Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Genetic analysis shows some need much more choline….

Today's Post:  Tuesday, 4-29-2014

Low mandated one size fits all nutrient standards proven harmful for choline.

This study looked at choline and using genetic analysis WAS able to show that some people need a LOT more choline to be healthy than others.

Dr Williams from the University of Texas statement that people are biochemically individual in this way is proven true by this study.

AND, so is the assertion by the supplement industry that restricting high dose supplements is often harmful to some people.

Choline is particularly important for nerve and brain cell growth & repair and for having high HDL or increasing HDL to prevent heart disease. 

This study shows it is also essential for muscle and liver cells to be in good health and every single cell in your body needs healthy cell membranes which need choline to have and have in good health and proper functioning.

People who eat egg yolks or whole eggs containing them, ideally from hens fed only on pasture, or take the supplements DMAE, Lecithin, choline, or citicholine may have enough. 

People who do none of these may well not have healthy nerves, muscles, livers or hearts. 

(DMAE is a precursor to choline; lecithin is mostly choline; there are supplements with just choline in them; and citicholine, aka, CDP choline is a choline tested to improve mood and help the body grow new nerve and brain cells.)

I do each of these and my HDL averages about 100.  

(I also drink red wine; eat berries and nuts; exercise vigorously virtually every day; and avoid tobacco smoke and hydrogenated oils, refined grains, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and eat very little real sugar.  But my choline intake does help keep my HDL that high and my small particle LDL very low.

I haven’t a comparable way to measure the nerve protection and new nerve growth this high choline intake gives me.  But added to my other practices such as taking DHA and eating wild caught salmon and exercise, I hope my brain protection is also that good and believe it is.)

Here is some information from the Medical News Today article I found and the link to that article:

“Dietary guidelines for choline may be insufficient    Monday 31 March 2014

New research suggests that genetic variations influence the risk of developing symptoms of choline deficiency and determine the propensity of liver or muscle damage outcomes.

New research suggests that genetic variations influence the risk of developing symptoms of choline deficiency and determine the propensity of liver or muscle damage outcomes

What is now considered to be the "right" amount of the essential nutrient, choline, might actually be "wrong," depending on who you are.

That's because scientists have found that the "right" amount of choline needed by an individual is influenced by a wide range of factors, including gender, life stage, race and ethnicity of the individual.

This means that using the current one-size-fits-all approach to determining a person's vitamin and mineral needs may leave them in less than optimal health.

Choline is an essential nutrient used by the body to construct cell membranes and is necessary for the health of vital organs and muscles.”

“This finding was published online in The FASEB Journal.”

Dietary guidelines for choline may be insufficient
New research suggests that genetic variations influence the risk of developing
symptoms of choline deficiency and determine the propensity of liver or muscle

damage outcomes What is now  

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Overcome bad family history for heart disease….

Today's Post:  Thursday, 4-24-2014

As you know, I’ve long posted that one of the most effective ways to prevent heart disease is to completely STOP the several foods and drinks that are or contain effective heart attack starters.

Hydrogenated oils; excessive real sugar; high fructose corn syrup; refined grains; more than sparing intake of even 100% whole grains other than wheat; oils from GMO grains that are high in omega 6; and fats from animals fed those grains -- each are effective heart attack starters.  This includes all soft drinks and virtually all packaged snacks, packaged desserts, commercial baked goods, and most fast food and packaged dinners too.

Artificial sweeteners test as belonging to that group and have their own health risks besides.

More recently, I’ve found some very exciting news about what you should eat instead.

One article I saved and somehow lost had the information that eating a LOT of vegetables on a regular basis changed the expression of genes in such a way that doing so ELIMINATED the extra risk of heart disease in people who had genes to start with that predisposed them to heart disease.  Such people had a family history of heart disease as my own Dad’s family has.

Mercifully, our family history did NOT have early heart disease.  And, I’ve made changes that test as unusually protective which I may have started in time.

But, though I’ve added more vegetables every day to what I was eating, I’ve still got a ways to go to get to the optimum that might have that effect.  That looks to be 6 or more servings of vegetables and one or two of mostly low glycemic whole, fresh fruit each day.

But doing this is even more health protective!

Another article in Medical News today had a study that found this!:

Seven portions of fruit or (vegetables) a day led to 42% lower risk of death from all causes.

The seven-a-day group specifically also had a 31% lower risk of death caused by heart disease and stroke, and a 25% lower risk of death from cancer.

Vegetables seem to offer more protective benefits than fruit. Eating 2-3 portions of vegetables a day was linked with 19% lower risk of death, while an equivalent intake of fruit only provided a 10% lower risk of death.”

Since taking statins has NOT been shown to lower the risk of death in people taking them at all despite some small reduction in heart attacks, I was tempted to title this piece, “Vegetables 31 statins 0!”

As you know, I’m still working to lose my belly fat.  And increasing the amount of greens and nonstarchy vegetables you eat ALSO works best for both fat loss overall and reducing belly fat in particular.  So I’m now working to add more vegetables. I added one at lunch today and will again at dinner.  And, I’ll do the same tomorrow and most days after that.

I eat an average of two or three servings a day of such vegetables now.  So to get to six to seven or more I have a ways to go.  Adding just this first two most days will get me to the two to five range with more like four being typical instead of just two.

NOW, this added incentive to cut my inherited risk of heart disease even more will help!

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Limit cancers two ways....

Today's Post:  Tuesday, 4-22-2014

In fighting cancers there are two goals.  Kill it where it is.  And keep it from going anywhere else!

(Of course not getting it to begin with helps.  To the extent you can, avoid tobacco products and tobacco smoke 100 % of the time.  And, avoid pesticides and herbicides in your home, yard, and food.)

