Ways to prevent, slow, or stop prostate cancer....
Today's Post: Friday, 7-13-2012
It’s not widely
known yet but:
1. Most cancers can be prevented. If you use all the methods that prevent
cancers and don’t get any cancer, you won’t get prostate cancer.
2. There are several specific ways now known to
prevent prostate cancer specifically. You can also use those.
3. Then too, there are two kinds of prostate
cancer, the slow growing kind and the aggressive kind that will metastasize and
start trying to kill you in multiple places.
If you only get the
slow growing kind and stop it from growing much and you avoid getting the
aggressive kind too, you can even get prostate cancer without it being that
harmful or needing treatment.
There is a way I
just found out about to stop slow growing prostate cancer from growing much.
And, there are also
several known ways to prevent aggressive prostate cancer or make it far less
The even better
news is that almost all of these ways have abundant other health benefits too.
Since my Dad and
both my Grandfathers got prostate cancer, I do my best to use all these methods
and now use them all except the one I just found out about and don’t yet know
for sure I need. (That’s the method that
stops prostate cancer from growing.)
This post covers
those methods in reverse order.
The new information
that caused me to do this post was in an article I got from Newsmax on
Wednesday this week, “Ancient Remedy Stops Prostate Cancer”
by Sylvia Booth Hubbard.
I. It seems that
research done at the Ben May Department for Cancer Research and Institute for
Genomics and Systems Biology in Chicago
found that taking Caffeic acid phenethyl ester from bee propolis stopped
prostate cancer from growing as long as it was continued. (It didn’t kill the cancer. It just prevented
it from growing any more. So in this
research when the propolis compound was discontinued the prostate cancer
resumed growing.)
It’s not yet been studied to see if taking bee propolis as a
supplement would have this effect. And
some people develop allergies to propolis since it contains flower pollens
collected by the bees who make it.
But the rest of the news on Caffeic acid phenethyl ester is
actually even better. So it may go into
use as an anticancer drug at some point.
Wikipedia has this:
"Propolis' use in inhibiting tumorigenesis has been studied in mice
in Japan.[30]In pre-clinical models of human breast cancer, propolis induces
cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and reduces expression of growth and transcription
factors, including NF-?B. Notably, caffeic acid phenethyl ester down-regulates
mdr-1 gene, considered responsible for the resistance of cancer cells to
chemotherapeutic agents.”
That could be huge news.
a) If caffeic acid phenethyl ester plus the right
chemotherapy can kill prostate cancer, it may well mean that it will become
possible to treat aggressive prostate cancer more successfully.
b) And, it may also mean that aggressive prostate cancer can
be effectively treated WITHOUT the radiation and surgery that often ruins the
sex lives and quality of life otherwise in people who get it!
So there is new hope for both people with slow growing and
with aggressive prostate cancer.
II. Also, on stopping or slowing the growth of slow growing
prostate cancer, there was some research a few years ago showing that taking 30
mg a day of a lycopene supplement tended to slow existing prostate cancer and
lower the PSA readings of people who took it.
That research made the cover of TIME Magazine shortly after it was
(Lycopene is a carotene in tomatoes and some other red or
red orange fruits and vegetables.
Research found that men who ate cooked tomato products often were far
less likely to get prostate cancer.
Since then, other research found that both eating cooked
foods with carotenes and eating foods with carotenes along with an oil, ideally
extra virgin olive oil, caused more of the carotenes to become absorbed and
used in the body.
Does that mean that it’s protective for men to eat pasta
sauce with extra virgin olive oil a few times a week? That’s exactly what it means.
(Since I learned all this, I’ve taken 30 mg a day of
lycopene and eaten pasta sauce with extra virgin olive oil several times a
The Newsmax article also had that mice fed walnuts every day
at an amount equal in humans to 3 ounces a day got prostate cancer that was
half as big and grew 30 percent more slowly than mice fed no walnuts. This research was done at the University of California though the article didn’t say
which campus.
Walnuts are a superfood and eating them also helps prevent
heart disease. They make a much less fattening snack than cookies or potato
chips too! The only bad news is that
some people are allergic to them and can‘t eat walnuts or other tree nuts
III. Wouldn’t it be nice to slash the risk that any prostate
cancer you get be the dangerous and aggressive kind too?
It turns out there is a whole list of things you can do that
tested out as doing that.
One study found that men who ate either raw broccoli florets
or raw cauliflower florets at least once a week, cut their risk of getting
aggressive prostate cancer in half.
(I’ve eaten raw, organic broccoli florets at least 5 times
every week ever since I learned that!)
What’s nice is that for people who dislike the taste or
broccoli, is that raw cauliflower also works.
I’d been taking 3 mg a day of boron for a few years ever since I read that doing
so helped people be more alert when I read that Dr Al Sears had
found research that had tested doing so and found that this too cut the risk of
getting aggressive prostate cancer in half!
(Needless to say, I still take boron!)
The recent Newsmax article also had that researchers at UCSF
found that men who eat one or two servings of fatty fish each week have a 63
percent lower risk of getting aggressive prostate cancer.
(I eat 3 large servings of canned wild caught salmon a week
and take omega 3 oil supplements every day for other reasons. So I found that very good news indeed!)
The Newsmax article also had that a Harvard study found that
men who ate 3 servings of fish a week wound up with a 40% less chance of
getting late stage and advanced prostate cancer.
But note that doing this set of things while completely
avoiding oils high in omega 6 such as corn and soy and eating refined grains or
much fat from animals fed grains ALSO lowers chronic inflammation.
Lowering chronic inflammation or preventing it from getting
high also has been found to help prevent ALL cancers AND heart disease.
