Ways to remove extra calories from your food
& drink....
Today's Post: Friday, 3-29-2013
You CAN lose fat by adding muscle and doing other things
that boost your metabolism.
But calories DO count and removing some kinds and a bit of
others will speed your fat loss and help you to keep it off.
Because they are the building block of your body and health
you want to keep or even eat a bit more of health OK proteins and foods that
are high in fiber such as nonstarchy vegetables.
In fact, many people losing fat need to eat MORE health OK
And, almost everyone losing fat needs to gradually eat MORE
and more kinds of nonstarchy vegetables.
Beans and lentils have both protein and LOTS of fiber. Unless you are allergic to them, eat those
but don’t overdose since they are slightly glycemic; and overdoses can be
Eating these few kinds of foods also helps prevent the
famine response with its increase in hunger and reduced metabolism.
Protein and foods high in fiber fill you and make you less
hungry and make it take longer until you are hungry next.
Here’s a list of ideas to cut calories from everything else.
1. Fruit with its
higher glycemic index and sugar, health OK oils such as extra virgin olive oil,
and raw and unsalted nuts, if you aren’t allergic, be sure to eat in
Only drink one glass of real fruit juice a day with
breakfast. And, drinking organic 100 %
cranberry juice has about half the sugars and calories of other juices.
Only eat fruit at breakfast if it’s higher glycemic such as
bananas and only eat one serving of one kind each day.
Eat mostly low glycemic fruit such as organic wild
blueberries, raspberries, cherries, peaches, and plums.
Extra virgin olive oil is wonderfully good for you. But a low moderate amount has a lot fewer
calories than twice that much.
Guacamole is so good for you and avocados are so good for
you and their fat is actually good for your heart. It’s OK to eat extra once a week or so. But be very careful to limit how much you eat
on the days you are cutting calories extra.
And eat a low moderate amount most days.
Milk is a good food for drinking just after a hard workout
since it’s anabolic and will help you build or keep muscle.
But take in less calories and avoid milk’s fattening effect
at all other times by eating nonfat Greek Yogurt, nonfat Cottage cheese, and
small amounts of cheese from cows fed only grass and hay – and drink ice water
the rest of the time.
Cutting calories with that switch works! I just lost 5
pounds mostly from doing just that.
Stop drinking all soft drinks—both regular and diet!
The people who do are hungrier and eat more extra foods than
people who don’t! They are routinely
MUCH fatter and heavier too!
a) For people who have been drinking regular soft drinks,
they get 10 % of their calories from this source!
They tend to have ALL that 10% stored as extra fat!
You know what you weigh.
Subtract 10% of that from your current weight. Unless you are very young and have very
little fat now, you can lose all that fat by losing soft drinks completely!
b) Whether rebound
hunger, other bad food choices, and causing your liver to make you fat,
drinking diet soft drinks and using the artificial sweeteners in them have been
found to make you fatter than drinking regular soft drinks! They also cause more diseases than even
regular soft drinks do such as type 2 diabetes.
As fattening as regular soft drinks are, even more fattening
is NOT a desirable neighborhood!
Do NOT stay there.
Stop diet soft drinks!
c) Ice water promotes fat loss.
Tea and green tea are good for you and best for you with no
milk or sugar added.
Coffee is actually very good for you and a good fat loss
choice if you have it with no sweetener. Small amounts of half and half or coconut
milk are OK.
Double servings of half and half or coconut milk or milk is
too fattening. That’s doubly true if you
have it with tons of sugar.
Some people who have fancy coffees each day with both too
much fat AND sugar can cut up to several hundred calories a day by switching to
no sweetener and far less fat in their coffee!
(Green coffee bean extract is a way to get the health
supporting part of coffee with virtually no calories.)
Never use nondairy creamer!
Because it’s made out of hydrogenated oils which are a direct cause of
heart disease, heart attack starter, and the stuff builds up in your body from
even small amounts, never ever use that stuff!
Four, in fact
there are a whole list of things that tend to be quite harmful to your health
to eat or very fattening or both.
Guess what? The best fat loss solution is to never ingest
that stuff!
You need to cut calories from somewhere to lose fat and keep
it off.
Why not delete almost all fattening foods and ALL foods and
food components that harm your health!
You may be consuming enough of that stuff now to cut 10% of
your body weight or more as fat!
Because you may need to eat more real food, it may not be
quite that much. But because these food
and drink components are so fattening it may actually turn out to be even more
effective even after adding some real foods to compensate!
Most people are eating several things every day that are on
that list!
a) We just covered
that foods made out of hydrogenated oils which are a direct cause of heart
disease, heart attack starter, and the stuff builds up in your body from even
small amounts, never ever use that stuff!
So, if a food has ANY kind of hydrogenated oil listed as an
ingredient or any trans fat amount other then zero, lose ALL the calories in
that harmful food and don’t eat it!
b) Recent discoveries
have shown that high fructose corn syrup is so incredibly fattening that it
could get approved as a drug to make people fat! If a food or drink has ANY high fructose corn
syrup – sometimes listed as HFCS or corn sugar, do your fat loss efforts a
favor and do NOT buy or consume it.