1.  We’ve known for many years now that turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin have anticancer effects.  It turns down inflammation, boosts your immune system to help it kill cancers and lowers LDL cholesterol.  NOW new research finds curcumin kills cancer cells directly too!

2.  About a month ago, and again more recently information has been published to show how powerful stopping high chronic inflammation is in fighting aggressive and spreading cancer both by preventing its formation and its spread.

a) Medical News Today had this:

“A growing body of evidence suggests that inflammatory reactions promote such cellular transformation. The protein interleukin 6 (IL-6) is known to a play a significant role in inflammatory signaling. IL-6 is a cytokine, a signal molecule that is produced and secreted both by immune cells and by tumor cells and binds specifically to a receptor (IL-6R) that is found on the surfaces of many cell types.
"As we have now shown, even brief exposure to IL-6 can lead to long-lasting alterations in colon cancer cells that enhance their mobility and thus increase their metastasizing potential," says Heiko Hermeking of LMU's Institute of Pathology.”

Novel feedback mechanism discovered that provides a mechanistic link between
chronic inflammation and carcinogenesis
Malignant tumors pose a major threat to survival largely because they shed
mobile cells that can form secondary tumors in other tissues.

b) More recently, another online news story appeared that showed that high chronic inflammation also powered the aggressive kind of prostate cancer specifically.

[The list of things you CAN do to limit high chronic inflammation is long but all completely doable. 

Eat no corn oil or soy oil and almost no canola oil.  To the extent you can, eat no animals or poultry or farmed fish that has been fed soy and corn and other grains.  And, if you must do so sometimes, eat as little of the fat from such animals as you can because that’s where the omega 6 oils and herbicides and pesticides best avoided are concentrated.

Use less oil in general and use extra virgin olive oil or some organic coconut oil or butter or cream from animals fed only grass and their native diets.  Eat some meat from animals fed only grass and their native diets.   Eat eggs from hens fed only on pasture.

Eat wild caught fish. Take purified omega 3 and DHA supplements which are ANTI-inflammatory.

Eat more plant proteins other than NOT grains:  Eat nuts, beans and lentils, mushrooms, and dark green vegetables.  Eliminate ALL refined grain foods.  Eliminate any wheat. And limit or eliminate other whole grains or have them rarely. Quinoa is a grain like seed that IS OK to eat in moderation.

Eat absolutely ZERO hydrogenated oils.  The oils used are high in omega 6 oils and the hydrogenation makes them even more inflammatory!)

Eat ginger and use it as a spice!  It adds flavor and a mild heat and lowers LDL cholesterol and lowers inflammation too!

Eat lots of vegetables and beans and lentils and take probiotics and take at least 300 mg a day of niacin after a large meal.  (Fiber plus probiotics causes anti-inflammatory changes in your immune system; and taking niacin does this too but uses a different pathway.)

Surprisingly, if you don’t overdo it excessively and build up your intensity gradually enough, regular, vigorous exercise also lowers inflammation. 

In fact exercise down-regulates a gene that promotes cancer that’s the same one curcumin down-regulates.]

So you can lower or prevent chronic inflammation in many ways that work.

We now know that makes it MUCH less likely any cancer you get will spread all over and kill you when you do that.

3.  It would also be good to kill cancer where it is initially and before it grows large enough to harm you or spread all over.

Why eat curries that contain turmeric along with black pepper a few times a month or a week?  And why take turmeric or curcumin supplements with black pepper every day?

(Studies found that adding the black pepper multiplied the effect of the curcumin.  One found a 200 to one effect!  I ALWAYS add the black pepper myself after reading that.  Even if the multiple is not always quite that high, adding black pepper clearly has a very large, positive effect.)

We just saw that curcumin strongly assists you in keeping any cancer you get from spreading to other locations from where it starts.

Also about a month ago, I got this in an email from Steve & Becky Holman  

“….curcumin has emerged as a potent multimodal cancer-preventing agent, with 240 published studies appearing in the global scientific literature in the past year alone." [Life Extension Magazine, March '11]

Curcumin can block inflammatory molecules that cause cancer to proliferate.

In fact…

"Curcumin regulates tumor suppressor pathways and triggers mitochondrial-mediated death in tumor tissue, thereby increasing the death of cancer cells."

They also said they saw a study that taking 1,000 mg a day of curcumin helped lift depression.

I added the bolding of the key statement.  Besides its anti-inflammatory effects that help keep cancer cells from spreading, curcumin helps your body kill them where they are already!

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Monday, April 21, 2014

My monthly fatloss progress report....

Today's Post:  Monday, 4-21-2014

This report is another mixed review.

Since last month, I still under extra stress AND just at the point my exercise program was seeing progress and I had just started adding new and proven information on how to get more sustainable fat loss from how I eat, I came down with a bad chest cold.

My estimated calories per week from exercise dropped from 2100 the week before to 800.  (I still did some exercise but canceled the heavy exercise session at the Perfect Workout; cut back the weight and reps on each set at home; cut back by something like 80% on my interval cardio sessions and skipped the extra effort Nordic Track session.  I also simply was too sick to put up with the stationary bike riding at my desk and did 200 calories there instead of 900.

The good news is that between the brief hit on my appetite from being sick and the small cut back from the new eating style, if I read the scale correctly I lost half a pound there.  But between the stress and the much reduced exercise, I gained half an inch on my waist.

Since I’d have been happier gaining a pound and losing the half inch that was irritating!

However, the new eating style has the best track record of anything I’ve ever seen for fat and weight loss.  For many reasons, I don’t want to go quite that extreme 7 days a week.  But by adopting it as much as I can most days and using it instead of a more fasting approach two days a week, I think even my initial efforts will get me at or below my goal weight sometime in the next two to four months.

Some time ago I met a man who had adopted a way of eating he found in Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD.

It does two things. 

