Thursday, May 24, 2018

Alternatives to antidepressants that fatten....Today's post:  Thursday, 5-24-2018

1.  The news came out sometime ago that SSRI antidepressants reduce healthy bone growth and replacement.

SSRI antidepressants can help cause or worsen osteoporosis in other words -- AND reducing healthy bone mass and its metabolism tends to fatten or make fatloss or keeping off lost fat harder.

2. For many years it has been known that SSRI antidepressants only work marginally well -- so little in fact that reports they do so may be a placebo effect only if all the research done on them is included.

The reason seems to be that serotonin in the brain is soothing and a boost but increasing serotonin in the blood stream tends to cause problems instead.  SSRI antidepressants boost serotonin in your blood and do NOT boost it in your brain!

Thinking warm thoughts towards someone or nonthreatening good news tends to boost serotonin in the brain; and so does taking at least 10,000 iu a day of vitamin D3 along with the vitamin K2 that also helps build healthy bone with the calcium in your system while keeping it out of your blood vessel walls.

This suggests that people who take SSRI antidepressants might tend to get fatter and not feel better for the money they spend.

3.  Now it’s in the news that a study found that SSRI antidepressants do tend to cause fat gain!  We already know why.  But to have it confirmed directly too is important.

4.  The actions that help people lose excess fat and keep it off take some extra effort.

So feeling de-energized or depressed makes that harder.

Besides taking vitamin D3 & K2, are there other things you can do to feel better?

Here’s great news!

Three of the things that work well to lose excess fat and keep it off make you feel better and have tested to turn off depression even before you lose much fat!

Several studies have shown that people who begin to drink soft drinks and diet soft drinks and eat foods with hybrid wheat and grain oils and sugars and artificial sweeteners become depressed.

And, if they were depressed when they began doing these things, this has tested to make them more depressed besides making them fatter.

a) Stopping these fattening and drinks, particularly avoiding regular and diet soft drinks and artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup and excessive real sugar and hybrid wheat --  100% stops both the fat gain and the mood depressing effects of blood sugar swings!

b)  Stopping pro-inflammatory foods and ingredients such as all hybrid wheat and grain oils and MSG and eating organic fruits and vegetables and wild caught fish and extra virgin olive oil instead plus eating or taking ginger or turmeric or the curcumin it contains AT THE SAME TIME has extremely high health benefits.

And making that switch tends to help people go from adding excess fat to removing it AND feel better too!

c)  Regular vigorous exercise helps remove excess fat and keep it off.  But it also turns off depression both by boosting your blood flow and releasing BDNF to grow or repair new nerves and brain cells.

This exercise-caused improvement in your brain and nerve cells has been found to stop depression AND shows up in direct scans of your brain.

And, you feel more able and capable as you get better at exercise.

So if you want to feel better AND be less fat and stay that way, never take SSRI antidepressants or step down until you are off them entirely and do these other things instead!

The anti-inflammatory things in particular reduce the side-effects of withdrawal from SSRI antidepressants.

5.  Bad things still happen if I do all these things.  How do I feel better anyway?

a) Do more things that make things better. 

List some possible solutions for problems and do some of the most promising and some of the easiest that are likely to work.

b) Notice when good things happen.  Surprisingly, even on mostly bad days some good things happen.

c) Do some things you enjoy on most days other than food treats.

d) Do something nice for someone else or at least think warm thoughts about them

People who usually feel OK or even better have bad things happen every day.  They just make sure to have or notice more good things each day.

If you follow that strategy AND do the things that help you feel better physically AND help you lose fat you keep off and avoid things that harm your brain and nerves you’ll feel better!


SSRI antidepressants not only do not work, they are contraindicated in people who would rather not be fat. 

So, if you want to feel better and free of excess fat, use these effective alternatives instead. 

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