(What do you eat instead of oils high in omega 6? Extra virgin olive oil has by far the best
health promoting track record. But small
amounts of real butter from cows fed only grass are likely OK. And some research supports using coconut oil
on occasion.)
Doing all 3 of these things: eating raw broccoli or
cauliflower plus taking boron plus the high omega 3 intake clearly cuts your
risk of getting aggressive prostate cancer a lot.
My guess is that it likely tests at about 80 % less and that
it is well over 63%. But if these
effects are independent and these effects multiply – which is possible – doing
all 3 cuts your risk of aggressive prostate cancer by 97.7 percent!
IV. There are also more things you can do that are known to
make getting any prostate cancer more likely.
We’ve covered tomatoes and lycopene.
Here are some more:
The Newsmax article had that researchers at Stanford
University found eating just two Brazil nuts each day decreased the odds of
developing prostate cancer up to from what it would other wise be to a fifth as
much. So if the risk is normally 30 to
60%, doing this drops it to the 6 to 12% range.
That’s a truly huge difference.
Tim Ferris, in his Four Hour Body book said that he found
that eating about that many Brazil nuts was a more effective delivery system
for selenium than taking the supplement and that in his case it also enhanced
his libido!
(I take 200 mcg a day of selenium. But it’s a supplement that it is unwise to
overdose on by very much. So I eat two
or three Brazil nuts on some days since I read Tim Ferris’s book. But I only do
it about 3 times a week. From what I’ve
read eating more would be a bit dangerous.)
The Newsmax article had that researchers in China found
that men who at the most garlic and onions and similar foods cut their risk of
getting prostate cancer in half. The men who ate the most scallions, green
onions, cut their risk by 70%!
(Green onions are a common ingredient in Chinese cooking and
This one is even more important because eating these foods
cuts your risk of getting ANY cancer AND eating these foods or taking
deodorized garlic supplements also boosts your beneficial HDL and cuts your
risk of heart disease!
V. Why not also do
the things that prevent ALL cancers?
Besides eating in a way that minimizes omega 6 intake and
taking in ample omega 3 oils and eating onions and garlic and related foods or
deodorized garlic supplements, there is a large list of these.
And several of them are dramatically effective.
The big ones are zero tobacco exposure, taking ample vitamin
D3, regular exercise, and eating and/or taking turmeric with black pepper.
How big is doing all of these?
From what I’ve read, just doing those four things cuts your
risk of getting ANY cancer by up top 90 percent.
a) The biggest and
worst risk of tobacco smoke is its dramatic effectiveness in producing heart
disease, heart attacks, ED, and strokes.
(Hardly any smokers know this; but doctors do.)
That said the cancer risk of tobacco smoke and using other
tobacco products is HUGE.
Some studies find that 30 % of ALL cancers are caused by
tobacco use. And that may be an estimate
that’s too low! One oncologist told me
that half the cancer patients in his hospital were smokers.
We now know why.
If you put tobacco in your mouth or breathe the smoke, the
radioactive element, polonium, goes into your blood stream. That can cause any kind of cancer anywhere in
your body your blood goes to.
Unfortunately, it often does.
(Polonium is in tobacco because it’s in the fertilizer used to grow
Does that mean you can get prostate cancer from smoking or
second hand smoke or taking snuff?
That’s exactly what that means!
In addition, lighting cigarettes and cigars and pipes with a
lighter produces even more carcinogenic compounds than are usually in tobacco
smoke. And few people today use matches.
b) One study found
that 60% of people who have cancer were deficient in vitamin D. Other studies have found that taking 4,000 to
8,000 iu a day of vitamin D3 cuts the risk of many kinds of cancer. (Taking that much D3 also helps prevent
Alzheimer’s disease.)
Vitamin D3 is critical to the optimum functioning of your
immune system. That’s likely why it has such an anticancer effect. And, it
makes vaccines more effective and helps stop infections too.
It also helps prevent osteoporosis.
Taking that much vitamin D3 is extremely cheap compared to
the cost of treating the diseases it prevents.
I’ve not yet seen a study on the effect of taking that much
vitamin D3 for 10 years on the risk of getting prostate cancer. But I’d bet good money the effect would be
quite large!
You can take that much D3 for something like $15 a month
c) Besides slowing
aging and protecting your heart and helping you be less fat, regular exercise
also helps prevent all cancers. Regular
exercise even has been found to help people with cancer become cancer free with
fewer people getting their cancer back later.
Dr Jack Farquhar of Stanford said research found regular
exercise down regulates a gene, P53, that apparently acts as a cancer
d) Eating and/or
taking turmeric with black pepper most days of every week makes getting
Alzheimer’s disease less likely. Doing
this set of things also may help reverse Alzheimer’s disease in its early
(Curcumin is thought to be the active ingredient in turmeric
that has these effects.)
Doing this boosts your immune system, sharply lowers chronic
inflammation, and reduces your level of LDL the more potentially harmful
No surprise then that doing this also is a strong preventive
for all cancers.
In fact, in a talk I heard him give, Dr Jack Farquhar of
Stanford said research has also found taking turmeric down regulates the same gene,
P53, that exercise does with the same anticancer effect.
To sum up if you follow these health protective lifestyle
practices, you become much less likely to get any cancer, you become even less
likely to get prostate cancer, and you become even less likely to get prostate
cancer that can harm you.
The combination effect is dramatic in my opinion.
It was nice to have all these new things listed in the
Newsmax article to add to what I already knew.
Now you know them too.
The really nice thing was that except for taking propolis I
have already been doing them all for some time for other health benefits!
Labels: new way to stop or treat prostate cancer, prevent aggressive prostate cancer, prevent cancer, prevent prostate cancer, Ways to prevent slow or stop prostate cancer