Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Eating walnuts may prevent colon cancer....Today's post:  Tuesday, 5-8-2018

1.  Today Medical News Today had a story titled: 

“How walnuts benefit your gut bacteria and overall health.”

In it they explain that in addition to the fiber and minerals and many other nutrients in walnuts that have been found to strongly benefit health, this research found that: 

"walnut intake increased levels of three main bacteria: Faecalibacterium, Roseburia, and Clostridium. The researchers explain that these three bacteria produce a metabolic byproduct called butyrate, which has been shown to improve colon health."

One of the researchers also said that Faecalibacterium ""has also been shown in animals to reduce inflammation. Animals with higher amounts also have better insulin sensitivity.""

"Walnuts may lower carcinogenic bile acids" because "people who consumed walnuts had a decrease in so-called secondary bile acids."

AND, having less excess body fat helps prevent all cancers.

Studies have long shown that people who aren't allergic who eat some unprocessed, raw tree nuts most days eat more calories and are LESS fat than people who do not.

For walnuts, this study found out a reason why:

"Walnuts' energy absorbed by gut microbes"

"When you do calculations to determine how much energy we predicted we would get from eating walnuts, it didn't line up with the energy that was absorbed," …. "You're really only absorbing around 80 percent of the energy from walnuts that labels say."

"That means that the microbes get access to that extra 20 percent of calories and the fats and fiber left in them."

These bacteria also prevent as many of the harmful bacteria from growing that tend to make and keep you fat which likely increases this effect! 

It’s also possible to multiply the effects of eating walnuts to prevent colon cancer in two more ways:

2.   It’s not widely known yet, unfortunately, but you can cut your chances of getting ANY kind of cancer or dying from cancer completely in HALF
by staying away 100 % from nicotine vapor, tobacco smoke from smoking, tobacco products, and second hand tobacco smoke.

3.  You may be able to cut the risk of cancers at least in half again by following a thorough low inflammation lifestyle.

It’s no accident that the best book on how and why to eat in a low inflammation way is called AntiCancer!

We did a post on how to eat that way in our next to last post in December, 2017:

“How to eat a low inflammation diet….Today's post:  Tuesday, 12-19-2017”

To read the post, go to https://iehealth.blogspot.com/2017/12/

Then scroll down and it’s the second one down in the post for December, 2017.

The combination of eating raw, unprocessed walnuts and completely avoiding tobacco and nicotine and gases from heating them with the low inflammation lifestyle does strongly prevent colon cancer.

Of course preventing most other cancers and heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease and slowing aging too also happens if you do these things! 

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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for thouɡhts on this matter last Sunday.

11:00 AM  

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