Prevent menopause fat
gain entirely!.....
Today's post:
Thursday, 6-29-2017
*We already posted on how doing a complete lifestyle upgrade
to prevent and mostly reverse the big boost in excessively high chronic
inflammation women get at the beginning of menopause has MANY benefits!
It slashes the increase in heart disease risk that happens
to women at this time.
It slashes the big increase in cancer risks such as breast
cancer and ovarian cancer that otherwise go way up in women at this time.
AND, it slashes the big risk of Alzheimer’s disease that
goes way up in women at this time.
In fact including the spice turmeric and taking the
supplement curcumin from turmeric not only helps slash chronic inflammation, it
also has several ways in which it has been found to prevent Alzheimer’s or even
reduce it somewhat if it already exists!
*Best of all, cutting this inflammation and these health
risks has three more benefits!
1) It tends to turn off or prevent the insomnia and hot
flashes and night sweats women otherwise often get. Theses nasty things go away
or never show up in the first place!!
2) It makes it totally safe to take even the estrogen
analog made from horse urine or use the FDA approved bioidentical estrogen
patch to replace the estrogen the woman loses.
This further prevents the insomnia and hot flashes and night sweats
women otherwise often get. AND it totally prevents the jump in bone changes
that increase bone breakdown and cause osteoporosis!
So if a woman also does leg strength training too her bones
get STRONGER & LESS likely to break.
And her metabolism both slows less and the added bone and muscle burn
calories no longer available to become added fat!
3) Would you like to
avoid having to use a walker or a cane or even being in a wheelchair from added
fat and osteoarthritis?
Using the estrogen replacement combined with the
anti-inflammation lifestyle prevents and can even turn off that osteoarthritis
totally! With more muscles and less fat
to carry around and no or way less pain from osteoarthritis, this removes the
main cause of having to use a walker or a cane or being in a wheelchair!
You look younger. You feel younger. And you can go places
and do things that you could before menopause that many women your age no
longer can do.
Estrogen replacement
shown to prevent osteoarthritis in menopausal women
"The team notes that lower estrogen levels - which
normally arise as a result of menopause - are associated with a greater
production of bone-destroying cells.
What is more, studies have linked hormone replacement
therapy, which boosts estrogen levels, with a lower risk of OA."
This study clearly shows many aspects of this issue for both
men & women.
But it's clear that the inflammation protocol well followed
also prevents osteoarthritis in both men & women AND by slashing the risk
of heart disease & cancers in women in early menopause it makes estrogen
replacement safe!
Lastly, reducing or preventing osteoarthritis enables women
from early menopause on to feel younger, be more mobile & able to enjoy
life more AND do the exercises that help keep them from adding fat AND the
strength training that further reduces osteoporosis!
"The team notes that lower estrogen levels - which
normally arise as a result of menopause - are associated with a greater
production of bone-destroying cells. What is more, studies have linked hormone
replacement therapy, which boosts estrogen levels, with a lower risk of
This study clearly shows many aspects of this issue for both
men & women.
But it's clear that the inflammation protocol well followed
prevents osteoarthritis in both men & women AND by slashing the risk of
heart disease & cancers in women in early menopause it makes estrogen
replacement safe!
Lastly, reducing or preventing osteoarthritis enables women
from early menopause on to feel younger, be more mobile & able to enjoy
life more AND do the exercises that help keep them from adding fat AND the
strength training that further reduces osteoporosis!
Why is osteoarthritis more common among women? Study sheds
A new study provides insight into why women are more likely to develop OA than
men, and estrogen and microRNAs in synovial fluid may hold the answer.
-----Original Message-----
From: Medical News Today
To: iehealth
Sent: Wed, Jun 28, 2017 3:46 pm
Subject: MNT daily newsletter - 28 June 2017
NOW there may be even more women can do at this time to ALSO
directly turn off the drop in metabolism that tend to happen and cause fat gain
even without eating more!
