Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Escape osteoarthritis with no dangerous drugs….Today's post:  Tuesday, 10-24-2017 

Several months ago I was speaking to a young man in high tech about my efforts to stay mobile and strong as I get older.  He was astounded to find that I had no arthritis impairing me.

His parents were ten or twelve years younger than I and beginning to be dependent on care because their arthritis had put them into a wheelchair and a walker.

I’ve taken magnesium and glucosamine and omega 3 oils and vitamin C and bilberry extract and not drunk ANY soft drinks or diet soft drinks for years and had seen my Dad have significant hip pain followed by hip replacements. 

I also had read that aspirin and acetaminophen and the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil and Motrin and others all had harmful side effects AND tended to make osteoarthritis worse or no better. 

(Aspirin causes excess stomach bleeding and can cause enough to kill you before you realize you are in danger.  Taking any NSAID boosts your risk of heart attack somewhat.  And if you drink more than a tiny amount of alcohol or too much acetaminophen or both you can get fatal liver failure.)

So when I got pain I took a ginger tonic with ice water and a tablespoon or two of organic powdered ginger instead.  Then I just did it every day as a wake-up tonic.  With that I found that small aches and pains just went away after getting enough better I could ignore them.

So when I got some hip pain when I walked a bit longer than normal, I asked what else I could take to turn off hip pain at the Health Food store of a man who was extremely knowledgeable about supplements.  He said that Drs Best Hyaluronic acid was a supplement that would help.

It turns out that this supplement contains both Hyaluronic acid which makes the fluid in the major joints thicker and a better lubricant AND forms of collagen that tend to rebuild the surfaces of joint to also reduce friction and restore function.

Adding this supplement worked!  The hip pain stopped.

Then I read the book AntiCancer: A new way of life.  It shows that eating hybrid wheat and grain oils like soy and corn and canola and safflower AND animals fed those grains most people in the United States were taking in well over 20 times too much pro-inflammatory omega 6 oils.

He also said that eating turmeric in curried foods and taking curcumin supplements based on turmeric slashed inflammation even more.

He explains that making these changes and eating a diet high in organic vegetables slashes the  too high chronic inflammation that is a known cause of Alzheimer’s disease and heart attacks and osteoarthritis and even some cancers!

I stopped eating wheat entirely and went to eating dairy products from grass fed cows and wild caught salmon.  That slashed my omega 6 intake and boosted my omega 3 intake from the salmon.

A recent HSI email added that taking enough vitamin D3 each day and taking boswellia extract also is effective in reducing osteoarthritis AND its pain. 

Then I read that high chronic inflammation not only makes osteoarthritis worse, it CAUSES it!

This means that upgrading to the anti-inflammation eating style and taking turmeric and curcumin were not only helping me avoid pain from osteoarthritis, they were preventing it too!

For its possible boost to my metabolism as a fat loss aid, I also began adding a good bit of cayenne pepper to a wild caught salmon dish I eat twice a week.  And, I added a pinch of cayenne to my toasted green tea three times a week.

Cayenne pepper also makes mucous and body fluids that are too thick thinner so they flow better AND it overloads pain receptor which then report less pain even when an injury is present.

Recently an email from the Resperate blood pressure reducing people had that these effects can even be used as a way to dramatically reduce damage from a heart attack in part by improving blood flow AND preventing the secondary inflammatory overreaction that does much of the hard to reverse damage from a heart attack:


1.  Topical use of capsaicin can cut heart damage in a heart attack by up to 85%!

"Two years ago, scientists from the University of Cincinnati triggered heart attacks in mice. Then they applied capsaicin cream to different spots of the skin during the heart attack.

The capsaicin triggered a powerful reaction in the central nervous system. These signals helped to protect the heart muscle. In fact, the mice that got the capsaicin cream experienced 85 percent less cardiac cell death compared to the mice that got nothing."

(Due to the effect causing this, it may do the same for both kinds of strokes to reduce the damage they do to your brain nerves! It’s been reported separately that this secondary excess inflammatory over-reaction also causes the damage to your nerves that is hard to reverse.)

Capsaicin cream is available and can be kept with your other first aid supplies and medicines.

Just apply it with a cotton swab to help ensure you get none in your eyes by touching them with your fingers!

2.  Eating foods with lots of cayenne pepper tends to prevent a cold or flu in your lungs from building up too much mucous or triggering a secondary infection like bronchitis or pneumonia.

Apparently doing this or taking cayenne pepper as a supplement also helps to keep your blood vessels open and clear possibly reducing high blood pressure and increasing blood flow to your heart and brain even if there is some restriction on blood flow.

3.  Capsaicin can also reduce pain from migraines and other headaches and might help prevent cancers.

Just like the Capsaicin cream, cayenne pepper supplements can be kept with your other first aid supplies and medicines. 

Lastly, the drugs for osteoarthritis are NOT very effective in reducing the pain and do NOT reduce the amount of osteoarthritis or even make it worse. 

Worst of all, they have horrible side effects including death that can be far worse than the

osteoarthritis itself was.

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