Monday, December 29, 2008

Interval cardio prevents senility THREE ways....

Today's post: Monday, 12-29-2008

1. Most physical activity; but interval cardio and progressive strength training in particular, cause your body to release growth hormones. Testosterone is one which is why people who exercise tend to have better sex lives. But we now know that a growth hormone with the acronym BDNF is released that causes new brain cells and nerves in your brain to grow.

2. Interval cardio and progressive strength training also increase the amount of HDL that helps keep your arteries clear.

Eating right, particularly using nuts and olive oil for your oil source instead of fatty meats, dairy fat, and vegetables oils high in omega 6 oils such as soy, canola, and corn oil and taking certain supplements such as niacin, sterols, and choline also helps to increase HDL and lower LDL to keep your blood vessels clear. Including wild caught fish and purified fish oils and lots of onions and eating virtually no transfats or high fructose corn syrup or refined grain foods and not eating much sugar also helps lower the dangerous kind of small particle LDL by sharply lowering your triglycerides.

So, this kind of a healthy lifestyle helps keep your circulation to all parts of you robust and functioning.

AND, interval cardio increases your circulation so much when you do it and just after you do it that your skin all over you shows the glow of the extra circulation.

We’ve known for quite a while that these aspects of a health supporting lifestyle tend to prevent strokes and the circulation that they keep giving your brain tends to keep it functioning well which prevents age onset mental decline and multiple small strokes that can cause senility but is NOT Alzheimer’s disease.

Here’s the grabber. We now know that this maintaining of your brain circulation is a critical way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease too!!

One of the ways that curcumin is thought to prevent Alzheimer’s disease is by helping your immune system remove the tau proteins and beta amyloid that cause Alzheimer’s disease from your brain. Clearly the immune system cells that do this job cannot do it well without your blood circulation delivering them to the parts of your brain that need to have these brain damaging compounds removed.

The recent news is that impaired circulation is very likely a strong and possibly necessary cause of these brain damaging compounds forming in the first place!

It seems that if the circulation becomes poor enough, your brain doesn’t deliver enough glucose to your brain cells. And, when that happens, it triggers the formation of the compounds that cause Alzheimer’s disease.
The story appeared in the online Reuters health news on Weds, 12-24-2008 under these two headlines.:

Blood sugar loss may trigger Alzheimer's: study

& Poor blood flow to brain may provoke Alzheimer's: study

“The new research shows that an insufficient supply of sugar glucose, transported by blood, sets off a biochemical chain reaction resulting in the accumulation of the neuron-attacking proteins that cause Alzheimer's.”


“The study is to be published in the December 26 issue of Neuron, a journal based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.”

But why go there yourself?

Why not learn to eat right and take supplements that keep your circulation good to prevent your brain circulation from becoming that impaired?

Strength training and other kinds of physical activity can help.

But interval cardio will protect you from this process in 3 ways so be sure to include it every week.:

1. It, like progressive strength training, will cause you to grow new brain cells.

2. It, like progressive strength training, will help keep your HDL high and your small particle LDL low so that increases the in plaque that impairs your circulation do NOT happen.


3. You periodically boost your circulation to every part of your body above normal levels every time you do interval cardio and just afterwards. This insures that several times a week you have enough circulation and that you literally force your arteries to remain clear each week.

We’ve known this tends to prevent strokes and age onset mental decline that are caused by circulatory impairment or blockage.

This new study shows that it ALSO helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease too!

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