1.  It’s a health and fatloss upgraded version of a vegan diet

It only allows a vegan diet without grains.  It’s mostly dark green and nonstarchy vegetables and beans and lentils with some whole fruit and starchier vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes. 

Bill Clinton discovered it was effective for fat loss and heart protection and adopted it or something very like it and DID lose the weight he promised his daughter he would.

Between the surprising amount of protein in that much intake of dark green vegetables and the beans and lentils, it provides enough protein for health.

2.  He invented a ratio called the ANDI score to measure how much nutrition per calorie foods have.  Then he deleted everything that wasn’t high on that scale.

That ensures you get a LOT of food and tend to be less hungry than you might think but slash your calories eaten with a sword to very low levels.  And by eating this way and a variety of these foods, their very high nutrition prevents you from health harm.  In fact, you get MORE nutrition than most people by more than three to five times!

By making something like a third of their food come from such foods it’s common for people on a DASH or DASH II diet to lose 25 pounds in their first 3 months.

People who adopt this food style completely and totally stop everything else often lose 25 pound in their first month!

I’ve been at about 15% or a bit less and that is one of the reasons I lost the 30 pounds and have kept off 25.

Weston Price and his work studying earlier and traditional eating styles in people still using them AND with very good health and very little if any obesity, found that virtually all of them did eat animal foods and/or seafood.  This ensures they get many nutrients not in plant foods and that are essential to good health.

Most people know that vegans need to supplement with vitamin B12 to stay healthy.

Most would do well to supplement with iron and zinc.  Some who rely too much on grains and eat too little of the dark green vegetables and nuts, would do well to supplement with magnesium while slashing the grains and adding lots of dark green vegetables and some nuts.

But Weston Price found that there was another nutrient of almost greater importance than all of those put together that some animal protein and animal fat from naturally fed animals contains.  We now know it is important for strong bones and teeth and heart disease prevention.  Even better people who want to be vegan for sustainability or religious reasons can get it to now as a supplement.  It’s vitamin K2.

K2, it seems, directs calcium to go into your bones and not go to or even come out of your blood vessels!

Note that most of these peoples did eat Dr Furhman style the other 80% of the time!

In addition, in my own case, I want to be more muscular than I am now.  And instead of weighing 140 pounds to lose my last 24 pounds of excess fat, I’d prefer to also gain 21 pounds of muscle to weigh 161 pounds.

The protein intake needed to support the gains I want is about twice what is in a Dr Furhman eating plan.

But, so far, even with more effective strength training exercise and some increased in strength I likely have only gained a pound at best -- and my at my age only be able to add a couple more.

That means I should jump from about 15% his style to at least 75% if I want to lose my belly fat, my reflux, and my slightly high blood pressure.

Since I want those things enough if I cannot have them by adding muscle, I’d better move my diet from 15% his style to 75%.

I won’t look the way I want.  But I won’t be as weak as I’ll look!  I’ll be faster.  And I’ll get great leverage on stopping my few health problems and living longer.

If the information is accurate and I can make that change that well, I should lose at least 9 pounds and maybe as much more as 18.  The average of those is about 147 less than I weight in high school.  And  losing 9 pounds would about put me at my high school weight.

So that’s next on my to do list.

I posted last time on my muscle adding efforts and cardio upgrades -- and on getting a Vitamix to help me get to the 75%.

This time, the cold de-railed my strength training and cardio upgrades. And it will be a bit before I can get a Vitamix.

So I decided to leave them out for today’s report.

Those exercise upgrades were working better and improving; and I will work until I have and use a Vitamix.

So those topics will be back.

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Avocados are surprisingly good for you….

Today’s Post:  Tuesday, 4-17-2014

Avocados like extra virgin olive oil and almonds have fats that are almost only monosaturated fats.  And, they are high in fiber and are so rich in vitamins from carotenes to many of the members of the vitamin E complex and many, many more you can almost use them to replace a daily multivitamin.

Avocados are so high in nutrition that they are one of the very few foods where you could almost live on nothing else if you had to do it and be in almost OK health.

But incredibly, there is even more.  In an email nearly 3 weeks ago, Jonny Bowden also said research finds that:

Volunteers who ate some avocado every day for a week did get lower total cholesterol by 17%. Not bad in just that short a time.

But I agree with Jonny Bowden who said that the other results were far more important! 

Even though their total cholesterol went down, their protective HDL went UP.  What went down was their LDL AND their triglycerides! 

Regular readers of our posts know that is spectacular because it means that in just one week, their amount of blood vessel and heart damaging small particle LDL went DOWN significantly!

Dramatically increased protection from heart disease in just one week!  Nice to know.

It seems that avocados lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in part because they are high in beta sitosterol which is proven to have that effect.

Even better, beta sitosterol is protective to men reducing prostate problems and symptoms.

Lastly, a high intake of the monosaturated oils in avocados has been linked to a reduced risk of cancer and diabetes.

Another really nice benefit is this:  people working to lose excess fat have been shown to be MORE effective when they include foods high in monosaturated oils such as raw and unprocessed nuts – AND AVOCADOS!

There are three good ways to eat avocados:

1. Dice up small bits to add as an accent to green salads.  (One of my favorite local eaters has a “Mixed Green Salad” that does this along with bits of feta cheese.)

2.  If you need a really simple and portable and good for you lunch that will nevertheless last you for hours, half an avocado or even a whole small one plus a piece of whole fruit will do it.

3.  But my all time favorite is to eat avocados as guacamole using a recipe you like!

It’s spicy.  It’s enjoyable to eat.  And you can have just a bit or quite a bit depending on the circumstances.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Caffeine is good but energy drinks are dangerous

Today’s Post:  Tuesday, 4-15-2014

1.  Caffeine can wake you up when you need it or really, really want to wake up.

It improves your memory; and makes you a bit smarter and quicker too.

