Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Possible new way to stop AFIB

Today's Post:  Tuesday, 1-3-2017

1.  Two weeks ago I wrote this post:

Avoid AFIB more common during the Holidays....Tuesday, 12-20-2016


The many doable strategies in it reduce the causes of AFIB and include ways to prevent AFIB from causing strokes.

If you want to turn off or turn down AFIB or avoid it triggering a stroke, try the strategies in it!  You can stop or lessen its causes.  And, you can make strokes much less likely from any cause, including AFIB.

2.  Two of the main causes of AFIB are mitochondrial dysfunction and excess glutamate in your heart, your brain, or the nerves connecting them.

Mitochondria are the power centers in each of your cells. 

Obesity is also a cause of AFIB; and obesity is caused in part by lower metabolism from less robust mitochondria. 

As people get older who don't do things to prevent it, their mitochondria become fewer and less robust.  So they burn fewer calories at rest and even exercise less unless they take action to reverse this.

So when they eat as they did or even eat less, they still burn up fewer calories than that & get fatter.
MSG is also a cause of obesity.  It was shown that in two groups of people eating the exact same food with the exact same calorie content, the people who ingested lots of MSG each day were fatter and weighed more than the people who ate little or no MSG!

I once thought that might be because MSG caused fattening bacteria to grow.  Now it looks like that's incorrect.  The likely villain is that the excess glutamate from the MSG damages the mitochondria and reduce the metabolism and calories burned.

Suppose you could use one thing to make your mitochondria so much healthier that your nerves and brain cells worked better AND any excess glutamate, either from natural processes or MSG was removed?

Two wonderful things would happen:

1.  People already doing the other things to reduce AFIB might have it vanish completely!

2.  People would tend to have less fat gain over time.  AND, people who ate in a style that tends not to fatten people and exercised who ALSO did periodic fasting, would lose more fat during their fasts AND the fat they lost would stay off!

This would be of very great interest to me.

1. For my other heart measures I've done things that protect my health that also optimize those measures and my heart health.  I've literally reduced my heart attack risk by about 10 to one over decent levels and 40 to one over many men my age!

But taking PPI drugs that harmed my blood vessels, and drinking too much, and too much stress have caused me to have AFIB at times.  So now I'm improving those things, slamming the rest of my AFIB to total stop would be very protective and increase my quality of life.

This method to do BOTH glutamate removal and boosting mitochondria enough to increase brain cell and nerve cell health and function may exist now!

Because I'm already doing the things to minimize or lessen AFIB, the new way to reduce it would just about eliminate it for me if it works.

Bulletproof sells it as KetoPrime.  I just ordered it and will give it a 30 day trial for both things.

2.  I've already done the things that minimize excess fat.  I eat lots of organic vegetables and health OK protein foods.  I only drink in moderation and almost only red wine before dinner.  Each week, I take regular 7 minute very brisk walks. I do strength training with relatively heavy weights. And I do quite vigorous, brief cardio three times a week.

Yet when I tried fasting, I lost less fat than I expected during the fast and I gained most of it back too.  But I have at least 16 pounds too much fat, particularly belly and visceral fat I'd look better and be healthier if I lost!

This method to do BOTH glutamate removal and boosting mitochondria enough to increase brain cell and nerve cell health and function may exist now!

Bulletproof sells it as KetoPrime.  I just ordered it and will give it a 30 day trial for both things.

Today's post has some of the research info relating to AFIB which is next.  Thursday's post this week will have the research info relating to using it to lose fat and lose fat you keep off more effectively while fasting.

Mitochondria research pioneer Alan Cash interview at the link below had these points in the text version:

[I added the underlining and bolding of the points that I thought showed the importance of this discovery.]


The implementation of a calorie restriction diet may work to consistently increase your lifespan and reduce any age related diseases (6:19).

Calorie restriction seems to affect the energy pathway of the cell (9:20).

We can essentially "bio-hack" our systems by tricking the cells into thinking that the NAD to NADH ratio is high so that fat production is reduced (12:50).

Human trials have shown that calorie restriction reduces fasting glucose levels and atherosclerosis (13:46).

Reducing age related diseases will increase the average lifespan and increase the maximum lifespan for every cell in the body (14:32).

Oxaloacetate is an important metabolite involved in one of the energy pathways in the mitochondria, the power house of a cell (16:20).

Oxaloacetate is used in the Kreb’s cycle to oxidize NADH to NAD (17:09).

A human clinical trial in the 60’s demonstrated that the use of oxaloacetate as a nutritional supplement reduced Type 2 Diabetes symptoms (20:00).

As the dosage increases from the minimum 100 mg other system processes occur, such as the reduction of high glutamate levels, which is one of the damaging factors for closed head injury/stroke victims (22:33).

Fasting/a calorie restricted diet is another technique that has been shown to slow brain tumor growth (27:53).

Some cancer patients have already seen results with oxaloacetate supplementation and calorie restriction diets, however these are just individual cases and not clinical trials (28:46).

Recently, clinical trials have begun to study oxaloacetate as a treatment for different conditions such as mitochondrial dysfunction, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease (30:13).

Oxaloacetate may also work well to reduce inflammation and increase neurogenesis in the brain (32:30).

Oxaloacetate may also become an important supplement for athletes who encounter severe head injuries during their sport (34:30).

Long term potentiation, the restoration of the ability to learn, may improve for patients after a stroke or closed head injury if oxaloacetate is used in combination with acetyl-l-carnitine (36:18).

Alan Cash spent years proving to the FDA that there do not seem to be any negative effects found with taking large doses of oxaloacetate (38:35).

So overall, oxaloacetate has an immediate pharmacological effect on the glutamate in the brain and a long term genomic effect on the mitochondria (46:30).

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