Friday, August 03, 2018

Fatloss fix for Reflux....Today's post:  Friday, 8-3-2018

Frequent heartburn; a feeling like you have a heavy barbell plate on your chest that isn't heart disease; asthma not caused by dust or allergies; burping up partly digested food with stomach acid -- YECCHH!

Call it GERD or reflux or heartburn, it's a very nasty but increasingly common problem.

1.  Carbonated, fizzy or bubbly, drinks and tobacco and its smoke make it worse and more likely.  Those things also cause so many other harms it certainly makes sense to stop them both entirely and permanently.

(Because regular soft drinks and high fructose corn syrup are so fattening  --and diet soft drinks and the artificial sweeteners in them are so much more fattening, stopping those 100%, is a very helpful way to stop or reduce Reflux.

Because people who quit smoking often gain fat afterwards, quitting both at the same time can be quite effective at stopping reflux.  

Note that it's not widely known; but while nicotine does have some withdrawal symptoms for a while, nicotine cravings are based on a false belief. 

People who understand how this works have successfully stopped smoking and escaped it with no cravings or desire to go back.  Alan Carr discovered this.  And, people who read his book Alan Carr's Easy Way to quit smoking carefully and all the way through to see how this works do just stop smoking with no cravings.

2.  Another cause is swallowing too much air when you eat or drink.  You can still eat or drink quickly. The key to not swallowing air, is to breathe in & out before swallowing each time and swallow your drink or food completely before you take in more.

3.  Taking the ineffective drugs for osteoporosis causes severe heartburn -- and esophageal cancer sometimes. The cure for that is easy.  Refuse to start any of these drugs or refuse to continue taking them.  Then learn what does work and to increase your bone size and strength and do that instead.: 

Stopping soft drinks and artificial sweeteners; careful but progressive weight bearing exercise, and taking magnesium, taking 10,000 iu a day or more of vitamin D3 AND taking vitamin K2 and a boron supplement each work.  For women in early menopause following a low inflammation lifestyle and taking low dose estrogen for the first 3 years we now know is safe and also helps prevent bone loss.

It was recently discovered that the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, the so called antidepressant drugs – and the proton pump inhibitors given for reflux cause bone loss.

(Serotonin reuptake inhibitors work little better than placebo There is a protocol of several actions to remove the physical causes and the cognitive causes of depression that is reliably more effective that is becoming better and better. We posted on it a few months ago.)

Though we now know that the H2 blocking drugs are far safer acid reducers than the proton pump inhibitors, stopping reflux AND stopping all acid reducing drugs helps prevent bone loss.  So fatloss to remove reflux also protects your bones.

Fortunately things like stopping soft drinks and adding heavier leg exercise strength training both strengthen bones and aid fatloss!

4.  People who have excess abdominal fat literally have too little room for their stomach to be full without pushing partially digested food and stomach acid through their lower esophageal sphincter or valve and into their esophagus.

Taking triphala to reduce gas and taking extra enzymes to digest the food faster and better hopefully will help with this. I posted on this and am now doing it.  I think it's helping as I seem less gassy and my belly feels less overstuffed.

Also, as a result of too much belly fat causing too little room for your stomach, people who lose enough belly fat and keep it off very often DO stop having reflux!

a)  Some people who are very obese from drinking soft drinks and eating packaged desserts, snacks, baked goods, high fructose corn syrup, hybrid wheat, and excess real sugar and artificial sweeteners, and never exercising --
 HAVE completely stopped those foods and drinks and additives.

And, they have also added exercise and lost the first 60 to 110 pounds AND stopped having reflux!

b)  Other people who do most of those things right and are already slightly overweight or high normal weight and more than 60 pounds lighter and less fat but who have a lot of belly fat may need to lose fat until they are body builder lean to stop reflux.

That's my case.  

I've written on several methods that have done this for many other people.  But I haven't quite done enough to achieve this.  But my efforts clearly have kept the problem from getting worse.  And, I'm now adding use of Bullet Proof VIBE whole body vibration plate to force more belly fat loss.

It's still a bit early in the process but my expectation is that as I get better at using it and use it more during the week it will help.

The other thing that I plan to add that clearly will help is several sessions a month lifting heavier weights at the gym. 

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