Wednesday, February 24, 2016

People from India are multifactorial health risk….

Today's Post:  Monday, 1-25-2016  (Upgraded 2-24-2016)

Are you from India?  Did your parents come from India?

That's good!  Some of the most effective company founders and the most important technology executives in the Silicon Valley are like you.

You're quite important to the Silicon Valley economy.

BUT you are also at severe multifactorial risk to your health!

People like you are at unusually high risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other related health issues.

Worse, that's true even if you are still in your twenties or thirties!

 AND, that's still true even if you look trim!

(This is important if you work with people from India, particularly if they have moved to the United States. 

And, because such people have been so successful, it’s important to you if you live in the Silicon Valley or even the United States because they are so important to the economy!

Last, but far from least, most other Americans are at similar risk for the same diseases, it’s just less severe in most cases or happens later in life.)

A.  The better news is that we are beginning to know why this is so. 

Better yet, we are beginning to know how to lower these risks and prevent them from harming people.

There are three underlying causes:

1.  The foods and water for people near the Indus River are high in arsenic.  So people from there and people who are the children of people from there who may have been impacted in utero before birth.  Arsenic exposure can and does cause heart disease and related cardiovascular diseases. 

And, it can cause this in people in their twenties and thirties who are at an age where they expect to be healthy and not have to worry about such things.

Dr Raj Dash at Stanford has started a program to treat such people.  When I went to hear him speak he DID have such patients!

(Besides getting tested to see if treatment is needed, it’s important to avoid eating ANY kind of rice.  The arsenic in the water it’s grown in is high enough it can cause this harm to anyone. 
With their other risks already, NOT adding this one is critical for people from India.)

Rice also tends to slam up blood sugar which is something people from India should avoid like the plague!  (See the next section.)

2.  The heredity of people from India, or who are descended from people from India, has been optimized for the hot climate of India and for the conditions of India of over 60 years ago.

a) People from India hardly have any brown fat to boost their metabolism when they are cold compared to people from Europe.

b) In fact, the calories burned by heat apparently mean there is far less need for their bodies to use insulin to lower blood sugar.  As a result, research shows that many people from India release far less insulin in response to high blood sugar than Europeans. 

And, THAT means when people from India eat or drink the things that slam up blood sugar that many Americans eat and drink and think normal, they can lower it less.  This produces blood sugar high enough to do damage and get diagnosed as diabetic.

This effect is robust enough unless they take care NOT to eat and drink these things and take other steps, people from India can have this problems even if they do regular moderate exercise!

The calories burned from fighting heat and the walking their ancestors did plus the need for a smaller body so it can be cooled more efficiently, mean that people from India, particularly those who don’t exercise, carry a good bit of visceral and other internal fat and often don’t look fat or weigh enough to alarm doctors who go by BMI tests.  BUT people from India often have enough fat to cause the same health problems obese Europeans get.

When they move to the United States where the climate is far different; and the mainstream foods and lifestyle have recently been harmful to the health even of Americans of European ancestry, this creates even greater harm.

In fact, this puts people from India or nearby or who had parents who were at even more extreme risk and often at younger ages!

3.  The foods and spices of people living in India and who eat in a traditional way are protective – astoundingly so in some ways.

But if they discontinue eating that way in part -- or even worse totally discontinue eating that way -- when they live in the United States, they stop that protection.

B.  How can people who have these risks protect themselves?

The first step is to know they are at risk which readers of this post will learn.

The second step is to get the blood test for Arsenic, take steps to reduce the impact of that if they test high; AND stop the things that expose them to even more arsenic.

The third step is to know the tests that reveal risk for type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and cardiovascular disease.

They then need to get these tests.

Then they need to take the protective steps that turn down these risks or stop them.  AND, they need to do so while knowing the extra effort that they may need to do so because of their heredity.

The fourth step is to know which parts of the traditional lifestyle of India are protective and how to use that knowledge either by resuming it or taking supplements based on it or both.

C.  The process is much like solving an engineering or technical problem which people here from India are often unusually skilled at doing.

Get the tests.

Completely remove or stop the causes.

(Most Americans of European ancestry fail to do so.  But the ones who get good results always do so.  For people from India, this is a mandatory step to get protection!)

Create a customized plan to add the protective actions and have it do extra for those areas the test show are already most needed.

Decide which things to begin right away.

And schedule a time to begin those things at a level that is so easy that it is for sure doable.

Then gradually add more things and begin ramping up how well you do the most important ones.

Then manage the process for excellence just like you would for a critical path business or scientific project.

D) If you are one of the people this affects,

> Do you want to know more about this subject?

> If you find out, would you take action to protect yourself?

> Would you begin as soon as possible?

> After you learn the information, would you want to know more about ways to get help with the process?

*  If so, I’m the blogger, David Eller; and I can send you more and explain what else I can do that might help you get good results.

* Most Americans of European ancestry need to do far more to protect themselves from high blood sugar than they do now.

But many of them fail to because they don’t know they are at risk or how to stop it.

They mostly get away with this until retirement age.  So while it’s highly desirable and will keep them mentally sharp, healthy, and alive longer.

For the reasons above, this inaction is NOT something people from India can afford to do.

> Do you want to continue to be at risk when it could be easily stopped?

Some doctors know these risks are most effectively stopped by lifestyle changes and which ones work best and fastest.

And, they know the drugs for them have harmful side effects and are far less protective.

But they don’t know how to get people to make the lifestyle changes; so they tend to prescribe the drugs, the far less effective alternative, only.

The difference is as much as 95% effective for lifestyle changes and 5% effective or less for the drugs.

>Which would you rather have?

> Why can I help?

Because my Dad’s mother died of a heart attack at age 70; and right at age 70, he had the first of about four heart attacks and then died of heart failure worsened by the treatment he was given, I decided to find out how to avoid that.

Because I exercised and almost ate well, when I was a young man, my heart risk was moderate:
LDL 130 and triglycerides 150 and HDL about 50; and my HSCRP inflammation was likely about 1.5.

From the many steps I’ve learned work since then AND acted on, my LDL is 75; my triglycerides are 35, and my HDL is 104 and my HSCRP inflammation is 0.27.

So as I got 40 years older, my heart attack risk has dropped from moderate to close to zero.

This was all lifestyle changes and zero drugs!

> Would you like to know the fastest and most effective part of what I do, that you can begin within a few days?

So, if that interests you, send me your email and name and email me at  .

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