Worse, consuming high fructose corn syrup boosts triglycerides which
means that consuming high fructose corn syrup is ALSO giving yourself doses of
heart attack starter.
c) Oddly, artificial
sweeteners, despite having no or very few calories, make you fatter than high
fructose corn syrup studies show, so take a pass on them too. It counts as if
you cut that many calories or more!
d) Despite the huge
availability and seeming normality of foods made with refined wheat flour, stop
ALL calories from that source to the very best of your ability!
Refined grains are very high in glycemic index – even more
that sugar and are almost as fattening as high fructose corn syrup!
Worse, today’s hybrid and GMO wheat is fattening for many
people even when eaten as 100 % whole wheat or wheat germ!
Most bread today fails people who want to lose fat and keep
it off.
The wheat and gluten free versions have high glycemic
refined rice flour and added sugar!
But you can cook quinoa yourself as a rice substitute
because it is NOT GMO is higher in protein than wheat and low glycemic too!
Barley does have gluten but is so very low glycemic people
eating it routinely lose weight!
Whole grain buckwheat flour is far less fattening than wheat
and the Bob’s Red Mill version has no gluten.
And for those not allergic there is almond flour.
So you can cook with these components and make a bread that
is both low glycemic and not fattening.
A local cook even makes desserts with real sugar and a mix
of quinoa and buckwheat flour and said it works great! (You just want to eat even such desserts far less often!)
e) Real sugar is not as directly harmful if you eat it
rarely and after you eat a low glycemic food.
But it is fattening.
So a way to cut calories is to have real sugar far less often!
The average American takes in 7 tablespoons a DAY of sugar
or high fructose corn syrup. After
subtracting the 3 or 4 tablespoons from soft drinks and other sources of high
fructose corn syrup that's still at least 3 tablespoons a day. So stop all soft
drinks and high fructose corn syrup to cut your sugar and sweetener at least in
Then gradually have other sources of real sugar far less
often once a week instead of 3 or 4 times a DAY is dramatically better for you
and far less fattening! Once a week or less is MUCH better for you and far less fattening!
Losing those calories counts at least double for fat loss!
f) Fat from animals
fed grains is very high in omega 6 oils.
And, the cheap to make corn and soy and canola oil from GMO crops is
very high in omega 6 oils.
People today eating this stuff have 10 to 15 times too much
omega 6 oils because of this. This is
now thought to be major cause of both heart disease and cancer! It also helps cause osteoarthritis and then
makes it hurt worse!
So, do whatever you can to eliminate close to all the fat
from beef or chicken you get from animals fed grains. Get lean cuts, cut off any visible fat, in
chicken that includes removing the skin, then when you cook, discard the fat that
melts and runs off.
(Eating wild caught fish and animals fed ONLY their natural
foods makes for a fat that is actually somewhat good for you to eat. And the wild caught fish and maybe the beef
and chicken raised this way have omega 3 oils which is an anti-inflammatory and
an antidote to omega 6.
There is even some evidence that this excess omega 6 oils is
directly fattening. So every bit of it
you remove from what you eat counts as removing calories! And it also protects your health.
g) Excess salt tends
to add water weight and the foods that contain it almost always contain these
other ingredients. Eating excess salt
also helps cause gout, heart disease, high blood pressure and even autoimmune
diseases recent research has found.
You’ll be less fat and far healthier if you avoid these
h) MSG is thought by
many to produce some serious health harms.
This may be a bit on the controversial side. But it is proven to add to excess chronic
inflammation and it has been shown to make people fatter even when they seem to
consume the same calories.
So, NOT eating a food that contains MSG counts as removing
The problem is that it’s often listed as autolyzed yeast,
natural spices, or just spices on labels.
To be sure to avoid it, if any of those show on a label, I take pass on
that food.
This includes many spice blends and condiments!
Surprisingly, for example, almost all mustards on the market
list “spices” as an ingredient for example.
The far better news is that the yellow mustard from Annie’s Naturals
has no such “spices”
listed as an ingredient.
Ways to cut a few calories from recipes.
One is to replace some, perhaps half of the butter or oil in
recipes with applesauce.
Half extra virgin olive oil and half applesauce with only a
bit of butter from cows fed on grass such as Kerrygold Irish butter added just
after cooking is a combination I like.
You get the taste of butter but with only half the calories
and dramatically less saturated fat.
Another is to use flavored kinds of sugar and a bit less.
Use half a cup of brown sugar and a quarter cup of dark
molasses instead of a full cup of regular sugar would be one example.
You can also add raisins or nuts to add flavor when you cut
sugar in this way.
Yet another is to use the natural and relatively side effect
free erythritol half and half with real sugar.
I think your body then will process this normally yet you just removed
half the sugar and half the calories.
Since erythritol can produce some gas in large amounts
though it does this far less than comparable natural low cal sweeteners just
minimize how much you use this.
Or you can combine the methods.
Instead of two cups of sugar, use half a cup of brown sugar
and a quarter cup of dark molasses instead of a full cup of regular sugar for
one cup and half a cup of erythritol and half a cup of real maple syrup for the
second cup.
Then add a few bits of raw walnut if you like.
Labels: calories to remove that will cause fat loss, calories to remove that will protect your health, how to remove calories without getting hungrier, Ways to remove extra calories from your food and drink