from doing so and to block the excessive conversion of testosterone to estrogen. In men, it helps boost testosterone levels and may do this in women as well.
The phytonutrient called Di-Indole Methane is available at the health food store now. There it’s called DIM. Source Naturals is a company that produces a DIM supplement that health food stores carry. And, there may be several others that I do not yet know.
But, you don’t need to get it from supplements alone. It is a phytonutrient that is found in broccoli and possibly other cruciferous vegetables as well.
Another supplement that increases testosterone release is Tribulus. Many supplement companies make it including the NOW brand that you can get in health food stores.
2. The food connection.If you eat lots of broccoli or a moderate amount often. -- and you also eat other cruciferous vegetables regularly, particularly if you regular have some raw and some cooked, you get a good bit of cancer protection, particularly for the more aggressive sex-linked cancers from the raw ones; and you get many kinds of other health benefits as well.
This is in addition to the DIM you get by doing so!
These foods, as well as green beans, tomatoes, onions, green peas, celery, green peppers, and many other less starchy vegetables are high in fiber and nutrition and low to very low in calories.
That means they are good for you; fill you up; and do not make you fat.
In fact eating a lot of them helps allow you to eat fewer calories WITHOUT feeling less full, too hungry, or undernourished.
This is so much the case, Weight Watchers assigns them ZERO points.
So that means that eating a lot of cruciferous and other nonstarchy vegetables every week makes you sexier two ways, you’ll be less fat so you’ll have less of the aromatase that creates excess estrogen; and you’ll take in the DIM and similar phytonutrients that tend to prevent excess estrogen and increase your testosterone levels.
3. The exercise connection.
Regular exercise has been proven to improve the sex lives
of BOTH men and women.Here’s why.:
The calories burned tend to make you less fat. The muscle you gain or don’t lose burns more calories than the fat cells you otherwise would be feeding. This makes it easier to lose fat and keep it off AND, to some degree it makes it possible to do so without getting hungry!
Progressive strength training and interval cardio do this best, partly because they cause you to burn more calories for up to several hours AFTER you stop exercising.
But they do more than that. All exercise tends to release growth hormones.
And one of the growth hormones exercise releases is testosterone! Here again, progressive strength training and interval cardio do this best.
And, it doesn’t hurt that doing these exercises makes you stronger, look better, and have more stamina so you don’t run out of gas in the middle of a sexual encounter.
So, it’s literally true being fat makes you less sexy. And doing the things that help you lose excess fat tends to make you sexier even BEFORE you lose all the fat.
They’re BOTH true.Labels: benefits of exercise, benefits of fat loss, benefits of weight loss, how to be sexier, how to increase testosterone, how to lose belly fat