Caffeine can even make you a bit stronger and faster athletically.

THAT is a lot of good things to like!

You do have to work out how to get the positive effect without overdosing on caffeine so much you feel too wired or anxious or have trouble sleeping at night from having too much or too much to close to when you go to sleep.

I’ve found that occasional coffee at key times and tea or green tea the rest of the time come close to doing that for me.

To be sure I was forced into it.  But now I find it does have its points.

I’d have preferred to do it more with coffee but found my reflux acted up too much. 

The good news is that I rarely feel too anxious or too wired from caffeine now.  And, when I do need an extra strong wake up, coffee does that better than it did when I drank tons of it.

The really good news is that both tea – black, oolong, or green teas-- and coffee have LOTS of very protective antioxidants and nutrients besides the caffeine.

Lastly, Whole Foods carries organic green tea at a reasonable price.  AND, the organic instant coffee and organic instant decaf coffee they carry is Mount Hagen.

Mount Hagen’s organic instant coffee is good and comparable to the best instant coffees.  But Mount Hagen’s instant decaf coffee is not just good, it reaches a level I’ve never tasted in any other instant decaf.  It’s extremely good!

2.  Energy drinks, at least the most commonly sold ones, are really harmful at best and extremely dangerous at worst by contrast.

Eliminate all that have high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners and there are less to choose from.

The information we’ve seen suggests you are far better off never ingesting any of those for any reason.

Worse, adding amino acids is not well tested to be safe or effective which some energy drinks do. 

And, adding cheap vitamins is simply a bit stupid. They are not direct boosters of energy and are best gotten from a better quality supplement or highly nutritious foods or both.  Why pay extra for something that is not even an energy booster really?

But energy drinks are dangerous.  They can have five cups of coffee worth of caffeine or even more!

BUT they do not AND ARE NOT REQUIRED TO show how much caffeine they contain.

Oops!  That means that someone who is desperate for energy and drinks two can be overwhelmed by that much caffeine.

People who do this while drunk or for other reasons have even died from this effect.

Why pay someone to do that to you?  Why give YOUR money to a company willing to do that to other people?

If you want close to that much caffeine, drink more cups of coffee.  It works as well.  But you get some corrective feedback early enough to avoid harm.  Most importantly that way you CONTROL how much you get.

With energy drinks, you have no information which means you do NOT have control of how much caffeine you take in.

We think the risk is simply not worth it.

Then when you add the other harmful ingredients in most energy drinks, it really looks to us to be undesirable to ever drink energy drinks at all!  

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Read your labels day, 4-11-2014 and why

Today’s Post:  Friday, 4-11-2014

Citizens for Health has declared Friday, April 11 to be “Read Your Labels Day.” 

Their list is below with our comments in (parentheses.) We also list it at the end just as they published it just in case you want to read a copy without my comments.

The main thing is to always read labels and avoid these ingredients!

ALWAYS reading labels before buying or ingesting food and drinks is critical because many much- used additives to make foods taste addictively good or cheap to make due to extended shelf life are fatteners or cause heart and blood vessel disease, cancers, and other serious diseases.  You can avoid those harms by avoiding those ingredients.

BUT, you can only avoid the ingredients if you read the label to check if they are in the food or drink!

Three of the ingredients they list, HFCS, MSG, & hydrogenated oils are even MORE harmful than they suggest.

(HFCS and MSG are very effective fatteners!  And, both HFCS and hydrogenated oils are effective heart attack starters!  And, both MSG and hydrogenated oils each have a sneaky and extra harmful secret effect.)

And, they do NOT list Sucralose or sugar or free fructose.

We comment on free fructose in our comments on HFCS since it is the free fructose in HFCS that seems to be most harmful part of HFCS.

And we add Sucralose as an 11th thing to avoid and to always read labels to do so!

By all means avoid the other harmful things on their list and the foods and drinks that contain them.

But High Fructose Corn Syrup, free fructose, the agave syrup or nectar that contains free fructose;
hydrogenated oils and trans fats;
and MSG and the names they use to hide MSG behind are the most used and most harmful.

Of the artificial sweeteners, they all tend to be fattening and harmful and best avoided totally; but Sucralose (Splenda) is currently the most used and one of the most harmful.

So if you are rushed and want the short list of things to avoid, that’s it!

Here’s their list with our comments added:

#1. High fructose corn syrup

Where you’ll find it:

Where do we begin? HFCS has permeated the marketplace in so many foods and beverages it’s just about impossible to create a list. For starters, it’s in most all sodas, and many other beverages such as tea and flavored drinks, and numerous juice drinks made for kids, as well as other sweetened items such as jellies, cookies and pastries. It also turns up in some surprising places like bread and condiments, and oddly, even in some diet foods (where it’s possible that a super-high fructose version is used). All in all, to purge HFCS from your diet, you need to read ingredient labels and reject all products containing this laboratory sweetener.

Why you should avoid it:

HFCS and high fructose consumption have been implicated in a variety of diseases and health problems, including heart disease, diabetes and weight gain.

The actual fructose percentage of HFCS is variable and unknown (which is why Citizens for Health has petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to require the true fructose content of HFCS formulas be disclosed on food labels).

Contrary to industry propaganda, HFCS isn’t “corn sugar” or a “natural” ingredient, but a test-tube concoction that’s much cheaper than sugar.

(Our comments:

a)  HFCS is heart attack starter. 

Excess added sugar, free fructose products including agave syrup, refined grains, 100% whole grains to some extent, all modern wheat, and HFCS all boost triglycerides to a massive degree.

Research shows that means they dramatically increase the amount of the kind of small particle LDL that is one of the most effective causes of blood vessel and heart disease!

