Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Avoid or reverse type 2 diabetes….Today's post:  Tuesday, 9-19-2017 

a) Most people in the United States think soft drinks and diet soft drinks and refined grain hybrid wheat in breads and baked goods and packaged snacks and desserts are normal and that these foods are safe to eat.

b) The majority of people in the United States are sedentary most days of every week -- and spend at least two hours a day watching television which burns less calories than sleeping.

c) The majority of doctors still believe that statins are a strong preventive for heart attack and that the increase in diabetes in people taking them should be overlooked.  Worse, because people who do have diabetes DO need extra protection from heart disease, they may suggest diabetics take statins.

This is tragic because each of these things results in more people who get type 2 diabetes.  Each one tends to cause Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss.  AND, each one makes getting the serious harms of diabetes like amputation and blindness and fatal heart attacks more likely.

The people who do the exact reverse of every one of these have dramatically lower blood sugar; think better and slash their risk of Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss; they also avoid the serious harms of diabetes like amputation and blindness and fatal heart attacks.

d) From that point, it’s possible to more than double your protection from these harms with other methods.

e) AND, there is evidence that a period of ketogenic fasting or eating can reverse type 2 diabetes in many people.

The details:

a) Soft drinks and high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners and excess sugar and fructose and fruit juice or its concentrate and excess real sugar and ANY hybrid wheat ALL cause high blood sugar levels. AND high blood levels of these and blood sugar DEPLETES magnesium.

So, to reverse this cause of hearing loss and osteoporosis and diabetes and heart attacks -- STOP all that totally – AND take 400 to 600 mg a day of magnesium from supplements.

(These actions also turn off migraines for some people and are heart and brain protective.  For some people, they cause effortless fatloss because each of these foods and food like ingredients are fattening!)

b)  Do at least four brisk walks of 5 to 7 minutes on separate days each week.  And, limit TV watching to 15 hours with 10 or less better.

Surprisingly, just that little bit removes nearly half the risk that an ideal program with burst cardio and effective strength training added most days of every week.  Of course if you do add that, you double your protection.

To watch that much less TV, ONLY watch the TV you like or care about most.  Almost always get your news from newspapers or online.  And, for some TV, watch the video later with the commercials deleted.  If you have a TV in your bedroom, remove it and have sex or sleep there instead.

If you love to watch sports at least get an exercise bike so you can watch while you burn calories at least.

Also, if you can skip TV one or two evenings a week or watch the video later, that can free up those times to go to the gym for strength training, etc.

c. Besides these two causes of type 2 diabetes, damage to the mitochondria that generate energy and burn calories, is a significant cause of type 2 diabetes.

The regular exercise tends to keep your mitochondria healthy directly and the better blood flow and far less damage from sugars also protect them.

More vigorous exercise such as effective strength training and burst cardio when not overdone and that you build up to gradually actively boost your mitochondria and can even help grow new ones.

Statin drugs deplete the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 that your mitochondria need to stay healthy. 

This has three effects for which statins should at least have a black box warning.

1.  When you take statins, particularly the stronger ones, the more vigorous exercise such as effective strength training and burst cardio when not overdone and that you build up to gradually  that should actively boost your mitochondria and can even help grow new ones instead kill them off.

This can cause pain and inability to exercise and permanent muscle damage and death -- and has done so.

2.  Depleted mitochondria mean your cells uptake less sugar which tends to be a direct cause of type 2 diabetes. 

3.  Research found that the harms of more extreme diabetes such as blindness, foot amputation, and more are caused by harm to your mitochondria. 

Since statins deplete mitochondria, that means that taking statins is totally contraindicated for diabetics!

Not only that but the heart attack protection and lower LDL cholesterol and lower C-reactive protein measure of chronic inflammation that statins achieve is a fraction of what the more effective methods give you!

Eat at least 3 servings a day of organic vegetables and read the book AntiCancer a New Way of Life to find out how to lower inflammation even more.

This does all of it!  It prevents more heart attacks and fatal heart attacks than statins by actual test; and it isn’t even close!

The strategies in the book AntiCancer a New Way of Life lower inflammation more than statins do by far.

AND, people who eat and take the turmeric and curcumin supplements from turmeric and ginger have much lower LDL cholesterol.

In addition, slashing or stopping the sugars and wheat combined with taking DHA or eating wild caught fish and doing regular exercise, boosts your HDL and slashes your triglycerides.

Research at Harvard found that this indicates a dramatic reduction in the small particle LDL that causes heart disease and strokes. 

This too is a more protective effect than statins deliver!

d) Besides turmeric and ginger taking cinnamon and alpha lipoic acid tends to prevent surges in blood sugar from the healthier carbs you do eat.

This too can minimize your blood sugar levels.

So can eating health OK fats and oils such as extra virgin olive oil and butter from cows fed only grass and organic & sustainably harvested coconut oil – and Brain Octane from Bulletproof that has only the effective and mild tasting MCT fractions.

e)  In fact if you eat for a time or fast for a time using only such fats and oils, it has been found that you enter a state of ketosis.

That feeds your mitochondria and brain cells from these fats and oils.  That enables the damaged glucose using system to recover as it gets a rest.

This is safer if you do it with monitoring by a skilled doctor or nurse practitioner.

But the evidence shows that added to the first set of things it can reverse type 2 diabetes.  It has done so!

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