We already recommend the strength training that reduces
osteoporosis AND increases your metabolism from recovering from the exercise
AND the added bone and muscle burning more calories AND the added exercise a
few times a week.
But what if you could turn off the switch that causes
menopause to lower metabolism too!?
You may be able to do so!
THAT was the news that triggered this post!
I get a health email from the Natural Health Sherpa.
This one had
“Progesterone plummets...
Estrogen then drops too (but not as much as progesterone)...
And fat gain kicks into high gear as estrogen dominance
takes hold.
This chart below shows just the hormonal insanity women have
to endure leading up to and through menopause:
[The chart clearly shows that the big thyroid blocking and
fattening effect is actually caused by the erratic drop in progesterone!}
Worse, this imbalance blocks thyroid, slowing your
metabolism to a crawl.
So less of what you eat gets burned for energy, while more
gets stored as fat.”
This information suggests that when progesterone falls and
cortisol rises this creates extra inflammation & slows thyroid production.
Clearly, cutting stress and supporting thyroid and going on a
total inflammation reducing lifestyle immediately if not already in place and
ensuring ALL MSG is removed is indicated.
From other sources, we know that replacing some of the missing
estrogen helps women feel better and think better.
Doing both the total inflammation reducing lifestyle and replacing
some of the missing estrogen not only helps women feel better and think better,
it also slams the increase in heart disease risk and osteoporosis to a stop!
However, to keep thyroid up and metabolism up, this new info
suggests it may be essential for best results to find a way to safely boost
progesterone -- & do so AFTER measuring it each month.
The extra info also suggests that taking rhodiola, a
supplement both Nature’s way and Oregon Wild Harvest sell, prevents excess
cortisol from stress harming your mitochondria and THAT prevents energy and
metabolism drop off.
So far there seem to be very few doctors who are willing to work
with women to do this.
But you can do the entire inflammation reducing protocol and take
rhodiola. And taking the amino acid
tyrosine and totally avoiding MSG tend to keep your thyroid working well.
Some women may need to use the metabolism boosting methods I’m
trying myself that I posted on last week.
And having a doctor prescribe the lowest available standard dose
of progesterone might be helpful with not that many side effects for you.
This is clearly important enough that I think there will
eventually be doctors who can arrange for you to get measured and get the
exactly right dose for you.
But if you do everything you already can do, you will definitely
gain far less fat and have your metabolism stay higher too!
*The basics of how to reduce chronic
inflammation and why to do so, are extremely well covered in the book Anticancer: A New
Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber which
has sold well since it was first published and is still available on Amazon.
Thanks to the work of Dr William Davis
and Dr David Perlmutter we also know that stopping ALL consumption of hybrid
wheat and sharply reducing other grains or eliminating them not only helps
lower inflammation but causes a big drop in heart disease risk.
Adding ginger and boswellia supplements
and DHA and fish based omega 3 and eating wild caught fish high in omega 3 as
well lowers inflammation yet another notch and boosts the protection from heart
Eliminating all soft drinks, fructose
sweeteners including high fructose corn syrup AND all artificial sweeteners
drops inflammation, heart disease risk, and fat gain yet another notch.
Lastly, completely eliminating MSG and
its cousins in the foods that have MSG (& which quite often contain hybrid,
refined, wheat) drops inflammation another notch. This also tends to prevent fat gain or help
reverse it.
* Organic vegetables and fruit are one
of the most potent preventers of heart attacks and strokes and cancers known!
Even better, combining eating them with
regular vigorous exercise most days of every week both increases the heart
protection and increases your metabolism!
And almost all organic
vegetables ALSO have cancer preventing effects and ingredients. Much of that information is in Dr David Servan-Schreiber’s book. Labels: Multiple ways to turn off irritating problems women get in early menopause INCLUDING fat gain and osteoporosis and osteoarhritis, New information on preventing fat gain at menopause
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