Labels: Get the better sleep that helps fat loss, seven inexpensive ways to help you sleep better you can start doing right away, why never take sleep drugs
Thursday, April 27, 2017
the better sleep that helps fat loss.....
post: Thursday, 4-27-2017
1. Enough
good quality sleep helps people lose fat and keep it off in several ways:
*You feel enough better you are more able to
make an extra effort and persist in doing the other effective things that help
fat loss and keep it off.
*Good quality sleep we now know literally
cleans the brain. So you think better
the next day and even are far less likely to get Alzheimer’s. This makes
getting effective exercise and eating foods that help you stay healthy and lean
easier. It makes saying no to food that
harm your health or fatten you much easier.
In fact, getting enough good quality sleep
has been shown to reduce excess hunger and cravings!
*Your body releases more growth hormone and
testosterone when you get enough quality sleep.
So you can use effective strength training
and short, vigorous cardio to lose fat. And you are better able to keep the
bone and muscle you already have to prevent age related fat gain.
Commitments & responsibilities, exercise, worthwhile work, &
learning and good quality recreation mean that healthy vital people can have
trouble sleeping a lot more hours.
3. But
there are dozens of ways to get better quality sleep anyway.
They are all well tested to work. Doing several of them every day can often be
very effective.
Even better, many of the most effective ones
are easy and cheap enough to do, you can make them happen right away!
*Doing at least some vigorous exercise each
morning almost every day before breakfast and before work -- directly helps fat
loss and health protection of course.
But doing it that time of day makes it reliable and much easier to
Best of all people who do this tend to fall
asleep reliably within minutes most days.
They get better sleep with more growth hormone and testosterone
release. And, they stay asleep all night
except for bathroom breaks more often also.
*Think through and try out what time of day
works best for you to get up each day.
If you can, set your alarm clock for that exact same time each day. Then when your alarm goes off, get up and
start your day no matter what.
I have a set of things I do each morning
right after I get up that I try to do as few minutes after I get up as
possible. Brewing and drinking my first cup of coffee is on that list. I aim to drink it within 15 minutes of when
the alarm goes off.
It can be challenging some weekends to get up
at the same time you do during the week.
But I’ve found doing so gives me more unrushed weekend time now that I
do it.
*I saw a doctor who specializes in sleep
issues. Two of the most useful things
she suggested DO work.
a) Drink any red wine or other alcohol before
dinner only!
This one does a nice double I’ve found. By the time you fix your dinner or it arrives
in a restaurant, you feel mellow and less stressed. Then after dinner enough of the alcohol is
processed you are less groggy and more able to converse and do things.
This strategy also makes avoiding enough wine
etc to be helpful in preventing it from stopping or reversing your fat
loss. After I started doing it, I found
I was able to drink about 8 to 10 less glasses of red wine a month and maintain
the lower intake.
b) Drink any coffee or tea by 6 to 8 hours
before you go to bed most days. I now do that almost every day. And, on the days I do it, I do sleep better
and feel better rested the next day.
I also recently discovered a bonus to
this. Since I hardly ever drink coffee
just before or after dinner, if on occasion I need to be more awake and
productive after dinner the coffee I drink seems to work better!
*Get a sleep mask and use it every night.
Moving to a nice cabin far from city or
freeway lights or getting 100% effective blackout curtains can make your
bedroom dark enough for good sleep. But
you may not be able to do this in a few days or at all.
But buying a sleep mask on Amazon for less
than $20 and wearing it every night can do the same and you can be doing it a
few days from now!
I got the Nidra sleep mask and wear it every
night. The results were so good, when I
realized my first one began to wear out after over a year of every day wear, I
bought a second one that I’m now using.
It’s also nice because I can take it off in
seconds since I’m wearing it if I need or want to see. I a room totally dark from blackout curtains,
I’d need a flashlight that I could grab reliably and it would still take
*Take a chewable melatonin supplement just
before bed, so it goes directly into your blood stream from the mucous
membranes in your mouth. That way by the
time you put on your sleep mask and get into bed, it’s taking effect.
If you are below 45 or 50, you may find that
half of a 1 mg chewable melatonin is enough to be effective without making you
groggy the next morning while more is too much.
But if you are over 65 or 70, a 2.5 mg
chewable may be more effective and give you other health benefits.
*Wear cloth gloves and soft socks to
bed. This has been found to relax and
open up your blood vessels and help you get to sleep and stay asleep.
*Keep your sleeping area cool. Temperatures in the 63 to 69 degree range a
and light blanket &/or wearing a hooded sweatshirt test as giving the best
this one can be a BIG problem to do for many people!
In the Silicon Valley here many homes have
little insulation and no air conditioning.
Particularly now that global warming has been keeping it from cooling
off at night at it once did, this makes for a hot and sweaty bedroom.
And, in places like San Diego, Houston, San
Antonio, Phoenix, Tuscon, or Oklahoma City it can be very expensive to cool
your bedroom that much in the summer!
What if you could get your bed to that
temperature for $150 so you could do it at all in the Silicon Valley or for
much lower costs in hot places with A/C?
An upgrade of an effective product to do just
that is about to become available:
Better, cheaper, and smaller than AC way to
cool a hot bedroom!
product is quieter than their original product.
In fact, it is an upgrade for a product that WAS successful in helping
people get better sleep!
price is reasonable! It will sell for
about $150; but in this pre-launch period, you can order it for less than
that. It will be shipped between
mid-June and mid-July it looks like.
4. NEVER take
a prescription “sleeping pill.” These
hypnotic drugs are the very worst possible combination of disasters you can
The “sleep” they cause is very low quality and
delivers none of the benefits of real sleep.
They are as addictive as heroin or cocaine for many
people. Taking them for just two or
three days has caused ruined sleep and continuing high drug costs for many
There is a direct death rate increase in people who
take them. People taking them have
driven while hypnotically asleep into concrete pillars on the freeway and one
man sleep-walked nude into a below zero blizzard and froze to death.
And, if they don’t do that, they may kill you as
certainly but more slowly. People who
begin to take them have their rate of death from cancer and heart disease and
any other cause more than double just after they start taking them.
When you can do much more so fast for less money and
get good quality sleep too, this seems like a very bad idea to me!
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