And, one of the most effective and damaging of these is HFCS!  Worse, most people who drink soft drinks and don’t read labels to avoid it ingest a LOT of HFCS.

This same list of foods when eaten in excess causes type 2 diabetes and high blood sugar levels that are almost as damaging.  Sugar spikes on your blood cells also cause damage to your blood vessels and increase the speed of developing heart disease and make heart attacks and strokes far more likely!

b)  HFCS is one of THE most powerful fatteners.

Research shows that in people taking in the same amount in calories of HFCS and regular sugar, the people getting HFCS are hungrier and have more cravings, are fatter, and weigh more.  This apparently is because where the glucose and fructose are bonded together in real sugar. HFCS has some glucose and free fructose.  [Note that since the free fructose is the most harmful part, this means to also avoid agave syrup and fructose by itself.])

Where you’ll find it:

Where do we begin? HFCS has permeated the marketplace in so many foods and beverages it’s just about impossible to create a list. For starters, it’s in most all sodas, and many other beverages such as tea and flavored drinks, and numerous juice drinks made for kids, as well as other sweetened items such as jellies, cookies and pastries. It also turns up in some surprising places like bread and condiments, and oddly, even in some diet foods (where it’s possible that a super-high fructose version is used). All in all, to purge HFCS from your diet, you need to read ingredient labels and reject all products containing this laboratory sweetener.

(I was astonished to find my favorite ketchup had HFCS as did my favorite jam and my favorite chocolate syrup and my favorite fruit flavored syrup.  I no longer buy or eat those!  Of course, except for ketchup I no longer eat the other things period!

Salsa usually has no HFCS and Whole Foods carries a ketchup that does not have it.)

#2. Aspartame

Where you’ll find it:

Aspartame is apt to turn up in foods labeled as “light” or “low-cal,” diet soft drinks, teas and juice drinks, kid’s vitamins, liquid cold drugs and other pharmaceuticals, chewing gum, cereal, sugar-free candies. Foods containing this artificial sweetener must also bear a warning that the item contains phenylalanine for those with a disorder called PKU.

Why you should avoid it:

Aspartame has never been proven to be a safe food additive, and is, in fact, considered by experts to be in a class of ingredients called “excitotoxins” that can literally excite brain cells to death, especially in children and the elderly (as are the three additives that follow);

Studies have connected it to the development of brain tumors in rodents and grand mal seizures in monkeys.
Thousands of aspartame-related health complaints, from migraines to memory loss to dizziness to vision problems have been reported to the FDA.

(Some people have reported getting MS or very similar systems after beginning to ingest aspartame AND having those symptoms stop when they stopped the aspartame!

And, The Center for Science in the Public Interest lists it and other artificial sweeteners as NOT entirely cleared of helping to cause cancer.)

(3, 4, & 5 are basically ALL MSG.  To hide that MSG IS in products, the labels often list hydrolyzed protein, autolyzed yeast, or “spices” and even “natural spices.”

THAT means that to avoid listing it as MSG they avoided it by hiding it this way.  AND it means to never, ever buy or eat foods with those other ingredients listed AT ALL on the labels.

[I was surprised to find my favorite mustard listed spices on the label.  Then I was astonished to find ALL the mustards I looked at listed spices too.  Annie’s Naturals that I found at Whole Foods was the ONLY one that was just real mustard with no worries about MSG!]

MSG is implicated in brain cell and nerve cell damage.  But MSG is ALSO a double fattener! 

Research has found that people eating foods with MSG weigh more and are fatter than people who eat the same foods without MSG!

Worse, if you eat MSG long enough it damages your thyroid and lowers your energy level and metabolism. MSG really is a nightmare ingredient!

Note that you can use a Butcher’s Kitchen or Jaccard meat tenderizer that is far more effective than using MSG.  [It’s also far faster and much more effective than pounding the meat with a hammer.] They make even wild caught venison and meat from animals fed 100 % grass and foods from their natural diets that are super lean – or even very lean cuts that have been extra fat trimmed – all very tender and easy to cook and flavor well.  They work BETTER than using MSG and pounding the meat!

Also note that sparing use of horseradish not only can add the kind of sharpness that MSG does, horse radish has health BENEFITS instead of harms.)

#3. Hydrolyzed protein
#4. Autolyzed yeast
#5. Monosodium glutamate

Where you’ll find them:

These “excitoxins” can be found in soups, broth, flavoring additives, chips, dips, soup mixes, ramen noodles, frozen meals, snack mixes, canned fish, and a wide variety of other dishes –  including “natural,” “vegetarian,” and organic ones.

Why you should avoid them:

These are all toxic substances containing processed glutamic acid that can kill brain cells. 

They are especially harmful to kids, the elderly and developing fetuses.
Adverse reactions to these additives include everything from skin rashes and asthma attacks to mood swings, upset stomach, migraines, heart irregularities and seizures – even potentially fatal anaphylactic shock.

#6 Potassium bromate

Where you’ll find it:

Added to flour, it can be found in breads, flat breads, bakery products, knishes and tortillas. (It may also be listed on ingredient labels as “bromated flour.”)

Why you should avoid it:

Potassium bromate has been known for over three decades to cause cancer in laboratory animals.
It’s banned in Europe, China, Canada and Brazil.
If it’s not used “properly,” a significant residue of this additive can end up in the finished food product.

#7 Brominated vegetable oil, or BVO

Where you’ll find it:

Some Gatorade products, Mountain Dew and other drinks containing citrus flavorings.

Why you should avoid it:

BVO builds up in fatty tissue and been shown to cause heart damage in research animals.
It’s banned in Europe, India and Japan.
It’s never been declared safe by the FDA, where its status has remained in limbo  for over 30 years.

