Monday, December 10, 2007

Ways to prevent cancer....

Today's post: Monday, 12-10-2007

Mercifully, the list of things you can do to prevent cancer is LONG.

Here are just a few.

1. Don’t smoke. And, if you smoke now quit. Also, stay away from second hand smoke as completely as you possibly can.

This is the number one thing to do. Here’s why:

Half of all cancers are caused smoking from the evidence I’ve seen.

(Smoking is even WORSE for producing heart attacks, strokes, & other cardiovascular disease, by the way.

Some smokers don’t get cancer; but ALL smokers, even young ones, damage their blood vessels & start getting heart disease & extra plaque in their blood vessels. )

Doctors now can help with a drug, Varenicline, that has a very strong track record of helping smokers quit. And, the American Cancer Society or your doctor or health plan may be able to find you a good support group. For those who fail at quitting cold turkey on their own, both of these methods dramatically increase your chances of success.

My suggestion is to do BOTH if you have tried to quit on your own & failed. Why not hammer the deadly addiction to start with?

What if you still haven’t quit?

Believe it or not, you can get some protection against cancer, maybe as high as
50 %, possibly even more, by ALWAYS lighting up with a match. And, NEVER use a cigarette lighter. The much hotter flame of the lighter produces really frightening & harmful short lived compounds while the cooler flame of a match produces less of the different compounds & MUCH less of the ones it does produce.

2. Also, avoid herbicides, room fresheners, & most pesticides in your home, yard, & garden. There’s evidence that these are more carcinogenic than is generally known.

3. You can eat cabbage as coleslaw; cauliflower florets, &/or broccoli each week as these foods have so many & so much cancer preventers, they will cut your risk of cancer & even better, the more deadly forms of cancer about in half. (Other cruciferous vegetables like brussels sprouts, kale, & horse radish also work.)

Eating such vegetables also helps prevent fat gain & enable permanent fat loss if you do enough of it most days.

4. Get regular exercise. Doing so cuts your risk of dying from all causes by fifty percent or more. And, if you do enough exercise without overworking yourself, it apparently boosts your immune system & slows aging enough, it also helps prevent cancer.

5. Eat nuts; beans; nonfat & very low fat dairy foods; lightly cooked wild caught salmon & other health OK seafood; & eggs that have been boiled, poached, or lightly fried in extra virgin olive oil -- instead of fatty meats for 95 to 99 % of your protein.

Even though eating organic produce is really good for you as it has fewer herbicides & pesticides or none, or none AND it is more nutritious besides.

Did you know that following this step of minimizing excess animal fats is about ten times more powerful in reducing your exposure to herbicides & pesticides than eating only organic produce?

Here’s why? It’s actually quite simple. The animals bioconcentrate the herbicides & pesticides so much in their fat, that eating their fat is something you should limit to rare occasions due to the exposure it gives you to herbicides & pesticides.

It also helps prevent strokes, heart attacks & high blood pressure. Not bad.

6. Make meats with nitrates added very rare in your diet. Once a month total or less is what to aim for. In this group are hot dogs, bacon, sausage, & virtually all packaged ham & other packaged, sliced, lunch meats.

7. Make barbecued fatty meats very rare in your diet also. Cooking fatty meats at high temperatures does similar things to them that lighting cigarettes with a lighter does. You get a MUCH larger dose of carcinogenic compounds.

8. Take antioxidant supplements like vitamin C, natural vitamin E including other tocopherols besides the alpha form,* & selenium. (*Gamma tocopherol apparently helps prevent prostate cancer, for example.)

9. Eat plenty of orange & green vegetables high in carotenoids. This includes carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, & broccoli, in which the green color prevents you from seeing the orange of the carotenoids. Many kinds of salad greens are similarly high in carotenoids.

Do all these things & your chances of escaping cancer skyrocket.

Why not try some or all of them?

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