Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Eating hybrid wheat triggers autoimmune disease….Today's post:  Tuesday, 10-31-2017 

The email that had this information from Dave Asprey at Bulletproof that I thought I’d saved somehow got lost.

I remembered enough to find this on Wikipedia:

“Zonulin (haptoglobin 2 precursor) [1] is a protein that modulates the permeability of tight junctions between cells of the wall of the digestive tract.[2]

It was discovered in 2000 by Alessio Fasano and his team at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

As the mammalian analogue of zonula occludens toxin, secreted by cholera pathogen Vibrio cholerae, zonulin has been implicated in the pathogenesis of coeliac disease and diabetes mellitus type 1.[3]

Gliadin (glycoprotein present in wheat) activates zonulin signaling irrespective of the genetic expression of autoimmunity, leading to increased intestinal permeability to macromolecules.[3][4]”

1.  This means that eating hybrid wheat releases zonulin which can cause IBS and autoimmune disease from your body attacking foods or partly digested foods that this intestinal permeability releases into your blood stream.

Some people do eat hybrid wheat without getting autoimmune disease.

Because IBS & Crohn’s disease and other autoimmune diseases are nasty to have and the drugs to treat them are harmful and life threatening and fattening, it certainly may be prudent to not eat ANY hybrid wheat.

Clearly anyone with any of these conditions should never eat hybrid wheat again!

That said, why do autoimmune diseases happen to some people who eat hybrid wheat and not others?  The several things on this list also may be ways to prevent or help reverse autoimmune disease.

2.  Whole grain hybrid wheat has the same blood sugar surge effect that’s fifty percent MORE than sugar as refined grain hybrid wheat does.  And, it tends to cause heart disease only a bit less than the refined grain does.  Dr William Davis found that people who eat no wheat have even lower heart disease risks.

Worse, since real whole grain wheat flour is a bit chewy and the heavy use of refined has made it so much cheaper, bakers often use nearly half refined when the package says whole wheat or just use 100 percent refined and add brown food coloring.

So, it’s simpler and safer to eat no hybrid wheat.  BUT some people do eat mostly whole grain wheat based foods.  Since this likely releases the gliadin more slowly, it may have less intestinal permeability as a result.

2.   Vitamin D3 not only boosts your killer T cells and protects you against infections, vitamin D3 ALSO boosts regulatory T cells to ensure your T cells don’t attack parts of you. 

Since most people in the US are deficient or even severely deficient in vitamin D3, they are at extra risk if they eat hybrid wheat.  The better news is that it’s safe to take 10,000 iu of vitamin D3 a day as long as you take vitamin K2 with it to have D3 send your calcium to your bones and not elsewhere.

If you take that much D3, eating hybrid wheat is more likely to be safe.  Better, NOT eating any hybrid wheat AND taking that much vitamin D3 can help prevent or maybe help reverse autoimmune diseases.

3.  MSG sharply boosts inflammation and harms your mitochondria.  This also makes it fattening on the same caloric food intake.  Diets that lower inflammation and totally eliminate MSG have been shown to help reverse MS, an autoimmune disease.

So, people who manage to eat no MSG at all, might be able to eat some small amounts of hybrid wheat without it causing an autoimmune disease.

4.  Clearly it also helps to have strong mitochondria.  People who do may be able to eat some whole grain hybrid wheat.  We know many ways to do this.  The most important one is to NOT take statin drugs because they directly harm your mitochondria. Because of this doing regular vigorous exercises most days of every week which normally boosts mitochondria well, in people who take statins can be harmful and at best does not boost your mitochondria which it would otherwise do.

So if you completely avoid statins and do regular vigorous exercises most days of every week, this will help prevent or reverse autoimmune diseases.

Taking the ubiquinol form of CQ10 and PQQ also help you keep your mitochondria healthy, help grow new ones, and get rid of those too sick to save. So does taking DHA.

5.  Doing such exercises tends to lower inflammation but only because your body operates at a low inflammation level and has enough antioxidants.

6.  Both this and the MSG information suggest that eating in a way that minimizes chronic inflammation and provides multiple antioxidants also helps prevent or reverse autoimmune disease.

The books AntiCancer: A new way of life and the Wahls Protocol describe just such a way of eating that you can upgrade to.

This involves eating no wheat and few grains and NOT using their oils or eating animals fed these grains instead of their natural foods.  It involves mostly eating vegetables and is likely to be more effective and protective if all of the ones you eat are all organic.

This way of eating not only has already been shown to reduce or reverse an autoimmune disease, MS, separate research shows that it tends to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and is quite strong in preventing heart attacks and strokes. 

(Because eating in this way is so much more protective than statins, this is why it’s actually an improvement to not take statins!  No longer ingesting heart attack starters and using this far more effective method is multiple times more protective than statins.)

7.  Women in the early stages of menopause tend to have big surges in chronic inflammation. 

This causes fat gain and often helps cause autoimmune diseases.

Following the low inflammation eating style not only can help directly prevent these things, it makes taking temporary estrogen replacement safe to do.

That means that following the low inflammation eating style and taking temporary estrogen and NOT taking or continuing statins helps prevent or reverse many autoimmune diseases that tend to attack women during perimenopause.

To make this even better, this same set of things ALSO helps prevent osteoporosis and fat gain and migraine headaches and hot flashes too!  

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