#8 BHA and BHT

Where you’ll find them:

This pair of preservatives turn up in many breakfast cereals (including most Kellogg’s varieties), as well as snack foods, chewing gum, pies, cakes and processed meats.

Why you should avoid them:

Made from coal tar or petroleum, BHA and BHT have been of concern for decades.
Over 30 years ago studies found that after pregnant mice were fed BHT and BHA, their offspring were born with altered brain chemistry.
BHA is considered a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization and listed as a carcinogen in California.

#9 Trans fats (AND, partially hydrogenated oils and something called esterified oil which is 100% hydrogenated and even more harmful!)

Where you’ll find it:

Any food products containing partially hydrogenated oil contain trans fats, regardless of a zero trans fats listing on the nutrition facts label. These can include bakery items, pizza, dough, pies, cakes and cookies, snack foods and frozen meals.

Why you should avoid them:

Trans fats increase LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, and decrease “good” HDL cholesterol.
People with high blood levels of trans fats appear to have a greater risk of developing certain cancers. (Some research has even linked them to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s.)
All health authorities, including government agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are in agreement that trans fats cause heart disease and that cutting them out of our diet could prevent thousand of heart attacks and death from coronary disease each year.

(Because at this time, you can say a food has zero trans fats when it DOES have quite a bit, the way to read labels is to do it in two steps:  If it SAYS it has any actual amount of trans fats in it, it’s loaded with the stuff.  Take a pass! BUT most of it is listed as partially hydrogenated oil, so the more important ingredient to look for is partially hydrogenated oil.  ALWAYS look to see if that is in the food.  If so, take a pass!

Here’s why.  Hydrogenated oils directly increase the amount of small particle LDL in your blood.  And they do it fast and in quantity.  High levels of small particle LDL are one of the most effective and common causes of heart disease.  The changes in lowering HDL and increasing triglycerides are a proven indicator of this!

BUT it’s far worse than that.  Is cutting back the amount of hydrogenated oils protective as some writers suggest?  NO!  The only safe intake of hydrogenated oils is ZERO!

Here’s why:  Manmade hydrogenated oils take your body several days or even weeks to get rid of!  That means that ingesting a little bit every day or several times a week, week after week will ensure you have massive amounts of this heart attack starter in your blood all the time!

Hydrogenated oils are critical to avoid.  And, they DO list them if there is a label on the food at all.  So, ALWAYS check for hydrogenated oils even if you are too) rushed to do more than that!

#10 Artificial colors

Where you’ll find them:

They’re present in many cereals, cakes, candy, bakery products, drinks, juice drinks, vitamins and pharmaceuticals.

Why you should avoid them:

Artificial colors are widely acknowledged to cause hyperactivity and behavioral problems in some children.
They’re made from both coal tar and petroleum extracts – hardly the sort of things one would want to ingest.
Some, such as Red #3, have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, but are still allowed to be used in foods.
So there they are in review – the top ten offenders among food additives. They’re best avoided (except in the case of processed glutamic acid), by buying organic processed foods, or, better yet, by cooking your own food from scratch as much as possible. But if you’re too hard pressed to always do all that, you should at least take the time to read those ingredient labels – and keep the items that contain these health-threatening intruders out of your kitchen and out of your life.

(11.  Sucralose, also known as Splenda, is extremely harmful. 

Worse, it is similar enough to real sugar and sweet enough with no aftertaste that it is now in VERY common use.

We finally know what its worst harm is.  Ingesting sucralose kills off the bacteria in your gut. 

Unfortunately the probiotic bacteria in your gut help you get the nutrition out of the food you eat; help prevent excessive chronic inflammation and colon cancer; and help prevent harmful bacteria from growing in your gut.

Is it safe to kill them all off or to do it several times a week?  Nope.

I also read the report of a far more detailed study of all the metabolic and systems harms caused by sucralose.  So this is far from the only problem with sucralose.  But this one problem is so harmful, no one should ingest sucralose.

Look for it on labels.  If there is any, take a pass. And, don’t buy it or ingest it or products you know contain sucralose.

As sucralose contains chlorine as many nerve gases and pesticides do, it was invented originally as a sweet bait and pesticide in one compound. 

But the sweetness was so high and the direct toxicity was so low and because it looked like real sugar, they decided to sell it as an artificial sweetener.)

Here’s their original list without my comments if you want to see the original:

#1. High fructose corn syrup

Where you’ll find it:

Where do we begin? HFCS has permeated the marketplace in so many foods and beverages it’s just about impossible to create a list. For starters, it’s in most all sodas, and many other beverages such as tea and flavored drinks, and numerous juice drinks made for kids, as well as other sweetened items such as jellies, cookies and pastries. It also turns up in some surprising places like bread and condiments, and oddly, even in some diet foods (where it’s possible that a super-high fructose version is used). All in all, to purge HFCS from your diet, you need to read ingredient labels and reject all products containing this laboratory sweetener.

Why you should avoid it:

HFCS and high fructose consumption have been implicated in a variety of diseases and health problems, including heart disease, diabetes and weight gain.
The actual fructose percentage of HFCS is variable and unknown (which is why Citizens for Health has petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to require the true fructose content of HFCS formulas be disclosed on food labels).
Contrary to industry propaganda, HFCS isn’t “corn sugar” or a “natural” ingredient, but a test-tube concoction that’s much cheaper than sugar.

#2. Aspartame

Where you’ll find it:

Aspartame is apt to turn up in foods labeled as “light” or “low-cal,” diet soft drinks, teas and juice drinks, kid’s vitamins, liquid cold drugs and other pharmaceuticals, chewing gum, cereal, sugar-free candies. Foods containing this artificial sweetener must also bear a warning that the item contains phenylalanine for those with a disorder called PKU.

