Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Study finds women can delay menopause....Today's post:  Wednesday, 5-2-2018

Yesterday Medical News Today had a story titled:  “These foods may delay your menopause”

These UK researchers found that women finished menopause from age 40 to 65.

“..the study found that certain food items were linked with the timing of this onset.

Specifically, each portion of carbohydrates, such as pasta and rice, consumed per day correlated with experiencing menopause 1.5 years earlier.”

This suggests that eating these things several times a day can tend to start menopause several years earlier than the 50 or so average.

Since these foods both boost blood sugar when eaten this often and the large amount of unrefined hybrid wheat does that so well AND strongly boosts inflammation,
 this not only makes menopause earlier as this study found, it also makes the early stages of menopause more uncomfortable and disease causing and fattening!

So eating no hybrid wheat and little grain and following a low inflammation lifestyle, not only has those other benefits, this study reveals it also slows aging and delays menopause in women.

The researchers also found that:  “By contrast, for each daily portion of fish and fresh legumes, such as peas and beans, the delay in menopause onset was of over 3 years. Additionally, a higher daily consumption of vitamin B-6 and zinc was also associated with later menopause.”

(Note that other research finds that soy and soy beans and soy oil have effects like the grains and are best avoided to get this delay and other benefits.)

So, eating foods with a high level of DHA & omega 3 and carbs from foods with fiber and without grain significantly caused slower aging and later menopause. 

Eating small wild caught fish and wild caught salmon and taking the supplements DHA and omega 3 oils from purified fish oils or algae each does this.

Note that supplementing with B6 and Zinc has other health benefits but that you have to know to avoid taking too much.

Taking 15 to 45 mg of zinc a day or a bit more may help prevent some cancers and help you avoid flu and colds and have your nerves work better!  But taking over 50 mg a day for too long can cause reduce or even reverse these benefits.  Also zinc and copper interact such that if you supplement with zinc you also need to take 2 or 3 mg of copper.

Taking 25 to 100 mg a day of B6 helps protect your heart and blood circulation and your nerves.  But taking much over 100 mg of B6 a day, particularly 200 mg or more, can harm your nerves and cause numbness and tingling.

But the important news here is to stop eating hybrid wheat and stop eating rice and other high glycemic grains which boost blood sugar levels and inflammation and to eat instead the foods that help keep blood sugar in the normal range and LOWER inflammation.

This research suggests that doing those things and following all of a low inflammation lifestyle slows aging in women and postpones menopause!

We’ve already posted that doing these things also helps menopause, when it does arrive, particularly when it is beginning, also makes it more comfortable and trouble free, cause less osteoporosis and diabetes and heart disease –AND is less fattening!  

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Blogger David said...

Ms Kelly Herring is a cook and an expert in what foods keep good health and slow aging.

She is extremely knowledgeable and has a course teaching these things AND how to cook and what foods to eat to stay healthy and enjoy it.

If you want to learn how from a woman who really knows, you might like her course.

You can check it out and buy it at:

1:10 PM  

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