Labels: how this misleading research was likely done, Questionable research shows soy is heart helpful, use only extra virgin olive oil for far better results
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Avoid using this bad research….Today's post: Tuesday, 10-17-2017
using this bad research or following advice based on it:
in Medical News Today there was a report of a finding that high blood levels of
omega 6 might be heart protective.
article further suggested that soy oil was a desirable way to get a high blood
level of omega 6.
looks like deliberately fabricated research sponsored by the producers and
marketers of soy and soy oil.
1. Because both soy products and high blood
levels of omega 6 have separately been shown to be harmful to your health in
multiple ways, following advice based on this research could seriously damage
your health.
products are almost all grown with heavy spraying of herbicides and pesticides. Many are GMO.
This means that eating them exposes you to all those toxins and genetic
materials untested to be safe or tested to be harmful and the research
deliberately hidden or suppressed.
about the omega 6 oils?
processing they undergo causes some hydrogenated oils that are proven to be
harmful to form. And, if they are heated
in cooking, they break down in a way that causes excess oxidation which is also
most important reason is that simply put, getting 10 or 20 times too many omega
6 oils and half or less of enough omega 3 oils, has been shown to dramatically
boost chronic inflammation and inflammatory over-reactions to normal problems.
high chronic inflammation has been shown to make heart attacks and strokes and
other circulation diseases much more likely. It has been shown to make
Alzheimer’s disease more likely! And, it
causes some cancers; and usually worsens any cancers once they occur.
a situation you likely want more of or to stay in at all!
best introduction to this is the book, AntiCancer: A new way of life. It shows that eating soy or soy oil or eating
animals fed soy is unusually harmful to your health for this reason. (Hybrid
wheat is also high in omega 6 AND boosts blood sugar more than sugar.)
means that high blood levels of omega 6 are harmful and that eating soy or soy
oil is one of the most harmful ways to get them!
why NOT following advice based on these new flawed studies is likely to protect
your health.
2. You may well ask if that’s so, how on earth
did they get the seeming results they published?
not had direct access to complete information for the studies involved in this
set of studies.
I know how to make a study that would show this!
my guess is that they used several studies that were similar to that model.
wheat; hydrogenated oils; and animals fed soy and corn and GMO growth hormones
and routine antibiotics; and high fructose corn syrup; other forms of free
fructose; and very excessive regular sugar are ALL as harmful and often even
more harmful.
raw nuts and leafy vegetables and onions in salads are very
protective. That’s even more the case if
all of them were organically grown.
fact, walnuts and other tree nuts for those not allergic have some omega 6 oils
but so many protective ingredients they are good for you to eat as long as you
don’t get excessive omega 6 oils elsewhere.
means that if someone stops eating all the other things that cause even more
problems -- and eats far more salads and uses unheated soy oil in low doses in
the salad dressing, their blood level of omega 6 may go up some and the net
health effect would show as somewhat better.
protective effects found in these studies, however, are about half those that
people eating that many protective vegetables and nuts with no oil.
are likely even less than half of the protective effect of using extra virgin
olive oil only and zero soy oil.
3. So the bottom line is to stop consuming
everything on the list of most harmful things -- just as the people in these
studies likely did.
to eat lots of organic vegetables including greens and onions as the people in
these studies may have also done.
But to get extra benefit instead of harm or reduced benefits, use no soy
eat no soy products not organic, nonGMO, traditional fermented foods; and use
those sparingly.
extra virgin olive oil instead! That way
you add greatly to your protection instead of dramatically reducing it.
The case against soy just got even more convincing and scary! Hard to believe but the evidence is hard to ignore. The fatty liver they speak of can kill you or cause you to get a liver transplant.
Since this new kind of soy oil will likely soon be in packaged desserts & snacks & most commercial baked goods, it means that they should never be eaten by anyone who wants to avoid being sick & broke from medical fees.
It's no longer enough to eliminate foods that list hydrogenated oils. Now any foods that list soy or "plenish" are best NEVER bought or eaten!
In the HSI eAlert email of 10-10-2017 I found this:
Health Sciences Institute
"Dear Reader,
Here's some news that should change the way you eat.
It’s coming out of a study that was designed to look at various oils and how they may contribute to obesity.
But what this research uncovered may very well be the smoking gun as to why diseases like diabetes and other metabolic imbalances have reached epidemic proportions in the U.S.
And it may have also uncovered why animal fats such as lard -- once a kitchen staple -- have been given such a bad rap.
The entire biotech industry, including soybean growers across the land, can't be very happy right now.
A team of researchers from the University of California just published a report that dares to disclose the truth behind soy oil, the fat that groups such as the American Heart Association say we must use in order to prevent heart disease.
They also revealed how some (gasp!) saturated fats -- which those same groups have demonized for decades -- are actually safe and perfectly beneficial to our health."
Part 2
"But first, let me tell you about a little industry secret you probably wouldn’t know unless you're in the food business.
For years, DuPont and partner Perdue AgriBusiness (yep, that’s the same Perdue you'll see on those chicken packages) have been developing a special genetically modified soybean with the strange-sounding name of Plenish.
And how is Plenish different from other soybean oils? DuPont calls it an answer to the "trans fat challenge" -- which means it's intended to be the food industry’s replacement for those heart-attack causing partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), a.k.a. trans fats, that are being phased out next June.
Now, it seems that foods made with Plenish can gather dust on store shelves for years, just like ones made with PHOs, and still seem "fresh." And DuPont says it has a "healthier oil profile," but that's not exactly what these researchers found.
In fact, it was pretty much just the opposite.
Mice fed the Plenish oil suffered from enlarged livers and "liver dysfunction," including an increasingly common and potentially deadly condition called fatty liver disease.
The researchers also pointed out that the rise in obesity practically goes hand-in-hand with our increased use of soybean oil in general (nearly all of which is genetically modified).
But that’s not all.
They also observed that the "detrimental effects" seen in lab rodents when fed animal fats might not be coming from the fat itself, but instead be the result of soy!
Now how's that for a plot twist?!
You see, most obesity researchers feed their lab animals lard, which in turn comes from animals fed soybean meal. "It's possible," they proposed, that many of those "metabolic effects" we thought were the fault of saturated animal fats are instead due to huge amounts of soy fed cows, pigs, and chickens.
And if you're wondering what these researchers found to be the healthiest oil that they tested, that's an even bigger surprise.
It’s none other than coconut oil, which consists of about 90 percent of those forbidden saturated fats!
In this new study, coconut oil’s benefits outshined even those of olive oil: It caused the least amount of weight gain and the "fewest negative metabolic effects."
And if you're worried about cholesterol, the amount you're adding to your diet with coconut oil is no more than what you'd get with soybean oil, the darling of the AHA, or even that supposedly healthier version, Plenish.
So, the two main takeaways from this study are:
#1: Stay away from all soybean oil, even if it's said to be healthier. And since it's something that's hard to dodge in processed foods, be sure to check your labels carefully.
#2: Get yourself a big jar of organic virgin coconut oil and use it in everything from sautés to stir-fries to homemade popcorn!
To Knowing Your Oils,
Melissa Young
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