Why you should avoid it:

Aspartame has never been proven to be a safe food additive, and is, in fact, considered by experts to be in a class of ingredients called “excitotoxins” that can literally excite brain cells to death, especially in children and the elderly (as are the three additives that follow);

Studies have connected it to the development of brain tumors in rodents and grand mal seizures in monkeys.
Thousands of aspartame-related health complaints, from migraines to memory loss to dizziness to vision problems have been reported to the FDA.

#3. Hydrolyzed protein
#4. Autolyzed yeast
#5. Monosodium glutamate

Where you’ll find them:

These “excitoxins” can be found in soups, broth, flavoring additives, chips, dips, soup mixes, ramen noodles, frozen meals, snack mixes, canned fish, and a wide variety of other dishes –  including “natural,” “vegetarian,” and organic ones.

Why you should avoid them:

These are all toxic substances containing processed glutamic acid that can kill brain cells. 

They are especially harmful to kids, the elderly and developing fetuses.
Adverse reactions to these additives include everything from skin rashes and asthma attacks to mood swings, upset stomach, migraines, heart irregularities and seizures – even potentially fatal anaphylactic shock.

#6 Potassium bromate

Where you’ll find it:

Added to flour, it can be found in breads, flat breads, bakery products, knishes and tortillas. (It may also be listed on ingredient labels as “bromated flour.”)

Why you should avoid it:

Potassium bromate has been known for over three decades to cause cancer in laboratory animals.
It’s banned in Europe, China, Canada and Brazil.
If it’s not used “properly,” a significant residue of this additive can end up in the finished food product.

#7 Brominated vegetable oil, or BVO

Where you’ll find it:

Some Gatorade products, Mountain Dew and other drinks containing citrus flavorings.

Why you should avoid it:

BVO builds up in fatty tissue and been shown to cause heart damage in research animals.
It’s banned in Europe, India and Japan.
It’s never been declared safe by the FDA, where its status has remained in limbo  for over 30 years.

#8 BHA and BHT

Where you’ll find them:

This pair of preservatives turn up in many breakfast cereals (including most Kellogg’s varieties), as well as snack foods, chewing gum, pies, cakes and processed meats.

Why you should avoid them:

Made from coal tar or petroleum, BHA and BHT have been of concern for decades.
Over 30 years ago studies found that after pregnant mice were fed BHT and BHA, their offspring were born with altered brain chemistry.
BHA is considered a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization and listed as a carcinogen in California.

#9 Trans fats

Where you’ll find it:

Any food products containing partially hydrogenated oil contain trans fats, regardless of a zero trans fats listing on the nutrition facts label. These can include bakery items, pizza, dough, pies, cakes and cookies, snack foods and frozen meals.

Why you should avoid them:

Trans fats increase LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, and decrease “good” HDL cholesterol.
People with high blood levels of trans fats appear to have a greater risk of developing certain cancers. (Some research has even linked them to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s.)
All health authorities, including government agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are in agreement that trans fats cause heart disease and that cutting them out of our diet could prevent thousand of heart attacks and death from coronary disease each year.

#10 Artificial colors

Where you’ll find them:

They’re present in many cereals, cakes, candy, bakery products, drinks, juice drinks, vitamins and pharmaceuticals.

Why you should avoid them:

Artificial colors are widely acknowledged to cause hyperactivity and behavioral problems in some children.
They’re made from both coal tar and petroleum extracts – hardly the sort of things one would want to ingest.
Some, such as Red #3, have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, but are still allowed to be used in foods.
So there they are in review – the top ten offenders among food additives. They’re best avoided (except in the case of processed glutamic acid), by buying organic processed foods, or, better yet, by cooking your own food from scratch as much as possible. But if you’re too hard pressed to always do all that, you should at least take the time to read those ingredient labels – and keep the items that contain these health-threatening intruders out of your kitchen and out of your life.


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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Ways to kill antibiotic resistant bacteria....

Today's Post:  Tuesday, 4-8-2014

Before modern antibiotics, life was a very chaotic affair in many ways because people their relatives cared about would die suddenly of an unexpected infection or someone holding a key leadership position would die suddenly from an infection.

Surgery existed but had a very high death rate.

And, people spent a surprising amount of time going to funerals every year.

(My wife is a Civil War buff and reads many books about that time and told me this was what life was like then and it affected the people who made the history.)

Because of large scale unregulated use of antibiotics in developing countries and factory farms in the United States and some overuse as a placebo for conditions antibiotics are NOT needed to treat and people taking antibiotics until they feel better but haven’t yet killed all the bacteria, many serious bacterial infections are now more and more caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria.

This post has two parts:

1. Is a promising topical solution for wounds.

2.  Is my idea of combining methods found effective killing many of the antibiotic bacteria first and then empowering your immune system to kill the rest and bypassing the protective methods unharmed bacteria use to prevent this.

1.  Many systemic bacterial infections begin as infections in the skin.  So, if you get a bacterial infection in a wound or on your skin, if you kill off the bacteria there, even if it would kill you if it got inside you, it never will get there.

So, the first two things to do are to gently wash the wound with soapy water to remove any dirt or bacteria you can as soon as possible. And, then cover the wound with a bandage that prevents new bacteria from getting in – which also has been tested to speed healing.

But, what if you develop an infection? What if this happens before the wound had fully healed over?

It could be a harmful and very antibiotic resistant one.

About 3 weeks ago I got an email that had evidence that unadulterated honey could and did kill antibiotic resistant bacteria by itself when applied topically.  Even better, by combining honey with a topical antibiotic, the kill rate was even more complete.

To avoid excess sugar intake you want to eat honey only VERY sparingly.  But it may make sense to have some unadulterated honey on hand.  (Processed honey with high fructose corn syrup added is likely not to work well. Health food stores and some upscale grocery stores and Whole Foods Market carry honeys that likely work for this purpose.)

Here’s the information from that email which I got from Newsmax:

Honey Fights Drug-Resistant Superbugs....   Monday, 17 Mar 2014  in Newsmax email

.Research, presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Dallas then, shows topical honey can help fight infections including antibiotic resistant infections.

The special value of honey lies in its ability to fight infection on multiple levels, making it far more difficult for bacteria to develop resistance.

Honey has:
 hydrogen peroxide,
osmotic effect,
high sugar concentrations,
and polyphenols

Delivered topically, many of these properties actively kill bacteria. 

It's like a double check or triple check in chess.  Bacteria may be able to overcome any one of these but when it gears up to fight the one it perceives first or overcomes best, one that it didn't cover or is more susceptible to does it in.

The lead researcher was Susan M. Meschwitz from Salve Regina University in Newport, R.I.

The osmotic effect of honey draws water from the bacterial cells, dehydrating and killing them.

Other studies have also shown that honey inhibits the formation of biofilms, the slimy disease-causing bacterial sheets that are notoriously resistant to drugs, she said.

Biofilms are one method of resistance that acts like a shield and even if you kill the bacteria at one point on the surface, you don't get enough access to all of them to kill them all which allows for reinfection &/or bacterial resistant bacteria to survive.

Those two effects, the osmotic effect and the prevention of biofilms, seem to be most valuable in killing bacteria of the things listed. 

The hydrogen peroxide listed must be in very low concentrations or we couldn’t eat honey.  But there may be studies showing there is enough to harm or slow down bacteria.

These properties make sense since the bees that depend on the honey that made honey that grew bacteria easily died off.  So honey’s anti-bacterial properties may have evolved to a degree that kept it in edible condition for the bees when they used it later.

Honey may also make the bacteria more susceptible to conventional antibiotics for the same reasons. So using the honey AND a topical antibiotic may be far more effective than either alone.

Honey also has healthful polyphenols, antioxidants, including caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid and ellagic acid, and also many flavonoids. Even if these don’t harm the bacteria they do help heal you.  And, to the extent bacteria harm you by causing oxidation, these antioxidants are also protective.

And, the faster you heal, the less entry the bacteria has to the rest of you.

"Several studies have demonstrated a correlation between the non-peroxide antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of honey and the presence of honey phenolics," she added.

A large number of laboratory and limited clinical studies have confirmed the broad-spectrum antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties of honey, according to researcher Meschwitz.

2.  My idea of combining methods found effective killing many of the antibiotic bacteria first and then empowering your immune system to kill the rest and bypassing the protective methods unharmed bacteria use to prevent this.

a) There are three kinds of best practices in hospitals that sharply reduce the rate of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the hospitals.

Start if you possibly can with a hospital that uses all three and has that information on its website and includes evidence they use each of the three.

First, they always use checklists to ensure everyone in the room in operations and procedures washes their hands and does it every single time without fail and to keep the wound clean and re-covered promptly.

Second, they have protocols that avoid unneeded and borderline use of antibiotics and they follow them well.  (This by itself was found to cut the amount of antibiotic resistant bacteria by more than two to one.)

Third, they follow the state of the art in effective ways to avoid spreading the bacteria that show up, particularly the antibiotic resistant ones, and use checklists every time to ensure they always use these methods.

b)  There are some methods that kill bacteria whether the bacteria are antibiotic resistant or not. 

My hope is that they will all be tested and the ones that work are used early when there is systemic infection or infection inside your digestive tract.  This will prevent many patient deaths directly.  But even better, by removing those bacteria quickly from the hospital, it will reduce their spread and the costs to contain them.

Intravenous high dose vitamin C is very safe and acts like or creates hydrogen peroxide in your blood which will kill many bacteria.
I did see a study on Medical News Today showing this DID work on antibiotic resistant bacteria.

The drug companies can’t make money on this but it is tested to work.  And there are doctors skilled in its use.  If you get a systemic infection with an antibiotic resistant bacteria and can arrange to have this treatment early on, it may be life saving.

I don’t know if this has been tested in combination with antibiotics; but that may also work well since the bacteria that survive the vitamin C may be killed by the antibiotics and the ones that work to overcome the antibiotics may die from the vitamin C.

I did see that this idea WAS tested to be successful by using intravenous silver and the safer and older antibiotic drugs that the bacteria was quite resistant to otherwise.

But it may be that using enough silver to be most effective may be undesirable due to cosmetic effects and some real damage to some systems in the body by accumulated silver.

If a patient is seriously ill and dying, this may make sense as time is short.

But there is a method that might work to get this effect and avoid overloading the body with silver.

One successful method to overcome cancer removed the cancer from the patient and then killed all its cells AND then added the killed cells back into the patient and boosted their immune system.  The immune system of the patients thus treated which had not adequately seen the cancer cells as invaders to kill off and remove not only removed these dead cancer cells, they removed all the live ones remaining too.

If you killed many of the bacteria first with the vitamin C or vitamin C plus antibiotic (possibly by then using a lower dose silver and antibiotic treatment in the patient first also) and then removed some of the surviving bacteria and used a very high silver treatment plus antibiotics to kill them outside the body and then sent the killed bacteria back while boosting the immune system, this three part attack may test to be very effective.

Also, it’s known that boosting vitamin D3 intake to ensure blood levels of 60 or more both empowers your immune system to kill invaders much more effectively AND to boost regulatory T cells enough to avoid autoimmune problems.

Doing that vitamin D3 step early in the process right away, and then boosting the patient’s temperature to about 103 degrees after the first two steps might sharply boost the kill rate in the remaining bacteria since this is a very powerful immune system booster.

(Note that for this effect, taking high doses of vitamin C by mouth does NOT kill bacteria or cancer cells the way the higher dose intravenous vitamin C does.)

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